Baby Scars (Ashley Purdy)

By RocksidePrincess

30.3K 1.2K 135

Scarlett was a depressed 21 year old girl, she has been filled with vile fear of her mother and the fear of l... More

The Abandoned
The Decieved
Fallen Angel
Second And Sebring
Sugar, we're going down
Trade Mistakes
Lonely Girl
The Only Exception
Nobody's Hero
Rum or Whiskey?
New neighbors, new problems
Sleep Tight
New Me..
The Bike
I Believe, That We All Fall Down Sometimes..
Have You Seen this Girl?
The Future
I am your worst nightmare.
I can't take another heart break.

The Burden.

1.8K 79 6
By RocksidePrincess

Scarlett's POV

I tap my foot paitently waiting for Andy to arrive. That's when I received a text.

Hey sorry Scar, My friend has me helping him with setting up for our party later, which I hope you don't mind attending? Anyway, I sent my friend Ashley to pick you up. Don't worry he's a nice guy.

- Andy.

I sighed and I sit on my suitcase playing with my bracelets when I heard a car horn beep. I look up seeing a man with incredible facial features and these relentless pair of brown eyes. He points at me. "Are you Scarlett?"He asks. I nodded. "I figured."He smiled and I get up letting him handle my suitcase. "How would you of known?"I ask. "The hair."He said and puts my suitcase in the trunk before opening the passenger door for me. "Thanks."I smile lightly and get in. He closes the door and then rushes to the other side getting into the drivers side. "So Andy tells me you two are close?"The man asks. I nodd "Interesting.. are you two like, in love or anything?"He asks. I shake my head. "Nah more in a sibling kinda way."I smile. "Ohhh that must explain it."He says. I look over at him. "Explain what?"I ask getting nervous. "Oh it's just that Andy told us to not be all loving towards you. Like kiss you or anything."He said. I nodd. "Why would he say that? He shouldn't have control over what I do.."I reasoned. "Exactly! I bet by next week, you'll be fucking with one of us."A little smile crept onto his face. What did this guy think I was gonna do with him? I was just there until I got back on my feet. "What's your name anyway?"I ask. He looked at me. "Ashley, Ashley Purdy."He smiled. I nodd. "Scarlett Rose.. that's my name."I smiled in return. "That's a beautiful name, Scarlett Rose. I like that name."He said. I blush looking away.

We pull up at this huge house. Balloons were hung from the shingles as were lanterns. Andy did say there was a party being thrown. I get out and Ashley hands me my bags as I walk inside. The first thing I see was two men play fighting like little kids, two pugs running around them barking. This is who Andy lives with? To be honest it was kinda funny. But I wasn't one for acting childish. I was always so serious. Maybe that's why I'm single.. "So where's Andy?"I asked looking around. "Andy!! Your friend is here!!"Ashley calls. I hear the rushing of feet from the ceiling and smile. He must miss me. I watch as Andy runs down the stairs and wraps his huge arms around me. "Scarlett!!!"He smiles. "Andy!!"I yell wrapping my arms around him. He lets go and looks at me. "You look so different! I love the hair!"He laughs playing with my black and purple hair. I smile and set my bags down. "You live in such a huge house."I said admiring the place. "Thanks. Here let me help you to your room."He smiles and grabs my bags leading me upstairs. I follow him into this huge bedroom which was bigger than my dorm room. "Holy shit! Andy this room is amazing!!"I laugh and he put my bags down. "It's all yours Scarlett! Why don't you settle in and I'll go back downstairs. I'm in the middle of helping Jinxx make burgers."He smiles and walks out. I plop myself down on the bed. I pull out my phone and search through my photos of my parents. I sighed and put it away tearing up. I wish my mom hadn't done this to herself. I wish she'd see the monster she became. I wish my father didn't have cancer. I just want my life back. I don't wanna ruin Andy's life having an old friend drag him down. I don't wanna be a burden.. Maybe I should just end my life. Right here. Right now.

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