Britney's Back

By badboylover000

347K 7.2K 955

Britney Falls is a werewolf. On her birthday she goes to her highschool and finds her mate. Adrian is a compl... More

Britney's Back
About Me
Birthday Ruined
Hello Alpha
Somebody Find Me!!
Adrian's Parents
Blaine's Perfect
On The Right Track
The Battle
Coming Home [Sad]
Logan's Story
Before.....The date!!! No
The Date!! What am I gonna do?
Seriously What Am I Gonna Do!!!!!!!

Goodbye For Now

7.8K 189 29
By badboylover000



When Blaine and Whitney came downstairs, I could tell that they had mated. That's why I ran out the door. I couldn't stay in the house because everyone else was celebrating. I am happy for them, but sometimes I wish I could have that too. 

I have been running for about ten minutes when I come across a nice sized pond. I sit by the edge for a while until I see someone sit down on the other side of the pond. I get up and walk over to the person. As I get closer the scent comes out as Adrian's. Instead of running away like I normally do, I sit down next to him. Adrian jumps in suprise until he realizes who is next to him. He says

" You really scared me. What are you doing here? I thought you would be with your family".

I say " Yeah!!! Everyone has got a mate. Blaze is Logan's mate. Whitney has Blaine. Mom has Dad. And what do I got? Nothing. Jack shit nothing".

He sighs and says "I'm sorry you know. I know you won't take me back as a mate, but atleast let me be your friend please".

"Sure. I don't even care anymore. I'm just really tired of having people every where I look who are happy. I'm happy, but seeing my family being really happy is depressing. I started to really love Blaine, but he found his mate. I knew it would happen, but I didn't know it would be with my sister. Now I have to see them everyday and it sucks ass."

Adrian says " I am sorry. I honestly don't know what to say."

" Well nobody really does. I just don't know what to do anymore. I think I am gonna like go on vacation or something fun like that. If I do decide to go your the only one who is gonna know because I don't want my family feeling bad about everything. I just don't know where to go."

"I understand I guess. Maybe you could go to my family's beach house for a week. Just promise me two things." Adrian says.

"Okay. What are your two things?".

Adrian replies " Well, you have to promise me to be safe, call or text me everyday, and..."

" Uh Oh, And what"

" Would you possibly give me another chance when you get back? I mean, yeah, I made a HUGE mistake of rejecting you and after all of the whores I have been with. You probably don't want to give me another chance, but I am making a promise to you that I will get you back one way or another. I should have given you a chance instead of just flat out rejecting you. I really am sorry."

By the end of his mini speech, Adrian was trying not to cry. My wolf was howling inside of me to give him another chance. I just don't know. I am gonna have to tell him I need time to think about it. I say

"I just don't know. I don't know if you will hurt me again. I don't know if you will stay with only me. I don't know. You really hurt me. Everytime you slept with another girl, I felt it. The pain was so hard to get over. I just really don't know. Can I think about it over my mini vacation?"

Adrian says "Take all the time you need". Then he reaches over and hugs me. I feel all the sparks and tingles of your mate. I really want to have that all the time. I think he could tell what I was feeling because I hugged him back. Adrian says

" I accept you as my mate".

He then kisses my forehead and sighs. He says

"You should go get ready for your trip. I will have somebody stock the house. Do you want anything?"

"Yeah!!!! Can you get me A LOt of Oreo's!!!! They are my most favorite cookie in the world!!!".

Adrian starts laughing really hard. The sound is like music to my ears. He is so cute. His muscles are the best. They are moving under his tight, ehite V-neck shirt. I wonder how they feel. Hummmmm!!!!

Snap out of it girl. We don't like Adrian. He caused us pain.

I say " Thanks for the vacation. I'm gonna go pack now."

I get up and run to the house. I sneak into my room and pack my clothes. Adrian sent a car to get me. Then I was off to the beach house. 

YAYYYYY!!!!!!!! VACAYYYYY!!!!!!!

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