He Loves Me (Curves and All)...

By mizdramaholic

939K 25.2K 1.3K

Luna Rose comes from a wealthy family with her parents and two older sisters, Celeste and Angel. Unlike her s... More

He Loves Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 22

24.4K 694 22
By mizdramaholic

***I've been a bit preoccupied with packing for a vacation so I haven't really had much time to sit down and continue the story. I will try my best to get one more chapter out before I take off for a couple weeks. Thank you all for sticking with "He Loves Me". I really appreciate the love and support!***


The sun shone brightly, casting a shadow of the tree onto the green grass. The branches of the tree gently danced melodically to the sound of the passing wind. Grayson was sitting across from Luna with a sandwich in hand. Luna was sitting on the chair, her sandwich on the plate, half eaten; her mind was blank. Did she hear Grayson correctly?

"When I saw you again that night," Grayson began. "I realized that I was still interested in you, but I saw that you and Noah were seeing one another."

Luna just sat there, listening. 'Again?'

"Last night when Noah told me that you two are just friends, I was so relieved. I could finally pursue you without holding back."

Luna was baffled. 'Pursue me?'

"Wait," Luna cut in Grayson's 'confession'. "What do you mean 'again'?"


"You said when you saw me again. We've never met before."

"You probably didn't notice me that night. You were having so much fun with your sisters." Grayson smirked as if he was remembering something funny. "But I noticed you. You looked so beautiful in that dress with the flowers."

'Dress with flowers?'

"Your sister, Celeste, and her husband William hosted a party for the holidays last year. Noah was invited and he dragged me along. It was a beautiful night." Grayson set the half eaten sandwich down on his plate and dusted the crumbs off his fingers, his eyes never leaving Luna's.

Luna just sat in the chair, astounded, listening to a confession from a seemingly perfect man; a man whom Luna did not believe would ever even notice her.

Grayson slowly reached his right hand across the tabletop to Luna's hand, which was resting beside her plate. Luna broke her eye contact with Grayson when she felt the warmth of his hand inching closer to hers. Her reflexes kicked in and Luna closed her hand into a loose fist, moving away from Grayson's hand. Grayson retracted his hand back to the side of his plate and made a fist before quickly releasing it.

"I'm sorry," Grayson said.

"No, I'm sorry. It's just—" Luna took a deep breath, her hands clasping together as she placed them on her lap. "This has never happened to me before. I don't know what to do."

"I know this is sudden," Grayson said quickly. "I don't expect an answer from you in this moment, but I just wanted let you know how I feel about you."

"Ah," Luna let out.

The drive back to Luna's house was a long one. She and Grayson didn't say anything, but fortunately, Grayson turned on some music to alleviate the awkwardness. Grayson and Luna said their goodbyes and she quickly went inside.

"Welcome back, Luna." Maria opened the door for her.

"Hi, Nana." Luna went straight upstairs.

"You have some mail!" Maria shouted up to Luna.

Luna entered her bedroom and in a daze, sat down on her bed. She just sat there, her mind replaying when Grayson said he likes her. Her heart was racing as she heard the words again and again; "I like you."

It took her a couple minutes to regain her sanity and she took a deep breath. She looked over to her desk and saw an envelope sitting on top of her laptop. Luna sat up from her bed and made her way over to the desk. She picked up the envelope. It was addressed to her, from the Universal Children's' Center Society. When she saw who it was from, Luna excitedly ripped open the envelope and pulled out the folded letter.

"Dear Ms. Rose, the Universal Children's' Center Society is excited to have you become a part of our family." Luna's mouth and eyes opened wide. "Ah!" She screeched and immediately used her empty hand to cover her mouth.

Sean burst into Luna's room after the scream. "What's wrong?" Maria was right behind him.

"Oh!" Luna realized what she had done and apologized. "Sorry," she said. "I'm okay. I'm just a little excited." She waved the letter in the air over her head. Maria let out a sigh of relief and walked in to give Luna a hug.

"Don't scare us like that," Maria said.

"I'm going to do a sweep," Sean said. He walked into Luna's room and began checking every nook and cranny, making sure there was no one or nothing there that didn't belong. "All clear."

"I know," Luna said chuckling. "Thank you." Maria released Luna from her arms.

"We'll leave you alone then," Maria said as she and Sean exited Luna's bedroom.

Luna opened up the letter again after Maria and Sean left her room and her lips formed a smile. She had to share the good news with someone so she called her Angel.

"I have some news to share," Luna said as soon as Angel picked up the call.

"Hey Luna. What news?"

"I—I got accepted into the Universal Children's Center Society!" She said it, expecting her sister to know what she was talking about.

"What?! How exciting!" And Angel paused. "What is that?"

Luna chuckled. "I am going to Brazil!"

"Brazil?" Angel no longer sounded excited.

Luna explained that she had applied to become a part of the UCCS in Brazil a couple months ago and she had just gotten the reply that she had been accepted. This means that Luna will be leaving for Brazil in the following month for the rest of the year. There, she will be working with children in orphanages in underdeveloped areas as well as provide some educational assistance in the local schools.

"Does mom and dad know about this?"

"No. You're the first person I've told." There was a silent pause. "Angel," Luna said. "Don't worry about it. I know what I'm doing," Luna reassured.

"I know you do," Angel said. "It's just so sudden." Angel took a deep breath in. "How about we have a celebration after you tell our parents." Luna smiled; she could tell that Angel wanted to be supportive.

"Yes, let's do that!"

That night, Luna waited up for her parents in the living area. "Darling," Mr. Rose said when he and his wife entered through the front door and saw Luna sitting on the couch across the room. "What are you still doing up?"

"Dad," Luna said and got up. "Mom." Her parents closed the door behind them.

"What is it?" Mrs. Rose asked with worry in her voice.

"I have something I need to tell you." 

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