Give Me A Reason To Fall In L...

By brytanz

3.2K 121 16

{Kinda OOC} Bonnie scoffed. What a bunch of freaks. The scraggly florist continued to observe the freak show... More

Chapter I
chapter II
chapter III
Chapter IV
chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter XII
half way there OOH

chapter XI

165 3 0
By brytanz

Alexander and Jessie stared in awe at both Foxy and Bonnie, who sat together behind the flower shop's counter. The two aforementioned teens were seated opposite of the older couple where they had just witnessed Foxy gingerly brush lips across Bonnie's ear, adding a flirty comment to his actions and making the kids blush from secondhand embarrassment. Despite cursing at the red-haired man, Bonnie wore a bashful smile which he tried to force into a frown, yet his rosy, pink complexion betrayed him.

"How... How long have you been dating?" Alex finally asked, wondering if such a question would seem rude. 

"About as long as you two have, I think," Bonnie replied, referring to younger pair. 

Foxy clicked his tongue. "Didn't we go on our first date on the same day little Alex here bought flowers for his first date?"

Jessie giggled at the annoyed look Bonnie gave Foxy. "That's so cute! We should go on a double date!" 

Upon hearing her suggestion, Alex sputtered and went on to mumble something about how the older men would be present to see them kiss and do other intimate things, while Bonnie gawked at the brunette with a slack jaw and questioning eyes. 

"I think that's a great idea," Foxy encouraged the young girl, his tone being unusually sweet just for the purpose of pissing off his significant other. 

"You don't want two grown men following you around. It's creepy," Bonnie butted in, glaring at Foxy. He obviously had some kind of plan hatched up. 

"Well, we're just going to the movies tonight, so you guys wouldn't be bothering us or anything," Alex said, slowly coming around to his girlfriend's idea for a double date. 

"We'll just think of you guys as chaperones," Jess grinned, as her round, rosy cheeks became smooshed from the tug of her radiant smile. By now, Bonnie had decided he already liked her, and it was only his first time meeting her. She was just too sweet for anyone's good. 

Looking to the side, Bonnie watched Foxy raise his eyebrows, expecting the florist to give his final consent to join the younglings on their nightly adventure. Bonnie pondered the pros and cons of intruding on the kids' date, but he still wasn't convinced enough to go. 

"Okay, be honest. You two don't really want us there, do you?" Bonnie tried to weasel his way out of going. 

Alex and Jess exchanged a quick reassuring glance, and turned their attention back to the older men. "Of course we want you guys to come with us. We can tell stories, joke around, and do a lot of other stuff, too," Jess answered, sounding rather joyous about the situation at hand. 

"If it'll help you change your mind, Jessie and I are planning on watching that one comedy with the two cops trying to outshine a group of snobby heroes," Alex informed them, smiling with earnest while his giant, green eyes screamed 'excitement' at the mention of heroes. 

"Isn't that a little condescending to your dream of being a hero?" Bonnie skepticized.

Alex's cheeks quickly went red from slight embarrassment, and Jess teased him about his perplexed expression. "Th-this is different. The heroes in this movie aren't even real, just actors..."

Bonnie and Foxy both snorted. 

"You're a strange kid," Foxy chuckled to himself. 

"You're one to talk," Bonnie chided from beside him. "Wanting to skulk around a couple of innocent teenagers and whatnot."

Without warning, Foxy slammed his hand down onto the counter, eliciting a loud and startling 'smack!' that made the whole group jump from the sound. "Now, listen here you little shit... you're the one who looks like a damn serial killer all the damn time with your shoulders hunched over in your creepy black hoodie."

The two students watched on in morbid curiosity to see how this scenario would end. At first, they were worried that the two were going to start a fight, but telling by the challenging smile on Bonnie's face, they knew Foxy wouldn't actually hurt him. Or so they hoped. 

In the midst of Foxy's long string of demeaning statements, the florist finally had enough and stopped Foxy in his tracks by pressing two of his fingers to the red-haired man's lips. "Are we going with the kids to the movies, or not?"

Amber eyes lit up for a short millisecond, and Foxy was wearing a pleased smile. "Of course, we're going. We haven't been on an actual date in a long time..."

"Right... whatever," Bonnie deadpanned, turning his attention to the teenagers, who obviously felt out of place. 

"Anyways, when are you two lovebirds heading out?" Foxy asked, watching their faces flush at the mention of 'lovebirds.'

"Um, we were thinking about getting there early to get good seats," Alex admitted, stealing a glance at Jess with a small smile donning his face. "Oh, but we can wait until you guys are ready to go."

Bonnie waved a dismissive hand at the two. "No, it's just about closing time. No one ever comes in this late, so I can close early," he said, reaching behind his back to untie his apron and placing it on the counter before getting onto his feet.

He then grabbed the keys to the shop and began walking to the door, locking up the building and putting down the new security shutters at the front of the store to protect the shop from having any more break-ins. When he returned to the group, he grabbed his wallet from underneath the counter and shoved it into his pocket, releasing a heavy sigh as he straightened up. 

"Okay, guys, lead the way."

During the trip to the movie theater, the two couples talked back and forth, asking how each other's day went and telling funny stories about one another. There was so much sharing between them, they hadn't even realized that a long train ride and a half-hour walk had gone by so quickly and they were already at their destination.

The particular movie theater that they were at was usually crowded and bustling with people, but for once, the human activity at the theater was at a bare minimum for once, which was unusually rare for it being a Friday night. Probably because of the crappy activity that took place there earlier that day. They only know this because Alex told them, of course. 

As a group, the four of them went to the ticket window and asked for four tickets to the same movie, but Bonnie didn't give the teens a chance to dig for their share of money, and he paid for everyone's ticket. Alex and Jess both argued that they'd pay him back, trying to shove their money into Bonnie's hands. Foxy simply laughed at their stubbornness, but he eventually had to encourage them to put their money away since it was pointless to go up against the "unbreakable" Bonnie. And when the freckled boy offered to pay for everyone's snacks and drinks, Foxy turned him down, explaining to them that he'd pay for all that, his treat. 

Standing in the short line, Foxy made a mental list of what the teens wanted and turned to Bonnie to ask what he wanted. As per usual, the shaggy-haired florist politely declined, even after Foxy continued to press him into getting at least a drink. 

Not long afterwards, they were at the front of the line, giving Foxy the chance to order all the things that were requested. He handed Jessica her gummy worms and a soda, he gave Alex the extra large popcorn he wanted to share with everyone and his drink, and then he held out a medium soda for Bonnie, who stared absent-mindedly at the beverage. With some hesitation, the florist grabbed the drink from the other man's hand, believing that he was just holding it for Foxy. Until Foxy winked at him. 


"I'm just taking care of you since you won't take care of yourself," Foxy quipped, also giving Bonnie a pack of licorice, which the red-eyed man gave a quizzical look. "We can share those."

Bonnie rolled his eyes, causing the younger couple to chuckle at their short-lived feud. He only prayed that these kids wouldn't fight or argue like this when they get older.

Once Foxy paid for everything, the group carried on to the proper screening room where only about ten or twelve people were scattered around in different rows. Foxy insisted on sitting in the far back, mainly because there was more privacy and less of a chance that someone would put their feet up on your chair. Alex and Jess didn't argue with him. 

While they waited for the previews to start, they went back and forth with conversation. Bonnie brought up the students' progress at school, Alex asked them if they saw the debut of a particularly new hero, Foxy told them about his and Bonnie's tattoos, and Jess told the older men an embarrassing story of how she met her bashful boyfriend. It was rather entertaining until the lights dimmed and the announcement asking everyone to turn off their phones came onto the screen, and so, the conversations ended. 

Currently, the scene unfolding before the audience was apparently the movie's climax. Between the main characters, the tactical and dorky officer wound up being hospitalized, while his brutish and comedical partner was ironically thrown in jail after being framed for a crime he didn't commit. The scene was rather dramatic and had Bonnie wondering if this has actually happened before in real life. It was possible in their corrupt society.  

As the contemplating florist began gnawing on the inside of his cheek, he felt a comforting warmth suddenly rest itself on his thigh. Bonnie looked down at the hand for a thoughtful moment, carefully reaching down to place his hand over Foxy's. Foxy flipped his hand over and let Bonnie's hand fall into his, giving it a gentle squeeze. He gave a content sigh when Bonnie leaned his head against his shoulder, and he placed a soft kiss to the top of Bonnie's purpleish hair. 

"Look at those dorks," Foxy whispered, almost without making a sound.

Bonnie turned his head slightly and glanced at the younger couple, whose pinkies were shyly linked together, and they both had terribly red faces which were made visible from the light being emitted from the movie screen. Jess looked like she was holding her breath, and Alex was physically shaking. They'd been dating just as long as Foxy and Bonnie have, so it was pretty mind-boggling that such little physical contact had that much of an effect on them. 

Bonnie snorted softly. "How cute."

"D'ya ever wonder what it would be like if we met each other in school? And if we had started dating then?" Foxy mumbled, trying to keep quiet so as to not embarrass Bonnie by drawing attention. If he was with friends, he'd probably talk louder just to piss everyone off. He didn't care, really. 

"You probably wouldn't have spoken to me." 

"That's my line... Why would you say that, anyways?" 

"Because I was a freak. No one liked talking to me or sitting near me. They thought is was a punishment to be around the 'weird kid.'" Bonnie reminisced, wearing the faintest hint of a smile that carried more weight than it appeared to. 

"Well, you are a freak. Doesn't mean I wouldn't have liked to be your friend. Besides, no one liked me in high school 'cause I was an asshole and always started fights with everyone. We would've gotten along just as well as we do now, I'm sure," Foxy confirmed, resting his cheek on Bonnie's head and nuzzling his sweet-smelling hair.

"How? Wouldn't you have tried to fight me, too?" Bonnie asked, chuckling at the small, annoyed groan Foxy made.

"No, dummy. We would've been the perfect duo. No one would dare talk shit to either one of us. The weird kid and the troublemaker, two kids with nothing to lose..." Foxy mumbled, not caring if he sounded like a nut job. A trait Bonnie found oddly endearing.

Bonnie huffed out a small laugh. "I don't think anything's changed..."

Foxy snorted loudly, earning a few annoyed stares, but he ignored them. Instead, Foxy threw his arm around Bonnie's shoulder and rubbed the shorter man's arm in a loving comfort, planting kiss after kiss to his boyfriend's head. He wanted so desperately for Bonnie to melt into him like a slab of butter on warm toast, just to be one degree closer to the man he loved so dearly. That probably sounded strange but that sounded pretty hot to him...

Once the movie was over, the two couples threw away their trash and started for their homes. The older pair offered to walk the kids home since it was too late for them to be wandering around the streets at night by themselves. First, they took Jess home where she boldly kissed Alex's cheek good night, leaving the lovestruck boy mumbling like a weirdo about how soft her lips were and how he was so lucky to be dating such a beautiful girl. 

Both Bonnie and Foxy teased the young boy the whole way back to his apartment, making him groan and complain about how the two men were harassing him. At Alex's apartment, they said good-bye to each other and watched Alex safely enter his house, listening as his mother greeted him with motherly earnest. 

The trip back to their block was a long, chatty one. They spoke of memorable stories, heavy memories of the past, recollections of odd experiences... It was like reading their own autobiographies to each other, and both men were entirely entranced by the other's storytelling. Until they arrived to their separate homes.  

Foxy took a single glance at the tattoo parlor and put on the biggest grin Bonnie's ever seen. "Hey, nobody's home tonight... They must all be at karaoke."

"Your friends like to karaoke?" Bonnie asked, a bit of skepticism lingering in his voice. 

"Nah. They just like to eat, drink, and make fun of all the other people singing. Then, they get shit-faced and start singing, too," Foxy mused, earning a disbelieving laugh. "You know, they won't be back until around three in the morning, and it's only ten o'clock right now... What do you say we enjoy a little alone time, Bon-Bon?" 

Bonnie glanced to the side for a moment and shrugged his shoulders. "I wouldn't mind."

With a mild smile, Foxy unlocked the door to the parlor and led Bonnie inside. Hand in hand, they walked upstairs to the second level of the building where Foxy gingerly led Bonnie to the bedroom, glancing at the florist in eager. Once they got to his room, Foxy asked the florist to wait in the hallway for a moment before disappearing into the room. Bonnie knew that he's been to Foxy's room before even when it was messy, so he didn't understand what Foxy was trying to hide. 

Perhaps ten seconds after entering the room, Foxy poked his head out and grinned. "You ready?" 

"Ready for what?" Bonnie retorted. 

"Why don't you come and find out?" Foxy offered, enticing him with curiosity.

Bonnie just quirked his lips and gently pushed on the door to let Foxy know he was coming in.

Stepping to the side,  Foxy allowed Bonnie inside and closed the door behind him, waiting for Bonnie's reaction. The red-eyed man seemed lost from the way he glanced from one thing to another, so it was hard to tell if he liked it or not. 

Meanwhile, Bonnie's eyes shifted from the nightstand where two scented candles sat lit with flames to the red rose petals scattered on the floor and on Foxy's bed. He's seen this somewhere before, seen what it means and seen where it leads, albeit a bit cheesy. 

A pair of arms were wrapped around Bonnie's waist, and warm lips met the cup of the smaller man's ear, gently grazing the skin in a way that felt so bizarre because of Foxy's stitches. "Remind me again what red roses stand for?" 

Bonnie's heart was pounding wildly in his chest while his face flushed a deep, vibrant red. His bones felt like gelatin from the way Foxy spoke in such a low, sweet baritone, yet Bonnie didn't know what to say back. His mind was in scrambles, struggling to repair itself so he simply said what came to mind first. 

"Oh... Does this mean we're going to have sex...?"

The florist felt the red-haired man's breath against his ear as he laughed softly behind him, and Bonnie immediately felt embarrassed, turning redder and redder by the second. 

"Only if you want to," Foxy hummed. "But if you're not ready, we can just lie in bed and talk or make out or something. It's up to you."

Bonnie stood quietly as Foxy's hands crept up the thin man's shirt and began caressing his skinny waist, showing him that it was no joke. Foxy was ready for this. Supposedly has been for the past couple of weeks to Bonnie's knowledge, and so far, the florist has been pretty successful in warding him off. This time was different, though. Rejecting Foxy's offer seemed so harsh after he had put so much effort into finding the right time and setting everything up for a romantic effect. The only problem was Bonnie's unforgiving anxiety. He could only think about the hundreds of ways he could mess up from inexperience, so he had to admit he was feeling a lot of pressure to go through with it. 

"Shouldn't we shower first?" 

Foxy slowly took his hands away from the shorter man's waist, and Bonnie turned his head to look up at him. "I didn't think about that... Okay, sure. You can go first. Let me grab some things for you," Foxy spoke, kissing Bonnie on the temple before he sauntered away to gather a clean towel among other things.

Bonnie smiled. He just scored himself extra time to prepare for what was supposed to be a long, exhausting night...

{ okay okay lemme explain! Alex and Jess are made up characters just because I needed a couple extra characters,  I made Alex believe in like Heros and have a sorta obession with them (because I have someone in real life refered to him)

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