Home (Jack Kline x Reader) [[...

By ToHellWithReality

57.6K 1.6K 845

I'm back at it again with another Supernatural reader insert story. I just can't stray away from some good ol... More

Author's Notes
"I'm Sorry... What?!"
All Work, No Play
Water Pleasantries
'No Chick Flick Moments'
You're Good
Frat Party Confusion
Big Spoon, Little Spoon
Want Some Ketch-Up With That?
Give It Time
Us Girls Gotta Stick Together
Ohh Jack, I'm Home
Sister, Where Art Thou
A Deal With The Devil
You're My Home (ENDING #1)
Wondering What Could Have Been... (ENDING #2)

Family Ties

3.8K 112 43
By ToHellWithReality

Word Count: 1,041

After your conversation with Sam, the next morning you were on a train to Lebanon, Kansas. Conveniently, you lived only a couple states over, in Utah.

The whole train ride, besides resting a bit, consisted of you going over scenarios and images of what these two men who seemed to be your brothers would be like. 

Sam, the one on the phone seemed kind enough. You didn't know the other one's name. They kept the boys' names out of the article you'd found online. Maybe he was nice too. You supposed you'd find out.

You finally arrived in Kansas and rented a car. The few hours it took to get to the address you were given, your mind was racing. Your 'father' was dead, and you'd just decided on a whim based on what a complete stranger said to come and talk. For all you knew, he was a murderer or something.

You brushed that thought aside as you arrived at the location. It was a strange metal structured building. It looked like some kind of World War Two bunker. 

You put the car in park and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing, you thought. You stepped out of the car and took a better look around as two men stepped outside. Your eyes met theirs.

"Are you (Y/N)?" The taller one asked as he and the other man approached you.

"I am," you nodded.

You studied the two men's features and realized how they slightly resembled you. You were almost positive now that they were your brothers.

"So, um," the tall one cleared his throat. "Before we talk about this, I'm Sam. This is my brother Dean," he introduced himself and his brother. 

You smiled slightly at the two. Sam returned it, while Dean remained guarded and eyed you anxiously.

"Nice to officially meet you, in person..." You trailed off awkwardly.

"Would you like to come insi-" Sam started.

"No, Sam. We don't know her. For all we know, someone could have sent her," Dean cut him off sharply.

You frowned, confused as to why he'd be so suspicious of such a thing.

"I have proof. I have a photo," you began as you took the photo of your mother and John out of your jacket pocket. You unfolded it and held it up for the boys to see.

They both leaned in and studied the photo closely. You could see the realization dawn on their faces. Dean's lips curled into a frown.

"Now you know. I'm not here for money, no one sent me. The simple fact of the matter is my mother just died, and she left me this photo and a name. I have nothing left to lose, so I thought I'd try to find my father," you explained, shrugging defeatedly.

There was an uncomfortable silence for a moment before Dean sighed, frustrated, and walked back inside the bunker. Sam didn't try to stop him.

You looked down, feeling guilt rush over you. You didn't realize until now how selfish this was. These boys lost their father, who they actually grew up around, and you just intruded into their lives, announcing they had a half-sister they didn't know existed. 

Sam noticed your regretful state and a put a hand on your shoulder. 

"Hey, it's okay. It's just... a lot. We had no inkling of an idea that we'd had a sister..." he smiled crookedly. "I'm sorry about your mom."

"It's... it's alright. I'm dealing with it. Listen, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have even called. You guys seem really nice and you don't need to deal with this crap right now," you rambled, tears forming in your eyes.

Sam chuckled slightly.

"We've been through worse... Look, I'm assuming you've had a long day. You should come inside so we can talk more about this. I'm not just gonna send you back out there, at least not without giving you some answers about my- our, dad."

You looked up at him and smiled. 

"I'd like that."


The first thing you noticed as you climbed down the stairs into the bunker was the huge table in the middle of the room. This definitely screamed military to you. Why the hell are they living here? What do they do for a living

Dean was sitting at the table on a laptop as he looked up to see you and Sam walking in. His face remained stoic.

Sam pulled a chair out for you at the table and you reluctantly sat down, across from Dean's lost gaze. Sam sat down beside Dean on the other end of the table.

More silence ensued, slightly less uncomfortable than before.

"Look, I'm sorry (Y/N). This is just a bunch to take in," Dean spoke up, smiling apologetically.

"You don't need to apologize. I'm the one who called," you acknowledged.

"Well," Sam started. "You must have a lot of questions about our dad."

You didn't even know where to start.

"What was he like... as a person?" You figured that'd be a good start.

Sam took in a sharp breath. He seemed to be contemplating how to answer that.

"Strict," Dean chimed in. "Driven by work. Not around much. Still cared in his own way, though."

You nodded slowly, absorbing what he said. It seemed like these two cared about their father, but resented him in a way.

"What did he do for a living?" You chewed on your bottom lip.

Sam and Dean looked at each other as if also considering how to answer this question.

Suddenly, a blonde older woman walked into the room, a tablet in her hands.

"Sam, Dean. Jack and I found a job..." She looked up to see you sitting at the table. "Who is this?" She raised a brow.

You studied her face and something dawned in on you. You remembered the family photo with John, his wife, Sam, and Dean on the article on the website. That was his wife. 

You silently gasped, gaping at her. No way. She's dead. There's no way this could be the same woman

A few seconds later, behind her walked in a young man with piercing blue eyes and light brownish-blonde hair. He gazed at you, perplexed.

Sam sighed and looked up at his mother who was waiting for an answer.

"Mom, this is (Y/N). She's... our sister." Sam turned to you. "(Y/N), this is Mary Winchester. Our mother."

You and Mary both shared a look of shock. 

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