The Christmas Devil's Bride (...

By Szarinasumalpong

31.5K 752 125

After the events of the Christmas Horror, Samantha Harold is just beginning to face a new kind of More

The Morning Breakfast
Nightmare Lessons
13 Elves and 1 Lost Queen
A Jolly Visit
A Queen's Duty
A Horrible Snow Ride
The Night Before Krampus
Hallow's Eve
By His Side
The Start of Christmas
To Christmas Hunting We Go
Frosty the Killer Snowman
Let It Hail
The Demon in The Dark

His Underworld Family

1.5K 34 3
By Szarinasumalpong

It never occurred to Samantha that she will one day have to meet Krampus' family.

It never even crossed her mind that she will be kidnapped by it.

From her time with Krampus not once did he mention his family and when the topic would came up, he would change the subject at hand and it would sometimes leave her thinking if he ever had a fallout with his parents.

"Phyrra, what do you know about Krampus'...parents?"

A cold chill washed over Samantha as Phyrra suddenly gripped the cracked mug too tight that it made cracking sounds before she released it.

Samantha quickly pitied the handle of the mug. Phyrra breathed deeply and spoke very softly as if whatever she was saying could be heard from miles on end.

"Es ist nicht gut, über sie, Herrin zu sprechen"

"Her" only? So he only has a mother.

Samantha frowned and nodded slowly sipped her tea that Krampus always made for her every morning.

Phyrra was ever the collected one as the subject dropped and Samantha decided to spend the day in the library.


Nope, not the one I am finding

A frustrated Samantha scanned through the shelves she had been looking at for a long time. It was about the history of Krampus and his elves yet for some reason, none of them even mention about his parents.

This is getting me no where

Holding back a frustrated sigh, Samantha began to head to the other shelf when a cold presence suddenly wafted over her back.

It wasn't the familiar cold presence she felt whenever Krampus was around. In fact, this aas more chilling and a piss your pants type of chill.


Samantha sharply turned around only to see suddenly darkness as a dark shadow swept over the library.

Hours later, a lone elf had gone off to the library to find the mistress only to stop and tense up at the scent she had picked up and frantically looked around for her lady and mistress.

When she found none, the elf then made a low pitch screech that echoed across the dark home of the Christmas Devil. The rest of the working elves stopped as they all tensed up when the elf screeched again.

"Meister! Jemand hat Mistress genommen!"


A throbbing headache is what Samantha felt after she had awoken to the sound of something screaming?

Samantha's vision slowly became focused and what she saw made her blood turn cold and nightmares from her childhood resurface.

Is this Hell?

Everywhere around her were littered with bones, human bones and there were sounds of screaming and moaning like a horror movie that woild send any kid or adult to piss in their pants.

This is definitely Hell.

Samantha slowly stood up and glanced around the pile of bones that looked like it had been going on for miles on end.

Where am I in this part of Hell?

Samantha shook the thought of asking a dead person which way to go and proceeded to wander around looking for anything that could help her in this predicament.

A loud roar suddenly shook the ground and Samantha let out a small squeak before shutting her mouth with her hand and quickly dove into the nearest pile of bones and snuck a peek only for her face to grow paler than the usual paleness she had when she was living in the North Pole.

A dragon nearly the size of a mansion flew low and circled around the area she was hiding before flying off to a different direction.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Samantha crawled out of her hiding spot, making sure that there were no bones sticking on her hair or clothes, before wandering around again in the endless void of bones.

I think I am going to call this place Desert Bones.

Samantha thought with amusement.


Krampus waited for his trusted guard dog to come back and when it did, it let out a pitiful whine of forgiveness for not finding the girl and Krampus let out another enraged roar.

"Hab Geduld, mein Sohn"

The haunting sweet melodic voice of his mother made his stomach boil and not the good way he often get when she is near.

"Wenn sie nicht bald wieder Mutter ist, wirst du eine tolle Ergänzung zu meiner Sammlung sein"

Krampus growled with an unyielding promise and hus mother merely glanced at him blankly before walking away and disappearing within the shadows.


Samantha bit back the urge to cry. She never did even shed a tear when she was with Krampus but now...she was wishing that big Christmas Devil were here.

Calm down Samantha. Stay calm, crying will bring you nowhere. Just find the way out and then you can go home

At the thought of home, instead of her mind picturing her old city, it was the lair the famous Devil of Christmas resided where the rest of his twisted crew lived as well.

What do ya know? You're starting to get too attached to the place.

Samantha was too deep in her thoughts to not even see at least a small group of dark figures walking towards her when....


Krampus suddenly shot up from his position when a very familiar high pitch scream echoed across the Kingdom and he cursed out every ancient being on the planet.

He whistled for his pet to come and soon enough, they both went after the never ending screams of Samantha all the while Krampus had to push down a rather displeasing notion in his gut.


Samantha made a mental note to never underestimate how fairytale novels could be so...helpful in situations as crazy as this.

She had no idea who or what the heck those people are made of but she wasn't going to stick around to ask only to end up dead or be Hell's newest dessert food.

I could really use some help!

Samantha weaved her way through the dead trees under the bloody moon and sky as each sound coming from every direction seem to make her jittery all the more.

Dizziness met her as a spight ringing made her cover both her ears as she squinted her way out. The never ending feeling of being watched behind her back made her run all the more faster.

Only for her to trip on a root of a tree and land flat on her face. Samantha cursed when something slimy wrapped around her legs and arms that prevented her from moving or screaming.

She struggled only for the binds to get tighter that her blood circulation of her legs was cut off.


Something dark flew pass her and she was suddenly flung off from her captor and ended up hitting a tree and knocking the breath out of her.

Roars and growls were heard and a couple of whipping before her world went black.


Samantha gasped as she flew up to find herself in a rather lavish room that looked like it had not had been...cleaned in a few years.

What happened?

Samantha tried wracking her brain of what happened in the past few minutes or hours ago but the only thing she remembered was the pain, ringing and a familiar roar.

"Where am I?"

Samantha wondered out loud before turning her gaze to the window only to see the outline of the Underworld itself.

She heard soft footsteps coming and she tensed up as the doors in front of her opened and was surprised to find Krampus standing beside a...woman?

A really disfigured, tall woman.

"Es ist schön, meine neue Schwiegertochter zu sehen"

She said with a gleam in her eyes and all thoughts halted on Samantha's befuddled mind as she recalled what the woman said and her jaw dropped and then she looked at Krampus then back at the woman

That's his mother?!




Es ist nicht gut, über sie, Herrin zu sprechen - It is not good to talk about her, Mistress

Mensch.... - Human...

Meister! Jemand hat Mistress genommen! - Master! Someone took Mistress!

Hab Geduld, mein Sohn - Be patient, son

Wenn sie nicht bald wieder Mutter ist, wirst du eine tolle Ergänzung zu meiner Sammlung sein - If she does not return soon, you will be a great addition to my collection.

Es ist schön, meine neue Schwiegertochter zu sehen - It's nice to see my new daughter-in-law.

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