Addicted To Him

By sierrajaade

272 45 24

{he was the storm and she was his rainbow} Imagine moving to a new school for your last year of high school... More

All Hail The Queen Of B****iness
His Evil Minions
Hell Broke Loose... Just Kidding
Class #1

food fights?

13 2 0
By sierrajaade

"Hey newbie." She smirked. Her voice was smooth and easy going, as if she had no care in the world. "I'm Missy."

"Phoenix." I said proud that I didn't stutter, and had somehow stopped sweating.

"Was that you who made our teacher go all red faced and flustered?" She asked, with a glint in her eye. The bad thing was that I knew that glint all too well. It was the look of scheming, that got me in trouble far too many times back home. Although I wanted to bask in that look and wear one myself, I had to remind myself that I was at this high school on a scholar ship, and that I can't screw this up.

"You could say that." I smiled innocently. "Whether it was an accident or not though wouldn't matter. Chaos and trouble seems to find me wherever I go. And in this case, it followed me all the way here."

Missy looked me over again, with curiosity filling her eyes. She couldn't figure me out, and in many ways, that was my plan. I was the master of figuring people out, and in most cases I can. It was quite easy to figure out Missy.

She was probably a big trouble maker at this school and steered clear of all the rich preppy kids, which unfortunately was most of the kids here. She seemed to be wealthy but also looked like the type that didn't really care if she was or not. She was most likely forced here against her will, and does everything she can to piss of her parents and the school.

After talking for about 20 minutes, I found out that I was pretty accurate. Except for the fact that it was quite easy for her to piss of the school and her parents at the same time, as her dad was the school principal. That also apparently led to people not talking to her.

Throughout the class no teacher showed up, which I was quite relieved about. No teacher, meant no new kid introductions. And no new kid introductions, meant a happy Phoenix.

For the whole class, Missy and I talked and actually got a long really well. It was kind of scary how many similarities we had. By the end of class, she made me swear that I would have lunch with her -though I would've anyways- and said she'd find me. With those final words the bell rang, and everyone left the classroom in a hurry. Whether it was to get to next class or because they were bored out of their minds? We'll never know.

I slowly packed up my stuff, dreading the rest of the day.

The only thing keeping me from running out of the school right now, was the fact that I now had hope, due to my new friend, that I wouldn't be entirely alone.


I squeezed through the many people crowding the halls, in an attempt to get to my locker. The lunch bell had finally rung, and everyone decided to jam up the middle of the hallway.

At least I know something's don't change, regardless of where you are.

When I finally got to my locker, Missy was leaning against it with a smirk on her face. Beside, was a frustrated looking Kandi. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and her face was slightly pink. It was kind of a funny sight. Missy casually had her leg against her locker, keeping Kandi from getting in, despite what looked like her best attempts. When I got closer Missy slid herself off I'm my locker and onto Kandi's, further preventing her from getting whatever she needed.

"Hey Phoenix." Missy said with an easy going smile. Kandi snapped her gaze toward me, and began glaring even harder.

"Hey Missy, i love your new locker." I laughed softly, in an attempt to piss off the 'queen' even more.

"Oh yea! It's really quite comfortable, you kn-" Missy continued only to be cut off.

"Newbie" a voice that I now knew too well, grumbled from beside me. "Get your psychotic friend, off my locker!"

"Oh lord! Missy what is that smell?" I said instead, turning to look at my new friend with a false look of disgust on my face.

"I'm not so sure Phoenix. It might be the garbage.... I don't think they've taken it out for a few days." She plays along, giving Kandi a pointed look at the end of her sentence.

"Most likely, we should leave before it kills my nostrils even more." I added. With that, we turned and I followed her to the cafeteria, laughing the whole way.

When we got to the cafeteria, my mouth dropped open. It was huge! The cafeteria was like another small school in itself! There was a buffet looking line, and a line that was for today's lunch specials. Long tables wooden tables were placed all over the cafeteria, and were accompanied by wood chairs with cushioned seats. The floor was also wood, but the walls were all glass, allowing natural light to fill the room. Many people were already seated, while others were getting food in one of the two areas.

Missy must have noticed my shocked state, as she chuckled and began walking to the food. She jumped in the Buffett line, and I followed her as I didn't really know what I should do.

The two of us quickly filled two plates each, and went to sit down. We sat at a table where a few people were already, but were a few seats away so we had our own space.

"This place is amazing!" I squeaked, looking around again. I was in awe at everything so far. The good looking people, the humongous school, and the great variety of food choices. Good food options always make things better.

"Well, you're playing with the big kids now Phoenix. Things are gonna be bigger and better." She chuckled at my expression and the ending of the sentence that could also be considered an innuendo. But she was right, I was playing with the big kids now. So far these kids have shown that they're rich, talented, and some viscous *cough*Kandi*cough*. Back home I used to be the 'wealthy' one out of my friends, I used to be 'talented' and unfortunately, I used to be the most viscous. The roles have reversed now, and it feels like I'm a little kid being reprimanded most times.

The two of us continued to talk and joke, and it was honestly a lot of fun. Well, it was until it was interrupted.

The click clack of her high heels were heard before we saw her. Kandi and her wanna-be's, stopped at the end of our table right beside us. I noticed that she wasn't holding a tray, and saw that instead, the girls that probably came at her every beck and call, held what I assumed to be her lunch.

Again though, I felt like this was too cliché to even be real. Internally I was rolling my eyes, but externally, I had let a smirk grace my face, while I casually leaned back in my chair. I could tell that Kandi was even more agitated by how calm Missy and I looked, and I reveled in her annoyance.

"Kandi!" Missy started, with an overly enthusiastic and false tone of voice. "How nice of you to greet us with your oh so amazing presence!"

"Listen here you little shits!" Kandi yelled, slamming her hands down on the table. That has got to have hurt, yet she didn't even flinch. Anger makes people do crazy things. A few other students around us started glancing over to see what the commotion was.

I wonder if this type of stuff happens everyday or if it's just since I came here? I'll make sure I ask Missy later.

"I have had it up to here with you newbie!" She screamed in complete anger, and although I didn't let it show, I was kind of scared. Here acrylic nails had me wondering if she'd try to claw me apart with them. By now at least half the cafeteria had taken notice of what was going on. Some laughed at the situation, others looked scared for my life, and the remaining students looked like they wanted to pee their pants. "You come here, invade my home, invade my school, get your mutt of a friend to torment me, try to talk up to me, and steal my boys, and I'm not having it!"

Now, everyone in the cafeteria was staring, and it was dead silent.

She stared me down and I stared back. Missy looked bewildered at what was happening and clearly didn't know how to come to my rescue this time.

Slowly an idea came to my mind.

It was a bad one.

But an idea nonetheless.

I slowly lifted my hand to pick up the strawberry smoothie that was left on my tray. I brought it to my lips with both hands, and as I was about to take a drink, I ripped off the lid a threw it at her.

Smoothie went everywhere.

All over her face, on her minions, and on a group of guys sitting at the table behind her.

Nobody moved. The only thing that could be heard was Kandi and the other girls whining, and breathing in shock.

I slowly walked as close to her as I could, without getting smoothie on her and whispered in her ear, in the most malicious voice I could muster.

"Let's ball ball, your majesty."

Just as I turned around to pick up my stuff and have a dramatic exit, sometimes cold began dripping down my head. A gasp left my lips and I whipped around to come face to face with a chest. I moved my eyes upwards as slow as I could, to be greeted by Killian's cold face. At first, I thought he just dumped orange crush on me to stand up for Kandi. But I realized that he wasn't that type of guy, and also that my strawberry smoothie had unfortunately hit him and his group of guys.

Before I could do anything to retaliate, or he could say something horribly mean, a slice of pizza flew through the air and smacked his cheek. Once the pizza peeled itself off of his face, we glanced over to Missy who wore a smirk, and had her hands on her hips in a challenging pose.

And that's when it happened.

On of Killians friends that I recognized as Darrell, stood on the table and yelled the words that I am far too familiar with.


He launched porridge into the air, letting it rain down on everyone, and soon people were throwing whatever they could get their hands on, they were crawling under tables to hide, or running out of the cafeteria screaming and laughing.

Killian though, stood directly across from me with a new expression on his face.


Of course I knew what I had to do. I mean, it's the only thing I could do. I grabbed my plate of Alfredo, and plopped it onto his head as quickly as I could. Killian jumped up in even more shock, and tried to pull it all off of him. Once he managed to get most of the alfredo off of him, which didn't really matter as other foods decorated both our bodies, he looked at my laughing form, and started marching towards me.

Panic settled in me, as I turned around and tried to escape.

Have you ever tried to run on slippery hardwood floor, while there food and other slippery substances all over the floor? Well I realized my mistake once I slipped and landed hard onto my side. I think I heard something crack...

In my pain, I forgot about killian, until he was looming over me. For a moment, I thought I saw concern on his face, but the pain could've been making me hallucinate. In the blink of an eye, he was reaching down towards me.

This is my death.

Killian is going to strangle me and that is how I'm gonna die.

I'm gonna die in the middle of a food fight?!

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