Sick bts

By fruityappledreams

423K 3.9K 2.5K

Hello! This is a collection of bts sick fics I am writing. Some will be one shots and others will have more t... More

Sick Jimin part 1
Sore throat 1
Sore throat 2
Sick at school
Stuck in the rain
Peanuts = Death (not really)
Yoonjin travling
Freakin pumpkins !
Just push through it (1)
Fixed up
Just Push Throuh It (2)
A Fever Named Scarlett
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Jin hyung
Kookie needs a rest
Hobi 💖
Jin Hyungs recovery
Have my coat tiny
Grammy Nerves
Jin's Stomach flu

Sick Jimin part 2

16.3K 253 154
By fruityappledreams

Vomit ⚠️

"Hmmm" jimin groaned, pulling the covers closer to his shivering body.

He shivered harshly as a chill ran up his spine. All though he was completely clothed and under a thick duvet, it was just simply not enough to stay warm. Along with this Jimins mind felt heavy and cloudy due to his rising fever. His thoughts felt slow, like a trutle walking through Nutella.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes to find himself completely alone in yoongis bed, in the dark. He sat up and rubbed at his eyes.

"Yoongi?" Jimin called out, searching for the warmth of his Hyung.

Jimin burped and winced at the sour taste. His breath picked up pace as he realized what was about to come. Quickly, he swung his leg over the side of the bed and began stumbling out of the room.

When he opened the door he was greeted with noise and light. What time was it? He froze and leant against the door frame, shutting his eyes. A wetter, more prominent belch erupted from his throat.

"H-Hyung!" Jimin cried out, hoping for at least one of his Hyungs to be near by.

Jimin bent over and covered his eyes with his shaking hands. Guuuuwaa! He retched, a stream of throw up coming out of his mouth, land sloppily on the floor. Tears ran down his cheeks as he gagged again.

"Jimin!" Jungkook called out, running out of his room to Jimins side. "It's okay, it's okay." He rushed, trying to stay calm.

"No-o! Hyung!" Jimin sobbed, wanting someone older than him, not the maknae.

As if on que Jin came bounding up the stairs, at the call of 'hyung'.

"What's wrong?!" He panicked, looking frantically at the two who were nearly in a pile in the floor.

Another wet burp sent vomit landing on to jungkook a socked feet. He cringed and nearly threw up himself. Jin saw this and took charge, putting an arm around Jimins waist, guiding him to he bathroom as jungkook quickly took his socks off.

"J-Jin Hyu-Hyung-" Jimin mumbled, hiccuping.

"Shhh, don't talk Jiminie. Here, sit down." Jin said, lowering jimin to the floor in front of the toilet.

Jin took some toilet paper and wiped the left over sick off Jimins lips. He sat next him and began slowly rubbing his back. Things weren't looking good. Jimin had a layer of sweat coating his body, and he could barely hold his own head up.

"C-Cold." Jimin whispered, wrapping his arms around himself.

Jin bit his lip and lightly touched the youngers forehead with his hand.

"Aish, you've got a fever." He stated, cupping Jimins cheek.

Jimin groaned, hanging his head over the toilet. He gagged harshly and threw up again.

"No more, no more, no more." Jimin cried, shaking his head miserably.

"I know honey, you're going-" Jin soothed, getting cut off by jimin.

"It won't stop!" He whimpered, coughing up more sick. "I hate this!"

"Shhh, it's going to pass. You're going to be just fine, darling." Jin whispered, wiping the hair out of Jimins face.

Jin pulled jimin back to sit down and wiped down his face with more toilet paper. Next he stood up and pulled a dried towel off the hanging rack, draping it over Jimins shoulders as he cried.

"Wh-what time is it?" Jimin asked, gripping onto his hyungs pant leg.

"It's about, 1 am. Yoongi isn't feeling good and I couldn't fall asleep, so we watched tv. Now, I'm going to go get a clean wash cloth. I'll be right back" He explained, stroking Jimins head before leaving.

What's wrong with yoongi? He seemed fine earlier. Jimin asked himself.

As promised Jin swiftly returned with the wash cloth and a glass of water. He gently wiped the sweat from the sick boy's face, humming softly. Jimin grabbed Jin's free hand and bent over when his stomach began cramping.

"There's a massacre in my stomach." Jimin whimpered, lowering his head onto Jin's knee.

"A massacre, huh. At least you've got your sense of humor." Jin chuckled.

"What's going on?" A grumbly voice asked.

Jin turned his head to see yoongi standing in the doorway. Jimin didn't bother moving at all.

"Yoongi! Yah, go lay back on the couch. Jimins just thrown up, I'm taking care of him." Jin explained and scolded.

"That's makes two of us." Yoongi mumbled before walking back to the living room.

Jimin hummed questionably, wonder what he meant by that. But before he could even comprehend the conversation his body was hanging over the toilet again, spewing sick in to the bowl.

Jimin woke up the next morning, light shining into Jin and yoongis room. Confused, he slowly sat up and looked at his surroundings. He was back in yoongi bed, but this time yoongi was next him, practically dead to the world. The older boy had a sour smell about him and his face was dusted red.

Taking a second to assess how his body was doing, jimin found that he didn't feel as nauseous but still felt incredibly cold. Looking down at his lap he saw that he had been changed into a long sleeve shirt and underwear. Jimin gazed back up and saw Jin walking towards him holding the thermometer and a sleeve of crackers.

"Good morning!" Jin greeted cheerily, sitting down on the bed.

He was dressed in his pajamas with bags under his eyes. A whole night of caring for sick people really tires you out.

"Jimin? Are you going to be sick?" Jin asked hurriedly, grabbing a plastic bowl from the ground.

"Huh?" Jimin mumbled, utterly confused by the situation as he wasn't currently nauseas and didn't say anything.

"You were staring at me, well, more like through me." Jin explained, opening up the thermometer. "Here. Let me take your temperature."

Jin put the device in Jimins ear and clicked the button.

"What is it?" The younger asked, laying back down.

"101.3 (38.5). I brought some fever reducer, but you need to eat and make sure you can keep that down first." He instructed, walking to the other side of the bed over to yoongi.

Jimin reached his arm out and pulled the pack of crackers near his face and began fumbling to open them. Once he did he pulled one out and took a small bite while Jin tried to wake up Yoongi.

"Yoongi-ah. Come on, you have to wake up now." Jin said, using his motherly tone.

"Noo-" Yoongi whined, whimpering down in the sheets, covering his head. "Don't feel good."

Jimin took another bite, worrying about how he will make it through today's practice.

"I know, can you tell me what wrong?" Jin asked, patting the lump underneath the covers.

"Dizzy and nauseous." He mumbled quietly.

"That's okay, better than how you felt earlier this morning, right?" Jin optimised.

Jimin sat up, making his stomach toss around. He swallowed twice before speaking.

"Wh-what do you mean? Jin-Hyung, what time is it!?" Jimin panicked, trying to de-tangle himself from the blankets.

"Hey. Jimin, calm down." Jin reassured, running back over to Jimins side of the bed. "It's 2:00. Namjoon managed to get us a week off until this bug passes. We don't know who could get it next and we don't want to pass it around to everyone else." Jin said, calmly running his hand over Jimins shoulder.

Tears quickly began to roll down Jimins red face as he realized the situation. They couldn't possibly post pone every thing for an entire week. They had to go to dance, they just had to! Guilt rose in Jimins chest, or maybe it was bile, he couldn't tell. All he knew was that everything had been messed up because of him.

"Oh jimin, don't cry." Jin said, trying to understand why jimin was so worked up. "This is for the best. We can't push you like that when you're this sick. I promise no one is mad, if anything everyone is relieved we aren't showing up with all our germs and sweat."

"It's m-my fault!" Jimin cried out, launching himself into Jin's arms.

Jin caught jimin and carefully laid the youngers head on his shoulder. He should have known jimin would end up blaming himself. It's something he's done his whole life.

"It's not your fault. It never is and never will be. You can't help that a nasty bug is in your tummy and neither can yoongi." Jin soothes, hugging the crying boy.

Yoongi slowly, very slowly, sits up and scoots close enough to back hug jimin.

"It's okay." Yoongi mumbled, beginning to doze back off.

Jin hummed in agreement as jimin began calming down.

"Is namjoon mad?" He asked pitifully, tucking his into Jin's neck.

"Of course not! I'm pretty sure he's happy to have some time off." Jin said.

Jimin sniffled, lifting his head to see a pale jungkook standing the doorway.

"Jin-Hyung, I don't feel good." He said, holding his stomach.

Jin audibly groaned and laughed at the same time.

"You guys need to wash your hands more often don't you. Ok, jungkook come join the party."

Soon enough the three were snuggled in yoongis bed, listening to jin read to them as he gave them each a cracker and held the bowl when they got sick.

Woo! That's it for this 2 parter. If you have any suggestions feel free to comment them. Thanks for reading :)

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