Neverland's Queen (OUAT Fanfi...

By SydLizzyFayeClark

7.3K 152 8

(Sequel to Raven Pan) Raven Pan has finally been reunited with her husband. However, she worries about the pl... More

Chapter 2: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 3: Even More Secrets Revealed
Chapter 4: Power of Bloodlines
Chapter 5: When the Past comes back to Haunt you
Chapter 6: For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Chapter 7: Something Dark is Coming to Neverland

Chapter 1: Finally Reuniting

1.5K 28 0
By SydLizzyFayeClark

Third Person POV: Neverland

The Jolly Roger burst out of the portal and drops to the sea. Once they've landed, everyone looks at their surroundings. Killian stares straight ahead. Now that he is on Neverland, he can finally sense his twin sister. "Neverland," Killian shouts.


Raven stares out at the Jolly Roger. Peter is behind her. He wraps one of his arms around her torso. "Well, baby brother," Raven whispers, "It took you long enough." She smiles a fang filled smile.


Killian lets the wheel spin. He stops it with his hook. "Why are you slowing down?" Regina asks.

"Mother..." he whispers, "My plan is to bring us to the far side of the island, link up with the widest part of the river, then we sail right through and take them by surprise." Killian smiles, "I spent so much time trying to leave this place to kill Rumpelstiltskin and find my sister. Now, I'm sailing right back into it's heart with the Dark One as my guest of honor. At least there's hope for finding Raven." He looks down at the ground. "It's not quite the happy ending I was hoping for."

"Greg Mendel said something funny to me," Regina tells him. "He called me a villain and said villain's don't get happy endings. You believe that?"

"I hope not. Once we find Raven and... make up for lost time, maybe we can have our happy ending," Killian replies. 

Emma and her parents then have a long needed family discussion. Snow says that they will find Henry. "No, you won't," Gold interrupts.

Killian spots the Dark One's new outfit. "Oh, that's a great use of our time - a wardrobe change."

Emma and the Charmings walk up to Gold. "I'm gonna get Henry," he tells them.

Regina exclaims, "We said we'd do this together."

"Actually, we made no such agreement," Gold reiterates.

"Why are you doing this?" Emma asks.

"Because I wanna succeed," he answers.

Emma retorts, "What makes you think I'm gonna fail?"

"Well," Gold says, "How could you not? You don't believe in your parents or in magic or even yourself."

"I slayed a dragon. I think I believe," Emma rebuts.

"Only when it was shown to you," Gold explains, "When have you ever taken a real leap of faith? You know, the kind where there's absolutely no proof? I have known you some time, Ms. Swan. And sadly, despite everything you've been through, you're still just that bail bonds person looking for evidence." Gold composes himself before continuing. "Well, dearie, that's not gonna work in Neverland."

Emma says proudly, "I'll do whatever it takes."

"Well, you just need someone to tell you what that is," Gold exclaims. "Sorry, dearie, our foes are too fearsome for hand-holding. Neverland is a place where imagination and the supernatural run wild." Killian stares at the Dark One angrily, hoping he doesn't say anything he shouldn't. "And sadly," Gold finishes, yours doesn't. There are only two people on this ship strong enough to take on the King and Queen of Neverland. And you, Mrs. Swan, are not strong enough." Gold spins his cane around, then disappears.


Henry, Greg, and Tamara stand in the middle of the forest waiting for the home office. Before they know it, a group of boys surrounds them. "Who are you?" Greg asks nervously.

The one in front says, "Well, we're the Home Office. Welcome to Neverland." He spread his arms out in a welcoming fashion."

Greg turns around to Tamara. "The "Home Office" is a bunch of teenagers?" she asks.

"They're not teenagers. They're the Lost Boys," Henry answers for them. He looks at the one in front. The blonde one is someone Henry immediately recognizes from Raven telling him stories. "You're Felix, the hybrid."

"Hybrid, what's a hybrid?" Greg asks.

"Look at that," Felix says. "That's right Henry." Felix walks closer to Greg.

"A hybrid is half-vampire, half-werewolf," Henry tells Greg, who looks at the kid unwittingly horrified. "Why do the Lost Boys want to destroy magic?" Henry asks.

"Who said we wanna destroy magic?" Felix answers his question with a question.

"That was our mission," Greg says.

"So you were told. I lied," Felix says with a shrug, "Guess it just runs in my blood." He looks at Henry. "Now the boy, hand him over."

Tamara rebuts, "Not until you tell us the plan for magic, for getting home."

Felix smiles with his fangs, his upper canines larger and sharper than the ones on the bottom. His eyes are silver surrounded by black where the whites of his eyes should be. "You're not getting home," he answers.

Greg stands tall. "Then you're not getting the boy."

Felix laughs, "Of course we are. Lucky for me, you gave me dinner." Felix howls into the night as Peter's shadow comes down. It rips Greg's off. Henry and Tamara use this chance to run. "Get the boy," Felix instructs the Lost Boys, "I'll catch my dinner and meet up with you later."

When Tamara tries to run, Felix vamp/were-sprints up to her. He grabs her by her hair. He extends his muzzle and bites on her neck. She does not scream, just collapses to the ground.


Raven waits for Peter. "Well," he says. Raven turns around to see him in a Lost Boy's outfit. "How do I look?" he asks with a smile.

"Like you took the clothes from my meal and are wearing them," she replies with a laugh. She walks up to her husband and kisses him.

Peter wraps his arms around her. He stares into her blue eyes. "I won't be gone for long," he whispers, "Don't miss me too much."

Raven laughs, "As long as you don't scare Henry out of his pants." Peter smiles a fanged smile, his eyes turning an ocean blue. He then departs to find Henry lost in the woods.


Emma and Killian's happy moment below deck is interrupted by a fierce storm. Killian runs up to the wheel, where Snow and David are having enough time keeping it steady. "Prepare to attack!" Hook shouts.

"Be more specific," Regina yells to her son.

"If you've got a weapon," Killian says, "grab it." He quickly runs to his mother's side. He whispers, "This isn't me. I can try to stop it, but this might be beyond even my power." David and Emma ask what was attacking them. "Mermaids" is the captain's answer. "They are quite unpleasant. I'll try and outrun them." 

He turns to Regina, who takes the wheel for a moment. He kneels down to where he can't be seen. When he's out of sight, his eyes turn stormy. He tries to use his powers to go forward. Pain shoots up and down Killian's body. He winces, making his mother look at him in concern. 'You can't summon a storm of that caliber on an empty stomach, my king,' Jerrard comments. "Thanks for the advice, Jerrard," Killian replies a bit loud.


Rumpelstiltskin walks through the Dark Jungle trying to find Henry. He comes upon the clearing, seeing Tamara's blood drained body on the ground. He looks down to inspect it, when he hears, "What are you doing here, Rumple?"

The Dark One looks up, seeing a girl in a leather jacket and dark green jeans. Her black hair rests just above her shoulders. "Raven," Gold says, "what are you doing here?" He approaches her; when he does, she backs away. "What are you doing?" he asks.

"Giving you an offer," she explains, "Leave here now and return to Storybrooke. Henry is safe with me."

"In the hands of that monster, I can't just leave him here. Or you, for that matter," Gold exclaims.

She scuffs, "How many times are we gonna have this discussion? When you call him a monster, you call me a monster." She takes a deep breath in. "Now leave before I change my mind." Before Gold can say anything, Raven turns into bats and leaves.


Baelfire and Mulan walk into Gold's abandoned castle. They open the doors to the dining room. "It appears abandoned," Mulan exclaims.

Neal walks up to the glass sitting on a pedestal. He touches it, then winces. Mulan looks at him strangely. "Sorry, silver allergy," he explains. She slowly nods as he tastes the bottom of the glass. "Someone's here."

An arrow suddenly almost hits Baelfire in the face. "The first was a warning, milady. Chivalry and all that." They turn and see someone standing on the sill of the open window. They jump down after Mulan asks for their name. He uncovers his head and pulls back his bow. "The names Robin."

"No way," Neal exclaims, "Robin Hood."

"I'd bow but this quiver's rather tight," Hood replies. "Now, what are you doing trespassing in my castle?"

"This castle belongs to the Dark One," Mulan explains, "It is you who trespasses."

Robin lowers his bow. "He hasn't been seen since the Queen's curse. If he ever shows up, I'll be happy to vacate."

"No, no need. In fact, you can have it," Baelfire tells him. "I just, I need to look around for a bit."

"And who would you be to grant such title?" Robin asks annoyed.

"In this land, I'm known as Baelfire," Neal explains, "I'm his son."

Robin immediately puts his bow down. He laughs, "My apologies. Go ahead."

"You don't want to see I.D.?" Neal asks.

"Who would claim to be that who wasn't?" Robin asks. Neal tells him that that was a good point. "Your father would not stand for impostors. He had quite a temper." Baelfire and Robin continue their conversation.

Baelfire finds the globe that can tell where Emma is. After trying for a bit, it shows him who he's looking for. "No," he says when he sees her location. "It can't be."

"What's wrong? Isn't she there?" Robin asks concerned.

"Yes, but that's not Storybrooke," Baelfire explains, "Emma's in Neverland."


The Charmings and the Arius' make it to the beach. They begin to walk up to the forest. "We don't have to do it this way," Regina explains, "I can fix the "Jolly Roger", my magic is powerful enough. We can execute the pirate's plan."

"Sneak attack? Let's not be naive. Save your magic. We'll need it later, because Pan already knows we're here," Emma says. Killian knows she's right. Raven already knows where they are and he knew that. "It's time we stop running," Emma continues, "Gold was right. This land is run on belief. All of us have been too busy being at each other's throats to be believers." When Emma says throats, Killian finds the vein on Emma's neck then turns away. "I was wrong all along. It's time for all of us to believe - not in magic, but in each other." Emma's speech finishes on a happy note.

"You wanna be friends after everything that's happened between all of us?" Regina asks.

"I don't expect that. I know there's a lot of history here and a lot of hate," Emma continues to ramble.

Killian, trying to focus on something else besides his need for blood, says, "Actually, I quite fancy you from time to time, when you're not yelling at me." 

Emma gives him a look. "We don't need to be friends," she exclaims, "What we need to know is the only way to get Henry back is cooperation."

"With her? With him?" David says. "No Emma, we have to do this the right way."

"No, we don't - we just need to succeed and the way we do that is by just being who we are: a hero, a villain, a pirate. It doesn't matter which because we're gonna need all those skills whether we can stomach them or not." Regina asks what Emma skill is. She answers, "I'm a mother, and now I'm also your leader so either help me get my son back or get out of the way."

As Emma begins to walk into the forest, a sound fills Killian's ears. He winces, saying, "I'll be right back. I need to check something." Once he's out of sight, he speeds safely away to where he can eat without being judged by the Charmings. He spots a bird, grabs it, and sucks it dry. 

He finishes, then hears, "Killian." He swiftly turns around, seeing a mirrored and gender bent image of himself. "Hey, baby brother."


Raven and her brother embrace. "I've missed you," Killian says.

"I've missed you too," Raven exclaims as she leaves the embrace. "Now come back to camp and meet the others."

"What?" Killian asks confused.

"Ian, your coming back to camp. Leave the humans on their quest. It will end in their deaths. You belong with your people. You belong with me," Raven explains.

Killian replies, "I can't just leave them."

Raven looks at him before she replies. "They don't know what you are, do they?" Killian does not answer. "They will if you don't eat," Raven says, "I can feel it inside you." They stay silent for a while. Raven then says, "Don't make me fight you, baby brother. Your in my kingdom now. Don't fight against who you are."

Killian says, "I'm helping get the boy back. Simple as that."

Raven grows angrier. "You will lose. And we won't meet on such nice terms later. You better be ready for anything." Raven turns into bats and floods the clearing. Once the clearing clears, she's gone.

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