Treat You Better - Grethan

By iSwallowAppleJuice

54.9K 1.8K 630

Everyone knows who Ethan and Grayson are. They are the nice 18 year old twins who live alone in a house in a... More

Part 1 - Introduction
Part 2 - Confessions
Part 3 - Six Flags
Part 4 - First Date
Part 5 - Hidden Feelings
Part 6 - Hidden Affairs
Part 7 - Perfect
Part 8 - Nervous
Part 9 - Kid In Love
Part 10 - Mercy
Part 11 - Nightmares
Part 12 - Misunderstandings
Part 14 - Divulge
Part 15 - Party
Part 16 - Life of the Party
Part 17 - Something Big
Part 18 - Perfectly Wrong
Part 19 - Aftertaste
Part 20 - Ruin
Part 21 - Why
Part 22 - Mutual
Part 23 - There's Nothing Holding Me Back
Life update

Part 13 - Regrets

1.9K 73 24
By iSwallowAppleJuice

Ethan's POV:

I honestly have no idea what Grayson's problem is. He literally threw a glass and me and Aidan. Luckily, we ducked in time cause if we didn't, one of us would probably be in the hospital right now, especially with Grayson's impressive strength. He looked completely furious and honestly, I don't want that type of negative energy at the moment. What I didn't know was that after today, everything would completely change. I mean everything.

"Sorry about that," I told Aidan as he shook his head.

"Oh, no baby it's fine," He said as he planted a kiss on my forehead. He grabbed his wallet and phone and made his way towards the door. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded before running up and smashing my lips against his. Tomorrow was the first time I would pick him up and take him on a date, so it was a pretty big deal. After he left, I went over and wiped the floor, which was covered in lemonade. After that, I went over to clean up the glass that was all over the floor. After all that was done, I made my way towards my room. When I passed Grayson's room though, I heard something unusual so I decided to press my ear against the door to hear a little better.

"God, you're such an idiot Grayson," He said as he threw something onto the floor. Then, I heard another thing fall over, smaller object tumbling across the floor. "Why the hell him? Why couldn't I have chosen another person?" He repeated on and on, objects scattering all across the floor. I heard him whispering so I tried pressing my ear and my body closer, to try to hear what he was saying. I leaned against the door and tried as best as I could to listen to what he was saying, when suddenly, the door swung open causing me to fall into Grayson's room. He turned around, with his eyes wide. I got up and looked at his room. It was a total and complete mess. Everything was on the floor. I looked over at Grayson and noticed that his eyes were completely red and puffy, tear stains on his cheeks. He just kept looking at me in shock and I rushed out of the room, closing the door behind me. I stood outside his door confused, when I heard a strange noise. The sound of wood cracking. I turned around to see what it was, when my eyes landed on Grayson's door. I looked closer and saw a huge crack on the side of the door. Then, there was a loud cracking sound, followed by Grayson's door completely falling off. It stood still for a couple seconds when it began falling backwards, inside of Grayson's room. I tried to grab it but it was too late. Once it fell inside the room, Grayson and I just looked at each other. We didn't know what to do. Should we laugh? Should we cry? Should we yell? So we both did what we thought was appropriate; Walk away. I went into my room and layed on my bed. I was kind of worried about Grayson. Why had he been crying? Hopefully I didn't make him cry.


The next day, I woke up pretty early to take a shower. I was picking up Aidan around noon but I wanted to look and smell good so I got up early to really make sure I met those expectations. I got out of my room to walk over to the bathroom and I took the advantage and looked into Grayson's room, but he wasn't there. I frowned and stepped in to look for him. His room was still a mess, but no Grayson. I then made my way downstairs to see if his car was in the driveway, but stopped when I saw him laying on the couch. He was curled up into a ball and was literally only wearing some underwear. He was shivering and looked really uncomfortable. I felt horrible so I went up to my room and grabbed my pillow and blanket, bringing it to him. I carefully lifted up his head and placed the pillow underneath and he snuggled into it. I smiled as I grabbed the blanket and tossed it over him, making sure he was under it. After I made sure he was better, I went up to take a shower.

When I was done showering, I changed and fixed my hair, applying some deodorant and cologne on. I was done around 8 so I decided to make some breakfast. I went down and saw that Grayson was still sleeping. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. He looked much more peaceful and comfortable. I made some pancakes so that when he woke up, he could eat something. After I was done making them, I went to the bathroom one more time to make sure I was in good shape and rushed out of the house. I hoped in my car and put my seatbelt on. When I was all ready, I made my way towards Aidan's house.


When I reached Aidan's house, I texted him to let him know. I waited about 5 minutes before he walked out. I smiled and unlocked my car. He hoped in and I reversed to back out of his driveway.

"Hey bab-" I started off but couldn't finish.

"Why on Earth is your car yellow?" He interrupted, looking disgusted.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the road.

"Who the fuck buys a yellow car? I mean who are you? The fucking tall ass guy in Curious George?" He spat, waving his hands all around.

"Grayson bought this for me," I said as I remembered when we went to the store.


We were currently at a Jeep dealer because my other car broke down and didn't work anymore and Grayson agreed to bring me here to look at new cars. I needed an upgrade anyways.

"Woah, look at this one," Grayson signaled at a blue Jeep Wrangler. I walked over to it and touched it lightly, afraid that I could ruin it.

"Do you guys need any help?" A lady said as she walked up to us.

"Uh, yeah I would like to see the Jeep Wranglers, please," I said and she nodded, taking us to another room in the dealer. I was amazed at how many cars were here. All different colors and styles.

"Which one stands out to you the most?" She asked and I looked around. My eyes stopped at a purple Jeep that was a few feet away from us.

"This one," I said as I walked over to it, touching it. Grayson laughed as he put his hand on my shoulder. The lady then said that I would have to fill out some paperwork and then I saw it behind her. A yellow Jeep. Now, yellow isn't my favorite color but it looked so nice on the car. It looked unique. "Wait, I'm sorry. Can we go see that one over there?" I asked, pointing to the car. She nodded and we made our way towards the car. I filled out the paperwork and gave it to the lady and she went off. I was admiring the car when Grayson said he needed to go to the bathroom. I dismissed it and kept looking at the car, inside and out. It really looked nice. It had 4 doors, the top was a soft top so it was easier to take on and off. Anyways, the lady came back and and she seemed disappointed.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't buy a car right now," She told me. I was about to cry.

"What? Why not?" I asked.

"Your credit score isn't the best right now and then...." I honestly blocked her out and I felt my world shatter. I was so upset. She apologized and walked away. Guess I'm not getting a car today. Grayson came walking towards me and hugged me when he realized I was sad.

"What's wrong E?" He asked.

"I can't buy a car right now because of something with a credit score," I said, making my way towards the door. Grayson followed closely behind and he grabbed my arm right before I stepped out.

"Do you really want that car?" He asked and I looked at him confused.

"Well, I really want A car," I answered trying to walk out but again, he held me there.

"Ok then, here," He said as he put his hand in his pocket and then took out a key. I was confused.

"What is that?" I asked.

"This, is the key to your new car," He told me, smiling at me.

"What?!" I said in shock.

"The reason you couldn't buy a car was because I went and told the lady that I was gonna buy it for you and asked her to tell you that because I wanted it to be a surprise," He said as his smile grew more and more.

"You did WHAT?!"

"I bought you that car. It's yours now," He repeated and I threw myself into his arms, not believing what he had just done. This was another reason why I loved him so much.

*End of Flashback*

"That dumbass brother of yours has horrible taste. If I were you I wouldn't have taken it," Aidan spat, looking out the window.

"Don't talk about Grayson like that," I warned him, with my eyes still glued to the road.

"I'm only saying the truth. He's stupid and an idiot for ever liking this color," He argued back.

"Ok, stop talking right now," I said. I was getting angrier with every sentence he said.

"Relaaaaaax. I thought you were mad at him anyways," He told me. He really had the audacity to say that?

"Doesn't give you the right to talk shit about him," I spat at him.

"Since when are you about defending nobodies?" He asked. That's it. I slammed on the brakes on the car, causing him to fly forward and almost hit his head on the dashboard.

"Get the fuck out of my car. I'm not gonna be with someone who disrespects Gray-" I started but stopped when he reached over and grasped my arm, extremely tight. "Ow, what are you-"

"Don't you talk back to me. I can talk about whoever I want whenever I want and however the fuck I want. Second amendment you idiot," He spat, pulling me towards him. He let go of me and I saw the red marks on my arm. Those were gonna be there for a while. I continued driving towards our destination but I honestly wasn't in my mood anymore. What did I get myself into?


What's up guys!

Hope you like this chapter. Idk what else to say lmao I think I'm not gonna do these as often. Maybe only when I actually have something to say.

What do you guys think of Ethan and Aidan's relationship?

As always, hope you have a good day!


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