Only You Shawty. A Justin Bie...

By Meganxooo

468K 9K 973

[A Justin Bieber Love Story] Charlotte Brooks, Justin Bieber, more than friends to everyone around them, but... More

♥Chapter 1
♥Chapter 2
♥Chapter 3
♥Chapter 4
♥Chapter 5
♥Chapter 6
♥Chapter 7
♥Chapter 8
♥Chapter 9
♥Chapter 10
♥Chapter 11
♥Chapter 13
♥Chapter 14
Authors Note: Important.
♥Chapter 15
♥Chapter 16
♥Chapter 17
♥Chapter 18
♥Chapter 19
♥Chapter 20
♥Chapter 21
♥Chapter 22
♥Chapter 23
♥Chapter 24
♥Chapter 25
♥Chapter 26
♥Chapter 27
♥Chapter 28
♥Chapter 29
♥Chapter 30 - Justin's Letter
♥Chapter 31 - Epilogue
The End

♥Chapter 12

12.8K 264 37
By Meganxooo

This chapter is dedicated to @LiveLearnLove because she is a great writer, and a great friend. You should go check out her work! Its dramatic and as soon as you've read one line, your hooked. So, go check her out & fan her! Thanks :)xx

 &Again, my great escuse for my really late chapter was- (SWEAR ON MY LIFE THE 100% TRUTH)... I got distracted by this HUGE SPIDER. It attacked me before staring me out. I have a phobia, they awful. I cried, but I managed to fight it off. Olympic Medal puhlease.

A week after..

Charlottes POV.


I'm a horrible person, I know. I ran away from home, worried my whole family, and not to mention Justin and Pattie. Speaking of the devils, they are walking outside, both of them holding cardboard boxes and putting them into their moving lorry. Yep. They are packing up all their stuff, and they leave tonight. I'm so stupid. I only grasp my feelings for Justin when its too late and apparently Justin knew about his a long time ago. 

Maybe this is for the best? If we had noticed this before then it would of been harder to say good-bye to Justin. I am a horrible person, but I know that I can't be selfish anymore. I wont make Justin stay, i'll let him go. I wont keep contact with him either, I decided this last night. If I talk to Justin while he's in Atlanta he might never move on, and neither will I. I doubt that I'll move on with or without him here. I'm not going to deal with him away though, I don't know what i'll do, I guess I'll apologise to Alice.


Oh Alice, she's been such a good friend to me. She dropped off some muffins the other day that her and her mum made for me and my family. On the other hand, she was still best friends with Maddie. Now, that's going to be hard hanging round with her when it was apparent that she, herself wanted Justin. Alice said she was still happy to hang round with me. Seeing as me and Justin had skipped a few days off school, when we did go, we usually ate on the field. Just us two. Alice made it clear that she was going to let me sit with her and her friends again. I was glad and a little relieved. At least I had a plan once Justin left.


Deciding to do something, I got up from my outside porch, and walked over to Justin's. Could I even call it that? Soon new neighbours will fill that house.


"Need some help packing?" I offered, 

"Well, there's not much need, because we are nearly done. Thank you darling, your offer was so sweet. You might want to go talk to Justin though, he's a little low. You know where he is."

I nodded and let myself in. I didn't want to look around, but I couldn't help myself notice the bare stairway which was usually plastered of baby pictures of Justin. My eyes started prickling. I couldn't cry. He must think its all I do now. 

I pushed open Justin's door, which only had a little blue-tac still left on it from his posters. Sighing I saw Justin sitting against the wall. There was really nothing left in here. Gone. It didn't look anything like Justin's room at all. No hockey sticks hanging from the walls, no TV, no posters, no nothing. Justin looked up. His eyes looked just like his room, empty. I walked over and sat down next to him, where his bed used to be. Justin went to say something, but I didn't mind the silence. I put my hand over his, and he seemed to understand. 

Silence. Nothing really was in this room anymore. He was leaving tonight, and there's nothing anyone could do. Justin turned facing me now, knowing there wasn't long till he jumped in his car and left me forever. Stratford. Canada. 

"WAIT!" Justin jumped out of his thoughts and looked at me in a panicked way. "Oh, sorry. Um, you're not leaving me forever... I've figured everything out".

Justin looked so excited, his whole face was like a little child on Christmas. "HOW?!"

"Well you and your mum will visit your grandpa and grandma right?! So, you'll see me" I said, matter-of-factually.

Justin's face looked full of disappointment. "Only on big holidays like my birthday". 

"Oh". I said, my voice choked up with sadness again. Justin let out a small laugh and stroked my cheek while letting out a deep sigh. I looked right into his eyes, oh how I wish I hadn't wasted my time with him. Why did it take so damn long to figure that I love him? Woah. I've never used the L word like that before! I dont love Justin do I? See! Its his bloody last day, and I STILL don't know. I hate myself. I really do. 

"Justin... Thank you. For being my best friend. You really were there for me like no other person ever was before... and I'm really sorry". Justina's eyes were brimmed with tears, he was obviously doing his best not to cry. 

"Why-- Why are you s-s-sorry?" 

"Because I love you... and I fell in love with you at the wrong time" I whispered, though Justin heard. 

"Charlotte Amelia Brooks" Justin said, while looking into my eyes, with his face very close. "I love you, too. Its never too late Charlotte. Rather late than never, right?" then he kissed me. Brushing his lips lightly against mine while his hands cupping my face. His kisses were so perfect. I pushed up against him more, which only deepened our kiss. I don't care how many people said this before, or how cheesy it sounds, it really did feel like we fitted together perfectly. His tongue traced my bottom lip asking for an entrance and I happily obliged. My hands wondered up from his neck to his slightly tousled hair, tangling my fingers in his hair. 

 If I had the chance I would stop and just live in this moment forever.

"Um- J-Justin?" Patties small voice asked. Snapping me out of my daze me and Justin jumped away from each other, while Justin was looking at his mum expectantly, I was looking at the floor embarrassed. "Its time to go". 

My heart sunk. Justin stood up and held his hand out to me. We walked very slowly down the stairs and outside. I couldn't explain how I felt at this moment. I felt sad, shocked, I couldn't grasp what was actually happening. 

First I dropped Justin's hand and walked over to Pattie giving her a small hug. "Have a great time in Atlanta, Pattie" She gave me a weak smile and sat in her car. I just stood there, with Justin behind me. His arms came around my waist and he turned me around and pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. 

He looked down at me, and game me a smile. "I really love you Justin" I whispered,

"I don't have to go Charlotte, say you want me to stay and I will!" 

"Don't make this harder, Justin. You have to go. Do it for me. Please". 

"I really love you too". Then he kissed me one last time. It was firm, and as we broke apart a tear trickled down his cheek, while I was already in floods of tears. He got into the car and he tried to give me one last smile. I watched the car go all the way till I couldn't see it no more. Then I walked back to my own house and back to my room. Collapsing into my tears.

Good-bye Justin, 

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