Fairy Tail's Little Angel

By MysticalLover02

142K 3.5K 1.1K

Natsu finds that Lucy has become a 5 year old. He tries to find out who did it and why, as an enemy emerges... More

Chapter 1 - Little Lucy
Chapter 2 - Heaven & Hell
Chapter 3 - Bodyguards
Chapter 4 - Morning at the guild
Chapter 5 - Sense of smell
Chapter 6 - Little Lucy's first job
Chapter 7 - Race
Chapter 8 - You're my hero
Chapter 9 - Bandits
Chapter 10 - Mission
Chapter 11 - Sting and Rogue
Chapter 12 - Life with Sting and Rogue
Chapter 13 - Pearl
Chapter 14 - Return to Fairy Tail
Chapter 15 - Reunion
Chapter 16 - Bonding
Chapter 17 - Lucy and Asuka
Chapter 18 - Iron
Chapter 19 - Silence
Chapter 20 - The Miracle of Sound
Chapter 21 - Sharing
Chapter 22 - Get back here Pyro!
Chapter 23 - Crepes
Chapter 24 - I'm gonna kill that Ice Popsicle!
Chapter 25 - The Thunder Legion
Chapter 26 - My time with the Thunder Legion
Chapter 27 - Wait What?!
Chapter 28 - Plaited Hair and Daisies
Chapter 29 - Cake
Chapter 30 - Mini Evergreen
Chapter 31 - Can I get a hug?
Chapter 32 - Kidnapped!
Chapter 33 - Please Save Me
Chapter 34 - The Search
Chapter 36 - Saving Lucy
Chapter 37 - Returning to Fairy Tail
Chapter 38 - Fairy Tail Ending
A/N Thank You!
A/N Results!

Chapter 35 - Dragon Force

2.3K 79 30
By MysticalLover02

Gray and I was running through the maze of hallways and stairs. I followed my nose as Lucy's scent kept getting stronger until we stopped in front of a door. 'Lucy's in here' I thought, I nodded at Gray. Impatiently, Gray and I kicked open the door to revealed a hilarious scene in front of us.

Hell and Heaven seemed to be having a tea party with Lucy. They both acted like a deer caught in headlights. Gray and I couldn't help but laugh at the scene we were seeing. Our enemies were having a tea party with a kid, that's a new one.

"Papa! Big Brother!" Lucy cheered as she ran towards us but was stopped by Hell. He picked her up and she started squirming in his arms. I could tell from her puffy red eyes, she was crying before we arrived. Now she was crying again, trying to get out of Hell's arms.

"I'm surprised you found our guild hall" Hell commented as he walked over to a white door on the left wall. He opened the door and placed Lucy inside the room. I noticed he placed her in a bathroom. Hell closed the door, locking Lucy inside. "Let me out!" Lucy's muffled cries were heard through the door as I heard her small hands hitting the door.

"Why did you do that?" Gray asked, "can't have little Lucy running around getting hurt now, can we?" Hell answered as he put the key in his pocket. We all stood in a fighting stance as our fight was about to begin with Lucy out of harm's way.

Gray and I leapt at Hell and Heaven, I fought Hell while Gray fought Heaven. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" I chanted, aiming my flaming fist at his face. Unfortunately, he dodged it but I was one step ahead of him. When I missed my punch, I twisted my body and flame kicked him in the side. The force of my kick made him smash into the right wall. Before he could regain his footing, I punched him in the stomach creating a hole in the wall.

He turned into a shadow before I could get another hit in. The room we were in had two single beds, one white and one black. The colour of the walls split the room in two. The white bed's side had white walls and a light wooden floor. While the black bed's side had black walls and a dark wooden floor. A door connected this room to the other room.

'Must be the twin's room' I thought, I looked around trying to find the bastard. Once I was in the middle of the room I felt a presence behind me. I quickly turned and narrowly dodged his punch.

A thundering sound boomed through the castle. "What was that?" Hell wondered, 'Laxus seems to be having fun' I smirked at the thought. "Can't let Laxus have all the fun. Fire Dragon Roar!" I chanted. My roar hit Hell dead on and he flew back. He regained his footing and chanted "Shadow Devil's Rage!"

I nimbly dodged the attack by side jumping out of the way. "Brother, lets do it" Hell called out to the other room. Heaven grunted in a response as he joined his brother. Gray and I tried to attack them from both sides with our magic. "Fire Dragon/Ice Devil's" Gray and I started to chant, "Roar/Rage!" we both chanted.

As our magic collided with the twin Demon Slayers, the explosion kicked up a dust cloud. Once the dust cleared, Gray and I were shocked at what we saw. Both Demon Slayers were standing in the exact same spot, unharmed. Markings similar to Gray's Demon Slayer marks were formed across their skin. Hell had black markings covering the right part of his body while Heaven had white markings mirroring his brother's.

"Sigh, is that all you've got?" Hell smirked. In retaliation, Gray summoned his Demon Slayer markings and I ignited my fists. I wished I could go into Dragon Force right now but I still haven't worked out how to do it at will.

At the speed of light, Heaven disappeared and reappeared right in front of Gray. In a blink of an eye, Gray flew back and slammed through the bathroom door that Lucy was locked up in. I heard a smash and a loud quick scream followed by crying.

"Lucy!" I exclaimed and ran towards her. "What did you do that for Heaven?! You could've hurt Lucy and the boss would've been furious!" Hell shouted. "Sorry" was the only word out of Heaven's mouth. I made it to the door way of the bathroom. The white wooden door was smashed to pieces. Gray was on the ground leaning against the wall in pain while Lucy was crying in his arms.

I noticed a bleeding scratch on her arm. I concluded that a piece of the door must've hit Lucy and I was furious. I set my whole body into flames, 'they hurt my Lucy!' was circling in my head. I could feel scales forming across my body and flames heating up around my body. My power increasing by the second, I had entered Dragon Force.

Before I could attack Hell and Heaven, a shadow vine wrapped itself around my waist and pulled me backwards into a wall. I didn't let that phase me, as I used my magic on my feet to propel me towards the twins. "Fire Dragon King's Demolition Fist!" I chanted as I punched Heaven right in the jaw. The power of my punch made him hit a wall behind him, knocking him unconscious.

"Heaven! You're going to pay for that!" Hell said angrily as he tried to punch me but I caught his fist in my hand. "You hurt Lucy and made her cry. You're gonna pay" I said in a dark voice as I glared menacingly at him. Fear flashed in his eyes for a split second under my glare.

"Oh no" was all he said as he tried to pull his fist back from my hand. I held a tight grip on his fist as I punched his chest with all the power I could muster.

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