Unstoppable -> S. Stilinski {...

By XxNeonHeartxX

48.1K 944 166

Season 3A Zoey and her pack have survived against a blood thirsty Alpha and a Kanima killing in revenge for i... More

Season 3A Descripton
Season 3B Description
Book 4!


1.5K 33 0
By XxNeonHeartxX

Quote: "The festival has always been, even in good times, a festival of cultural survival and we're surviving again. It's our social instinct when things go bad."

Published: September 17, 2018


Chapter 12: "Lunar Eclipse"

I gasp awake and cough as I sit up. I hear other gasps as I look behind me to see Scott, Stiles, and Allison sitting up in the tubs. I look to my surroundings to see we're in this big, empty, white room.

I stand up as the three of them get out of the tubs. We don't say anything as we look to our surroundings. We turn in one direction as we see a big tree stump at the end of the room. The Nemeton. We all slowly make our way to the stump. We make it there and we watch as Scott looks to his tattoo and then to the markings on the stump. Scott for some reason places his hand to it.

I do the same and I feel all this power rush through it and throughout my body. I gasp pulling my hand away, but when I look around I'm not in the white room anymore. I'm by myself in the middle of the Lacrosse field.

"Lydia!" I turn around to see myself running out to the field. I remember this night. This was the night of the formal. Which was also the night Peter surfaced my witch powers. "Lydia! Run!"

My past self passes right by me and I turn just in time to see Peter bite into Lydia and she falls onto the ground unconscious. Peter then has a hold of me as past Stiles shows up and begs him not to kill me.

After a couple converses, Peter digs his claws into my neck and his canines bite down onto my shoulder. I take in a sharp breath as I feel a pain and when I blink I am no longer at the Lacrosse field.

I look around and notice that I'm somewhere in the middle of the woods.

"Zoey McCall." I whip around at the voice and a beautiful blonde woman stands before me.

"Who are you?" I ask her.

"I'm Eve. And I was just like you before it was my time." She tells me and I'm confused on what she means. "Every couple of centuries the most powerful witch is born into the supernatural world." She explains.

"And that was you."

"Now that's you, but you and your friends shouldn't have sacrificed yourselves."

"Why? What do you mean?" I question her.

"It's not good. Because of the sacrifice you have all opened a door and you all need to close it before it's too late. Especially with you Zoey, the dark magic will try to take over and you must not let that happen."

"And how am I supposed to do that?" I start to panic. "How did you stop it from taking over you?"

"I'm out of time. I must go."

"Hey, wait!" I call after her as she walks away. "Eve, please!" She turns the corner of a tree, but when I look around it she's nowhere to be found.

I shake my head as my heart races and I take a step back when I hit something behind me. I look behind me seeing the big stump in the ground. I found the Nemeton.


I gasp once again as I wake and my breathing is quick. I notice that I'm laying on a metal table and I look around me to see the others all looking at me. "I know where it is. I found the Nemeton."

I'm suddenly brought into a tight crushing hug and I breath in the familiar scent of Stiles.

"What?" I ask once we pull away.

"We were all under for sixteen hours." Stiles tells me. "And you were out for an extra half hour after that."

"Sixteen hours?" My face obviously shows shock.

"I thought - we thought we lost you." Stiles says and tears fill his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay." I reassure as I caress his cheek.

Deaton speaks up breaking our moment. "The full moon rises in less than four hours."


"No, dude, you are not going back with them." Stiles tells Scott.

"I made a deal with Deucalion." Scott says.

"Does anyone else think that sounds like a deal with the devil?"

"Why does it matter, anyway?" Isaac asks.

"Because I still don't think that we can beat Jennifer without their help." Scott states.

"He trusts you more than anyone." Allison tells Deaton. "Tell him he's wrong."

"I'm not so sure he is." Great, thanks for the help Deaton. "Circumstances like this sometimes require that you align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies."

I don't bother saying anything as I just listen to them converse. I can't help myself as the scenes from when I was out keep replaying in my mind over and over again.

"So we're gonna trust him, the guy that calls himself death, destroyer of world's? We're gonna trust that guy?" Isaac questions Deaton.

"I wouldn't trust him, no, but you could use him to your advantage. Deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait."

It's quiet for a moment as we then hear the bell of the front door sound from the animal clinic.

"I'm looking for Lydia." I hear as we walk to the front of the clinic to see who it is.

"What do you want?" Lydia asks as Ethan's face comes into view.

"I need your help."

"With what?" I ask him as Stiles comes up behind me.

"Stopping my brother and Kali - from killing Derek."


Lydia left with Ethan to Derek's loft and Stiles went home to grab something so Scott can catch Stilinski's scent. I'm with Scott, Isaac, and Allison as we exit the elevator and into her apartment.

"Just grab anything." Scott tells Stiles over the phone. "Stiles, I'm not smelling your dad's boxers." I sniffle a laugh as he says that. "Socks? Okay, I'll smell the socks." He sighs as he hangs up.

"What about me?" Isaac asks as we walk through the apartment door.

"See what you can find in my dad's closet. Anything with the strongest scent." Allison tells him.

"Quite an arsenal your father's got here, young lady." I hear a familiar voice as Allison walks into a sepearate room. Scott and I walk in after her to see our dad and two deputies. "Scott. Zoey."

"What are you doing here?" Scott asks him with no emotion on his face, just about the same as mine was when I seen our father for the first time.

"Following one of the only leads I have. Now, since I don't know where you've been, why don't you have a seat, and we can talk? You too, Isaac." He calls out the last part and Isaac steps into the doorway.

"How do you know my name?" Isaac asks.

"Your name's one of the few things I know. To be honest, the rest of what's going on around here has me stumbling in the dark, even over the smallest clue."

"If you're trying to tell us that you don't have a clue, we learned that a long time ago." I say for Scott and I as I step a little closer to him.

"I'm really hoping to avoid the embarrassment of dragging my own son and daughter into an interrogation room. Really hoping."


Scott, Allison, Isaac, and I are all sitting down in front of Argents desk as our father speaks to us.

"I'm not gonna lie. I'm more than a little disturbed, not only by the number of missing parents, but the fact that it's Stiles' father, your father," He points to Allison. "And you mother." He points to Scott and I.

"Mine are both dead." Isaac informs as he eats a couple of mints.

"Save the cliched teenage apathy for your high school teachers. The four of you know more than you're saying, and I'm fully willing to keep you here all night if I have to."

"You can't keep us here." I speak out.

"Not without some kind of warrant." Allison adds.

"I've got a desk full of probable cause." Rafael says, talking about the desk full of arsenal weapons.

Allison stands up from her seat as she stands next to the desk full of weapons. "My father is a highly respected private security consultant and federally licensed firearms dealer. That means he has to own a few weapons." She points at weapons as she names them. "Like this one-seventy-five pound draw tactical crossbow or this carbon steel marine combat knife, .50ae desert eagal. Hmm. Smoke grenade with pull ring igniter." She picks up the smoke grenade and she quickly pulls the ring as she throws it down and smoke ignites from it. "Go!"

"Wait! Scott, Zoey, wait!" I hear Rafael call out as we quickly exit out of the apartment before he can catch us.


"Are you okay?" Allison asks Scott and I as the four of us stop somewhere in the preserve.

"I didn't know what to say to him. I couldn't come up with anything." Scott speaks. "But what you did, that was awesome."

"I still haven't gotten anything from Stiles, you?" Isaac asks.

"I haven't either." I say.

"I don't get it." Scott says.

"All right, well we can't wait for him. Come on." Isaac says and we follow after him.


"Cutting it a little close, aren't we, Scott?" The four of us turn around to face Deucalion. We're all at the peak in the preserve that shows all of Beacon Hills.

"We got a little delayed." Scott says motioning to us. "Where are the others?"

"Occupying themselves with other pursuits." Deucalion says.

"So it's just you and me against her?"

"I think you'll be surprised what a good team we make."

"Okay, get Stiles." Scott tells us. "And then get to the root cellar, okay? We'll keep Jennifer away long enough for you to get them out of there."

"How are you gonna do that?" Isaac asks him.

"I have a plan."

I nervously watch as Scott walks away with Deucalion yet again.


"Are you sure we're going in the right direction?" Isaac asks over the wind storm.

"I know we're near it. Do you think you can pick up a scent?" Allison asks as we trudge our way through the preserve.

"I'm trying, but I c..." He abruptly stops and Allison and I turn to look at him. "I hear something. It's a - it's an emitter. It's one of your dad's."

"Are you sure?" Allison and I simultaneously ask.

"Has to be. Come on." We quickly take off following Isaac. We run through the woods and I sigh in relief when we see a big stump, the Nemeton. We look around as we try to find a way in. "Allison, Zoey."

We follow Isaac's line of vision to see the set of cellar doors and we quickly rush to it. The three of us all open the doors and I'm the first one in followed by the other two.

"Thank god." I barely hear Allison as she crouched down in front of her father.

"Mom!" I quickly crouch down in front of her as I help to untie the ropes that she's in.

"You found us." Mom says with a smile.

"Where's Stiles? Where's my son?" Sheriff Stilinski asks as Isaac helps to untie his ropes.

"And Scott?" Mom asks.

"They're coming, all right? They're on their way to help." Isaac answers.

"Okay." Mom says. Suddenly dirt and debri starts to fall from above us. Without a secound thought I throw my hands up and I form a shield around the six of us.

I multi-task keeping the shield up as we get the three adults untied from the bindings.

"Hurry! Watch out!" Isaac yells out as shelves and wood startes to fall from different directions.

"Come on, let's get out of here!" Stilinski yells and my shield drops as the six of us run to the stairs. We don't make it in time as the stairs collapse, trapping us inside the cellar.


"It's blocked." Chris says as everything stops falling apart. "What do you see? Anything?" He asks as we try to look for a way out. "Look out!" He yells as the top starts to collapse and we all jump out of the way.

"Isaac!" Allison yells as he almost gets hit and we all throw ourselves to the floor as the top is still trying to collapse.

"Melissa, go, go, go." Stilnski yells as he makes sure mom doesn't get crushed.

I look up in time as I see Isaac trying to hold the top from collasping on us. His eyes glow gold as he stuggles and I quickly get up to my feet. I twist my wrists upwards as green comes from my hands and my eyes start to glow purple. Isaac struggled a lot less as I put more power into holding it up.

"Is it me or is this place getting smaller?" Isaac questions. I try my best not to laugh as I put more power into holding up the top. "I can't do it. I can't hold it.  I can't hold it. It's too much."

"It's the eclipse!" I yell out. Isaac is basically trying to hold up the thing with human strength. The eclipse doesn't mess with my powers as the others also try to help hold the thing up. I put more power into holding it up and the green shines a more darker shade than usual.

"It's too heavy." Allison grunts out.

"Move out of the way!" I yell to them as they all quickly move out from under it and I put more strength into holding it. I feel a liquid drop down from my nose and I know that it's blood, but I just ignore it.

Out of no where an aluminum bat is placed underneath the platform and it keeps it steady as I'm able to lift off of my magic.

I get a smile on my face as I look over to see Stiles.

"I always said aluminum was better than wood." Stilinski says which causes me to slightly laugh. Stiles quickly hugs his dad as more dirt still falls a little.

Stiles looks to me and I give him a small smile as I feel lightheaded and before I hit the ground, I fall into darkness.


My eyes flutter open and the first thing I hear is silence. No wind and no chaos. The first thing I see is Stiles leaning over me.

"Oh, thank God." Stiles says as he helps me sit up.

"It's over?" I ask and I'm the first to laugh as the others follow in. I quickly wrap my arms around Stiles' neck and he wraps his around my waist as we embrace and I sigh in relief. My phone then buzzes in my pocket and we pull away as I answer it and I set it on speaker phone.

"Scott?" I ask.

"Hey, are you okay?" He worriedly asks.

"Yeah, we're okay. We're all perfectly okay. What about you, you okay?"

"Sort of."

"You think you can come and get all of us.

"Yeah, of course."

"Great, okay." Stiles speaks up to him. "Um, uh, being a ladder." I smile as we all bust out laughing at his comment and I'm just really happy that we're all okay.


It's safe to say that we survived yet another supernatural attack. Kali is dead. The twins barely survived and are still attending school at Beacon Hills High, they're not a threat anymore considering that they are no longer Alpha's, but our pack still doesn't trust them. Deucalion got his eyesight back thanks to Jennifer, Scott and Derek threatened Deaucalion that if he ever does anything bad that they would go after him. Deacalion disappeared after that and Jennifer is also dead thanks to him.

Derek left town with Cora to take her back to South America and I cried after they told me about their departure, I honestly don't know if Derek is ever coming back. Part of me really hopes he does, but another part hopes that maybe he's better somewhere else and not in this rotten town.

My dad doesn't even look like he's gonna be leaving any time soon. But just because he's staying with us, doesn't mean that he's welcome. I still hate him for leaving our lives when we needed him the most.

Stiles, Allison, Scott, and I feel the darkness around our heart's every day, just like Deaton said we would after our sacrifices. It's even worse for me 'cause I feel like the dark magic can take over. It reminds me of the quote Jennifer used on our first day of class and when I feel it, it's like looking, 'into the heart of an immense darkness.'

Instead of focusing on the darkness around our hearts, I look for my friends. 'Cause I know that as long as we're together, we will always be there for ourselves and each other.
- - - - - - - - - -
3 weeks and we finally have an update. This was the last chapter of season 3A, so I hope you enjoyed it. 3B will hopefully be posted next week, but I can't promise anything. Hope you have a great night/ morning/ or afternoon and I hope to post a chapter soon.

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