Blood Oath (Ruby Rose/Ares fa...

Par Freya_38

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Markers must be honored even if that means losing your life... or your heart. (Based on John Wick: Chapter 2... Plus

Author's note. Important!!!
Author's note!


3.1K 139 81
Par Freya_38

"This is a stunning costume, you look amazing."

"Thank you," I whisper to the hotel maid that has helped me while staring at my reflection in the mirror. She's right: I look great... but weird. I've never had such a glamorous updo in my head before or had my make-up professionally done. I've learnt tons of new words totally foreign to me: cat eyeliner, smokey eyes, rouge for my lips, contouring, the difference between compact powder and loose powder and the thousand and one different colours of concealers and liquid face illuminators depending on the area or the imperfection on your skin you want to hide. This is crazy... and then they say that programming seems difficult. I'm so happy that I don't have to go through this every day. I walk slowly around the room for the last time checking my balance on the high heels, I've practicing for a while and I think I've found my centre of gravity, I won't break an ankle as long as I walk at a steady pace. I look down... no matter how indecently expensive this black shoes with red soles are, they're still uncomfortable compared to my Chuck Taylors. Anyway, I'm think I'm ready... and just in time: the Assassin doesn't like waiting.

I nod at the maid to say goodbye and walk slowly towards the door, I open it taking a deep breath. Ares is standing in the middle of the corridor holding a grey hat in her hand: she's wearing a dark pinstriped suit with a double-breasted jacket, white shirt, light grey tie, a white pocket square and a red carnation in her lapel. With her hair slicked back, a bulging pocket betraying that she's carrying her gun and a serious face she looks exactly like a gangster out of a 1930s movie... only more handsome. I hold my breath when she raises her beautiful face... she looks at me before blinking and opening her mouth wide. Her reaction gives me enough confidence to walk slowly towards her without thinking that I can fall down on the floor and embarrass myself like never before.

The Assassin follows my movements with her eyes paying attention to every detail, raking all over my body from the tip of my black Louboutin with stratospheric heels, going up the thigh high stockings that are covering my long legs till she stops for a second in the black lace band. I'm wearing a garter belt and it's clearly visible because my elegant little black dress is very short, actually she could see the hem of my black lace and silk panties if I turn around, the V-neck is so deep that the lace hem of my bra is also visible. Ares eyes go up my bare neck, stop at my red lips and look entranced at the classy updo with a funny fascinator: a little black top hat placed in a graceful angle on my head with a black birdcage veil attached covering slightly one of my eyes. I brush a lock of hair away my face and smile shyly when the Assassin raises an eyebrow noticing my red nail polish.

Without saying a word, I straighten my back and walk slowly along the corridor while Ares follows me, I can feel her gaze fixed on the back of my thighs burning my skin, and also distracting me, causing me to trip over the carpet and forcing me to jump a little so I don't fall on my face. To be honest, I think I've managed to move with considerable style and no one has noticed that I've almost kissed the floor but she chuckles behind me and leans her hand on my waist in order to give me some support. I smile relieved and get closer to the elevator where Winston and Charon are waiting for us: my boss is dressed up as the Lord of the Underworld with black suit, long cape and red horns on his head while the receptionist is wearing an impeccable English butler uniform. They both stare at me in disbelief for a second before blushing. My boss seems to be about to speak but the bell ring of the elevator sounds right then, the doors open and we all walk in. Ares is still behind me leaning on the mirror, her gaze burning me, that's how I know she's ogling my ass shamelessly while our two companions are standing next to me. Before Winston is able to open his mouth again, I take the white satin handkerchief rimmed with lace that was hidden on my belt and I pretend to wipe my tears away with gentle touches.

"Hubby died..." I whisper looking sad and shaking my head slowly.

"I'm sorry for your loss..." Winston answers with a straight face.

"Thank you, apparently I poured too much laxative in his soup accidentally." I pout while tapping with my fingertips on a little black bottle with a white skull painted that's hanging from my belt over my hip.

"Well... shit happens..." Charon answers, trying to hold back his laughter.

"Oh yes... a lot actually..." I answer nodding with an innocent air.

"And what's that?" My boss is also trying to contain his laughter while pointing at my waist where a little bag of red velvet fabric is attached to my belt, a roll of paper is poking out and in beautiful italics can be read: 'Last Will.' I look down and smile sweetly.

"Hubby was so generous..."

"I bet he was..." The elevator doors open on the ground floor. "Come on Merry Widow, we need to find you another husband." Winston and Charon burst into laughing while walking to the grand hall where the party will be hold and I follow them slowly so I don't trip over again. With each step, the hem of my dress swings back and forth showing a little of the lace panties covering my butt. I stop abruptly when I feel Ares hand grazing the back of my thigh... her fingers go up slowly, her knuckles rub my buttocks and her breath fans my neck when she gets her face closer to my ear. I close my eyes holding back a moan... I haven't forgotten about what we did in her shower few hours ago, how I could forget about it if I'm still able to feel her, like a little pain that's not exactly a pain and the echo of the pleasure that's still soaking my panties. Ares fingers grab the hem of my dress and tug at it in an attempt to cover my butt without success.

"Stay by my side," she whispers before shoving and me forcing me to keep walking. When I reach the grand hall I'm hiding a smile because there's a chance that the Assassin is jealous but some minutes later I realize that I'm totally wrong: once again, my bodyguard only wants to protect me. Sokolov has come to greet me kindly, dressed up as the Russian tsar while his mean wear hussar uniforms; there're some Mexicans, some Japanese and Chinese, politicians and businessmen and a few models dressed up as angels (the ones from Victoria's Secret, of course) All that people has somehow managed to come and greet me trying to flirt with me shamelessly. The only reason no one has dared to get fresh is because Ares is standing by my side, frowning and obviously armed. I hear her growling in frustration finally and she gestures furiously at my boss.

Ten minutes later, the situation has completely changed. Everybody is chatting lively, they're very nice to me but no one has wriggled his eyebrows again after making an obscene joke about my costume. I'm leaning on a wall near the bar counter while the Assassin orders a bottle of water, Charon talks to someone I don't know behind me:

"Miss Nira is the protégée of Mister Winston, almost like a daughter for him, that's why he has assigned the best bodyguard of the underworld to protect her. They don't like when someone is disrespectful with their girl..."

My boss is on the other side of the room talking to Sokolov and one of the Japanese. Our eyes meet for a second and he raises his glass of French wine to greet me while I smile and wave my hand. Ares comes back with my bottle of water and I take a big gulp before realizing that she's holding a glass too, I think there's bourbon there judging by its colour and it's not that much, just a finger in the bottom of the glass. She sips it slowly to make it last longer. I blink shocked, this is the first time I see her drinking so I'm assuming she feels safe here at the Continental and doesn't expect any trouble. We're sleeping here tonight, in the same room I used to change my clothes, and she can drink because won't need to drive later. We have the right to have some fun after everything that's happened. The Assassin has finished her drink and a Glenn Miller's swing sounds through the speakers, I'm not good at dancing and I'm most likely breaking my neck when falling due to these high heels but I'm ready to give it a try. I take her hand and manage to drag her to the dance floor decorated with bats and ghosts, I put my hand on her shoulder and she stares at me in surprise...

"Come on Andy, dance with me." She looks down and raises an eyebrow staring at my Louboutin pumps. "All right, trip over with me then..." She bursts into laughing shaking her head and holds me by my waist, sticking against my body when she starts moving in order to keep me on my feet every time I stumble. We're not following the rhythm but we don't care, we only laugh like crazy. I'm having the time of my life. The music changes to a slow jam and the atmosphere becomes more intimate with softer lights, Andreja encloses my waist with her arms, leans her forehead on mine and we start rocking from side to side in unison. I put my hands in her shoulders and our breaths entwine while we dance lost in our own world. I wish I could stay like this forever... "Pity you can't stop time..." my conscience whispers. I agree with it for once.

A few hours later Ares has introduced me to a couple of boys that work for D'Antonio family making false papers. We're talking about the old school methods and how much they've changed not that everybody has an e-passport when I see Charon gesturing at me from the hall door, he points at the clock on the wall and I open my eyes wide when I realize that it's getting late... it's almost midnight. I say goodbye politely to the boys and grab Andreja by her arm, almost dragging her out of the room while taking care of my high heels. I smile at the guests pretending that we're two girls heading to the restroom... what a cliché. The Assassin tries to stop me in the corridor and stares at me confused but I grab her arm again.

"Come with me, I'll explain it in a minute. Don't look at me like that, we aren't doing anything... sexual." Ares pouts pretending to be disappointed by my rejection. When we turn round the next corner, we arrive to a little hall that heads to some private rooms where Winston meets his VIPs. Between two marble columns there's a painting that my boss accepted years ago as payment of a debt and it's my favourite work of art in this hotel, no doubt: a blonde Virgin Mary wearing a bright blue cape and a sparkling golden crown that looks like the ones from Botticelli. Winston swears that it's a reproduction from the 19th century but I don't know if I should believe him, I wouldn't be surprised if the painting is an original from the 15th century and one day he'll sell it discreetly in order to get some cash. I hope I'm wrong because I adore this painting. Ares lifts her hands asking me quietly what we're doing here. "Andy, tonight is the Halloween night and while our children are trick or treating in your home country people are gathering in the cemeteries to remember their beloved ones. Yes, I know about the time difference and in Croatia people are sleeping now, I just... I wanted Nika to get her candles too..."

I stare at her worried about her reaction, I don't want the bad memories coming back above all when we're having fun at a party like this but I thought it'd be a nice gesture and I gave Charon precise instructions. Below the painting there's a table with an amazing floral arrangement made of pink roses in a golden vase, like the ones she bought for her sister when we went visiting her to the cemetery, and two little candles inside two red lanterns. I hand her the matchbox and the Assassin takes it quietly, frowning at first, but she smiles finally and nods before kissing my cheek. She lights one of the candles and I take the matchbox to light the second one. We place both close to the flowers carefully and remain in silence for a minute staring at the flames holding hands till Ares looks at me lost in her thought.

"She would've liked you..." she whispers and I look back at her shocked.

"I'm pretty sure that Nika and I would be good friends..." I answer smiling and she nods looking at the flowers again. "Are you sure?" my conscience asks in my mind. "She'd be at least 10 years older than you and coming from other culture, speaking other language... I don't know if that would be possible..." Stupid conscience, of course we'd be friends, we have the most important thing in common: we both love Andy... so shut the fuck up. Ares lips bring me back to reality from my inner monologue, kissing me gently while leaning her hand on my cheek.

"Thank you..." she whispers before holding my arm in order to help me coming back to the party through the corridors. The truth is that these heels are killing me, I don't understand why women go through this torture willingly.

In fact, one hour later I'm sitting on a bar stool nibbling at some salmon and avocado with puff pastry... it's good... and this canape of prawns is delicious too. I told Ares that I was hungry and that I was going to sit here, near the door through which waiters are coming in and out carrying trays of food but actually my problem were my high heels, I can't stand them anymore. After all these past years working for Winston I know almost the whole hotel staff so, every time one of the girls comes out the kitchen with a tray full of delicious canapes, she stops to say hello and I can grab one.

"Hey, Nira..." I look up to find one of the restaurant waitresses. "Mini Mexican tacos, try one before they vanish..."

"Thank you, Louisa." I grab a taco and shove it into my mouth... delicious. The Assassin is standing a few feet away, talking with my boss and a member of D'Antonio family. Apparently, they've reached an agreement and Roberto will the boss from now on, the truth is that he was the wise option, he's a serious and responsible guy... maybe a little bit too conservative but that's exactly what the mob needs after all those shocks. He'll do fine. I drink a sip of water and decided that I'm done with this stupid Louboutin pumps, I've been wearing them for five hours but the party is in full swing now and I won't be able to dance and walk if I keep wearing them. People here have already seen my costume, they laughed at it and even flirted with me. I don't see why I can't be a merry widow wearing with my Chuck Taylors till dawn.

I leave the stool and walk slowly through the room dodging guests. Ares is still immersed in her conversation but sometimes she looks up to control what I'm doing, she jumps a little when she's unable to find me near the counter and she turns her head trying to find out where I am. I wave my hand while leaning on the doorframe and she frowns, she seems to be ready to follow me but I stop her raising my hand, I point down at my shoes with my index and then up to the ceiling... I'm trying to tell her that I'm just going upstairs to our room in order to change my footwear to something more comfortable. She seems to understand and nods, I wave again goodbye and leave the hall walking slowly, actually I'm limping... I look around and realize that there's no one in the lobby so I kick off my shoes.

"Oh God... this is good..." My feet covered with the stockings feel the softness of the carpet under them while I take the heels in my hand. I heave a sigh and keep walking happily, my feet are sore and swollen but I feel better without the shoes, above all when I step on the cold marble floor in front of the elevators. "I don't understand why feminists burn bras instead of stilettos... it feels better taking off your high heels than your underwear..." I whisper to myself but my conscience decides to answer back. "Unless Andreja is around, in that case it's better if you keep your heels on and take your panties off." I laugh at my own stupid joke when I hear the bell of the elevator and the doors open but I don't dare to move... I've heard something else besides the ding: the distinctive sound of a gun being hammered.

"Hello, Nira." I look slowly to my right. Aidan Finn is holding his weapon very close to my head and his lips show an evil smirk. My first instinct is to run away hopeful that he won't shoot me on the Continental grounds but I've barely had time to move my feet when someone behind me puts a black hood on my head, leaving me blind and muffling my screams so nobody can hear me due to the music of the party, he holds my arms back and starts dragging me through the floor heading to the back entrance. I try to fight, kick their asses and twist, screaming the name of the Assassin but this guy is very strong and hols my arms tighter hurting me at the same time he puts his big hand on my mouth.

They've managed to drag me outside somehow, I feel the cold of the pavement under my bare feet, although I've almost passed away because this brutish has a massive hand that covered not only my mouth but my nose too and he was suffocating me. I'm barely aware of being thrown violently inside the trunk of a car before my hands are tied up on my back with some tape. Someone takes the hood off my head with a sudden movement and through my tears I'm able to see Aidan's face thanks to the little light on one side of the trunk. "We're going for a ride," he says amused before closing the trunk leaving me in the dark.

"Do not faint, Nira, do not panic and do not pass out... This isn't the right moment to behave like those stupid girls in the movies, you're smart... think..." My conscience is yelling at me inside my head but it's not easy, I feel dizzy and the movements of the car turning corners at full speed don't help. My only hope is that Andreja eventually will notice that it's taking too long for me to come back and she'll find my shoes lying on the lobby's floor. She'll understand what has happened and will come for me. "Of course... and how is she going to know where to find you, genius?"

"Fuck!" I whisper desperate. 

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