Save Me

By asgardixn

269K 9.8K 10.6K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 18

6.2K 262 153
By asgardixn

A week passed since Steve and Bucky both asked Peter to help them propose. He had some ideas to make it beautiful. But the engagement was te least of their worries. HYDRA was back. And they wanted Peter and Pietro.

"C'mon! Please, Dad? It's been forever since I've been out as Spider-Man and there's a bunch of bad guys I can take down out there!"

"Peter, I said no. You were in the hospital two weeks ago! I'm not letting you go out there."

Peter pouted. "I bet Stephen would let me go." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I should call him and ask him."

"Don't even think about it. We're not even dating."

Peter whined. "But, Dad!"

"I said no."

"Steeeeve!" Peter yelled. "Steeevie! Stee—!"

"I'm here. Can you stop yelling?" Steve said as he walked into the lounge.

"Can you tell my dad to let me go on this mission?"

Steve looked at Tony. "Why won't he let you?"

"Because he just got out of the hospital."

"But that was two weeks ago! And I heal fast!"

"Just let him go. Bucky's coming with us and you know he'll pull him out as soon as he's in trouble." Steve said to Tony.

Tony was quiet for a bit. "Fine. But you're using the new suit I made you."

"Yes! Thank you, Dad!" He cheered and ran off to the lab to get the new suit.

"You know you could just ask Stephen out and then I wouldn't be dragged into your debates." Steve said as he walked away to get into his suit.

* * *

All the Avengers were out in what looked to be an abandoned city. They were all suited up and ready to fight whoever was out there. Tony, Steve, Wanda, Vision, Rhodey, Loki and Thor were on the ground, scanning the area. Peter and Pietro were perched up on a small building with Clint and Sam. Bucky was on the ground, hiding behind the small building, while keeping an eye out on Peter and Pietro. Natasha and Bruce were in the QuinJet, with Natasha ready to shoot and Bruce ready in case they needed the Hulk.

There was one guy that walked out of a tall building. "Hand them over." He had a Russian accent. He looked like he could pass as a normal person but since the Avengers knew who they were up against, they could tell he was a part of HYDRA.

"You're not getting them." Tony said.

"Guess we'll have to get them the hard way." Right as he finished talking, some people out from all over. No one had seemed to notice them earlier. Some had guns, others had canons. Some were walking or running, some were on motorcycles or cars.

Everyone got ready to fight.

* * *

Peter ripped the mask off his face. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He was on the QuinJet but he couldn't breathe. The second he stepped on the jet, he felt like everything was hurting.

"Pete, what's wrong?" Bucky asked as he saw his brother rip the mask off.

"C-Can't... breathe." He scratched out.

"Bruce?" Tony was wondering if his friend had anything to help him. He knew that it was a possibility that this was an effect of when he got shot a couple minutes ago.

Peter was swinging from building, trying to get to one of the guys that was shooting at him. He knew he shouldn't have gone alone but that was his only option. It was either that or get shot.

"I need some backup here! There's some guy shooting at me and I can't get close to him or he'll shoot!" Peter yelled into his comm.

"Clint, do you see them?" Steve asked.

"Yep." Clint aimed his bow and shot and arrow at the guys chest. The guy was down and Peter finally stopped swinging. He started up again a couple seconds later to head to the main fight.

It seemed to be doing pretty well.

Everyone was beating someone up, so that was good.

Peter saw Pietro running around, trying his best to knock out a guy. It didn't seem to be working so Peter jumped down and shot webs at the guys hands, legs and face.

Pietro turned around and smiled at Peter.

"We Peters need to stick together." Peter said as he smiled back.

Right as he finished talking, he was shot at. Pietro saw it coming and ran over as fast as he could to get him out of the way. They were out just in time.


They were taking a breath when he was shot at again. His leg was hit.

Peter groaned. It seemed like everyone stopped whatever they were doing for a second to see what had happened.

"Someone get to Peter!" Tony yelled.

Loki teleported himself over and grabbed both the Peters then teleported to behind a building.

"Don't think we've met before. I'm Loki. I'm the God of Mischief." Loki smiled as he got on his knees to see the damage done.

"I'm Pietro. I'm Wanda's twin."

"Great! I'm Peter and I'm in pain right now!"

"Right. I'm sorry, Peter." He examined the bullet wound. "It didn't hit and bones so that's good. It looks like it could've almost missed so that imbecile that shot you must have terrible aim. From what I can see, you seem to already be hea—"

"I don't care what it did or didn't hit! It fucking hurts!" Peter whined.

Loki magicked up some painkillers and a cup of water. Peter snatched them and took the pill.


"Yeah, Pete?"

"Can you call Stephen? I trust Loki and everything but I think I need a real doctor to look at it."

"Bruce will hell you out."

"Please, Dad? I don't care about your drama. Something bad is gonna happen. I can sense it."

"Fine. I'll call him on the QuinJet."

It started off as a small headache. Then a migraine. Then nausea. And now he felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Dad! C-Call him!"

Tony nodded and called Stephen Strange.

Right as Tony hung up, Peter fell unconscious.

* * *


word count: 1026, without this a/n

sorry for this really overdue chapter. school just started for me again and I wanted to finish my Found You story (which i did fyi) so ya. so sorry!

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