
By HarleyRush

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Marinley is a different kind of Mermaid. She prefers the company of sharks and spends her time protecting se... More

Prologue: Mermaid Money
Chapter 1: Mouth of Teeth
Chapter 2: Shark Ridge
Chapter 3: Speak of the Devil
Chapter 4: Do I Correct Him?
Chapter 5: I Think Mermaids are Overrated
Chapter 6: Marinley Has a Crush on a Human
Chapter 7: Space Cadet
Chapter 8: Illumia Cove
Chapter 9: Green Slime
Chapter 10: Prom
Chapter 11: Fighter
Chapter 12: Fuck You God
Chapter 14: Pirate Ship
Chapter 15: Haha...Tail.
Chapter 16: Seviran
Chapter 17: Grow a Fucking Tail
Chapter 18: Be Closer to You and the Sea
Chapter 19: Family Isn't Blood, It's Love.
Chapter 20: For Once, Keep Your Mouth Shut.
Hey Bitch. Get Ready to Get Fucking ROCKED!

Chapter 13: Jessica Alba

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By HarleyRush


"Fin? Fin! Are you in there?" I heard someone call.

I warily made my way to the mouth of my cave, surprised when I saw at least five Mers waiting for me.

How did they know where I lived?

I'm going to kill Eliyah-I know he has something to do with this.

"Fin please we need your help-I needed your help when your Naleas were mistreating me but you just turned a blind eye-some of you even joined. Why should I help you again?" I interjected, my fists clenched tightly at my sides.

Now I definitely have to move somewhere else.

"Please Fin it's a shark! It's attacking other Mers and we can't kill it! It got my Nalea and she's barely holding on! Please help us!"

I narrowed my eyes at them, all of them giving me hopeful looks.

Why should I help them?

"Please Fin. We wouldn't come to you if we truly didn't need your help." Oliand said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged him off, remember his Nalea was one of the worst to mistreat me.

These Mers have never done anything for me, but they want my help?


That's rich.

"If I help you, you're never to bother me again. Do you understand?"

They all nodded, thanking me.

I didn't want their thanks. I just wanted them to leave me the fuck alone.

"Let's go then. I have somewhere I have to be tonight."

Tonight was Sailor and Clary's birthday party. Their birthdays are a week apart but ever since they were kids they've shared a party. Clary told me I could bring whoever but I needed to be there for Sailor. So I was going.

Now I would have less time to get ready because I had to deal with this.

I was flattered they believed I could take down a shark on my own.

Hopefully it made them afraid of me just a little bit more.

I scooped up my knives, knowing I might need them.

Hopefully this shark isn't rogue, but I have a feeling it is. And if it's been killing a bunch of Mers, that means it went crazy on Mer.

If a shark eats enough Mer they go into a bloodlust and will try to devour any Mer they can sense.

If this shark was gone on Mer I'd have to be careful-it would try to eat me too.

Oliand was the only one brave enough to take me to the part of the pod's territory where the shark would be found.

And then I saw him, swimming close to the main area of the pod, on the hunt.

"You can go. It's not like you're going to be of any help." I snapped at Oliand, waving him off.

He nodded and swam off, not even arguing.

They don't want to risk their lives, they want me to risk mine.

They wouldn't be of any use to me.

"Hey!" I called out in shark, getting his attention.

His head snapped in my direction and I could tell he was crazed just by the look he gave me-like I was dinner.

This wasn't a small shark either-he was at least twenty-five feet long.

This won't be an easy fight.

He came swimming right for me and I shifted to legs, fighting better this way. My foot hit the side of his head, my toes sinking into his gills. He shook it off and opened his mouth, snapping at my legs.

I led him away from the pod, into the coral reef.

It would be easier to fight him here now that I had places to hide.

I dodged each of his bites before I slipped into a small cave as he swam by, sniffing for me.

When he swam past I flew out of the cave and swam up to him from behind, kicking him with all of my force into a wall of sharp coral.

He twisted and turned his body, I could hear him practically screaming as the coral scratched all over his body.

I was about to deliver the final, deadly blow, but he turned his head and caught my leg in his mouth before I could stop him.

And fuck, did it hurt.

I brought up my other leg and kicked him in the nose.

He released me and I swam away, using the different corals and rocks as protection.

I could hear his jaws clamping together as he tried to bite me-and he wasn't far behind.

I quickly swam down and under him and reached up, shoving my knives through his rough skin and killing him.

The sharks blood poured around me as I cried for the life lost.

If he wasn't so far gone I probably could have saved him, but it had to be this way.

I swam back to the pod, as best as I could with a hurt leg.

Oliand was the first to get to me. He placed my arm around his neck and swam towards the Venta's cave.

A Venta is a healer, and she'll be able to stitch me up.

When I looked towards the surface I could tell it was close to mid tide.

I was going to be late to Sailor's birthday, of course.

I hope he won't be upset with me.

"Oh my, look at your leg! You must've killed the shark I assume?"

I nodded, laying out on the bed of kelp.

She handed me a bottle of sinna with a wink and let me take a few drinks before beginning to work on my leg.

That would be a new, nasty scar to add to the collection.

I was pretty drunk by the time she finished.

"Good as new." She told me with a genuine smile, putting a seaweed wrap on my leg to keep out infection and help me heal faster.

I'd have to wear pants now too. Can't have anyone asking what happened to my leg. I'm great at lying but I prefer to be as honest as possible. I just don't want anyone asking questions-especially Sailor-knowing how much he hated sharks.

This definitely wouldn't change his mind about them.

I swam back to my cave, tying to sober up a little. Eliyah and Freya were both waiting at the mouth of the cave with worried looks on their faces.

"What happened to your leg?" Eliyah asked, looking me over for any more injuries.

"Rogue shark." I answered shortly, not wanting to talk about it.

I prefer to save sea creatures, not end their lives.

I slapped him upside the head and he gave me a confused look, asking why I hit him.

"That's for telling those Mers where we live!"

He gave me a sheepish look, "I didn't mean to."

I rolled my eyes, not at all happy. 

"Let's go, we're already late." Eliyah said with a sigh.

I swam into my room and grabbed my bag with Sailor's present in it before we swam towards the upside cave where we hide our human clothes.

Freya was following us with a certain look of fear in her eyes. She seemed nervous about going to the upside for the first time, but I don't think she wanted to be left alone.

I gave her a cute white top and dark shorts, changing into a silver top and white bottoms.

Eliyah pulled on a white t-shirt and gray shorts, wiggling his eyebrows at me when I realized he dressed the opposite of me on purpose.

I picked up my bag with Sailor's present in it and tucked my knives into the bag for safe keeping.

Clary said she would be meeting us at the dock to take us to where the party is at her house since I've never been there.

She was sitting on the dock as we approached. She had her back to us and her feet kicked in the water.

I whistled to get her attention and she turned around with wide eyes, then smiled big when she realized it was me.

"Fin! You made it!" She cheered, hugging me.

Her eyes landed on Eliyah and she smiled and waved-and then her eyes landed on Freya.

They went wide and her cheeks flushed, her hand stopped in mid-air.

"Oh my. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." She muttered quietly under her breath.

But Mers have great hearing so I know Freya heard her.

What's even better is Freya's face flushed a bright red too.

Oh, now I feel really stupid for ever being jealous of Sailor and Clary.

She was into girls.

I couldn't help but laugh quietly to myself.

That's why he said they were only friends.

And why he laughed at me when I asked.

Well then.

"I'm Clary...It's a pleasure to meet you guys."

"I'm Eliyah, nice meeting you too Blondie."

Clary then looked at Freya expectantly, a star-struck look still on her face.

"I'm Freya."

Clary looked her over, nodding her head slowly.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl."


"This way!" Clary cheered next, leading us towards her home.

She started talking about Mermaids to Freya, who turned and gave me a small grin.

Don't say anything, I mouthed, Freya slightly nodding in response.

"Is that the girl you were jealous of?" Eliyah asked with a grin, bumping me with his elbow.

I shoved him off, but grinned myself.

I can't believe I was jealous of Clary.

Now I'm even more embarrassed.

We finally made it to a large white house with a bright blue trim, different kinds of potted plants lined the steps to the front door.

I could hear music playing inside and people talking. I wonder how many are here.

The living room was full, the kitchen was full. Everyone room had people in it.

I didn't know Sailor and Clary had this many friends.

"I'm gonna go find Sailor." I told Eliyah and Freya, who nodded and waved me off.

I headed into the kitchen and saw him immediately.

He was standing in a group of people, drinking a beer and staring at the wall. It seemed like he wanted to be anywhere but there, and he didn't look too happy either.

Hopefully I could change that.

I walked up behind him and placed my hands over his eyes.

I knew he knew it was me because I could feel him smile.

"Jessica Alba?"

I pulled my hands away, taking a step back.

"Who?" I asked with a frown, taking another step back.

Who's Jessica Alba? Does he like someone else? Was he expecting a different woman?

Damn. I'm even more sad now.

Sailor turned with a grin on his lips, looking me up and down. "Nope, much better."

I blushed slightly, but rolled my eyes and quickly hugged him.

Good. Now I don't have to beat up some other girl for going after him.

He's mine.

"I didn't know you were coming!" He said, pulling away and looking into my eyes as he smiled.

"Clary invited me. I wouldn't miss your birthday party!"

"Do Mermaids have birthdays?"

I laughed at his question, nodding my head. "We have a festival to celebrate all of the new Naleas, but you only celebrate the birth day with your Reintos."

Sailor nodded, still smiling at me.

He looked really good tonight, in a dark blue shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows (of course), and black pants with boots. I was still barefoot.

I hated shoes.

They're like little foot prisons and my feet enjoy being free.

"Can we go somewhere private so I can give you your present?"

Sailor's cheeks flushed a bit but he nodded and lead me up the stairs and into a room. We sat down on the bed and I reached into my bag, pulling out the little treasure chest box I had found on the sea floor near a shipwreck a few years ago.

I handed it to him, biting my lower lip out of nervousness as he opened it. Inside was a bright blue stone, almost shaped like the sun, but had a natural glow to it.

"It's a rularian stone. It's one of the rarest gems in the sea. It's probably the last of its kind. The stones are meant to promote clarity and insightfulness. It's one of the most treasured gems to Mers."

Sailor stared at the stone and gently picked it up, looking over it with wide eyes. "Are you serious? It's the last of its kind?"

I nodded and smiled at how excited he looked over it.

I gave him the same message my Monay gave me when she gave me the stone. She wasn't one to lie, so I knew it had to be true.

And I knew Sailor would cherish it as I once had.

"Wow. I think this is the best present I've gotten so far."

I felt my cheeks heat up slightly at the intensity of his stare.

"I love the stone, but I thought you might want to give me something else." He hinted, making my cheeks burn even more as he leaned in.

My eyes closed and I leaned in too.

Right as our lips were about the meet the door flew open and Clary came in, Freya behind her.

"It's cake time come on!"

I'm a woman of my word.

And we had been interrupted again-so I'm going to kill her.

I lunged for Clary but a hand on my thigh pushed me back down.

If my face wasn't red before, it definitely was now.

He was gently squeezing my thigh and shook his head.

Don't do it. I read the message clearly in his eyes.

I sat back with a huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Cockblock." I muttered under my breath.

Sailor heard me and sputtered out a laugh. I grabbed a shoe and threw it at Clary, grinning when she squealed and ran from it.

Sailor stood and offered me his hand. I took it and followed him downstairs, to where the cake was.

I've never had cake before, but just by looking at it I can tell it's going to be good. I happen to love chocolate, and this cake was covered in it.

Eliyah whistled at me and I faced him with a confused face. His eyes flickered down and back up, his eyebrows wiggling in a suggestive way. I looked down and noticed my hand was still in Sailor's.

So that's what Eliyah is teasing me about.

A girl was suddenly between us, looking at Eliyah like he was dinner. She was pretty too, and I knew he agreed when his eyes roamed her body and a grin took over his lips.

I didn't know the happy birthday song, so I stood quietly as everyone around me sang it. Eliyah and Freya looked to be lost too, so I didn't feel too bad. Clary served Freya first, giving her a shy smile as she did so. Freya gave her the same smile and took the cake, looking at it like it was a new species.

I couldn't blame her though, I mean this is her first time being topside.

"It's good. Eat it." I encouraged her.

She took a bite and her eyes went wide, and then she was scarfing it down like it was her last meal. Clary gave her a second slice when she caught her staring at the cake wanting more.

Clary's thumb came up and swiped away some of the chocolate in the corner of her mouth. They both smiled at each other and looked away.

Seems like the feelings are mutual.

"Is Freya a Mermaid too?" Sailor whispered in my ear.

I turned to him and nodded. "It's her first time topside, and I think she's enjoying herself."

Sailor nodded, then rolled his eyes when Clary started talking about Mermaids again. Freya gave me a look that I read easily, and then Sailor gave me the same look too.

"I wouldn't ask you this if I didn't trust Clary completely. Can we please tell her you're real? It would make her life to know. That would be the best present you give her, since I'm sure you didn't get her anything."

I stared into Sailor's ocean blue eyes, filled with determination and trust.

If he could trust her, so could I.

And he's right-I didn't get her a present.

So I guess it worked itself out.

"Fine, but I have to be the one to tell her."

Once the party cleared out, we headed towards the dock. I told Eliyah my plan and while he was hesitant he trusted me through and through so he went along with it. I turned to Clary and watched her carefully. Her eyes were looking down at her feet when she noticed I was staring.

"Why do you believe in Mermaids so much?" I asked her, her eyes going wide at my question.

"They have to be real. I know with all my heart they exist. I've always been fascinated by them. It started when I first moved here. I've read every book possible about them. There's just too much proof for them not to exist. That's why I want to find one so badly. I just have to know they're real. That there really is magic left in the world. That that kind of beauty still exists."

I watched her carefully, but I saw the hopeful look in her eyes, along with the crushed one.

She really wanted us to exist.

Well lucky for her-she's about to find out.

"I'm going to give you a little history okay?"

Clary nodded, an excited smile taking over her face.

"Mermaids have been around for centuries. Most Mermaids fled to land and never returned after the attacks. Do you know about that?"

"The Serpents. Their bite is lethal to Mermaids. Serpents couldn't live outside of water so the Mermaids had no choice but to come on land. The only cure is Veridian shells and no one has seen them for centuries."

Well. She knew her stuff. I'm impressed.

"Most Mers never returned to the sea and slowly began to lose their Mer side. That's how humans were created. But when humans started hunting Mermaids down, they knew they had to go into hiding to be safe. Some Mermaids stayed in the ocean and braved through it.

"Some Mermaids died, and others stayed hidden successfully their whole lives. But the biggest rule in Mermaid history was to tell no human. So when I show you this, you have to promise you won't say a word. The only person you can talk to is Sailor. Am I understood?"

Clary nodded her head, looking confused. I grinned and winked at her before diving into the water.

The water shimmered as I shifted to my tail.

I flopped my tail to the surface, grinning as Clary's eyes went wide.

"Holy shit." She whispered, and then passed out.

Freya caught her before she could fall, squatting down on the dock with a passed out Clary in her lap.

"Is she dead?" Freya gasped, trying to shake Clary awake.

When she came to, she stared at Freya with a lost expression on her face. "Am I in heaven? Are you an angel?"

Freya giggled and shook her head, smiling down at Clary. "No, I'm a Mermaid."

And then Clary passed out again.

"I'm sorry I didn't think she'd react that way!" Sailor said with a laugh, gently smacking his best friend's face. "Wake up!"

Clary sat up and rubbed her forehead, her eyes moving over the me again. "You're really really real! I knew it!" She cheered, her whole body trembling with excitement.

She quickly stood and ran up and down the dock, screaming "You're real!" over and over again.

I don't know why I felt so...generous, but I wanted to give her more.

She's Sailor's best friend and I wanted him to like me so maybe that's why.

But I grabbed her arm to stop her from running again and made her sit down.

"This is the one time I'm doing this. Happy birthday Clary."

I hope she has dormant Mer genes or this was seriously going to flop but I had to try.

I made her lay back and placed my hands over her, whispering a spell that would give her temporary Mermaid abilities.

And if she had dormant Mer genes she would get a tail.

It's the same spell I used on Sailor but he didn't have any dormant Mer genes or he would've transformed the whole way.

I wasn't surprised when Clary's legs came together and formed a bright pink tail. I've never seen eyes so wide before.

"I'M A MERMAID!" She screamed, her body shaking even more.

"It's only temporary, it should last a few hours. So go enjoy it while it lasts."

Eliyah helped me lift her and toss her into the water. Freya bit her lip and watched Clary closely, and I could tell she wanted to join her.

I nodded my head towards Clary and smiled encouragingly. Freya gave me a grateful smile back and dove into the water, shifting to her tail before her and Clary swam away together.

"Well, I'm going home. Thanks for the party." Eliyah said before jumping into the water, leaving Sailor and I alone.

"Thank you for doing that. I promise you can trust her."

I nodded, knowing I could too.

I trust Sailor completely, and he hasn't done anything to make me believe otherwise.

I knew I could trust her too.

"And thank you for my present. I'll keep it safe forever, I know it must be special to you."

"It was. My Monay gave it to me before she died." I told him with a sad smile.

"Can I ask how?" He asked hesitantly, biting his lip in nervousness.

"Rogue shark. My Faray died first protecting us, and then it got my Monay. I've been an orphan since I was a Nalea."

"I'm sorry."

I shrugged, feeling indifferent.

It stops hurting after a while.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

Nothing as far as I was concerned.

"Nothing I think, why?"

"I want to take you out. Like..on a date. But only if you want to you don't have to say yes I mean I know I'm just a human but you do like me too right?"

I caught up with his speed-speaking, then smiled big. "Yes I like you too. A date sounds nice. Where do you want to go?"

He only grinned, not saying anything.

"Nugget? Is that you? I thought I heard you down here." A woman said as she walked towards us, Strover beside her.

"Nugget?" I said with a grin.

Sailor's face became a beautiful, deep shade of red.

I don't think I was supposed to hear that, but I'm glad I did.

When Strover saw me he grew excited and ran for me. The leash was yanked from her hand as he took off, jumping on me. I wasn't ready and we fell back into the water.

I surfaced with a laugh as he licked all over my face and whined. Sailor offered me his hand and helped me out. I pulled Strover out of the water and kissed between his eyes, giving the spot behind his ears a good scratch.

"You must be Marinley. Sailor has told me a lot about you."

I smiled at the lady, nodding my head.

"Call me Fin."

"I'm Willa. It's a pleasure meeting you." She pulled me in for a hug and my eyes went wide.

Sailor tilted his head, in a way telling me to hug her back.

So I did.

"Your parents are going to be home soon. We should get Strover inside."

Sailor nodded, giving me an apologetic look. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

I grinned, nodding too. "For our date."

Sailor smiled big.

Both of us were a little red too.

"Goodnight Marinley." He said, kissing my cheek.

"Goodnight Sailor."

I waited until they left to head home, a giant smile on my face.

I, Marinley, badass Mermaid, was going on a date with a human.

I couldn't wait to tell Eliyah.

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