Living with the Badboy

By washablle_unicorn

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The fear is what gets us all, isn't it? The fear of getting caught, the fear of breaking the rules, the fear... More

Living with the Badboy
Chapter 1-----Elizabeth Lodge
Chapter 2-----Meeting the devil
Chapter 3-----Riverside College Prep
Chapter 4-----Soft Spot
Chapter 5-----First Party
Chapter 6-----Princess
Chapter 7-----The Kitten Roams the Mall
Chapter 8-----Together ~ Part One
Chapter 9-----Together ~ Part Two
Chapter 11-----Step.
Chapter 12-----The Ride
Chapter 14-----The Next Morning
The Last Time

Chapter 13-----In Bed

34.4K 1.1K 319
By washablle_unicorn

I'm back and better than ever....just kidding im just the same but here's the update ya'll have been waiting for. And I'm really sorry it's late but I was sick as fuck, literally I had to go to the E.R. ANYWAYS, since its been a while, let me know if you want me to add a recap in the comment section and I will add one in promptly. I'm always available because wattpad emails me when you cutsies follow or comment, so comment away for requests! Enjoy!

You know, at that precise moment I would not have felt that jumping out of the car while it was still in motion would be such a bad idea. 'What have I done?' I thought, feeling tense and anxious. With people like Cassidy, you never know when they're about to explode, they're plotting revenge, or the unlikely chance that they don't care about the shit you just caused. 

Okay calm down Elizabeth. 

"Um sorry. Its just that uh-"

"Listen I know sometimes I can be a bitch, but I just felt bad for you okay?"

"Oh. Okay..."

"So um, I'm sorry I've been kind of been horrible to you at school. I have issues with change, and new people, and stuff..."

"Right, um Its fine, but um you can drop me off here. My house is like two blocks away...So uh, thanks for the ride I guess. Bye."

"Later", she said cooly. 

I stepped out of the car and began to walk towards Macy's house. You know, when you strip off the glamour and blonde, and bitch off of Cassidy, she's...normal.  It was still weird that out of the blue she was nice though....Whatever at least I got a ride. 

When I got to Macy's house, I braced myself for Jake's "Welcoming" embrace. I walked through the front door to see Macy sitting at the dining room table with her head down. I started up the stairs, when shes craned neck around to see who was there. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she whispered in a weak voice, "Where were you?" She got out of the chair, walked towards me, and stopped a few inches from me. I gave her a hug, hoping to god she would return it, and boy did she. She held me so tight, that I thought for a second all my broken parts would glue themselves back together. 

Dealing with Macy wasn't the part I'd been dreading, no sir. The part that would for sure eat me up alive was the meeting with Jake. It was tense already, but now that I came back into his home, basically when he'd made it clear that I was awful, it would be hard to understand why anyone would want me back. While Macy told me never to leave again and that we were her new family, my mind kept wandering to an alternate universe where things seemed so perfect. 

"Well Liz, the new bedroom is all cleaned up and ready for you, so you finally have a nice comfy bed to sleep in!"

"Thanks so much Macy, for everything."

She embraced me, and it felt so good to be in warm arms. 


That night I fell asleep soundly and quickly. hearing Jake come home didn't even phase me, that's how tired I was. My head was cradled softly by the pillow, and my body was warm and snug under the blankets. That was the first night in years that I didn't have nightmares. My dreams were non-existent, and it felt so damn good to rest. 

At about 1:30 am, my sleep was disturbed by a dip in the bed next to me. I looked over as my eyes were met by a pair of blue ones. His pink, soft lips were still perfect in the dark of night. Was it possible that he became more handsome? I didn't know but one thing that was for sure, was that I was speechless. I searched my mouth for words, but I literally felt like I was missing my vocal cords. Then I realized, I didn't have to speak, he was laying in bed with me. It was his turn. 

I waited a few seconds, then I turned back around. His breathe blew against my bare neck. I felt him move under the covers, and his sweatpants brushed against my thigh. 


I took a breathe.


I cleared my throat..


I twisted my body all the way around. He kept a serious expression, and even through this darkness between us, I could see all the tiny perfect imperfections in his face-the small freckles, and the little dimple next to his smile lines. My breath caught when his hand moved up to my face. It made my freakin' heart stop. He pulled himself so close to me, so close that the tips of our noses touched, and our foreheads rubbed together.  

Then, he did the most unexpected, he cradled his head into my chest and began to curse and yell muffled words. I could only understand a select few words.

"Mother Fucker Liz! I'm so fucking sorry!"

Then he whispered, "I fucking love you."

He finally looked up, and I planted my lips onto his. It felt passionate, and right, and his lips kissed me right back. It was beautiful, and I couldn't stop. My hand moved up to the top of his head, and I grabbed a fist full of his hair. I'd wanted to do that for a long time. I felt his large, smooth hands race up my tank top, and they stopped at mid-back. I thought it might get more heated, but it didn't, we just kissed, and he loved me just as  much as I loved him, and I never wanted it to end, until it did. 

I woke up suddenly, and whispered, "fuck."


Hey babes I know it's taken me so friggin long to get this chappie in, but direct message me on my profile and I will tell you why I was gone for so long. Lubbs you ☁. O! And wtf is up with the new iphones??? Like....idek. Well don't forget to:




bye ☼

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