Rivals {shirbert}


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She's hated him ever since he pulled her braids and called her carrots. When Freshman year rolls around it br... More

[act 1] in which anne discovers her feelings for glibert a little too late
[1] Being nice never hurt anyone
[2] Thank the Lord
[3] I am deeply sorry
[4] he's jealous obviously
[5] this is a disaster
[6] alone she sat
[7] group projects suck
[8] shove off Blythe
[9] to midnight talks with my best friend
[10]Too much drama for one girl
[11] I'm in love with him

[12] you had me at s'mores

545 20 6

Anne walked into the grocery store on 11nth street unaware that Gilbert would be walking in shortly after. "Why hello there Anne, haven't seen you here in a while," Ms. Wilson greeted Anne sweetly as the girl walked in. She smiled a bit nodding a nice hello before continuing to look around the store. She quickly picked up a package of bread and some cookies. "Anything else?" Ms. Wilson asked as Anne walked up to the counter. Anne looked up at the sign. "One of your finest cherry pies please," She smiled as she heard the bells ring signaling that another customer has entered the building. She didn't even have to turn around to know it was him. "Oh hi, Gilbert," Ms. Wilson greeted give him a pitiful smile. He smiled at her sweetly then looked over at Anne. She could feel his eyes on her, she felt him burn holes in her shirt. Its been over a week since she last saw him.
"Hello Ms. Wilson, hi Anne," he responded cheerfully with a smirk on his face. Anne blushes at his voice but there was no reason to, it was just Gilbert. Ms.Wilson headed towards the back of the store to grab a pie.
"How have you been?" Gilbert asked trying to make conversation he hadn't spoken with her since Violet threatened Anne last week. It was against the rules to interact with the 'competition' since Anne and Jerry were now the it couple after everyone found out they kissed.
"I've been better, and you?" she replied turning around to be polite. But Anne genuinely cared about how he was, knowing that being with Violet was most likely torture.
"Same, I was wondering would you like to attend my bonfire?" Gilbert asked looking at her strangely. Anne wanted to say yes but she couldn't.
"I don't know, I don't think it's the best idea for you and I to hang out anymore," Anne frowned looking down at the ground she knew that violet would be there. She didn't want to risk her secret getting exposed.
"Violet won't be there," He exhaled turning around to look for what he came to get. Chips, chocolate, beer, candy and other snacks for the party.
"Will I be able to make s'mores?" Anne asked knowing that Gilbert had no idea what they were.
"S'mores? Yes of course anything for The Anne Shirley Cuthbert," Gilbert teased hiding the fact he didn't know what they were. Anne smiled as Ms. Wilson came back with the pie Anne wanted.
"Sorry for the wait, that'll be $12.50," Ms. Wilson said placing the pie on the counter. Anne handed her 20 dollars and told her to keep the change. Gilbert waited for Anne to leave the store before going up to Ms. Wilson.
"What are s'mores?" Gilbert asked Anne had heard and giggled a little at his stupidity.
Anne stood in front of the mirror feeling unusual. She had put on an outfit that was way out of her comfort zone. The outfit was black skinny jeans and a tight red shirt that said baby girl in the left corner. She got the outfit as a present from Josie, she was trying to send a message. The party was in exactly an hour and Anne was far from ready. She didn't have her hair done and she had no makeup on. Anne's hair looked better natural so she just left it messy. Anne also didn't bother to cover up her ugly freckles. She now had to wait an hour before heading over to his house. She didn't want to wait any longer to see him. She had been up all night worrying about today but now she's just excited.
"Maybe I should go now, he won't mind I hope," Anne whispered looking in the mirror, she felt genuinely pretty. She smiled as she packed her bag with her necessities a charger, 3 bottles of water, and an extra change of clothes. Anne pulled the bag over her shoulders and ran down the stairs.
"Anne, slow down!" Marilla exclaimed as Anne zoomed past her. Marilla and Mathew were sitting at the dinning room table getting ready to have dinner.
"Sorry!" Anne exclaimed before running out the door and towards Gilbert's house. The air was cool against her skin as she ran it felt refreshing. The whole week Anne had felt like she was being watched. Violet's threats were enough but the fact she told everyone that Anne and Jerry kissed was too much for Anne. She was halfway there when a sudden sharp pain in her head occurred. Anne sat on a nearby log attempting to wait at the pain but it wouldn't stop. She picked up her phone and dialed Gilbert's number.
Gilbert had been deciding what to wear to the party for the past 2 hours. He had changed his outfit approximately 32 times worrying that nothing would be good enough for Anne. Gilbert's phone began to ring as he was about to take off the last outfit, it was Anne. He screeched a little before picking up the phone.
"Anne!" He exclaimed his voice cracking a bit as he screamed. Gilbert coughed and said it again in a deeper voice.
"Can you come get me, I'm really scared," Anne cut him off tears welling up in her eyes from the pain in her head. Gilbert's smile dropped from the pain he heard in Anne's voice.
"Where are you?" He asked quietly not trying to startle her. Anne dropped him a pin of her location and hung up. Gilbert was so worried about her. Anne rarely cried in front of him but she was now. He still wasn't satisfied with his outfit but Gilbert was interested in helping Anne then fixing his outfit. As Gilbert was heading out the door he received her location.
Anne was in the woods near Gilbert's house she was still sitting on the log. Anne heard the sound of leaves crunching nearby and immediately got up and hid behind a tree.
"Who's there?" Anne yelled hoping they couldn't hear which direction she was in. The person came into view and Anne couldn't believe who it was.
"Anne, we need to talk!" Billie yelled looking around the trees clearly high or drunk. Anne hated when people got like this it always brought back unpleasant memories. "Who did you tell!?!" He exclaimed angrily throwing a rock at the tree next to Anne. Her heart was racing so fast and her breathing was heavy. "Anne, how does violet know what happened that night?!?" Billie yelled coming closer to the tree she was behind. Anne couldn't move, she was so scared.
"I don't know," she whispered her voice trembling with every word. Billie smiled as he pulled her out from behind the tree. "Billie, please don't do this," she whispered trying not to get him even more angry. Billie pined Anne against a tree.
"You brought this on yourself, orphan," Billie whispered spitting on Anne. She stood there closing her eyes getting prepared to be beat to death. Billie kicked her in the stomach and punched her in the face. Anne didn't show any emotion knowing it would just give him more satisfaction.
"Billie, what the hell!" Gilbert yelled running over he pushed Billie off kicking him in the stomach. Anne crumbled to the floor the pain consuming her. Gilbert was beating up Billie in the background like the good boyfriend he is ;).
"Gilbert, stop," Anne's voice was filled with pain she couldn't even open her eyes. Gilbert rushed over letting Billie runaway. He picked up Anne and ran all the way to his house.
Gilbert opened the door and placed her down on the couch. He quickly grabbed his phone and text Charlie to tell everyone the party was cancelled. Gilbert ran up to his bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit and the hydrogen peroxide. Gilbert pulled out a piece of gauze pouring a bit of peroxide on it.
"This might sting a little," Gilbert warned waiting for Anne to give him the go ahead signal. She nodded closing her eyes. Anne had cuts and scrapes all over her face and neck. "If you don't mind me asking what happened between you too(breaking the fourth wall for three seconds but I don't know when to use what to sO like yeah, also it's not good :/)" Gilbert asked looking in Anne's eyes as if she was the only thing around.
"When everyone went to camp or on vacation I was really depressed because none of my friends would around but Billie and Josie. And since I had no one else I allowed Josie to bring to one of those lame parties she always goes to, Billie happened to go as well. So I got really drunk and made a stupid mistake to trust Billie will I was half conscious. Billie brought be up to a room in the house and propped me on the bed. He gave me 3 bottles of water to help me sober up. Billie also turned on the tv and put on sponge bob. Ouch!" Anne explained the Gilbert was so angry that Billie got all of this that put a bit too much peroxide on the gauze.
"I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed throwing out the gauze.
"It's fine, anyway uhm I was getting 'sober' so Billie came and sat down on the bed next to me. We started talking and he was acting really sweet and I thought he was changing ya know. I got caught in the moment and kissed him. One thing lead to another and we hooked up. But it meant nothing to me and I just want it to all go away because it was a dumb mistake that should have never happened," she finished looking down not wanting to meet his gaze. Gilbert's mouth was wide open he felt so bad he knew this was how Billie picked up girls, he just never thought Billie would try it with Anne.
"I bought stuff to make s'mores, but since the party isn't happening will you do me the honor of making my very first s'more with me?" Gilbert asked placing the last bandaid on her forehead. Anne knew he was trying to change the subject but she didn't mind it. Anne nodded and raced towards the kitchen.
"You have never had a s'more before? I don't believe that," Anne exclaimed in astonishment going through the snacks he bought for the party. Gilbert smiled at how she could go from being hurt to being happy.
"Nope never ever, but for you I'd try it," Gilbert smiled examining her to look for more injuries. Anne giggled trying to hide her pain.
"Great I'll start the fire," Anne stayed running out side Gilbert was left in the kitchen. He felt so angry that Billie took advantage of Anne like that. It wasn't fair Billie knew she was vulnerable. Gilbert just didn't understand how someone like Billie could get with someone like Anne.
Gilbert snapped out of his thoughts and grabbed the things he needed to make s'mores and ran out to the back where Anne was. "Anne how is the fire looking?" Gilbert asked running down his porch steps. Anne looked so gorgeous in the suns golden light, Gilbert couldn't help but stare.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Anne asked looking away from Gilbert and back towards the fire. It was a low fire but it was getting bigger.
"Like what?" Gilbert asked walking over to Anne.
"Like there's something on my face,"Anne smiled as Gilbert got closer to her. Their bodies were inches apart. Anne could feel the heat radiating of Gilbert's body.
"I don't know I guess I just like to look at beautiful people," Gilbert smirked taking a step closer to Anne. Anne was consumed in the moment and did an impulsive move. She grabbed Gilbert's face and pulled a closer to hers before smashing her lips against his. They continued doing so for 15 seconds before breaking apart to catch their breath.
"W-what was that for?" Gilbert stuttered the happiest he's been in a while. Anne smiled as she ran her hands through her hair.
"I don't know, you had me at s'mores," Anne explained before sitting down in a chair setting up the s'mores.
a/n ;)

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