[4] he's jealous obviously

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"He obviously likes you," Jerry said sitting down next to Anne

"Can you shut up already!" she snapped at him he laughed so hard water came out his nose

"Do you see what you made me do?" Jerry laughed

"Well you're going to hate me for this but it's totally worth it," she said

"What are you-" Jerry was interrupted by Anne throwing her whipped cream on his face she got away from the table and ran

"Oh, you're so dead Anne," he called out running after her

"Well, you have to catch me first," she laughed running away she managed to hide behind some boy

"Anne? what are you doing?" the boy asked she looked for Jerry but couldn't find him anywhere

"Oh I'm just hiding from Jerry what are you doing?" she asked still not looking at the boy

"Is there anything going on between you and Jerry?" the boy asked she took her eyes off of the cafeteria when she realized it was Gilbert

"Oh hey there Blythe I didn't see you there I better get going see y- stop it Jerry I'm trying to have a pleasant conversation with my bud Gilbert," Anne said laughing as Jerry picked her up and spun her around he wiped the whipped cream off his face and whipped it on hers. Gilbert felt a sudden ping of jealousy go through him

"sorry Gilbert gotta take this one of your hands is that ok?" Jerry asked still looking at Anne Gilbert nodded and walked out of the Cafeteria

"whats up with him?" Diana asked walking over

"He's jealous obviously," Jerry said putting Anne down gently

"of what?" Anne asked looking at the doors

"you and me," Jerry said smirking Anne smiled

"But there's no you and me," Anne argued Jerry shook his head

"But he doesn't know that go tell him," Jerry said looking at the doors she nodded and walked out

"Awh someone has a crush," Diana teased walking away Jerry caught up fast

"You can't tell anyone," he whispered Diana laughed

"Don't worry sweetheart I won't," she said walking away

"Gilbert," Anne called she heard footsteps walking towards her

"Gilbert? where are you?" Anne call again she heard the footsteps getting closer she turned around

"Billy please go away," she said stepping backward

"Are you looking for your boyfriend?" Billy teased Anne felt her face heat up

"He's not my boyfriend," she muttered Billy laughed

"Of course he's not who would date an ugly orphan like you?" Billy asked he was wrong he was more than wrong he was idiotic Anne was quite the opposite of ugly

"Please billy just leave me alone," Anne whispered she was scared out of her mind

"What are you going to do since your boyfriends not here?" Billy asked stepping closer

"Please," she whispered

"Billy get the hell away from her," someone yelled Anne was too scared to look she ran into the girl's bathroom and started to cry

"Anne are you alright?" Gilbert asked she didn't want to talk to him

"Please leave me alone," she whispered as she sat against the door

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked he heard her sit against the door so he decided to do the same

"No," she whispered he felt so bad for her at the moment he wanted to cry for her

"Are you sure?" he asked his voice softened

"No," she said again he had a decision to make let her cry alone or help her he decided he opened the girls' bathroom and hugged her so tight she couldn't breath

"Do you want me to take you home?" he asked she nodded and got up he did the same they walked out of the bathroom then shortly after they walked out of the school together

They walked into the school parking lot. Anne thought he'd drive her home but instead, they'd be walking. They didn't speak the whole way. She stopped hearing the bell ring for 4th period. She sighed and looked at Gilbert. Oh how much she wanted to be friends with the boy but, ruby wouldn't allow it. It would crush the girl.

"Anne I'm sorry that this happened to you," he spoke breaking the awkward silence

"It wasn't your fault," she whispered they were close to her house

She intertwined her fingers with gilberts. He stiffened but he relaxed and looked at the girl. She was scared very very scared. He knew that. She knew that. Anyone who saw them knew that.

" Oh, but not a single day
         goes by where you don't cross my mind, "




SUCh a short chapter I have writers' block atm

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