[6] alone she sat

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anne woke up crying the third time since Friday she had seen all the Instagram posts from the party she couldn't care less though. She had known everyone would pick Ruby even Jerry, so it wasn't a surprise when Diana didn't walk with her. She walked to school alone thinking about how hard life was. She had been having these terrible migraines lately thinking was her escape from the pain of not only the migraines but high school. Behind her was Gilbert he was worried about the girl. He had noticed she was daydreaming about something when she stopped and looked at something

"Oh aren't you magnificent," she gushed over the creature there sat a red fox

"People are hunting you huh," she kept speaking to the creature she looked over a reward of $10,000 dollars for whoever catches the fox

"You better get out of here before the Blythe boy comes," she warned laughing

"I know I think he's cute but he's Ruby's and I know that," she added Gilbert was shocked by what she said

"I should get going I don't want to be late," Anne said quickly he was so idiotic for stepping forward a twig snapped causing her to turn around

"How long have you been standing there?" she asked nervously he just stood there and smiled his gorgeous smile

"not long, that fox is cute same colored eyes as you fur looks like your hair," he described the fox she scoffed

"are you calling me an animal?" she teased walking forward

"no of course not, you're more like a princess like Ariel," he answered quickly she laughed

"Well if I had to trade legs for my voice just to be with some dumb boy I wouldn't," she teased he smiled catching up to her

"What if it was The Gilbert Blythe?" he joked she smiled and poked him

"Well for him I'd do anything," she teased she immediately stopped when she saw Ruby and the others watching her

"I would too he's hawt I mean if I wasn't hi- Anne are you ok?" he asked noticing the girl had stopped he followed her gaze and saw why she stopped

"I uh I gotta go," she answered quickly running off he walked over to the girls

They stood there waiting for him to talk but he knew what he was about to say would mess up everything for Anne and for him. So he shook his head and walked away but Diana grabbed his arm

"Whatever you need to say, say it now," she demanded wow this girl is feisty he thought

"Look Anne hasn't done anything wrong why are you treating her like this? And don't say it's because Ruby's been in love with me all these years. That sure as hell isn't a good excuse," he yelled shaking his head Ruby sighed

"Its girl code and she broke it, it's what we do," Tillie explained sorrow in her voice Gilberts just scoffed and walked away

Anne walked to the cafeteria she knew she was going to be forced to sit alone. She just made it easier for everyone and sat at a roundtable. Gilbert saw the girl eating alone but he knew he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. She ate her sandwich sadly watching everyone fill her table. All laughing at a stupid joke Jerry made it made her happy he was happy and that everyone else was too. Her eyes searched the cafeteria when she saw Ruby and Gilbert flirting or what looked like flirting, in reality, they were arguing.

"Ruby, Anne and I are just friends and you know that," he argued she shook her head

"Doesn't matter don't you have a bro code you guys follow?" she asked twirling her hair

"Yes but, let's say I started dating Diana charlie wouldn't cause everyone to hate me," he explained Charlie walked over

"No I wouldn't, but I'd probably kill you," Charlie cut in making Ruby giggle

"Love you too, bud," Gilbert retorted before walking to his table

"Hey, Anne," Jerry said sitting down across from her she never looked at him

"What do you want from me?" she asked wrapping her sandwich back up

"I just wanted to tell you there a new girl her names Violet Morganson," he told the girl he looked around and noticed her dark brown hair was in braids

"Is she pretty?" Anne blurted Jerry shook his head

"Not as pretty as you, also there's a group project in science your with Gilbert, Violet, and me," he responded she looked up at him

"How do you know? you didn't have Science yet," she questioned she didn't want to talk about the first part he laughed

"Well Diana did and apparently Ms. Stacy put the groups on the board," he answered the girl

"How can she sit there looking so gorgeous when the whole world around her is being pulled from under her feet?" Gilbert swooned over Anne

"I heard there's a new girl, maybe you should try getting over Anne," Moody said Gilbert shook his head

"Maybe or maybe I could make her jealous," Gilbert was hatching a plan a very very terrible plan trust me

"Do you think that's the best idea?" Charlie asked Gilbert nodded

"Oh it's my best idea yet," he smiled
Alone she sat unaware of how awful her life will become. Unaware of the fact that Gilbert Blythe was going to make her hate him and this time there's no going back. Violet was also unaware of what was about to happen. She sat laughing and talking while Anne was alone watching Gilbert watch Violet.                                                                                                                                                     

" Hey little girl
You're falling apart
You don't really care' 
Cause they broke your heart,  "




Short chapter hope you

Rivals {shirbert}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora