[5] this is a disaster

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"Anne, I am just so thrilled for the sleepover in about an hour," Diana practically yelled into the phone Anne laughed at her dear friend

"I am very enthusiastic about it as well, refresh my memory, please who exactly is coming?" Anne asked she could just feel Diana beaming through the phone

"Moody, Charlie, Cole, Jerry, Jane, Tillie, Josie, Billy, Prissy, Josie Pye, Ruby, Me, You, and Gilbert," she responded hesitating to say Gilberts name

"Oh how splendid the whole gang is going even Billy," Anne trying to hide the fact she wasn't exactly thrilled he and Josie were going

"What games shall we play? I was thinking Spin the Bottle, Truth or Dare, Dare, or maybe even hide and seek if the power goes out because of the storm," Diana asked she was spinning around her room practically bouncing off the walls

"That would be great Diana," Anne beamed Diana felt the fakeness in her voice

"Are you  ok? is it that Billy's coming or Gilbert if you don't want to go we could have our own sleepover," Diana explained she knew that she's had a rough time with Gilbert and Billy lately Gilbert more than Billy

"Yes, I'm fine thanks for asking," she responded happily she yawned

"I might take a nap before the sleepover," she added Diana felt bad for her friend she has been waking up from her nightmares ever since the incident with Billy

"OK see you then," Diana smiled before hanging up

Diana stood up from her bed and thought for a moment. 'Maybe I should call Jerry since he's working at Green Gables until 15 minutes before 6'. Jerry and Anne lived close to each other it was easy for them to see each other

"Hi, Jerry I need you to check up on Anne," Diana said as he answered the phone

"What? Why? What happened is she hurt? Was it Billy because I swear to god if he hurt her I will beat his a- why are you laughing at me?" He was interrupted by her laughing

"Simmer down loverboy I'm just worried about her I want her to get rest before the party so just sit with her until she wakes up," she explained still laughing

"Sure thing boss," Jerry joked he hung up the phone and walked up to the house he could already hear something fall he ran up to the house as fast he could but Anne was perfectly fine

"Ya know your really cute when you sleep," He whispered knowing she wouldn't hear

"No, no, g-get away from me," Anne mumbled Jerry looked at her and waited a few seconds before going on his phone

"Please Billy, don't do this not with me not right now," Anne mumbled something else Jerry had concern written all over his face

"Don't you dare touch him," she kept mumbling Jerry sat on the floor beside her to hear better

"Don't lay a finger on Jerry," she mumbled Jerry looked at her confused

"He's my best friend and I love him, and if you touch I will kill you even if its the last thing I do," she mumbled he smiled but was still worried

"No, no, no, Jerry, no, no," the last thing she said before she woke up Jerry was sitting up watching her

"Oh Jerry, I thought he killed you," she said embracing her friend in a hug she kissed him on the cheek and cried on his shoulder

*at the party*

"Oh, Diana the dream was just terrible," Anne exclaimed dramatically

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