Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenari...

By Savvys_Jams

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A couple of scenarios for when you the reader, fall in love with a creepypasta! Check it out and see if your... More

Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios
When you meet him
When he asks you to be his girlfriend
When you go out on your first date.
Not much of a scenario but is. What to get for your boyfriend
When you catch him singing
When you play Flappy bird with him
When You have your First Kiss with him :3
Lost Silver and Homicial Liu parts I promised you guys
When they almost kill you, but then you forgive them
When they have a nightmare about you
When they watch the video Waffles with you
When You Meet His family
When you prank him
When you meet them (Creepypastas that aren't even in the story)
Hey guys - Update

When they fangirl over your favorite singer with you

5.1K 44 196
By Savvys_Jams



"Hey Jeff."

"What?" He asks.

"Brendon Urie."

"BRENDON URIE?!" He screams. "I'm pansexual because of him!!"

"No wonder Ganna_Fox_and_Hunny has a story of you and Ike making the babies and whatnot."

"Nice sponsor thing." He states. "Why the hell not?"

"Exactly. Check out Ganna_Fox_and_Hunny."

"For smut starring your little whore, me!!" Jeff smiles and does a twirl.

"Anyways, how much do you love Brendon Urie?"

"He can't compare to you or Jike." He licks his lips. "Is this interview just about Brendon Urie?"
"Yes. Do you like him?"

Jeff blushes and pulls out his favorite photo of Brendon.

This looks like it was edited by a ten year old."

"Fine let me pull out the better one."



"This looks more like it was edited by a ten year old."

"I am one! My butt hole is one I think..?"


You decide to take a shower. Only problem is, Ben goes through the light fixture and watches you. He's pretty pervy and sometimes needs to free his willy if you know what I mean.

Hehe, let's just take a moment and think about this okay. Many dirty jokes could be put here. Even references. Like, don't Biliah all over my Sega Gamer. Random moment. *insert dirty joke if you'd like in the comments*

Anywho, Ben likes to do that. So you figured, you would prank him to teach him a lesson. First things first, you go look in his browsing history, and you find Him.


Gerard Way.


Perfect. This is the perfect idea! First things first, get a doll of yourself and put Gerard Way's face on it, he'll eat that shit up like bacon mac and cheese. It seems simple until.. Slendy is having a macaroni party. Inviting all of his friends and whatnot.

While Ben is having the time of his life, most likely having buttsex with Jeff, you can put Gerard Way in his bed and stuff.

You print out the picture, get a mannequin and place it in Ben's bed. Everything is in order so you go into the closet. 

~5 Hours Later~

Ben enters the room, you notice and turn towards him, your phone pointed at him, waiting to get this all on video. 

"Gerard Way? OMG I'm a huge fan." He burps and nearly collapses, he is drunk. "Whatcha doing in my bed? You want my punisher?" He sits next to the doll, licking his lips.

He unzips his pants and pulls them down.

Eventually, he gets to the point where he wants to stab his "Master Sword" into Gerard Way's "Ganondorf". Until he realized, there was no "Ganondorf, but instead, a doughnut was taped to that area, the creme and sprinkles all going down on the bed sheets. This was your doing as well. "What the? Fudgeh a duck?" He somehow just faints right there and you go downstairs to show the other Creepypasta Mansion members. Ben was going to be angry when he got up.


"Slendy?" You ask him.


"You seem to be a kind of guy that would like old music or musicals. Are you Hamilton, Jekyll and Hyde, or Count of Monte Cristo trash?" You ask.

"What? No." He replies, his nose in a book, 50 Shades of Jumin Han.

"Are you K-Pop or Anime music trash?" You smile back at him, still being curious.

"No. Although I recently discovered Sally got into the 'Crybaby' album. It honestly fits her a lot, according to our fans. Anyways, I like a lot of songs and artists."

"Who then? I want to fangirl with you!" You yell at him with excitement. 

Slendy unbuttons his shirt and undies his tie and throws them on the floor. You are staring directly at Andy Biersack. "My bae."

"OMG!" You shout. This is going to be fun.


Masky was sitting on a chair, being like L as per usual. He had his earphones in. "Hey what are you listening to?" You ask.

He doesn't notice you. *LE GASP!*  Senpai didn't notice you?! You're probably just quiet and his music is super loud. This got you a bit curious, what does Masky listen to? He doesn't like Halsey, doesn't like Cody Carson, Adam Gontier, etc. 

You pull the earphone out of his ear and put it into yours.

He's listening to Twenty One Pilots. Tyler and Josh?! "Oh sup." Masky says.

"You like Twenty One Pilots?!" You ask.

"Yeah?" He says questionably. 



"YASSSSS" Both of you said in unison, raised your fists in the area, and gave each other dorky faces. Today, was an awesome day.


"Hoodie is Jacob Sartorius!" Ben laughs at Hoodie.

"Am not!" Hoodie yells at him. 

"I bet you were the sweatshirt, huh?!" Ben just keeps laughing harder.

"BOI, I AM A MANLY MAN. I got NateWantsToBattle on my phone bro!" Hoodie screams at him.

"BISH. I got me some Shane Dawson, Superluv up in here. Back up, unless you want a threesome later." Ben winks at Hoodie and poor Hoods gives him this look of pure disgust.

"I got my eyes on (Y/N)'s heart and butthole, not yours." Hoodie states.

"Babeh nuuuu." He hugs him.

Hoodie hugs him, and while doing so, Ben grabs his phone and hacks into it, figuring out his password. "Nice password Hoods. Let's take a look at that music playlist." The smol bean attempts to get his phone back, but Ben stops him. "You listen to a lot of Set It Off."

But a Wolf In Sheep's Clothing is more than a warning!

Kill the lights, kill the actor, kill the actress! 

Hoods likes deh Cody Carsons.


Fangirl mode.


Now. Lol.

Ticci Toby-

"Thanks for the memories!" He pretends to play the guitar, but in this case, it's air guitar. "Even though they weren't so great! He tastes like you, only sweeter!" He keeps going.

"Alright Toby! Give me something from American Beauty/American Psycho!"

"There are other albums you know? Like Save Rock and Roll, From Under The Corktree, etc. You sure want something from that?" He asks.

"Anything about their cover of the Ghostbusters song." You state.

"Alright." He clears his throat. "My songs know what you did in the dark!" He sings, pretending to play some sort of air instrument. 

"LOL YAS." You giggle.

"That good? Or you want something else?" He asks.


"First time I heard that, I thought it was one of Slendy's relatives. Uma Thurman. Sounds like a caveman Slendy or something."

Caveman slendy. Omg. That sounds weird. 

Eyeless Jack-

You're in your room, listening to that Skillet. Boi, dat John Cooper though.

"Rise.. rise in revolution!" You sing along, bouncing your head up and down to the beat. Your volume on full blast. Pretty sure Sally can't sleep at this point. Sally is going to be confused, not only which is which, Skillet or Shrillex, but how their music is Christian. Just the thought of Sally not being a little kid anymore and starting to become emo trash is scary. Shiver.

E.J comes into your room, eating a kidney, and nearly gags when he realizes what's playing. Rise recently ended and started playing, Monster.

"OMG, this is my band! I love them!" E.J exclaims.

"I know right?!" You shout happily.

"Favorite song?" He looks at you with his black sockets.

"Too many to name!" You said.

"YES! SOMEONE WHO AGREES AND ISN'T A COMPLETE WEEABOO LIKE LIU!" You both jump up and down, knowing that you guys share another thing in common. What's next, he likes Supernatural or Sherlock?

Laughing Jack-

Laughing Jack is parked outside an amusement park and is giving away caramel apples, all are poisoned of course and won't affect them until two hours later. L.J had his radio out and was playing edgy emo music and what not. It currently was playing All Time Low. "Nice choice of music L.J." You smile at him while handing a little kid an apple. The kid walks away with his family.

"Wait until you hear what song comes on next." He chuckles and kisses your neck. Did he have something to do with the music or knew how to change it? Did he request it?

More kids came by and got more apples, some adults here and there too, and eventually the song ended. What came up however, was perfect. Perfect for the setting especially.

"Round and round like a horse on a carousel, we go."

"Will I catch up to love?"

Melanie Martinez! 

"I looked through your playlist and I'm surprised we both are fans of her." L.J smiles at you.

"Not only that, but this song is perfect for you. It's literally called Carousel!" You beam at him.

You both chuckle and giggle.

Lost Silver-

Lost Silver and you were in a video game together, literally, you both are pixels and are playing as real Pokemon trainers!

You just got a Pidgey and was heading towards the first town and the first gym. L.S got a Spearow. You both were ready and planned on being rivals for this gameplay. "Hehe, race you to the gym!" You laugh and run in a direction.

"N-not if I get there first!" L.S chuckled and ran behind you.

In the real world however, you could hear a phone going off, and the ringtone was Simon Curtis' Diablo.  "Is that your phone L.S?" You ask.

"Yeah. W-we better save." He states.

"Yeah. I'm surprised you like Simon Curtis too." You smile at him.

Diablo was fitting for L.S, not in the sense that he is the devil, but the background music is 8-bit kinda. Your little gamer is full of surprises.

Liu- (*12 hours later, trying to think of a singer he can fangirl over with you.*)

Liu recently bought a Rover, hehe, you know where this is going huh? 

TAKE A GUESS boi. Leave a comment down below. Jk.

"So how did you afford this darling?" You ask.

Sully is currently in control and he growls. "I'm a killer, I stole it from people and victims. What, does it look like I go around, selling Girl Scout cookies?" He growls again.

"I don't know, any particular reason why you bought this?" You study the Rover and it's in pretty good shape.

Liu is back in control again. "So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover.." He sings along.

"I love them and the song, but is that it?" You giggle.

"Yeah, I mean I could afford it and if I had a tattoo I would attempt to bite it. Dat good enough of a reason?" He smiles.

You kiss him, what a dork.

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