Unlucky Love

By thoughtsbyblake

30.5K 311 71

*** this story is actually really embarrassing and I wrote this in my one direction fan phase but it's too se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: Last Chapter

Chapter 3

2.1K 20 2
By thoughtsbyblake

I woke up the next morning in a soaking wet bed with the warm sun shining on my face. I have to get ready for work...nevermind. How could I forget the horrible day I had yesterday until Lou...LOUIS!

I unplugged my phone from it's charger to find that I already had a text from him. "Goodmorning love xx" I quickly replied with a "Goodmorning. Sleep well? xx"

Within 2 minutes of sending the text message, I immediately received one back. "Alright... you?" I replied with a quick "Better than usual."

I walked downstairs to get a bowl of cereal noticing Kate was still on the couch sleeping. I felt my phone buzz in my hand, and read the text "Do you have any plans today?" I lost my job, so what else would I be doing? "None at all" I replied to his text. I have no friends. Well, I have Megan, but I haven't heard much from her lately.

"Great. Want to meet up for breakfast?" I don't have any money.

"I don't have any money. Remember?" I sighed at the thought. I really need a job.

"I will pay for you, don't worry!" I sighed. I couldn't let him pay for me again. How does he have all this money?

"This is the last time Louis, okay?" I definitely needed to find a job. SOON.

"Okay. Pick you up at 10 :) xx" He was so sweet! I couldn't be falling for him...could I? I only met him yesterday. But we was just so sweet...

I ran a shower, and picked out a flowy, black top with some skinny jeans and some black toms. I curled my hair, and applied some mascara and blush. I looked at the time, which was 9:50. I had some time left.

The ten minutes flew past very quickly, and I soon heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door, Louis was standing there with a big smile on his face.

We hopped in the car and drove to the nearest diner. We talked about so many things in the car. I still wasn't feeling very happy. We arrived at the restaurant and took a seat. We ordered our food, and began eating. There wasn't much conversation there until Louis spoke up.

"Eleanor, I've been waiting to ask you about your parents. You don't have to answer if you don't want to." he said. I should just tell him.

"Louis...I don't know. Me and my sister, Kate, just woke up one day, and they were gone. No note, no trace, no nothing. We haven't contact the police yet. I just don't know what to do." I explained.

He saw the tears in my eyes and tried to change the conversation, "If you need me, I'm here for you. So, do you want to do something after we eat?"

"Sure. What should we do?" maybe a walk in the park would be nice. Or we could relax at the beach in the beautiful weather.

"We could go laser tagging?" Louis said with the biggest grin on his face. Not exactly what I had in mind, but I'll do it. I haven't had much fun in my life for a while.

"That would be great!" I said. We drove off into the car. It was a thirty minute drive, which would give me time to relax in the car.

"We're here Eleanor. Wake up or I'll just tickle you!" that got me awake. He bagan tickling me and I was giggling like crazy!


"Okay!" I laughed, "okay! You win Louis cut it out!" I chuckled. He wouldn't stop tickling me, so I tried to pry his hands off of me. He was way too strong! I had no other choice.

"Eleanor, no matter how hard you try, you can never tickle me! I'm not ticklish!" he yelled through my giggles and laughs. I got him right under the neck, and he started laughing even harder than me!

"Haha! I found your weak spot!" I tickled him until we were both out of breath. After a long time of catching my breath, I say, "that was fun!"

"Race you inside!" Louis hopped out of the car, and I followed. "Ha! I won!" he bragged.

We payed for our session of laser tag, and had to pick out nicknames. Louis chose "TOMMOBOY" and I went with him and picked "CALDERGIRL" I know. Cheesy.

We put on our big black vests which had our guns connected to them. They had red sensors as the targets. The man explained the rules and how to work the guns to everyone, but Louis and I just made silly faces to eachother the whole time. "Are you ready?" he asked. The group all said a chorus of yesses, and he let us in the arena.

We had 2 minutes to find our hiding spots in the dark arena filled with obstacles. I chose to hide behind a wall with mirrors, to reflect my laser in case anyone came to find me.


Fun-filled screams were made, and sighs were echoing throughout the arena. A loud pair of footsteps came rushing in through my right, and before I could do anything, I was hit in the shoulder.

"TOMMOBOY" my gun read. That must've been who hit me. "I'm coming for you!" I screamed as I ran towards the dark figure to my right. I shot what must have been 50 times, but missed each time. I caught up to him, until he tripped and fell onto his back.

"LOUIS! Are you okay?" I asked, worried for him.

"No...Eleanor...my knee" he whimpered.

"Oh no! Louis, let me help you up!" I reached out my hand, and he jumped up screaming "SIKE!" shooting me right in the side.

"THATS IT TOMMOBOY! YOU'RE GONNA GET IT!" I screamed as we chased eachother around for the next fifteen minutes.


We exited through the big arena doors, and walked to Louis' car.

"Where to?" I asked, smiling. That was the most fun I've had in weeks, no months.

"It's a surprise! You'll see!" he said.

The entire way to this mysterious place we talked the whole time. We shared laughs and all kinds of funny stories.

"Okay. Tell me why you love stripes so much!" I questioned him.

"BECAUSE THEY ARE FANTISTIC!" Louis screamed out the car window, and we both burst out laughing! "Ahh, here we are."

I looked out the window and saw that we were at the beach. Good, I needed some relaxing time. I opened up the door, and ran onto the smooth sand. I took my shoes off. The warm, golden grains of sand beneath my feet felt wonderful.

"I have some beach chairs in the back, let me get them love. You go find us a nice shady spot away from all of the people." Louis went to get the chairs, and I roamed around the familiar beach until I found my favorite spot.

Beneath the palm trees, by the rocks but still near the tide. I sat on the soft sand. I saw Louis off in the distance, heading towards me with the two beach chairs in hand. He looked amazing...

Snap out of in Eleanor. You can't fall in love with Louis, can you? Kate was completely heartbroken, I don't want to end up like her. But Louis would never cheat on me, would he? We're not even going out!

"Here you go!" Louis flashed me a smile and handed me my chair.

We set up our chairs on the sand under the palm trees, and listened to the waves rise and crash. We listened to the afternoon breeze in the air. We listened to the faint laughter of the little kids in the ocean on the other side of us. We listened to all of the animals around us.

"Eleanor, I had so much fun with you today" Louis broke the silence.

"Me too, Louis" I responded to him, a huge smile on my face.

"You can call me Lou."

"You can call me El." and on that note, we continued listening to the breeze, the waves, the kids, and the animals. Until the bloodcurdling scream filled our ears.



OH NO YOU GUYS! WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN?!?! Dun...dun...DUN! (: what do you think will happen next? O.O find out in the next chapter...which I will hopefully be posting tomorrow! Thanks...BYE. OH YEAH. feedback? thanks. bye!! (:

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