By DaliaNsr

435K 11.8K 5.3K

[previously Named Yes Master] [Also I wrote this book when I was 15, I'm 21 now and it kind of embarrasses m... More

IMP: Content Warning
Chapter One: Handsome Devil
Chapter Two: Blurry Lines
Chapter Three: Its all for you
Chapter Four:Breaking chains
Chapter Five: giving up
Chapter Six: New identity
Chapter Seven: guest
Chapter Eight:sweet spot
Chapter Ten:each victim has a story
Chapter Eleven:my now gone identity
Chapter Twelve:painful punishment
Chapter Thirteen: a plan
Chapter Fourteen: Outside
Chapter Fifteen : His Story
Chapter Sixteen : Lights out (pt.1)
Chapter Sixteen : Lights out (pt.2)
Chapter Seventeen : unpleasant Family reunion
Chapter Eighteen: broken trust
Chapter Nineteen: Casually bloody
Chapter Twenty: Lover Conflicts
Chapter Twenty One: A Small gift
Chapter Twenty Two: About sanity
Chapter Twenty Three: Roads
Chapter Twenty Four: Slow Dance
Chapter Twenty Five Pt.1: Don't Touch Whats not Yours
Chapter Twenty Five Pt.2: I touch whats mine
Christmas Special: Late First Snow
Chapter Twenty Six: Not getting better
Chapter Twenty Seven: We had it coming
Chapter Twenty Eight: Lets be clear
Chapter Twentiy Nine: can't hide it forever
Chapter Thirty: Both of you
Chapter Thirty One: A Nicer Master
Chapter Thirty Two Pt.1: Ill Know It
Chapter Thirty Two Pt.2: A Night For Us
Chapter Thirty Three: Don't leave me
Chapter Thirty Four: every loss's bright side
Valentines special
Chapter Thirty Five: My Own Grief
Chapter Thirty Six: Unfinished business
Chapter Thirty Eight: Liar
Chapter Thirty Nine:No hope
Chapter Forty: Who You belong to
Chapter Forty One Pt.1 : My Colors
Chapter Forty One Pt.2: My Colors
Chapter Forty Two: Let's Start Over
Chapter Forty Three pt.1 : How to hold a Gun
Chapter Forty three pt.2: Be Patient
Chapter Forty Four: It's how it goes
Chapter Forty Five: A New Scar
Chapter Forty Six: A Chance to Help
Chapter Forty Seven: Not Your Toy
Chapter Forty Eight: Stick to the Plan
Chapter Forty Nine pt.1: Psycho
Chapter Forty Nine pt.2:Psycho
Chapter Fifty PT.1: The end of the story
Chapter Fifty PT.2:The end of the story
SEQUEL NEWS + a brief note.
Bonus Chapter: The Piano is still cooler
Bonus Chapter: Transparent white

Chapter Nine: another girl

11.3K 320 107
By DaliaNsr

Ah,I shouldn't be so negative,I just don't know shit,I don't know what to do,

What if i try to gain his trust? Maybe he can let me out and I figure something,it almost a week that I'm here,if I collect more information from him then maybe i could somehow find a way?

I don't know,i just stood up and left the room.if I overthink i will probably end up scaring myself more,i went downstairs and saw him sitting in the living room and across him sat That girl,they were both talking about something i was too far away to hear,

He seemed cold and uninterested,his circle glasses were sliding down his nose so with his finger he adjusted it back to its spot,

They both heard me coming so they turned around,The girl looked at me in some confusing way,and Ivan just smiled.

He left before us reaching the dining room first,me and her stood in the living room in awkwardness,

She nodded her head and we both walked to the dining room in silence,I wanted to ask her her name but she walked pretty fast,she reached the room before me as if she was racing me to get there,

She walked to the table pulling out the chair that i sat on yesterday,before she could sit Ivan put his hand on the seat,
"That's her spot" he looked into her eyes indicating how serious he was,

"But Ivan,you know that I always sit he-" she didn't finish her sentence,
"Well its her place now" he spat the words without thinking if he'd be rude or whatnot
"'s ok. I can sit somewhere else" i spoke in a low tune trying not to interrupt their conversation,

"Find yourself a new spot Nancy" he ignored me,
"Ye..yes" she pushed the chair back to its spot and span around the table to sit infront of "my" chair.

"Hana.come sit" he didn't even bother to look at me,he just stared at his plate as he ordered me around,
I didn't answer i just walked to my chair quietly.i sat down and just as i did,

The butlers brought the breakfast,the thing that caught my eye was the french toast,
It was my favorite breakfast meal.Alice used to always make me some,

I smiled wide when i saw them being placed on the table,a wave of memories streamed through my head,from high school to college to every morning i spent with her,

Ivan noticed my sudden change of expression and smiled himself,he noticed my excitement about the toast,

"You like french toast?" he asked,
"I love them!" I answered him immediately without thinking, "i..mean yes,i like them" i corrected myself and made sure to go back into my serious look,

"Then,Maria..from now on,i want French toast to be made everyday" he ordered her with a smile which is unusual,

I felt a little happy inside but I didn't really say anything about it,i love french toast so much i could eat it everyday!!

I couldn't really hide my smile,or atleast the little curve at the edge of my mouth,
"You seem to like french toast" the girl finally spoke,

"I do,it has a special place in my heart" i smiled,
She giggled at my little comment,

"I guess i should probably introduce myself,
I'm Nancy" she stretched her arm and giving me her hand,

"I'm Irene" i was shaking her hand when Ivan gave me a glare,
"Hana." He put his fork down,
"Her name is hana"

"Nice to meet you hana" she didn't question the sudden name change,
"Nice to meet you too...Nancy" i pulled back my hand in discomfort,

I was pretty interested in Nancy,so i kept asking her questions.
She was a tall girl around 5'6,she looked in her early twenties,
She had long blonde hair,its dyed of course since i could see her black roots.
She wasn't wearing any type of accessories,
But rather formal clothes similar to mine,

She was pale and she had some makeup on,she was really attractive and cute.
"Nancy..would you mind telling me a little about yourself?" I asked,

"Oh,well" she paused from eating putting her fork down,
"I'm twenty three,I'm currently studying English literature,and Ivans father and my father are business friends,There is nothing much interesting about me to be honest" she laughed,

"Oh you are my age! I'm twenty three" I smiled,
"How are you here though?" She asked,
I paused,my expression changed from happy to skeptical,should i tell her anything?
I looked at Ivan,he was staring at his plate,

"I-" before i could say anything Ivan changed the subject,
"Hana.Nancy will stay with us for two months, for reasons I can't quite tell you" he explained,

"You don't need to tell me that. You know that its your house I don't care who would be staying or leaving" I replied,my throat tightened, I keep saying stuff like this when I'm not supposed to,

"Of course you should know,you own this house,its our house" he replied gently which I didn't expect,
"I don't own any-" I ended my sentence and kept shut,there is no point in explaining anything to him,the room stayed silent for a couple of minutes and the only sound to be heard were forks hitting the surface of the plate as everyone ate silently,

"You two seem to quite like each other" Nancy broke the silence,
"Of course we do. She's the love of my life" he gently squeezed my hand,I didn't say anything but i pulled my hand away from his grip,

"Well then,excuse me" Nancy said standing up from her seat,
"You barely ate" i said,
"I ate on the way here so..I'm full" she smiled before leaving the room,I tried to convince her I staying but she looked slightly uncomfortable to do so,

"Listen hana." He put down his glass and glared at me,i could feel his anger filling the room,

"Your name is HANA." His anger showed in his voice,his tone was firm and focused,as if he was about to explode at me,

I didn't answer him,i stood still in my spot hoping he would calm down,
"You can't understand that? Why can't you just act normal" he scolded me like a child,

"You kidnapped me,abused me,kept me locked up, deleted me from existence and you want me to smile to you everyday?" I snapped,
"In your fucking dreams" I slammed the napkin in my hand on the table,pushing the chair back and immediately leaving the room,

He stood up furiously and yelled my name,but I ignored it and left running to the living room,Nancy was sitting on one of the couches,her phone was in her hands,she was probably watching something,

I ignored her and ran to my room to avoid Ivan,as much as possible,i know exactly how bad i fucked up,but it occurred to me,

If I'm alone he will probably be comfortable to do what he wants,but if i stay with Nancy maybe he won't be able to do anything to me,

I slowly walked down the stairs and walked back to the living room,Nancy noticed me and put her phone down,
"Do you need anything hana?"She asked,
"Oh no,would you mind if i sit here with you?" I asked her timidly,

"Oh sure.." she agreed and smiled worryingly
I walked to one of the sofa's and sat in the middle,I reached for the remote control and turned the TV on to feel less lonely,

Nancy idn't talk or say anything it was rather awkward then calm to be honest,
Sometime passed and i was watching a random movie,it was around 11am now and the dark clouds filled the sky,

Anytime now it could rain,and my theory was proven true when i heard thunder blast,a gentle tapping sound was made and the scent of the rain filled the room through the windows,

Nancy kept giving me stares every once in a while,it was weird but I didn't say anything.
Ivan hasn't showed up yet which made me a little less worried but definitely still paranoid,

He could ether be planning to do something to me or just ignored what happened which is a one in a million,it's probably impossible for him to just forget about something,

Just as I continued to watch this movie I stumbled upon which was already halfway finished i heard the familiar piano chords fill the house,

I figured it's probably the only time the house is filled with noise is when han plays the piano.maybe now that Nancy is staying i could be close to her,I really don't know. I was locked up in my thoughts it was only Maria who broke my series of thoughts knocking me back to my senses,

"Hana,young master wants to see you in his piano room" she smiled as the piano tunes echoed with each word she said,

I took a deep breath and thought of an excuse to why I couldn't go,
"Maria i dont want to go" i just got honest and maybe she could respect this and leave me but I should keep in mind that Ivan never takes No as an answer,

"Hana don't be stubborn. I recommend you just go to him and not get him angrier" her smile was swiped away and she left the room as usual ignoring my answer,

"Hana you should probably go" Nancy finally said something,
"But Nancy ..." i stop mid sentence, Nancy doesn't know anything about how I'm here, in her mind Ivan and I are some sorta couple who live together,

I took a deep breath and stood up to go to the piano room,i was nervous as if i did something bad in school and the principal had called me in,

My hands were sweating and my heart was beating really fast,i rubbed my hands together as I slowly approached the room,I didn't quite remember where the room was i was just following the music,

I finally reached the door were music was at its loudest,I placed my hand on the cold door knob,i took a deep breath before pressing it down,the door made a click sound and opened,

Eventually i was facing the empty room only filled with music,he played passionately but calmly,i was scared to take a step forward,
My presence was overshadowed by the loud music,

I clenched on my skirt hoping that some miracle would happen to get me out of this,what type of pain am i going to meet today? I didn't know and I didn't want to know ether,

Suddenly the music stopped and he slowly lifted his head and stared deep into my soul,
He smiled but I'm not sure if its even out of happiness,

I cleared my throat and pulled a hair string that was covering half of my eye tucking it behind my ear,

"Come here" he ordered
I slowly walked to him obeying his order,
"Sit here" he tapped his lap,
"I-I could sit anywhere else I'm fine thanks"
I stuttered trying to answer him,

"No is not an answer hana" he looked displeased,
"Now come" he stretched his arm and opened his hands signaling me to take it,
"Come" he ordered again in a low raspy tone,

I hesitated to take his hand but I slowly pressed my palm onto his,feeling his warm hand tightly grab my palm squeezing it gently,
He pulled me slowly and grabbed my waist,

"Call me master" he pulled my waist closer to his face and asked that out of the blue,
I was skeptical but I kept silent, i couldn't call him that,

"Hana.." he squeezed my waist in a painful way that caused me to flinch,
"Call me master" the way he spoke was too quiet and calm for him,was this even the Ivan,i know?

"M-..Master" I whimpered,
"Louder" he was pleased with this whole situation he smiled in a disgusting way as he kept squeezing my waist causing me to feel weak,

My heels were killing my feet,I stumbled and almost fell when he pulled me quickly as if he was shaking a drink,i held his shoulders for support and as much as i pull away i keep stumbling over again and again,

"Ivan this hurts" I couldn't dare to talk
I squeezed his shoulders letting out all of my pain on his shoulders,
"I want it to hurt,i want you to hurt, i want you to beg me to stop" He twitched as he grabbed my waist and kept tightening his grip,

I let out whimpers too scared to be loud,
"Call me Master and beg me to stop" he knew how stubborn i was,he knew i never break my pride, I didn't know what he would be getting from this,

"What do you want from me" i cried
"I want you to beg me" he smiled
"I'm not begging you" i pulled away,
He didn't like my answer it was obvious he didn't,he stood up and the hight difference between us was clear,

I was only 5'7 compared to him who was 6'0 or even 6'1,I wasn't completely sure but my heels added four more inches to my hight so i was much closer to his hight.
He pulled my hair back with one hand and wrapped my neck with the other,

"Do you think I'm playing?" His hand moved from my neck to my jaw,he clenched my jaw and pulled me closer to his face,

He enjoyed teasing me,he had an impressive control over himself,the way he teased me so hard he wants me to be so turned on I'd beg for him or hurting me so bad I'd beg he'd stop,

That was his point,that was his goal,
He wanted me to come begging on my knees,he always wants to be the dominant one. He has never lost control over himself,

Sometimes he was close to losing it,as much as he tried to control himself he couldn't hide his emotions well, the way his eyes filled up with lust and the way he heavy breathes or sweats,at the slightest touch,

I never had the courage to ever look down to see if he was ever turned on by what he does,
I kept my eyes shut,but now I can't let him get away with all he does to me,he will pay for it I don't know how or when but i know that it will be,

He sat back on piano chair pulling me to him,
He made me sit in his lap and kept hold on my waist so that I don't try to move,

He wrapped his arms around my waist like a back hug and placed his chin on my shoulder,
"Now i will teach you how to play the piano"
He placed his hand on mine with tight grip,he moved my fingers slightly brushing them against the piano keys,

"This melody is special so don't mess it up ok?" he smirked stretching his hand to the keys,

"Repeat after this" with his finger he pressed the notes i wasn't familiar with,

(Note* The Melody is called "Memories from child room" from a famous horror game called, Layers of fear.)

He played a really gloomy sort of sad melody that I have never heard of before,he played slowly,I focused really hard not to mess up the melody,
"Its your turn now" he pulled his hand away giving me all the space i needed to play,

I slowly put my hand on the keys and gently pressed each key with my index finger,
I got the melody right which i was glad about because I didn't want to meet his punishments,

I heard him giggle,his chin was resting on my shoulder so i felt every expression he made,

"Good job," he smiled
He put his hand on the keys again playing faster,I couldn't keep up, its as if he did this on purpose so i mess up,
"Your turn" he pulled his hand away again,

"I-i couldn't keep up," I didn't play anything I didn't even hesitate to ask him to repeat it for me,"Can you repeat it for me?" I asked,

"Why are you distracted? What are you thinking of?" He spoke so quickly and almost furiously,

"You were too fast" I almost yelled
"Watch me again don't mess it up this time"
He put his hand on the keys with pressure playing the keys slowly but loudly,i put all my focus on his hand,I'm no way messing this up.

He didn't tell me that it was my turn instead he just let his hand rest on my shoulder waiting for me to play along,

I placed my index finger on keys playing each note correctly delivering the melody without mistakes,now he looked annoyed,he didn't want me to get it right he wanted me to fail,

"Ah. our lesson for today came to an end,you are a good student" he gave me a fake smirk and let go of my waist,he got up letting me finally breathe,i felt like the pressure over me disappearing and i could finally calm down now that he's away from me,

He walked to a cabinet that had all sorts of alcohol, He took out a bottle of whiskey and a glass,he walked to a small glass table and put the glass down filling half of it and put in three ice cubes,

"Want some" he offered me a glass of whiskey as he held his glass high waiting for my answer,
"No thanks I don't drink" i tucked the hair string that was hanging loosely behind my ear,again.

At This point I didn't really know what to do,i sat still in my spot. The room was quiet and and calm.
"Your birthday is coming up" he finally broke the silence,
"Huh...How do you know this?" i arched my eyebrows in confusion,

"The college you used to study at,i knew one of the professors from the medical school. He let me have access to student files,i know everything about you" he gave me an innocent smile as if thats fucking normal to go through someones personal information,

"How did he allow you to do that that could be illegal-" i yelled
"I paid him" that nasty smirk was on his face again,what did I expect? He paid him.

"How long did you go after me" i only knew then how much I'd regret asking this,
"Two or three months" he walked to the sofa and sat on it putting his right leg on his left leg,he stretched his arm on the sofa sipping whiskey like tea as he explained to me,

"I first saw you with that friend of yours,you were in that same tree two were eating some sandwiches,or atleast thats what i saw. Both of your laughters were loud enough for me to hear. It was just the way you were,the way you laughed, the way you talked and joked back. I fell in love with that" he smiled

"I didn't understand what this feeling was,I brushed it off but the more i went to visit that college,i kept looking around to get glimpses of you."

"You were just-,you made me feel something.and I wanted to be noticed by you"
He let out a loud sigh

"I grew up losing everyone close to me. So I decided no matter how hard or what it would cost me to have you.i will do anything and i will never stop unless you are dead"

Him Talking like that sent a shiver down my spine,the way he explained everything was so weird and unsettling,

"You probably don't even remember,but i did run into you. But you didn't pay attention to me which was the first sign of why I should have you...but forcefully"

Right when he said that i had a flashback,I suddenly know why he looked so familiar to me. Because of that day,

>>>>>Flash back:

"Ok so don't forget to send the notes ok? I'm depending on you so don't forget Irene!"
Liv reminded me again shaking my shoulders,

"Yaaah. I won't forget I promise" i pushed her hand away,
"Ok bye then don't forget" she smiled
"I won't! bye!" I laughed as she walked to her car chanting not to forget her notes to me,

It was now early October but the breeze is already cool. its not really cold its warm enough for me to be wearing shorts today,

i have to go back inside because the professor called me in for something.I don't really know what it is but i know i have to be there at 6pm sharp. she's a strict teacher. I can't risk getting yelled at if i got late.or worse having her give me extra work to do as if she's my boss or something. She never likes someone being any second late. She is probably the most dramatic teacher I have,

I looked at my hand watch and it was 5:58. Oh gosh I'm going to be late,i ran back to the college and entered the hallways running to the class,

I got distracted by the sunset outside,the hallways were lit with the rays of the sun,it was really beautiful filling the hallways with the warm lights of the sunset,

My little aesthetic time was interrupted when I suddenly find myself on the floor,my back really hurt and I scratched my elbow

I groaned and opened my eyes to see a tall man dressed in black pants and a white shirt,I probably bumped into him,
"Are you ok?" he asked me with a soft tune,
"Oh I'm so sorry," I apologized
"Its ok" he laughed,

"Here" he gave me his hand..I didn't hesitate to take it. He pulled me up and i was on my feet again,
"Are you ok?" He asked me again
"Oh yeah,my back hurts a bit but I'm fine"
I laughed,

"Well then you should be a little careful next time" he brushed the back of his neck,
I checked my watch and my eyes widened when i saw that it was 6:10,

I'm so late and so in trouble,
"By the way Im-" i cut him off before he could finish his sentence,
"I'm really sorry but I'm so late,i need to meet my professor" I apologized then started running to meet her,

I arrived at her office,i was nervous and panicked,i could see her through the doorway tapping her foot and constantly checking her hand watch,

I rubbed my hands together and knocked on the door,i went into the room and bowed to her making my presence known,

"I'm sorry for being late professor.." i kept my head down too afraid to make an eye contact with her.

"Well aren't you a little early" she raised her eyebrow and remained silent,i could hear her loud tone of sarcasm,

Oh boy.

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