TMNT Monster Arc Remake

By Oceanqueen22

12.1K 92 86

Since we didn't get more of Mona Lisa in the season 5 I decide to put her in the monster arc. So we can see... More

Mona Lisa's Monster Hunter outfit and weapon
The Crypt of Dracula
Frankenstein Experiment
Monsters Among Us
Marks of Forgiving

The Cruse of Savanti Romero

2.9K 21 15
By Oceanqueen22

It's Halloween in New York and the children
in costumes going door to door for candy. Among them were April and Casey in their costumes. April dressed up as a taxi driver from Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver and Casey in his vigilante outfit with face paint of skull. As they were walking April said "Feels like ages since I been out on Halloween." She then started stretching while saying "After all these aliens,demons and super mutants fake monsters are a nice change." Then Casey said "Ha gimme real monsters anytime Halloween is my favorite holiday. I go out every year." As they walked up the door Casey started to bang on the door April looked annoyed. Then the door open revealing an old grumpy man. Casey spoke up saying "Yo yo yo trick or treat dog!" Lifting his plastic pumpkin but, instead of giving them candy he just slammed the door. Then Casey got upset and said "Why, you old stanky old creeper!" But April pulled him away from the door saying "Come on, Casey. It's not worth it." Then she said "Let's go meet the guys they're always so excited for Halloween and we get to show Mona Lisa how this holiday works since this is her first Halloween on this planet." While walking away. But Casey stayed behind thinking of a way to get back at the old man. Then an idea pops into his head smirking. As the door bell rang the old man open seeing no one but a jack-o'-lantern that exploded on his face. While they were walking Casey who was enjoying his victory as he walked by the alley a strange man in a fancy suit was spying on them then disappeared in the dark. Just then a fog came from no where while they were walking to the lair April stopped as she heard a crunch and gasped she looked down revealing a now crushed lollipop with the rest of the candy from the candy bag. As they stopped they heard a man screaming. "You hear that,Red? Didn't sound like a fake scream to me." Casey said. Then April said "Somethings strange is going on here."  With that said they started running to the street and Casey through his candy bucket on the ground. What they didn't know they were being followed. Just as they turned to the corner two big wolves appeared in front of them growling. April and Casey got scared then Casey said "Oh snap! Nice doggies, cool doggies. Don't eat us doggies!" Then the dogs starting to attack them. As they were fighting the wolves April used her force fields and Casey used his hockey stick. As one wolf jumped into the air to attack Casey he use his shocker on his glove knocking out the wolf. The man on the ground ran off. Then more wolves appear chasing people. Soon a man holding his head in pain backing up to April. She got worried and asked "Hey are you okay?" Then the man turned around showing blue eyes and vampire teeth. They got scared just as Casey was about to strike a little girl vampire jumped on his back and bite his neck. As he screamed in pain April shouted "Casey!"

( theme song).

Meanwhile at the turtles lair Leo was watching Space heroes the next generation. Raphael and Mona Lisa were making Jack-o'-lanterns. "So this Halloween is a holiday where humans disguise themselves going from door to door saying a secret code to get the sugary substance?" Mona asked. "Kinda." Raph Answered. As Raphael looked at his pumpkin he looked at Mona's pumpkin it was like his jack-o'-lantern. "Wow Mona yours is as good as mine." Raphael said showing his pumpkin. Mona smiled then said "Thank you Raphael." As they were chanting Leo spoke up "Yes! This is gonna be perfect!"  Then Mikey wearing a zombie mask came up to Leo and asked" What's perfect?" Leo screamed and turned around seeing his brothers and Mona Lisa laughing. "Haha you should of seen your face!" Mikey said while laughing. Then Leo held a T-shirt with Captain Ryan while saying "My costume is minty vintage, featuring Captain Ryans rare B uniform captain jacket from season 3." Then Raph cough while saying "Nerd!" Donnie took off his wizard hat and said "Hm I can't decide if I should go as a zombie wizard up at Einstein or a smooth Donatello." Cue the image of The Don. Then Mikey asked the couple. "What about you guys?" Mona answered " I think I'll stay with the clothes I have on now I'm still not familiar with costumes." Then Raphael said "I'm already in my costume this one night we can go out and people won't look at us like we're freaks." Then he turned to Mona and said "Don't worry Mona I'll give you the first best Halloween you're never going to forget." Then Mona said "Thank you Raphael but as long as I am with you I am having fun." Mikey spoke up "Hey Raph you can always dress as a fairy princess." Raph got angry and said "That was one time." Mona giggled "You dressed as a fairy princess?" Raph was starting to get embarrassed then Mikey spoke up again "Hey I have an idea Mona can be Little Bo Peep and Raph can be her sheep." Raph face was turning red shouting "That's it!" Mona starts to laugh as Raph started to chase Mikey. Then Donnie's T-phone went off. He picked it up and answered " Hey April! We were just getting ready to—." But April on screen interrupt him saying "Donnie! Casey been turned into a vampire and he's hunting me!" He sees her image running and looking afraid. Leo and Mona went up to Donnie while Raph was holding Mikey in an arm lock, then Mikey laughed saying "Ha classic Casey!" Then Raph twists his arm harder. April then said "I'm serious! There are monsters all over the city! You have to......." But she cut off when vampire Casey attacked her from behind cutting off the signal. Donnie got worried shouting "April? April!" Back with April as she runs through the ally trying to get away from Vampire Casey. Throwing trash cans at him but, he moved out of the way quickly. Then using her psychic powers to throw a dumpster at him which worked. As she continues to run she turned around walking backwards breathing heavily but, as she turned around Vampire Casey was in front of her. As he walks towards April said " Casey this isn't you please snap out of it!" Then she used her psychic powers but, as it was about to hit Vampire Casey he just pushed them aside saying "Your dumb mind tricks don't work on me April!" He then grabbed her and just as he was about to bite her, a staff stopped him by the teeth. "Casey what are you doing?" Donnie asked. Then Leo, Raph, and Mona grabbed him and pulled him away from April he keeps on fighting to get to her. Vampire Casey grabbed Leo and threw him away then he grabbed Mona by the neck and threw her at Leo. Donnie help Raph holding Casey. April got up to them " what's gotten into him?" Mona asked. Leo grunts "He's much stronger....... then looks." Then Raph was thrown back. "Raphael!" Mona shouted as she got up and ran to him. Then Mikey shouted "I got it!" while holding a piece of pizza. "A vampires worst enemy: garlic anchovy pizza with extra garlic!" Then threw it at Vampire Casey's face. Casey started to gag "Gross, dude!" Donnie then shouted "Get him!" Then they wrapped him in chains. "I can't believe it! Casey's really a vampire?" Raph shouted. Mona was shocked to see Casey a vampire. Then April said in worry "It's not just Casey! The city's been overrun by monsters real monsters! Vampires, werewolves, you name it!" Donnie was examined Casey's vampire teeth. Then said "Whoa! You aren't kidding! We gotta get him back to my lab." "You think you can find a cure for this Donatello?" Mona asked. "By biological means.." Donnie said. Then out of nowhere the same vampire came up behind April and bit her in the neck. Donnie then shouted in worry "April no!" Raph then punches the vampire away then Mona used her laser gloves to shoot it back some more. After that more werewolves and vampires appear. Then they started to run dragging Casey by the chains and Donnie was helping April to her saying "I got ya." Then all of the monsters started to chase them. April was holding her neck in pain while growling "It feels like my.....blood is boiling!" Then Donnie said "Stay with us April you have to fight it try and concentrate." "He's right April try to remember who you are." Mona said. "Come on, this way!" Leo ordered then they jumped over a wall on the other side. They stopped and panting, after Raph recovered he started to shout "Where are all these freaks coming from?!" Then someone punched wall from behind crushing it then the dust cleared looking up in shock. In front of them was a giant silhouette of a monster. "Frankenstein too?" Mikey shouted as Raph grabbed him by the the tails of his mask dragging as they continue to run. Then they were stopped by two vampires and Raph said "No good. Dead end!" While pulling Casey by the chains. Then April groaned holding her stomach in pain. Donnie got worried came up to saying "April?" Then her eyes turned blue. She turned to them using her psychic waves knocking the heroes back. Then Casey broke free from his chains. "April you can't do this! This isn't you! You have to fight it!" Donnie protest. Then she took off her hat and said "But why would I fight it? I feel so... good." Then lefts her eyes to them reaching her hand out to Donnie saying "Come with me, Donnie. I can make all that fear go away. Just one bite." Donnie was being hypnotized by her. Then Raph slapped him in the face snapping him out and shouted "Get it together man!" They ready their weapons as they were surrounded. But then in the sky a door like portal opened looking up they see a young girl going through. Mona was about to shoot her "A witch!" But Raph stopped her "Mona wait we know her!" As the girl went through she tripped causing her cape to fly over face saying "Jinkies." Leo was surprised saying "Renet?" Then she said "Hang on!" Using her staff lifting them up away from the monsters. "Renet! My hero." Mikey shouted in happiness. Mona was confuse she turned to Raph and said "Who's Renet?" Then Raph replied "Tell you later." Then they stopped at the top of a building then she let them down. Renet looked at them in relief but surprised to see Mona Lisa among them. "Turtles and salamandrian warriors." Renet said as Mikey was hugging her. "Yes, I was worried the time scepter wouldn't have enough power. Thank goodness you're all okay and a pleasure to meet you Y'Gythgba." But Donnie asked "All okay? But, what about April?" Then Raph said "Yeah, she and Casey got turned into blood-suckers!" Leo got their attention by saying "It's not just them look!" In the fog people were running from vampires and werewolves in terror. "There is nothing okay about this, I have never seen anything like this!" Said Mona in worry. Then Leo said "I don't understand how could this happen? What the heck is going on?" "It's Savanti Romero." Renet answered. Slamming her staff showing his face "He's behind this." Then Mikey questioned "The evil time dude? I thought we got rid of that ugly jerk face?" Mona was confused "Okay who is this Savanti Romero and what does he have to do for all of this?" Then Renet answered nervously "An evil time master who escaped and it's kinda my fault. Let me give you the 711." "You mean the 411?" Raph deadpans. Renet started to explain (Cue Flashback) "My boss Lord Simultaneous, wanted me to check on Savanti, where we banished him to the Cretaceous Period. He got the jump on me stole my emergency back-up time jumper. All Time Masters have one in case we get stuck in the past. I was able to track him back here, but I was too late." (Back In The Present) Donnie facepalms as Raph shakes his head Mona felt bad for her even when she just met her. Leo broke the silence "Uh where did he get all these monsters?" Renet explained "He somehow recruited them on his trip back through time. So he can rule the world." Raph walked up to her with an anger face shouting "You really are the worst time traveler ever! The worst!" Mona and Mikey walked up to him pushing him away from Renet "Raphael it was not her fault!" Mona said. Then Mikey shouted "Back off, bro! She needs our help!" defending her. Mikey turns to Renet with a smile "Don't worry girl, I got your back, and front." With a wink. Mona walked up to her placing a hand on her shoulder for comfort "Michelangelo is right we will help you stop this madness." Renet smiled. Leo then said while thinking "Though we have to find a way to stop this madness." Donnie asked in worry "What about April and Casey?" Renet explained "If my plan succeeds, your friends will return to normal as if this never happened. All we have to do-" But a voice interrupt her "Ah, Renet." The girls gasped and everyone turned their heads to see none other then Savanti Romero holding Renet's time jumper. "You actually found me. But far too late. In only a matter of days, this entire city will be infected, becoming my monster slaves! Then the future will belong to monsters. Monsters such as I, Savanti Romero!" Mona pulled her sword out in anger pointing it at him " You dishonorable monster!" Everyone pulled out their weapons to. Leo shouted "That's not going to happen, lemonhead!" They ran and jumped up to attack him but, was stopped by a bubble around Savanti. "I must thank for not only finding the turtles but, the salamandrian girl as well." He pushed them back onto the floor, "Now I can destroy and assure my future!" "Not if I have anything to say about it!" Renet shouted then holds the scepter causing a flash yellow light. They were lifted from the ground and lead into a portal. They were screaming as nothing but lightning and darkness everywhere. They heard Savanti saying "Renet, I'll get you!" They went through another portal the turtles and Mona landed on sand roughly. While Renet floated herself down the others were recovering from the fall. Mona was the first to recover "What just happened?!" Raph told her "We went back in time!" Leo recovered asking "Where are we?" Donnie looked and answered "We' Egypt?!"

Mona Lisa was shocked by her new surroundings but the statue caught her attention. Donnie stared in awe "Wow the Egyptian Pyramids! And the Sphinx! Look! It still has its nose." Raph retorts "Ooo a nose! Big deal!" Mona went up to him "Why is that a big deal?" Raph turned to her "No time for history lessons Mona." Then turned to Renet "What are we doing here Renet?" Leo wonders "Yeah, what does this have to do with Savanti Romero? And when are we, exactly?" Renet started to explain "The Nile Valley, in the Dark Ages. The late 5th century. This is the first time and place Savanti arrived to start building his monster army." Then the scepter started to beep. "Oh grok. I should've known all that time travel would drain the scepter." Raph got angry and demanded "So, now we're stuck here?!" Mona placed her hand on his shoulder "Don't worry Raphael I'm sure we can get back home right Renet." She then answered "Yes. It should have enough power to get us back, but I'll have to conserve energy. There won't be a place to plug it in for almost two millennia. Very not cold." The team got worried but they continue to walk to a blocked entrance of the tomb. They grabbed the block and pulled it. "Put your shell into it boys!" Leo ordered but then remembered Mona is with them. "I know what you mean Leonardo." She said. As the block was removed revealing a small entrance Mona got on all fours and walked in there first with ease. The had to crawl Donnie, Leo, Mikey, Raph, and Renet. Raphael wished he was behind his girlfriend so he can play with her tail for a little bit but he was stuck behind Mikey who farted in his face. As they were crawling Renet started explaining "Savanti called upon an ancient Egyptian curse to raise the mummy of the Pharaoh. We have to get to the tomb before he does. I'll zap him, reverse the curse, and send Savanti back to his time prison." Then they enter a room full of hieroglyphics on the wall. "You need to lay of the chocolate marshmallow pizza, Mikey!" Raph said slapping Mikey's stomach. Mona was amazed by the writings "It's so beautiful." Mikey looked up to "Whoa, what's with all that graffiti?" Donnie explained excitedly "They're hieroglyphics. Egyptian writing was based off of Tora symbols that represents words, rather than individual letters." Then he pulled out his T-Phone. "Now to use my custom, nerd-approved translator app." He giggled proudly "I knew this would come in handy one day." Once it is translated he read it "If mortal flesh enters this tomb, the living shall die while death shall rise." Mona got worried "It sounds like a warning." Mikey slaps Donnie's T-phone "Oh snap!" Donnie looked annoyed while he continued "A freaky curse, yo!" Renet came up "Don't worry, guys, most tombs were scribed with warnings not to disturb the dead, but that's just superstition." Mona looked at Raph concerned "Are you all right Raphael, you look frighten." He turned to her nervously "Yes I'm fine all the same. Hey Renet can you go first." She light up her scepter and they ended up in another room. Everyone was amazed Donnie went "Huh!" "So groking cold!" Renet exclaimed. Raph walked up to a wall with a dog human like figure on it and screamed. He sighs in relief "Whew, looked like Rahzar for a second." Then he heard Mona's voice "Raphael over here!" "What is it some kind of riddle?" Leo questioned "Donnie?" Turning to him. Mikey hugs Renet in fear. "Wait, riddle? Like a booby trap? This is a bad idea dude." Donnie annoyingly sighed "You watch to many horror movies. There are no booby traps in Egyptian pyramids." He stepped on a tile and they gasped. Mikey retorts "I told you, what did I say?!" Then spikes appeared on the ceiling. Doors started to close and the spiked ceiling came down on them." "Donatello what do we do?!" Mona panicked. He looked at his T-Phone "If I'm reading right, it says only a worthy protector shall enter! And that could mean anything!" He nervously explained. Raph and Mona held hands "We're about to be Swiss cheesed!" Raph yells nervously as the ceiling came down on them. "Think fast, Donnie!" Leo shouted. Donnie examined the wall "Well this is a tomb it's gotta be Anubis he's the god of the dead." He went up to the picture then pressed the center of the picture. The ceiling stopped but a few seconds later it started to come down again. Donnie screamed. Raph and Mona pushed the ceiling together "Good instinct Donnie, nice!" Raph retorts. " Quick pick another!" Mona shouted. "But don't pick wrong!" Renet finishes as Raph, Mona, Leo, Renet, and Mikey pushed the ceiling as it got closer to the ground. "We're running out of time!" She shouted. As everyone was having trouble pushing the ceiling, Mikey gasped in realization then used his nunchucks to press a button where the crocodile is at. Then the ceiling stopped and went back up. Everyone signed in relief and went back on their feet. Donnie asked "How do you know to pick the crocodile?" Then replied proudly "He looks like Leatherhead and he's the best protector a turtle could ever had!" Mona walked to crocodile human picture "You're right Michelangelo he is the best warrior even when he's not with us." Then Renet realized "Of course! That's Sobek. He was the protector of the king." She kissed him on the cheek "Mikey you're the bee's fleas." Mona giggled at Mikey's shocked face it reminds her and Raphael together. Then the floor opened leading to dark room with stairs. As they they were walking they see mummies everywhere. Renet comments "Far out." Then Mona asked "Is it necessarily to have this many mummies buried in one tomb?" Donnie answered "Well, not necessarily Mona. Often families would reuse the coffins and move the old mummies out." Mikey looked bored "Yeah Yeah Yeah, very interesting. They're not so scary, though. They're just wrinkly, smelly, and have terrible fashion sense." Mona looked at the mummies in disguised "This looks totally barbaric to wrap the dead." "Sal Commander has his organs showing and this grosses you out?" Said Leo. Then Mona realized "Oh, good point." Renet lecture "Actually, the wrappings are part of the mummification process. It preserves their bodies for the afterlife by moving their organs and wrapping-" Raph interrupts her "Okay, we get it! Jeez enough history lessons." As they were walking down the stairs Mikey felt something poking him from behind, he turned only to find no one. "Huh?" Then he felt the same poke again he turned laughing looked behind him "Very Funny Raph I know it's you behind me." Mona looked confused turned to him "Michelangelo, Raphael is right here." They were ahead of him. "What is he talking about?" Raph asked. Mikey didn't believe them then a mummy hand jumped on his shoulder. Mikey screamed "Mummy hand!" Throwing at the wall then the hand crawled up to the mummy and reattached itself to the owner. Then all the mummies came to life walking towards them. They gang looked scared then Leo used his swords to slice the mummy hands. One slide down the stairs Donned tried to slice it with his staff but missed causing him to bump into Raph and Mona. They stumbled down the stairs. "Quickly down stairs!" Renet ordered. Then everyone ran down the stairs and fighting the mummies. All of a sudden the stairs turned into a slide causing them to slide down. Then a floor opened Leo stopped down below were a field of moving spikes, but everyone bumped into him causing him to fall with the others. Leo used his grappling hook shooting towards the ceiling. Everyone grabbed on the rope. Mona used her hands and feet sticking to the wall, grabbed Raph with her tail. Donnie used his staff blade to stop. Relived they didn't fall but then the mummies climbed down the rope. Mikey tried to fight them but more keep coming down. "Try reaching the other side!" Leo ordered. Donnie used his grappling hook on the other side of the wall tying the rope to his staff. Then started to climb. Leo landed on the staff then mummy jumped on his shell but sliced the mummy away. Mona Lisa crawled to the other side of the wall with ease even with Raphael who was amazed by her skills. Renet was next to climbed the rope followed by Mikey. More mummies followed climbing on Mikey, Renet saved him by using her scepter to slice the mummy heads. He signed dreamily as she held out her hand which he took. More mummies fell into the trap. Raph and Renet helped him up then she said "Guys, were here." They turned and gasped, Mona amazed "You mean this is?" "The Pharoah's camber." Renet answered. Walking down the path leading to another room full of statues and more hieroglyphics. Donnie looked in awe walking up to a statue "Amazing, a completely undisturbed burial chamber of a pharaoh."Then a noise of moving started a light appeared revealing a sarcophagus on top of a flight of stairs. "Yes! And we made it here before Savanti! That is the cat's pajamas!" Renet cheered. Raph smirks "There's no way that chump is getting the mummy now!" Mikey exclaimed "Booyakabunga!" Mona proudly pulled out an explosive disk "Now we can destroy it!" As they started walking to the sarcophagus but stopped as light started shine on it then started to move. Leo gripped his sword "Uh, What was that again about the living dying and the dead rising?" "We may have made a mistake entering the tomb."Renet answered. The lid of the sarcophagus was pushed to the floor revealing the Mummy of the Pharoah rising then looked at them. Then a laugh came from behind them they turned and were shocked to see Savanti Romero. "Ah, I must thank you for doing all my hard work for me. You led me right into the tomb and even stumbled into the curse. Now, the Mummy of the Pharoah is mine to command!" The mummy rose to his feet holding a staff.

Savanti walked up to the Pharoah bowing to him. "Great Pharoah, lord of the Nile, ruler of Egypt, heed me. These mortal infidels have disturbed your sacred tomb."They all glared Raph and Mona already have their weapons. "Join me and destroy them! And the world will be ours!" "We're the ones that woke him up. Maybe we can reason him." Mona suggested. Renet steps saying "Your right Mona, I'll go talk to him." She walks up to the Pharoah saying "Oh, noble and groovy accept my humble apologies!" Then Mona added "We did mean to disturb you from sleep honorable Pharoah." Then the Pharoah walked up to the girls inspecting them. "Please return to your resting place?" Renet said. In response, the Pharoah slams his staff on the ground then a light came at them knocking them to the ground. Renet in dizzy "I don't suppose you know ancient Samarian?" Then fainted. The used his magic to create sand animals. Leo runs off while Mona got up "Use your magic wand!" "The scepters too low on power!" Renet response. The turtles and Mona were dodging the sand hawk, but the hawk knocked Donnie down. Raph and Mona appeared behind him hitting with everything they got but the Pharoah didn't budge. Instead he knocked them both out of the way. Leo and Donnie ran up to him. The Pharoah summoning weapons and started to attack them. Leo and the Pharoah clashed their weapons together. Donnie attacked from above with his staff. He then hits Donnie and used the hook to grab his foot. Then smack Leo with Donnie. Renet and Mikey were fighting Savanti. Mikey was holding on to Savanti but throws Mikey off him. Mikey stopped then used his nunchuck chain to trap him. Savanti got trapped but used his bubble pulling Mikey then hit by the bubble. Mikey and Renet dodge Savanti's fire breath. Mona walked up to the turtles "We need to attack him from behind." The turtles nodded. Raph and Mona attacked him together, Donnie dropped a ninja smoke-bomb. The three attacked him from all different sides. Then the Pharoah pushed the clouds away revealing Leo from behind. He jumped into the air then used his swords to slice his head off. Donnie, Raph, and Mona smiled proudly then turned into confusion. The mummy's body moved knocking Leo down then the head turned growling at him. Leo screamed and kicked it to the three who screamed as the head floated back to the body reattached. They ran from his magic "Oh, come on!" Leo complained. "Is there any way to reverse the mummies curse?!" Mona shouted using her laser arm guns which has no effect. "Maybe the inscription on the sarcophagus!" Renet suggested. "On it!" Donnie shouted running up then used his translator app. "How's that translating going,Donnie?" Leo asked as he was fighting the Pharoah Raph jumped on his back. "All I can figure out is something about Pharoah must rest in this world to move on to the next." Donnie replies. The Pharoah threw Raph at Mona, caught him then placed him back on his feet. "Then let's get him back to his coffin!" Leo declared. With that said, Leo, Raph, and Mona rushed to the Pharoah and grabbed him by the waist. But the Pharoah used his magic pushing them away. Then someone threw an organ vase at the Pharoah, he revealing Donnie about to throw another one. The Pharoah walked up to Donnie, Raph was about to attack but, was stopped by Mona and Leo gesturing him to follow them. The Pharoah almost hit Donnie but, he moved out of the way. Readying his staff two sand snakes appeared grabbing Donnie lifting him in the air. With Donnie in the Pharoah's grip the two turtles and Mona climbed a statue, once at the top they started to push from behind. The statues legs starts to crumble. Mikey and Renet saw what they were doing then followed the idea, nodding at each other. Then dodge the fire, Savanti ran to them "The scepter is mine!" He shouted. Renet threw the scepter in the other direction then Savanti turned ran to it jumped in the air about to grabbed it but was stopped by Mikey's chain. Pulling him away from the scepter then Mikey kicked while shouting "Cowabunga!" Savanti fell trying to get up but Renet stepped in front of him then punched him. With Donnie still trapped by the sand snakes Renet used her scepter to put the lid of the sarcophagus on the Pharoah. Mikey used his nunchuck chains around the knees and pulled him. With one final push Leo, Raph, and Mona screamed while the statute fell on top of the sarcophagus trapping the Pharoah. Donnie was freed. Savanti was surrounded "Now to send you back to your gross, Prehistory prison!" Renet shouted pointing her time scepter at him. Suddenly a noise came from the sarcophagus. Savanti smiled "I don't think so." He said evilly. Then a light blasted the lid causing the heroes to fall. The Pharoah rose again. "See you in time!" Savanti said while holding the time jumper then laughed. Leo recorded "No!" He shouted running to the portal but, was too late. "We had him!" Donnie shouted. "Oh grok!" Renet said in disbelief. She fell to her knees adding "This is all my fault!" Mikey and Mona comfort her. Leo put away his swords turned to Renet and asked "We still have chance to catch up to him right?" "But if I miss up again, I don't know how many charges the scepter will have left." Renet informed while looking at the scepter. "Don't worry Renet we will catch him." Mona said in comfort. Leo bend down to Renet "She is right. We won't give up, not now. Not when April and Casey, and the rest of the city is at stake." Clenching his fist. Touched by their words Renet stands up to hug Leo and Mona. "Thanks Leo. You really are a totally tubular leader. And Mona thanks, Raphael is lucky to have you but, what ever happens to him please stay strong." Mona hesitated but then answered "Okay." During the hug Raph and Mikey were a little jealous. Leo and Mona smiled at Renet after she let them go walking. "Okay, according to the scepter, Savanti is traveling to the Middle Ages. It should have enough power for two more time jumps. I hope." She said then opened the portal. Leo, and Donnie jumped through while Mikey cheered "Aw yeah! Middle Ages here we come!" Raph marched to portal growling "I hate time travel." Mona walked behind him innocently then used her tail smacking him in the portal. "Sorry Raphael but, we have to do this." She said then jumped into the portal. Renet giggled then turned to Mikey held out her hand to him which he grabbed in excitement. Then went through the portal together. Mikey shouts. "Cowabunga!" Renet shouts. "Excelsior!"
(Cue comic pic)

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