No One Cares That You're Brok...

By destieltardis

16.4K 850 307

Dean Winchester comes back to Sam two months after becoming a demon. When Sam finds out, he goes on a hunt wi... More

The Plaid and the Trenchcoat
Car Crash
In A War With Myself
24 Hours
Come Back
A Promise is a Promise
The Children are our Future
Dream a Little Dream of Dean
It's Hard to Carry On


2.2K 70 15
By destieltardis

*Two months after Dean became a demon*

Dean walked into the bunker trying desperately to show his green eyes and not his black ones while searching for his brother.

"Sam?" he whispered.

There was no answer. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and called again, much louder now.


He heard something from upstairs. It sounded like glass breaking. Dean ran upstairs without thinking, in fear that something was happening to his younger brother. When he reached Sam's room and opened the door, he saw Sam stunned staring at him, his hand open. Dean looked down and saw a beer bottle that had been dropped on the floor. That was the noise Dean had heard.

When Dean looked up again, Sam had pulled him into a hug.

"Dean," Sam gasped. "Dean, Dean, how- Dean. You're oka- Dean."

He was shuddering all over and Dean pulled at Sam and said, "It's okay, it's okay Sammy, I'm here and I'm not gonna leave you."

"Where were you Dean? What were you doing?! You were dead!" He paused. "This is a dream, isn't it? Another stupid dream, just another dream." said Sam pulling away from Dean's grasp.

"Sam, you need to calm down, okay? This isn't a dream. I'm real and I'm alright..."

Sam clutched his brother's shoulder hard, but Dean didn't feel it. Sam nodded slowly and slapped Dean across the face.

"Damnit Sam! What the hell was that for?!"

"Where were you Dean?! I've looked for you for two freakin' months! I... I went to the crossroads so many times, begging for a demon, and they all laughed in my face. It was hell all over again Dean!" Sam yelled.

"I don't remember, okay? The last thing I remember is waking up on the side of a random road two days ago... I hitchhiked here." It shocked Dean that it was so easy to lie to Sam.

Sam looked at him. "Are you lying to me Dean? You have to talk to me. This can't be like Hell again. One minute you were dead on your bed, and the next you were gone! I called every hunter, every demon, every angel- damnit! Damnit Dean!!" Sam started to scream.

"Sam! Sam, what?"

"Cas. He's been worried sick. He's been overwhelmed by grief... He hasn't answered any of my prayers...I have to find a way to get a hold of him!"

Dean's stomach churned. He missed Cas everyday, but he couldn't face him ever again, not now. Not how he was. It was too late for them. It would never work.

Dean was about to give Sam an excuse, something to shut him up about Cas when there was a loud crash from the basement.

"What the hell was that?" asked Dean.

"I have a demon in the basement... I was torturing it for information about you. Come, I'll exorcise it."

Dean stopped dead in his tracks, the color leaving his face.

"Um, Sam, I'll stay here. I'm exhausted."

"Come on Dean. I might need your help; this one's pretty nasty."

Before Dean could object, there was another loud crash and Sam ran downstairs; Dean had no other choice than to follow.

Once Dean got downstairs, Sam was strapping the demon onto a chair and punched him hard across the face.

The demon looked groggy and in pain, but immediately looked up when Dean entered the room. He laughed.

"Guess you found your brother, huh Sam? Didn't need me after all! Let me tell you though, Dean, boss'll be pissed you came back," said the demon with a grin.

"What's he talking about Dean?"

"I have no idea," said Dean. Again, so easy to lie. "Guess he's saying whatever he can to stay alive."

"He's right," said the demon with a smug smile. "Go ahead then Sam, exorcise me!"

"I'm ready, but your brother won't be," he said so quiet only Dean could hear.

Dean started to run away from the scene, but it was already too late. Sam had already started...

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus-"

Dean was immediately thrown back against a wall, his eyes turning black. Sam looked at him in shock and then anger.

"I knew there was something going on!" Sam yelled. "You get the hell out of my brother you stupid son of a bitch!!"

The demon in the chair was having a fit of hysterical laughter while Dean tried pleading to Sam.

"Sammy," he gasped. "Please you don't understand."


"Please Sammy, please stop!" Dean screamed on the floor, coughing up blood.

"Only my brother gets to call me that, and you're not my brother, but don't worry, I'll get to him soon."


"Damnit Sam! Please stop, I'm begging you! Stop!!"

Sam only screamed louder, the demon in the chair already sent back to hell.


"Sam please!" Dean couldn't take it. The pain was unbearable. He thought of the one thing he could possibly say to make Sam stop. 

"I'm proud of us."

"FUCK YOU!!" Sam screamed. "TE ROGAMUS!"

Dean was sprawled on the floor, a pool of blood surrounding him. He was coughing aggresively and his eyes were still pitch black.

"Dean! Dean, are you okay?" said Sam running over to him.

Sam immediately stepped away.

"What have you done to my brother?"

"I am your brother... This is the new me Sam, and you're gonna have to learn to accept it."

Sam punched him unconscious.

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