One Shot

By spicyboilouis

667 14 3

my one shot book dood ??? More

You cheated
Eddie Spaghetti
I quite like you (part 1)
I quite like you (part 2)
When i get you alone

Just a little bit of your heart

58 0 0
By spicyboilouis

Richie was hosting a sleepover. All of the loser club was invited. Stan stayed over the day before so they were currently at the drugstore buying a bunch of snacks. Richies mom following them holding onto the cart which they were filling with snacks. Stan watched the curly haired boy fill the cart with Oreos and root beer.
"Okay Rich I think this is enough" Richies mom said and started making her way to the cashier.
"But moooommmm Stan didn't pick anything out yet." Richies mom turned to Stan smiling warmly.
"That's right okay Stan pick anything you want."
"Anything?" Stan asked looking up at her. She nodded and Richie put thumbs up at him. He nodded and grabbed Hot Cheetos.
"Fuck Stan the man you know how to pick out junk food." Richie slung his arm over his shoulders and Stans breath hitched.
"Language Richie" his mom said and finally checked out.

"Alright boys go set up I'll be upstairs if you need anything" Richie grabbed Stans hand and dragged him downstairs. The losers club would be there soon so the quickly set up the food and movie. Richie looked over at Stan.
"So Stan what are we doin now?" Richie asked lightly giggling because he saw Stans nose twitch a bit and thought it was absolutely adorable. Stan looked over and really took in Richies face. He had a bit of acne because being 17 isn't a fun time in your life, but his eyes were beautiful they shined brighter than any star. His freckles littered his face everywhere around his porcelain skin. Stan wanted to touch it even for just a second. He surged forewords and caught Richies lips on his own. Richie stood shocked but as he went to pull away Richie pulled him in. Kissing him harder pulling him onto his lap and cupping his face. Stan wrapped his arms around Richies neck and his lips wandered down to his neck lightly sucking as the bruise started to form. Once he was happy with his work he went back to his lips. Richie loved attention he thrived on it, but that's not why he was kissing Stan. He felt like he genuinely loves Stan. He moved his hands from his face to his waist and pulled him closer. A couple more hickeys later Richie heard his mom opening the door and letting their friends in. Stan quickly moved so that he was siting next to Richie instead of on him. The whole losers club was now in the basement and we're happily conversing between each other. Eddie made his way towards Richie.
"Hey Chee !" He seemed nervous but still happy. That made Richie smile he loved seeing Eddie happy.
"Hey Eddie"  he saw Eddies smile fade as he reached out and touched his neck.
"What's that" Eddie looked.....jealous no he couldn't be. Eddie was straight and most definitely did not like Richie.
"It's a rash I was eating a bunch of Stans awful cooking and he must've put something I was allergic too." Eddie looked like he didn't believe it but played along anyways.

"Guys we're gonna play truth or dare everyone ! Get in a circle." Beverly shouted instructing everyone so they were in a perfect circle. "Okay I'll go first Eddie truth or dare?" She smirked as the small boy turned red.
"Have you ever tried weed?" She smiled as the boys eyes bulged out.
"What!!!! No!! Never in a million years... you can die from that you know" Eddie went on ranting and Richie silenced him by placing his hand of his knee. Stan noticed the action and felt a pain in his chest. "Mike truth or dare?" Mike smiled before saying
"I dare you to drink the vodka that's over there" Eddie smirked smugly thinking that Mike would never do it. He merely shrugged  stood up and drank the vodka before returning to his seat.
"Truth or dare Stan"
"Boo! Of course you'd pick the safe route babe" Richie teased accidentally letting the babe part slip out but when Stans face turned as red as a tomato he was glad it did.
"Anyways what's on your neck Stan?" Richie tensed he knew Stan was never good a lying. Stan bit his lips and spared a glance at Richie. A glance Beverly happened to catch.
"Um it a rash I scratched on my neck a lot today" before Mike could question any further Stan turned to Bill.
"Truth or dare"
"I dare you to lick the bottom of Richies shoe" Bill made a disgusted face and Richie took off his shoe and flinged it to Bill.
"There ya go Big Bill" Bill plugged his nose and licked his shoe before throwing it back to Richie. The gang all erupted in giggles as Bill chugged down his water.
"Richie t-t-truth or d-d-dare"
"Dare I'm no pussy" his friends all rolled their eyes at that comment and Bill smiled evilly
"I dare you to kiss Eddie on the mouth" Richie looked at Stan again and then at Bill. He turned to Eddie who turned red. Richie smiled before pressing his lips against Eddies. He could taste Eddies cherry chapstick. Eddie started kissing back and they kissed for a good minute before pulling apart.
"Bev truth or dare"
"Truth" Richie rolled his eyes
"Is it true that you write future mrs denbourgh  in you notebook all the time?" Bill spat out the water he was still chugging and Beverly turned red. 
"No!! Shit Tozier I'll get you for that one" she turned to Stan again. "Truth or dare Stanley"
"Dare" he didn't want to be called pussy again.
"I dare you to make out with Richie" Eddie looked at Richie and Stan looked at him to make sure he wanted to. Richie rolled his eyes and walked over to Stan grabbing his face and kissing him. He could taste Stans peppermint chapstick. They separated and Richie went in again before he realized other people were still there.

It was later into the night and they were now watching Back To The Future. Eddie stood up and everyone looked at him. His eyes were red and dried tear stains could be seen on his checks. "I'm sorry but I have to say it. I'm in love with Richie Tozier" Eddie looked straight at him while saying it.
"What the fuck Eddie" Stan said standing up. Eddie looked so confused. Richie felt so embarrassed
"W-what?" Eddie said looking at Stan now. Stan turned to Richie
"I'm in love with Richie Tozier" Eddies bug eyes widened even more and Stan looked at him. They were both staring at each other before Stan spoke again. "I even told you this Eddie and then you pull shit like this"
"I'm sorry but I can't hide my feelings"
"Don't give me that crap" Stan walked into Richies bathroom and slammed the door. Eddie just stood there and started crying. The rest of the losers club were getting in their sleeping bag so they wouldn't have to deal with this. Richie stood up and walked towards Eddie.
"Ed's baby" Eddie looked up
"Don't call me that" Richie hugged Eddie into him.
"I love you too but I think I love Stan too"
"You need time" Richie nodded and Eddie sighed. "Okay I can do that now go Stan is probably crying way more than me" Richie kissed Eddies check and went to the bathroom. He knocked on the door and waited until he opened the door. He looked like a wreck. He walked into the room shutting the door and pulled Stan into a hug. Stan hugged back just as hard. Richie started placing kissing his check and nose anywhere he could reach until Stan was laughing and pulling him away. They sat down on the floor which Stan seated in between Richies legs.
"How's things at home babe" Richie asked as he let his head rest on his shoulders. He tensed and gripped on Richies thighs.
"My dad left for another abroad trip a couple of days ago. When my mom was sure he left she locked herself in her room and when she came out she was wearing the most revealing clothes. She called me over and told me to rot in hell and that she would be back in a couple a weeks. She then got up in my face and kissed me" Richie didn't like where this was going so he kissed Stan hoping he didn't continue. Stan turned around wrapping his legs around Richies waist.
"No I need to say it please" Stan said wanting to tell anyone he couldn't just keep it to himself anymore.
"I'm sorry Stan of course you can tell me anything"
"Don't ever apologize for kissing me" Richie nodded and Stan continued. "She kissed me and I stood there and took it because I knew if I didn't she would kill me. She told me to take off my clothes and she was molesting me Richie she really was and when she realized I wasn't getting you know...... hard she slapped me.  She said I was lucky that she was doing this that no girl would ever want to do this to me because I'm a fag and I'm worthless. She then left out the door. I sat there naked staring at the wall for hours. I went to the shower and scrubbed and scrubbed my body hoping I can magically erase her touch. I scrubbed until my skin was raw and bleeding. I have nightmares about it Richie"  Richie had tears in his eyes as he kissed Stan.
"I'm so sorry babe" they hugged for a long time not saying anything. He smiled when he heard the soft snores that came from Stan.

The next morning Richies dad drove them all to a diner that was close by. Mike sat next to Ben. Ben sat next to Beverly.  Beverly sat next to Bill. On the other side of the both was Eddie then Richie then Stan and Mr. Tozier and then finally Richies little sister Lilly who was 16 years old. Richie tried talking to Eddie but he ignored him and talked to etheir Mike or Bill. Stan was talking to Lilly so Richie turned to his best friend Beverly.

"So trashmouth who ya  gonna choose?"
"I really don't know. I love Eddie and Stan. But if Eddie keeps acting like this I think Stan"
"Yeah I don't know what's going on with him"

Richie only shrugged and then the waiter came and gave them all their food. Richie being left handed he dropped his hand and took Stans left one. A smile creeped on Stans face. Breakfast went on fine and they all went to the park while Mr.Tozier went to check on his wife. Richie looked around at his friends and noticed that Lilly and Bill were getting along a bit too well. He then turned to Eddie. He walked over smiling.
"Hey Eddie"  Eddie didn't respond "Eddie come on"
"Shut up Richie honestly just go talk to Stan. Go make out with him too"
"Whatever Eddie thank you because you just made this decision a whole lot easier." Richie rolled his eyes and stomped off. He went to Stan who was talking to Ben and Mike. He grabbed onto him by the waist and turned him around kissing him. Stan clutched onto his shirt and Mike and Ben laughed and walked away. "I choose you" Stan smiled.

"Yeah Eddie just gave up when he realized that you liked me too. I can't date someone who gives up so easily on our relationship." 

It was later on in the day and everyone went home besides Stan. He dreaded going back there to many horrible memories. Richie was in a large hoodie and knee high socks. Stan thought he looked very cute and blushed every time Richie would smile at him. He grabbed Stan stuffing him under the hoodie.
"Richie gosh what are you doing?" Stan laughed trying to push him but gave up after a while.
"I'm keeping you safe babe" he responded kissing the outline of Stans head. Stan rolled his eyes and started kissing Richies chest. He got out from under his hoodie. Lazily pressing kisses on Richies neck.
"I should probably go now" Richie whined.
"No stayyyy pleaseeeee"
"I can't my moms coming home tomorrow I think and she'll skin me alive if I'm not there."
"She's a shit person"
"I know but I don't wanna die just yet."
"I guess I don't want you to die etheir" Stan kissed Richies nose.
"I'll text you" Stan left his room and started his walk home since his parents were sleeping. Richie walked to the window and watched Stan walk away. He heard his phone ding and expected it to be Stan. It wasn't it was Eddie. His Eddie he loves Eddie.  The text message was

Eddie Spaghetti: I'm sorry I was ignoring you I just got jealous of all the attention you were giving Stan it felt a bit unfair

Richie: it ok I guess but that doesn't change the fact that I'm dating Stan

Eddie Spaghetti: I know I just thought I'd let you know I still love you.  And I was being stupid I know that now. I'm not going to try and steal you from Stan but just know I'll never stop loving you

Richies heart stopped. Richie wanted to type back I love you too but he has a very loving boyfriend. A boyfriend who loves him just as much as he loves him. He didn't know what to say back to Eddie. He couldn't just leave him on read.

Stan was finally home and changed into his pjs and quickly got into bed. He quickly texted Richie goodnight and he responded his 'goodnight babe sleep well' Stan melted he loves Richie he makes him feel so wanted and loved. He tried to sleep but couldn't. He heard the door open and steps in the house. It was most likely his mother and Stan was praying that she would go straight to her room. His wish did not come true though as his door opened.
"Get up you faggot" she spat and he shot out of bed standing up. She smiled and walked toward him. "You're such a slut aren't you?" Stan shook his head so hard. His mom slapped him. "Don't lie ! One of my friends said she saw you kissing that Tozier boy in the park today" she slurred obviously drunk. She gripped onto his wrist. "You aren't to hang out with him anymore you useless whore. Do you just sleep around with everyone? I bet you do."
"No no no no no" Stan kept chanting it under his breath his nails digging into his own hands.

"No? Face it Stan you're Derry's slut" she spat and then her eyes turned a darker brown. "Take off your clothes Stan" no no he didn't want this to happen again. "Stan !!! Listen to me I'm your mother" Stan started taking off his clothes slowly tears running down his face. He was only in underwear when he stopped. "Well why'd you stop" Stans phone lit up with Richies name. He ran and pressed accept.
"RICHIE HELP" Stans mom threw his phone successfully shattering it.

Richie panicked he knew it had to do with his mom. He ran out the door and grabbed his bike. He bikes all the way to Stans house as fast as he could and called 911 on the way. He was still on the phone with the police when he got to the Uris residence. He kept kicking at the door until it opened and ran for Stans room. He found his mom kicking him repeatedly in the stomach. The police came moments after arresting Stans mom. Richie hugged Stan close to him. Stan screamed
"Get off please IM NOT A SLUT IM NOT I SWEAR" Stan yelled crying.
"I know baby your not a slut you're the best thing to happen to this world" Richie kept kissing his forehead until he stopped sobbing.
"Hey baby" Stan kissed Richie hugging him tightly. "Let's get your clothes on okay?" Stan nodded and carefully pulled his pajamas back on. Stan cling onto Richie for dear life he didn't trust anyone else right now. Richie was rubbing his back and whispering nice words into Stans ear to calm him down. Stan could still feel his mother on his skin. He hated her for everything she done to him. He also hated his dad for never being there to stop her.
"Why did she do this Richie?  Am I just a terrible son?" Stan cried into Richies stripped shirt.
"No baby you're the best son they could've ask for. They're just horrible people. I love you so much"
Stan nodded and Richie lead him down to the ambulance. Richie held his hand as they made their way to the hospital. They check everything and discovered he had a broken rib. The loser club walked in. Richie stared at Eddie a bit longer than intended and Stan noticed.
"Hey guys can I talk to Richie alone for a bit" the all nodded and walked out. "I know you love Eddie" Richie went to object but Stan kept talking "im not mad. I love you so much for everything you've done for me. Even I feel this relationship not working out. We can still be best friends....right?"

"No...brothers" Stan smiled laughing a bit
"Brothers who used to make out" Stan added giggling.
"Yeah" Richie smiled kissing Stan one last time. "You're my first love Stan"
Stan brought him down for one more kiss. This one wasn't as loving as the other ones they've shared. It was more sad and longing like Stan was letting go of Richie instead of just not liking him as a boyfriend anymore. Stan was cupping Richies face holding him there as long as he could before they separated.

"And your mine. But Eddie is your last so go go get him" Richie giggled and walked out telling everyone that they can go back in now. He grabbed onto Eddie.
"Can I talk to you?"
"Yeah of corse"
They walked to a secluded area on the hospital and Eddie looked down at their intertwined hands. They finally got there and Richie huffed out.
"I love you Eddie... it was always you" Eddie smiled so hard.
"I love you too Richie so so much" Eddie brought Richie down for a kiss. They kissed and sparks erupted in both their bellies. "I know I'm not your only but at least I'm one and I heard a little love is better than none"

"Eddie Tozier did you just quote Ariana Grande?"

"Did you just say Eddie Tozier?"

Beverly smiled at the scene she just saw before walking into the room. She smiled sadly at Stan siting besides him.
"You let him go" she whispered so the rest of the group wouldn't hear.
"Yeah he's happier with Eddie"
"You sacrificed your happiness for Eddies. Stan he was happy with you too. He loved you"
"It's not the same love he feels for Eddie. A blind person could see that. Who am I to keep him from his soulmate?"
"No Stan you're his soulmate Eddie is the love of his life."
Stan smiled at her
"I guess"
"You're a amazing person Stan Uris"

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