His Bella

By zeearchive

153K 5.9K 322

"When we're young, we don't often see just how easy life is for us and it is only as we grow older that we re... More



3.9K 170 5
By zeearchive

The day after Stacy left, I called Frank because I wanted to start work as soon as I could but he was on a business trip with his niece who was also his temporary secretary. He said we could talk when they got back to the city and that he was glad I called. I got the feeling Frank was being more appreciative of my tolerance.

I decided to spend the day with Noah. It seemed like the first time he and I had gone out together even though it wasn't. I was just glad he took time off work to spend the day with me. We went out to get ice cream.

The brown tile floored ice cream parlor was cold, raising goosebumps on my skin. I shivered as we walked on and Noah held my hand. His hand was warm and his palm soft against mine. Music played softly in the store, mixed with the voices of excited adults and children. I wasn't surprised- when it came to ice-cream, it was possible for anyone to become a child again.

Noah's eyes lit up as he placed his palm on the glass and leaned in, staring at the array of flavors. His breath created fog on the surface of the glass and he turned to stare at me, biting his lip.

"Strawberry", he stood upright and asked.

"Of Course,", I grinned at him and he nodded. He let go off my hand and spoke to the guy behind the counter while I took the opportunity to look around at the people. They looked pretty normal but then again so did Wade and he was a murderer. My dad used to say that people aren't always what they seem which is why we shouldn't judge them for the decisions they make.

I never let Wade explain. Did I judge him too soon?

"C'mon Bella", I looked up at Noah. He held two white cups in his hand and led me to a small table not too far away from the swinging door. We sat and he pushed my cup of strawberry ice cream towards me.

"Thanks", I muttered.

"The ice cream looks pretty good", he grinned at the bowl of dessert.

"Yeah it does", I picked up a small spoon and took a scoop, filling my mouth with the strawberry goodness. It melted into my tongue. It tasted just as good as it looked.

I watched Noah take in a large scoop before gritting his teeth. He cringed.

I chuckled, "brain freeze?"

"Yeah", he managed to say, holding his head and closing his eyes shut.

"Sorry", I said in an amused tone.

He opened his eyes and smiled at me once the feeling passed.

"Bella?", a voice said.

I turned to see a familiar man standing not too far from our table.

"Tyler!", I exclaimed.

Tyler was a colleague from work whom I hardly ever saw because we worked on different floors. Noah's eyes scanned Tyler's casual appearance but Tyler didn't notice. He smiled at me instead.

"How you doing?", he asked, "may I sit?", he added, staring at Noah.

"Sure of course", Noah muttered in a dry tone that probably meant he didn't want Tyler to sit.

Tyler sat next to me anyway, grinning, "we missed you at work, I heard about what happened, oh Bella, I'm so sorry", he said at once.

I glanced at Noah and saw him watching us with a clenched jaw.

"How are you?", Tyler asked.

"I'm fine", I said, forcing a smile, "how's everyone?"

"Oh, they're all fine", Tyler said, "Megan hasn't been to work in a while, they say she got a new job"

Tyler knew Megan because everybody knew Megan. She was nice to everyone, even the staff on other floors. Some days, she showed up with doughnuts and distributed them to everyone. It was hard to not love her but I also knew how much she loved working for Frank- unlike me. I hadn't heard from her since the day I saw her on the side of the road but I couldn't understand why she would decide to leave the company all of a sudden.

I frowned, "Megan quit?"

Tyler nodded, "yes"

"Oh wow", I managed to say, glancing at Noah who seemed occupied with his vanilla ice cream. Tyler's phone rang at that moment.

"Oh, I must go now, nice to see you again Bella", he said as he stared at his phone screen, "and you too....", he trailed as he faced Noah, unsure of what to say next.

"Noah", Noah said forcing a smile at Tyler who nodded, stood and walked away.

"Hey", I said to Noah.

"Mmhmm", he mumbled as he stuffed his face with ice cream making me chuckle.

"It's getting late, we should go", I said.

He beamed, waiting for the ice cream to melt in his mouth, "wait, let me finish this"

I nodded and watched him eat his ice cream, he seemed to notice and arched an eyebrow, "aren't you going to finish yours?", he asked, "it's melting", he added chuckling.

I stared at the bowl in front of me and grinned, "right"

It was getting late but a lot of people still flowed through the city. Noah's fingers were laced in between mine as we walked slowly towards the apartment building. I looked up; the tall buildings pierced through the skyline as the sun sunk along with the day light. There was a calm stillness in the atmosphere, the air smelt faintly of smoke and rain. It was raining somewhere close.

"Its beautiful tonight", Noah said softly.

"Yeah", I said.

I watched as a balloon escaped from a little boy's hand on the sidewalk across the street from me. He ran after it. The woman next to him, who I assumed was his mother cussed and ran after him on realizing that he was going away from her.

"Did you see that?", I asked Noah.

"Yeah", his tone was amused, "is he going to float after the balloon though?"

I chuckled.

We stopped in front of the building and Noah smiled at me.

"You're beautiful, you know, that right?", he asked, taking a strand of my hair and placing it gently behind my ear, "right?", he asked again when I didn't reply.

I smiled and nodded. He pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you Bella", he said softly.

"I love you too", I said as he released me, "want to talk about why you didn't seem comfortable back there?", I asked, hoping he would open up to me.

"I don't want you to go back there", he was referring to my job.

"I know"

"But you're going regardless of what I say, aren't you?"


He scoffed, "you're so stubborn"

There was a loud ringing sound coming from his pocket. He took out his phone and stared at it frowning.

"Something wrong?", I asked.

He sighed, "I have to go, work calls"

"Oh okay"

He leaned in to kiss me lightly on the lips.

"Sure, you don't want me to come up with you?", he asked as he pulled away.

I smirk, "You have work sir"

He groaned, "I really don't want to go", he whined.

"Noah go"

"Fine", he said, leaning in to kiss me deeper and longer than the last time, "we'll finish this some other time", he said playfully as he pulled away.

I said goodbye to Noah as he got into his car which he parked outside the building earlier. He zoomed off and I took out my keys before walking into the apartment building.

I mentally prepared myself for another night spent without Stacy. I thought about seeing a movie, then I thought about reading a book. I could just call Stacy and talk to her until I slept off but I already did that the night before.

I paused in front of the apartment. The door was slightly open and I frowned, glancing around the hallway first before walking in.

"Hello?", I called, "Stacy?"

It was impossible that she was home so early unless of course, her aunt had told her that Linda was overreacting and let her come back. My hand felt the wall next to me for the light switch and I flicked it on.

I gasped.

Wade stood next to the couch, his hand holding onto a side of his stomach where blood oozed profusely out from. His eyes were slightly open but I could tell he was gazing at me.

A slight groan escaped his lips.

"Great, you're home", he muttered before falling to the ground.

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