Mark of a Dragon Rider.

By Spillover1173

6.3K 337 31

(Cover is thanks to @Potato__Writer) Long ago Dragon Riders were viewed as heroes and it was an honor to be a... More

Chapter 1 *edited*
Chapter 2 *edited*
Chapter 3 *edited*
Chapter 4 *edited*
Chapter 5 *edited*
Chapter 6 *edited*
Chapter 7 *edited*
Chapter 8 *edited*
Chapter 9 *edited*
Chapter 10 *edited*
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 18

161 9 0
By Spillover1173

Doing a flip to lessen the blow I land on her back. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it had. "We are going to need to work on that one I think," I tell her. She growls lowly. "You think! You almost died. Once we get to camp I believe we will go to bed and tomorrow we will work on your power as we travel," she says. So she is a little mad at me. Great just great an angry dragon is a scary dragon no matter who you are. 

So once we reach the camp after Blaze, Zen, and Sky all got done yelling at me for being so reckless. They told Drake and I got another long-winded lecture. After that we all went to bed cuddled up with our dragons. 

Zen and Sky insisted on staying close to us much to the displeasure of Drake. I only chuckled at Drake as he glared at us. I fall asleep leaning against my dragon and watching my so-called father. Blaze would growl lightly when Drake made a move to come near us. 

***Next Morning***

I wake up at the crack of dawn and a few minutes before Drake. Not to my surprise he stalks over to Sky. I nudge Blaze awake. She looks at me and I bring back the oval I made yesterday. "Any ideas on how to make it so I don't fall off but still stand up?" I ask her mentally. She brings her head close and looks over the design. 

"Let me ask Azul. She has some really cool ideas and might be able to help." Blaze said. Things go silent as Blaze talks to Azul and I try to think of something to keep me on it. "Okay Azul says to try and add leg support and attach it to the Light Board as she called it." Blaze tells me. Carefully I make a boot like thing on the Light Board. 

It will support my ankles and goes half way up my shin. From there I lace lightning up my leg. Azul wonders over to inspect my work. Then she starts going through the pouch that all dragons have. She pulled out a thing and handed it to me (goggles at the top of the page). 

"She says that they will protect your eyes from the wind. She saw someone with them once and made a pair herself. There called goggles." Blaze tells me. I put the goggles on and make the wrappings disappear. Stepping on the board I make them reappear and hold me to the board. I make sure that I am in a sturdy stance and adjust everything to match it. 

"Blaze are you going to come with me?" I ask her. She nods and opens her wings. Everyone else is still sleeping as Azul watches us from below. Slowly and carefully I raise the Light Board up and into the air. Blaze follows me on her own wings. 

We go higher and higher as I laugh at my new found freedom. Looking down at Blaze who is staying below me just in case I end up falling again. At that moment the sun started to rise and I stopped and hovered. It is beautiful and one day the whole kingdom will be able to look at the sunrise with a sense of freedom again. 

"Blaze we have to do it. We have to defeat the old king. If we don't this kingdom will never see a free day again." I tell her she sends her agreement through the link. I turn my board back around and start heading back. Now I am going about half the speed that Blaze can get up to. 

Looking down at Blaze I do a flip. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. "Now are you trying to crash again?" Blaze asks me. Doing another flip I only laugh. "I am not trying to crash but learning it might come in handy." I respond with sass in my voice. Blaze lets out a rumbling laugh.

"Now if you crash doing that I am not saving you." She said. I only send my amusement to her knowing she would save me.  Suddenly an arrow goes past my head almost hitting me. Quickly I turn to Blaze to see that she is already diving into the trees. In moments she is back in the sky with a wiggling form in her claws. 

Drifting back to fly beside Blaze I look at what she had caught. There was a boy. He had black hair and odd red eyes. He has a body frame that would be good for a thief or an assassin. "So good day huh? How's having your feet off the ground?" I ask him casually. He glares at me. Amused I notice that Blaze is holding him in such a way that he can't even move anything. 

"I like having my feet on the ground thank you very much." He said looking down and paling much to my amusement. "Well you will be on the ground soon enough just don't be surprised if you get hurt." I say calmly. I have no idea how Drake and Sky are going to react. The boy glares at me with his flaming red eyes. 

Backing away from him I settle in for the quick ride back. Blaze is making it a point for her to stay behind me just in case. "I'm going to drop him if you would like to play catch."  Blaze said and I know she is seriously going to drop him. "Go for it. It will be fun to see how loud he screams."  I tell her as I start drifting below her. 

We are above the camp now. A scream from behind me has me diving. I catch him easily and I will my lightning not to hurt him. It doesn't and I secure him to the bored in seconds. "Well now aren't you lucky I know my dragon well enough to know she was going to drop you?" I said with a smirk. 

We land and Blaze takes him again with a low warning growl at him. Everyone is up now and looking at him in wonder. "Who's this?" Sky asks anger in his voice. "That's what I would like to know. He did try killing me." I say looking at him as I got down from my Light Board. 

Sky steps between the two of us even though there was barely anything he would be able to do if the stranger attacked. Speaking of which Drake is advancing. "You tried to kill her?" Drake asked with as much threat in his voice as possible. 

The stranger seemed to shrink under Blaze. "The Old King sent me!! I never wanted to but if I didn't he would have destroyed a whole village. I didn't have a choice." He said. Anger flows through me and I can tell I am not the only one feeling this way. Looking at my team we all know what comes next. 


Word Count: 1192

I know it has been a while I am sorry my life got crazy. Oh and 1K views!!! Thank you all so much for that. When I saw it it really made my day!!!

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