Chapter 24

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I smirk and mock salute at him knowing he can see it but I am long since out of range of there arrows. He lets out a scream of rage and I lift up my arms kicking my legs to stay above the water. Blaze swoops down and grabs my arms and flies off with me climbing onto her back and settling in for the flight home. 

It is a few days after my great escape. The man's voice still rings in my ears and echos in my nightmares. Blaze keeps me close to her. We land only for rest and bathroom breaks. The more we land the more likely we are to get caught or be followed. 

Owl Eye comes into sight and I slump against Blaze's neck. "We finally made it back." I tell her with a smile. I can see Zen flying up with a roar of joy with Sky on his back. They must have someone keeping watch all the time or at least they better. 

Sky is only a good friend now and he knows it and we weren't that far into the relationship anyway. I sit up and smile at them. Then to freak him out I stand on Blaze's back and wave. Standing on YOUR dragon feels just like walking on normal ground. 

I can see Sky paling from here. There rest of the gang are being smart and waiting in the outpost. I laugh and smile up at the sun as it beats down on my face and my hair flows behind me. I'm up here and I'm free. The dragons meet each other and they escort us back to the nearest clearing for us to land in. 

Upon landing I frown. They were very sloppy about hiding tracks. We will have to do a lesson about that the fun way. Aka anyone I find will be getting some little friends in there beds that night. We go through the tree tops to get to the entrance where the rest of the team is waiting for us. 

The branches rush by as my paste quickens with the excitement of being back. Once we manage to get there I hop down and find everyone waiting for me and Sky to return. The dragons all nuzzle one another as the adults had shrunk down to a more manageable size. 

I could see that there were no hard feelings with me and Sky. We hadn't dated long and no connection was there and we both knew it. As soon as everyone was gathered and paying attention including the dragons who had the most to learn about this, I started my speech.

"Drake you know how to hide tracks far better then that. That's the first problem. We MUST keep this place secret. It's a safe haven for any dragon and there rider. Next we need to get the word out that Dragon Riders and there Dragons have a safe place they only need to find it. We need to go find other's and bring them back." I tell them looking each one in the eye in turn. 

"Sofia and Stella. You two can stay here and take care of the place. Neither of you are fighters. Azul can help get the dragon area up and ready. I was here alone and didn't know how to set it up. That cave will be a dragons only area. The riders will have there own area to. The training caves are to be shared." I tell them as I looked at each. Sofia nearly melts with relief. 

That leaves Drake and Sky with there dragons but Azul rumbles in unhappiness. I look at her and think something through real quick. "Blaze can assign the dragons there jobs. I'm only giving them to the riders and if someone wants to leave or wants a different job then they are free to go. I won't hold anyone here against there will." I tell them in assurance. 

My words have a relaxing effect on them. No one seemed to be forced to stay here and they now know for a fact they are free to go. "Alright Sky, Drake, and I will cover the patrols. We will go in pairs to hunt for hiding riders. Unless...." An idea strikes me. 

With me, Sky, Drake, Alvaro, Zen, and Blaze we could storm the castle. The old king most likely has dragons and there riders locked in the dungeons. If we kill the old king while storming the castle that is just a bonus but I would prefer not to kill him. 

Drake is looking at me knowing I am thinking something through. "What are you thinking cause it might not end well." Drake said to me. I take a few more moments to think a few more things through. "We could storm the castle. I know it sounds insane but it could work." I tell him. Sky's eyes go wide. 

"We could be captured, tortured, or worse killed!!!! What in the world are you thinking?" Sky all but yells at me. Drake puts a hand on his shoulder. "Hear her out before yelling at her. It works better that way." He said calmly glaring at me clearly showing he supports Sky on this one. 

"For how many years has that old king decided to take Dragons and there Riders? There are not executions for all of them so what other logical explanation is there then they are all sitting in the dungeons? If we could get down there and free them think about how many we would be saving." I say. 

Drake seems to consider it but Sky still seems against it. I look at Sofia and she seems for it. "I will go with and I can heal as we fly." She said thoughtfully. I shake my head. "Your to valuable to be lost. If you go who would look after Stella?" I asked her. She sighs knowing I'm right. Sure my adopted mom would love Stella but she'd freak at the tiger cub that is dancing around her feet.

"Let's move this inside. Go to the dinning room. That should be able to hold all of us." Drake says. I shake my head. "Library. Go there." I say as I start walking. I'm tired from the last two days but this needs to get solved before we do anything else. Blaze can sense this and walked next to me. 

Once we make it there I lean against Blaze and cross my legs and arms to make it look like I need sleep. Suddenly I change my mind. "I'm going to sleep you guys discuss. I can't stay up much longer." I say with a tired yawn. No one argues so me and Blaze go to our room. I am happy to see that no one has touched anything. 

Leaving my sword on me I lay down on my bed and I smile as Blaze lays down in a nest that has grown with her. Part of the magic of this place I guess. My eyes are so heavy and I'm so tired that not even the thought of sieging the castle can keep me awake. Seconds later I drift into a peaceful sleep with my dragon at my side. 


Word Count: 1221

Another chapter finished. I have no idea how many more there will be but there should be a second book... maybe. I am working on 25+ books right now and this should be the first one I've ever finished. 

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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