Chapter 2 *edited*

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I look behind him and see my dad with a sword to the boy's neck. "You better put that sword down before I have to hurt you little boy." My father said calmly.

The boy put the sword down and I get mine out. He has his hands up in the air and is on his knees on the ground. "So first off why did you guys want me?" I asked him. He shakes his head no and doesn't say a word.

I sighed. Well if we had to do this the hard way then we would do it the hard way. His hands are on his head but he seems to be hiding his right wrist right where the mark would be. "Dad can you hold him down for a few seconds?" I asked him.

"Sure but what do you have in mind?" He asked me. I only walk over to a now pinned boy. I lean forward and grab his right arm. His eyes go wide and he struggles to keep it hidden. I win though with a little help from my dad and when I see the mark I knew I had been right. 

Wait the second you get your mark a dragon egg will appear. So then where is his dragon? "What is your name?" I asked him calmly. He seemed to be debating on telling me or not. "My name is Zeke." He said. (pronounced Zeeky)

I look at him a second longer. "My name is Luna. Now where is your dragon?" I asked him calmly. I think he is a friend. "Hidden away from you." Is all Zeke said. I sighed. Well I am going to take him to my cave. 

It is really a dungeon if you go in deep enough but no one remembers it anymore. I think it was once a Dragon Rider base. "Dad I am going to take him somewhere can you get the rest of them into the town dungeon?" I said. 

"Yes but remember you need to be careful." He told me. After my dad left and got some rope we tied his arms behind his back and then there is a lead for me to hold onto so he can't make a run for it.

My dad picked him up and then carried him all the way outside where he put him down. "Go take him to your hidden place. I know you have one." He said. Dad then turned away and went back into the house. 

Mom is in her bedroom shaking terribly and no matter what we tell her she won't listen. I grab a bandanna and cover Zeke's eyes. It is almost sunset but if we hurry we can still make it to my cave. 

"Zeke if you follow my lead and listen you shouldn't trip and fall. I am going to spin you around so you don't know where we are going through. I am taking you to a secret place of mine. You should be safe there." I told him.

I don't get a reply so I spin him around a few times and then start to carefully guide him to my cave. After ten minutes of walking we finally made it. He only tripped twice but he didn't fall. I lead him far back and into the cave.

Getting to the dungeon part I put him in the best cell in here. There are even metal cuffs that I can put on his ankles and wrists. The keys were left in here and I know carry them in a hidden pouch on me. 

I walk him in and put two of the cuffs around his ankles. Then I untie his arms and put his wrists into cuffs. He winced whenever he heard and felt one close but he didn't resist or help me in any way. When I am done I take his blindfold off of him.

He blinks a few times. I walk out and lock the cell door behind me. Then I walk over to the entrance and shut the door. It looks just like the rock around it. I then walk into one of the bedrooms inside the cave. This is the one that I claim as mine.

It has a large nest in it and that is why I figure it to be a Dragon Rider's base. I grab some of the spare food that I have in here and put it on one of the trays that I had found here. Then I grab a clean empty cup and walk over to the underground pond that is in here.

There are really two ponds and I use one for bathing and the other for drinking and cooking with. Filling up the cup I place it on the tray. Going back to Zeke's cell I open the door and go in. He is sitting up against the wall.

He has his eyes closed and seems to be sleeping. Setting the tray down next to him I carefully start to poke him. He wakes with a start and stares at me. "I brought you some food. You are only going to be in here until I figure out what to do with you. Know can you please tell me where your dragon is?" I ask him.

"Thank's for the food and I will not tell you where my dragon is." He told me. I sighed. "Fine then can you at least tell me about them. I have always loved learning about dragon's but there isn't much information to get to my village." I said.

He seems to think it through for a second. "I think that would be alright. When you go to sleep the day before you turn 17 you will fall asleep like any other night. When you wake you will feel a tingly kind of feeling in your arm and your mark will appear. Then your egg will appear within the next half an hour. My egg took a full day to hatch. We haven't really been a part in the two full month's that I have had him. Well it will be two month's tomorrow." He said.

I nodded. He ate some of his food. "What is your dragon's name?" I asked him. "His name is Zen. You also get to name your dragon but they have to agree to the name. They normally want their name to have the same first letter as there rider's." He told me. I nodded.

"If I let you out then will you help me find Zen and bring him here and then stay here with me? It is safe in this cave and if anyone from the village finds a dragon no matter how big or small they will kill it." I told him.

He seems to think about it. "Only if we are both free to come and go as we please. If that is fine then I do agree." He said. I nod and get the key out and let him out. I grab his tray and bring it to the dining room. There is a big long table in there. 

"The whole cave is lit by magic torches. They will never burn out. I believe this place used to be a Dragon Rider base. The whole thing had furniture when I found it. Though the weapon's room didn't have any weapon's." I told him.

We sit down and eat our meals. "I think Zen is coming here to us. We better stay put. You go to bed and I will wait up for him." Zeke told me. I shake my head. "I don't think so. I am staying up to. How do you know he is getting closer?" I ask him.

"Well you and your dragon can communicate telepathically but only over a certain distance. He told me he is coming. He is a little mad at you for treating me the way you did though." He said. Figure's the first dragon that I am going to meet is going to be mad at me.

"How far away is he?" I asked him. His eyes glaze over a little but he keeps moving how he was before. "He said about a five-minute run." Zeke tells me. I get up done with my meal and Zeke follows me. I put my tray down in the cabinet after cleaning it in the cooking pond.

I then show Zeke to the room right next to mine. Both of our rooms are near the door. I then go to bed but I have kept my sword and bow with me and ready at all times. It isn't long before I fall asleep on my bed.

The last thing I hear is someone whispering 'Goodnight Luna' and then I am asleep and dreaming of having my own dragon.


Word Count: 1544

So all my chapter's are going to be long. Some are going to take longer to update than other's because I am trying to write more in my other books. I have about the next two chapter's planned and when I say that I mean I have some idea's for them but that's it. So as always COMMENT.

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