Chapter 5 *edited*

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"Hey when we go to train do you want me to shoot at you with my bow? I will use dulled arrows of coarse." I ask sweetly. I am so going to get him with some exploding stink arrows.

I finish getting ready and then head down to the training room. I have my bow in my hand and when I get there I find that Zen is already in here with Lula. Zen is already a bit bigger then a horse. Lula only comes up a little past his knees.

I walk over to the fake tree that is off to the side of the room. There are a few of them and they are my favorite part of the training room. I climb up into the tallest and then pull my bow back. I will for a stink arrow to appear.

It does. This is just one of the tricks I have learned over the last month. I can will for any arrow that I can imaging to just appear. Zeke comes in not a minute later and I release the arrow. It goes fly towards him and it looks like he isn't going to catch it but suddenly his hand comes up and catches it.

The second the arrow stops moving it explodes all over him. I smile the smell won't harm him only annoy him so his gift didn't have a reason to alert him of that. He looks around for me.

When his eyes find me I smile and wave. His eyes glaze over and then I here Lula yelling in my head. "Run for it! Zeke just told Zen to get you so he can hug you!" Lula gives the warning just in time. I jump out of the tree and hit the ground right as Zen crashes into the tree.

I take of running with Zeke and Zen chasing me. Me being me I head into the forest. That mean's tree hopping and Zen won't be able to fly and get me. I am faster than Zeke and more agile so he won't be able to catch me in the treetops.

Lula is running right next to me but she fly's here and there when the branches are to thin. We work together in perfect harmony while the boy's are flopping on the ground like fish out of water. They are to focused on trying to catch us then to work together.

I am leading us deeper into the forest. "Lula it would be nice to be able to turn invisible right about now." I said. "Yes it would" is all I got as a response. We keep on running until we have made a big circle and are now back at the cave.

I run inside and run into my room locking the door. Lula is right next to me. I can't hear the boy's though. This makes me a little worried. "Lula should we go and look for them?" I ask looking at her. She nods and we both take of running.

Going through the woods as fast as we can we make the full circle and I can't find them. Then I hear Zen let out a roar. "Lula do you know what is going on?" I ask her a little panicked. "Yeah Zen just told me they are in trouble follow me!" She said.

She turns sharply towards the village. I follow her. We hid in the treetops until they come into view. When they did we stop moving and hold still. Zen has a chain around his mouth and is in a cage. They are still fighting Zeke but there are simply too many of them for Zeke to handle. 

One finally pins him and get him tied down. He is still struggling. The men are all from my village. I don't know what they are doing out here and I don't know how Zeke got out here. He knows the woods almost as well as I do. 

"Lula what do we do. There are around 20 men down there and we can't take on that many." I ask her. "There are actually 25 men down there and we are going to watch him. I guess we will just shadow them. Normally they don't kill the dragon rider until they have been taken to the king and that is only when they are captured in the wild." She told me.

"Well how long does that take?" I ask her. She thinks about it. "Long enough for us to get our powers and be able to break him out." She said. So we have a while. "How is Zen doing?" I ask. I am worried that he will freak out.

"He is fine. I told him the plan." I nod we need to get to the king. "Can we get our power's now?" I ask. Well I heard that if a rider has enough stress or their gift could help them then they can get there gift a little early.

"Yes we could." Is all she said. The men have securely tied down Zeke and they must have hurt him a little because Zen is thrashing around trying to help him. They start moving in the direction of the village. 

It is a little later in the fall finally and wearing long-sleeved shirts wouldn't be weird. "Lula if you stay hidden I might be able to make it as a guard for him. I normally disappear for the time we have been in the cave. Everyone knows I am good enough to make it as his personal guard to." I said.

"Yeah you stop at home and get the shirts. Pack everything in advanced then leave it in the bushes by your house. Make sure you have your sword and bow." Lula told me. We run back to the cave and I change into a long-sleeved shirt. But for good measure I put some makeup on my mark that will cover it for a few weeks. 

I then throw a lot of my long sleeve shirts in a bag along with anything else I might need. Once we have everything packed I head out. Getting to my house a few minutes later I hide the bag in a tree.

"Lula this is where we split up. I need you to shadow us in case anything goes wrong." I said. She nods and disappears into the shadow's. She can blend in with the shadow's very easily from her coloring. 

I start walking down the path as soon as the bells start ringing in town signalling for any villager that can hear them to meet in the town square. I meet my dad along the road and we walk into town together.

"Luna as happy as I am to see you what are you doing here?" My dad whispers to me. "Me and Zeke where training in the woods and he got caught along with his dragon. I am going to go as a guard and meet the king with him. From there we will escape." I said.

"Happy to see you working on your mission. I was a knight in my younger days yeah know." My dad said. I nod my head. My mother is staying home because she is getting sick enough that she could die.

She only ever tolerated me but never loved me. I am a daddy's girl through and through. We arrive in the village and I can feel Lula shadowing us. We reach the village and when everyone sees me they give a cheer. 

I have always been a favorite fighter of there's and they like to show it. Not seeing me for a month or sometimes six months is normal. I wave and make my way up front. There is a platform but they don't have Zen or Zeke up there yet.

The crowd doesn't have to wait very long for a second later they bring out Zeke and he is still struggling against them and they force him onto his knees. He manages to keep his head high though. Zen is then rolled onto the stage after Zeke.

The mayor comes out and in a booming voice he says "We have found this dragon and his rider in the woods today. They put up a good fight but we caught them. Now we are going to need volunteers to escort them to the king and then bring them back here for the execution. Volunteers please raise your hand and step forward." The mayor finishes.

I raise my hand and step forward along with some other knight's that are staying in the village. The mayor is making the final picks and when he gets to me he smiles and tells me...


Word Count: 1443

So I left this chapter off with a cliffhanger. What are you hoping her powers are? I know but I won't tell yet. So as always please COMMENT!

Mark of a Dragon Rider.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon