Panstagram <> Vkook

By Aeri_Taekook

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Taebeach_95: Hey hottie ;) Jeon_Cena: Hi daddy 👋🏻 In which a graduating boy gets a DM from a stranger. More

Important update :)


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By Aeri_Taekook

(Jungkook's P.O.V)

When Taehyung dropped me off at my house I walked in silently, hoping that Jisoo and my mom would not hear.

But unfortunately they did.

"Jungkook!" Jisoo screeched, running up to me, followed by my mom. "How was it?"

"It had so much fun! and he asked me to be his boyfriend!" I squealed.

"Congrats Jungkook! that's good you had fun, I'm glad. I missed you sweetie." Mom came up and gave my cheek a kiss. It felt so good to have her back.

"I'll make homemade ramen." My mom said and walked off into the kitchen.

"Soooo," Jisoo had a gleam of mischief in her eyes, "Did you  loose your BV card? or you MV?" She winked.

"What?" I asked.

"Your butthole virginity, mouth virginity." She said simply.

"Oh God! Jisoo!" I shied away, looking down at my luggage like it was the most fascinating thing.

"OMG! You did not say no!" She squealed. "How was it?"

"Jisoo..." I said quietly.

"Hmm?" She hummed happily.

"We did not have sex, or do any of that stuff." I said.

"Well, did you do anything exciting?" She asked.

"Can we not talk about this here, mom is right there." I whispered.

"Let's go to my room." She grabbed my hand and led me upstairs, once we got into her room she slammed the door fiercely and locked it. "Sooooo?"

"I can't believe I'm telling you this." I sighed.

"Where can I skip the ads?" She joked.

"When we got home I went in his room and looked out the window and Tae was like, 'You look so good in the moonlight, baby.' and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Somewhere along the line he clicked and started kissing me, then he kissed me down my neck-" I got cut off.

"That feels so good-Sorry." Jisoo laughed.

"He started grinding his hips up against me, and pushed me on the bed and we started making out and he like kept grinding up against me and stuff, then I came." I said, then looked away embarrassed.  "I expected us to have sex but he said I was not ready but when I was that we would."

"I really like Taehyung, yeah he fucked up big time that one night..." She started, "But he really cares for you and I can tell. So I'll give him another chance."

"Good, because I'm really in love." I sigh.

"Congrats, Jungkookie." She smiled.

"Kids! Dinner!" My mom yelled from the bottom of the steps. We both got up and walked over to her door, she unlocked it and we headed downstairs.

Jisoo and I sat next to each other and my mom put the fresh, hot, steamy ramen in our bowls. We licked our lips and just as we were about to eat it...

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." I said and got up. I headed to the door and when I opened it I nearly fainted.

The figure had blonde hair and dark brown eyes, much like mine. All of these features were on one familiar long face...

"Hoseok?" I asked in shock.

"Why hello, Jungkookie." He smiled at me.

"Hoseok!" I yelled and ran out the door and gave him a tight hug. He hugged back and we stayed like that for a minute.

"Long time no see." He laughed.

"Yeah! How did you find where I lived?" I asked.

"You had me over all those times and I remembered the address, and I figured you have not moved like I did." He smiled once more, this guy was always such a ray of sunshine.

"Jungkook, who is it?" My mom came beside me.

"Oh! Jung Hoseok! Hello dear!" My mom hugged him.

"Hi, Mrs. Jeon." He hugged her back.

"Well, don't be rude Jungkook, let him in!" My mom said cheerfully. "Would you like to eat dinner with us?"

"If it's not to intrusive, of course! I remember how good your cooking is." My mom chuckled and I invited Hoseok in, he came in and looked around, then followed me into the kitchen, he looked at Jisoo and smiled. "Ah, Jisoo, as beautiful as ever."

"Thank you, Hoseok. It's good to see you again." Jisoo said politely.

He sat down at the end of the table and my om filled his bowl with ramen. He bowed his head and said thank you, then we all started eating again.

"So Hoseok, are you here permanently again?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, I moved back here so I could be with family because right now things are rough with my parents and I." Hoseok said sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear that dear...." My mom said.

"Ah, its fine. Its more between them, I just try to get involved and help, but fail." He sighed, "But enough about me,"

"How have you been Jungkook?" He asked me.

"Oh, I'm good." I said, "Lots have been going on, but its all positive."

"Ah, Like?" Hoseok asked.

"Well, I actually just got back from Seoul City with my boyfriend, It was  fun." I said.

"Oh, you Have a boyfriend?" Hoseok asked me.

"Yeah. I'm gay, Haha." I said uncomfortably.

"Don't worry, I'm Bisexual." He laughed.

"Oh, Phew. I thought you were homophobic." I laughed.

"Why are all your friends gay." My mom laughed.

When we all finished eating I brought Hoseok up to my room, grabbing my bags on the way up.

"Mind helping me unpack?" I asked.

"Sure." He said, then opened my big duffel bag. I told him where everything goes and he helped me unpack.

We ended up talking about Iron man, and child hood memories, then we watched movies on my PC, before Hoseok received a text.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook, But I need to go." He said before standing up.

"Can I get your Instagram?" I asked.

"Sure," I gave him a piece of paper and a pencil and he wrote his username down.


I walked downstairs with Hoseok and my mom and sister and I all said goodbye, and watched as he walked down the driveway and into his car.

I walked upstairs and decided to take a shower, when I was done I plopped down on my phone and went on Instagram and called Taehyung.

"Hey baby, whats up?" Tae asked me, his deep voice coming out scratchy through my speakers.

"My childhood bestfriend came over today, been almost ten years since I've seen him. We had a lot of fun." I smiled.

"That's great Kookie." Taehyung smiled also. Eventually we ended up talking and laughing about nonsense, and I started to get tired.

I yawned loudly, struggling to keep my eyes open, as it was now 12am.

"Baby, you should go to bed." Taehyung said softly.

"Mhm, not tired." I yawned.

"Your cute yawns say other wise, go to sleep baby." Taehyung said.

"Ok, I love you Tae." I yawned.

"I love you to Kookie, Goodnight." Then the beep signaled the call was over.

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