Love Heals | NoMin

By lunamintheu

164K 7.1K 4.7K

Jaemin lost his smile when his parents decide to separate and file a divorce. Since that day, he became anot... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
not an update
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Special Chapter 1

Special Chapter 2

3.9K 166 71
By lunamintheu


Renjun cringes at the sight of his friends.

It's still early and here they are, being sweet to each other. Donghyuck got Mark, there's no way that Jeno and Jaemin will separate, and of course, Chenle and Jisung. While him, he has only food to eat. He is the only single yet incredibly handsome young boy inside his house.

They decided to have an overnight movie marathon in his house and he agreed because it would be fun.

However, it seems not.

These couples ended up sticking and flirting with each other and in the end, he's the only one who seemed to understand the story of the movie that they had watched.

If he doesn't become nice to Jeno, Jaemin will probably end up in his arms and Jeno will be alone and sad. But since those two look perfect together, he decided to step down.

"Can you all please separate for just a minute? Be nice to me will you? I mean, respect the single people around." Renjun whined then took the sausage into his mouth.

"Bang! I told you, the devil is lonely. Why don't you just accept Ningning's love and become happy for life?" Donghyuck said, his boyfriend's arm is on his waist while his head is resting on the older's shoulder. Great.

"Why don't you? Stop talking about her."

"She's cute, and talented." Jaemin said and Jeno agreed.

"He's right. Come on, I know you're just shy."

"Shut up. I'm not shy, and why would I?" he snorted and playfully punched Jeno's bicep. "I don't think she's right." he added.

"What are you? A love guru? How did you know? We all knew here that you've been single for 18 years of your life." The eldest then drinks his coffee on the table. "Aw, it's bitter. Did you make this Injoong?"

"Who else?" Jisung laughed.

Renjun pouted.

Okay, he will admit. He is kind of jealous about seeing them happy and in love. Especially Jaemin and Jeno. To be honest, he had a second thought whether to fight for his feelings or not for Jaemin but everytime he saw Jeno and Jaemin together, his heart wouldn't take it and just give up. They really look perfect together. But now, he doesn't feel like that anymore.

However, the almighty Renjun wants to be loved too. Of course.

"Stop teasing him. He looks pitiful." Jaemin chuckled, Renjun can only sigh.

"Get lost y'all."

"Renjun doesn't like Ningning. Okay, let's pray for his future love life together. I care a lot about our love guru and I don't want him to be lonely. If it's not because of him, Mark and I won't be here together." Donghyuck then tapped Renjun's shoulder, but he shoved it away. "Yeah, I thought you forgot."

"Okay let's do it."

"Especially you Jeno hyung! He gave up his love for Jaemin just for you."

"Yah! Zhong Chenle!"

"We know! Stop being sensitive here. We're trying to help you by praying. So shut up the fuck up brother!"

Renjun wondered, how can he become friends with them again? They're all crazy as fuck.

"You're so loud." Renjun complains while trying to hit the younger boy beside.


"Ahh, let's just eat together."

"Mm, I'm not hungry."

"But I am. It's lonely to eat alone."

"You can eat later then. I'll cook for you."

"You will?"

"Of course."

"Ehe. I really love you Jaemin!"

Renjun heard the sound of a kiss behind him. He just rolled his eyes and continued his business while shaking his head. They won't stop, even if he act like crazy here because they are too busy in their own world. When Mark and Donghyuck disappeared in his sight, he breathed a sigh of relief. But he forgot about these two.

"I love you more."

"No, I love you most."

"I love you to infinity and beyond."

"Damn! I love it when you're sticking to me like that."

"Give me a smile."

Another sound of kiss was heard.

"I said, a smile. Not a kiss." Jaemin whines, but Renjun is so sure that he fucking likes it when Jeno is kissing him. One time, he saw a bruise on both of these two male's lips after a day of their fight and he asked what happened and Jaemin said they kissed all night because they made up.

Like what the fuck?

"You don't like it?"

"I love it." Jaemin chuckles.

Damn it. Renjun cursed in his mind when he saw his art were kissing too. He didn't realize that his drawing became different in just a short period of time. He didn't mean to turn it this way.

"Yah! You two, get a room. You ruined my artwork." Renjun whines, almost crying and shows his works to the couple.

"We did? You're the one who's making that."

"Exactly, and I can't focus because of you two." Renjun clicked his tongue and stared at the two male for a second.

"Aish, alright. Just stay here, I will leave." he shook his head before taking his things and leaving the place quickly.

Renjun leaves the room with a long face.

What a life.

He will go to the school's auditorium instead to finish his work because Renjun needs a quiet place to focus.

Then, he made it. So he is proud of himself again for doing great, although an unexpected twist came in, which is the concept of his works becoming a couple instead of friends only.

Even his work is telling him to find someone to be with.

But how?

Is it Ningning?

He doesn't really like that girl.

Renjun was busy in his deep thoughts but stopped when he heard the sound of a piano.

Someone is playing a piano and he didn't notice that someone is with him inside the auditorium too.

The sound of the piano is like heaven. It's beautiful. The one who's playing must be really talented to play such a good song and he can also say that he must be playing for competitions too.

Curiosity killed Renjun, that's why he stood up and looked for the beautiful sound.

Right then, he found a boy.

He's into music. Renjun can say that there's a string between the beautiful music and this boy.

Other than that, the boy looks beautiful too.

Like an angel.

Renjun didn't notice that he's staring at the boy for too long and he didn't realize that the music was not playing anymore because the boy noticed him.

"Omo." At last, he is awake.

"Uh, hello? Do you need something?" the boy asked him and flashed a little smile.

"Ah n-no. I- I'm just passing by. The music is too beautiful. I'm sorry." Renjun bowed to apologize and was about to leave but the boy called him.


Renjun stopped and glanced at him nervously and shyly. "Y-Yes?"

"Can you stay for a bit and listen to it? Honestly, I composed this and I need a listener to tell me if it's good or not."

Is he a foreigner? The way he speaks is different.

He said he composed the song. It's beautiful though. Renjun wants to listen to more of it.

"Yeah. Sure." Renjun smiled and came closer to the boy. The latter moved a bit for Renjun to sit beside him, then both of them smiled.

"Thank you."

Renjun spent his time at the auditorium together with the boy. Even though they didn't know each other, he feels like there's a bond between them and it feels fucking good.

"How is it?"

"I told you, it's beautiful and unique. If you didn't tell me that you're the one who composed this, then I assumed that a professional did." Renjun stated.

"Really? Thank you so much. I'm flattered. I'm Yangyang by the way. You are?" the boy extended his hand.

"My name is Renjun. Nice to meet you." Renjun then accepts his hand.


"Where in the world have you been? You're missing for almost one hour and you're already absent for our P.E subject!" Donghyuck said the moment he saw Renjun. "What happened to you? You never like being absent." Jeno added. Wow, he's not with his baby this time. Good thing.

"I'm just wandering around. Shut the fuck up! Jinyoung said you did nothing on that subject. Fuck off." Renjun rolled his eyes.

"So, where have you been?"

"I told you, I'm just wandering somewhere. Are you deaf?" He rolled his eyes before he made his way into his seat.

"Are you stupid? I'm asking you where exactly have you been coz Ningning keeps bothering my phone and asking about where the fucking hell are you."

Ah right. What should he do with Ningning? How will he turn down her unique confession without hurting her feelings?

Well, is it possible to not hurt her?

"Where is she?" He asked while keeping his artwork safe.

"I don't know. She just left. Why? Are you planning to accept her love?" Jeno answered.
"No. I will talk to her." Renjun then leaves.

"Uh oh." The two males look into each other's eyes.


Renjun went to Ningning's class and he saw her playing with her classmates and she looked really happy.

Yes, she's pretty cute and her cuteness is irresistible. One time, Renjun heard her sing and it's incredibly amazing because of her beautiful voice. However, Renjun thinks that she's really not the one.

"Excuse me, can you call Ningning for me?"

"Sure thing. Ningning! Your future husband is looking for you." the girl shouted, that's why she caught all their attention.

"Yieeeeee!" the class teased. Ningning is starting to blush.

"Ugh. You don't have to say that."

In just a second, Ningning is standing in front of him now and smiling ear to ear. "Hi Renjun. Do you need something?"

"Can I borrow your time?"

"Of course, you always have my time."

"Follow me then."

Renjun turns around and starts walking, behind him is Ningning who's smiling while following him. He felt sorry, but if he is not going to do this, it will hurt Ningning more and Renjun doesn't want that to happen.

The two went to a place where no one was around so that they could talk seriously.

"I'm sorry." Renjun said when he stopped walking before facing Ningning.

"Huh?" Ningning is confused. "Sorry for what?" She added, seems really confused.

"You know what I'm talking about."

Ningning's eyebrow furrowed. Of course she knew what Renjun was talking about but still, she wanted to be deaf. "I really d-don't." She shook her head.

"You're a nice girl Ningning. You're attractive and talented too. Don't waste your time on me."

"Are you planning to dump me?" Her eyes saddened and seemed hurt.

Renjun clicked his tongue and looked away.

"I told you, I can wait and I don't care how long it takes! You're worth everything, please don't say that." Ningning then took Renjun's hand but the latter loosened to her grip slowly.

"I'm sorry. I can't like you back."

"You said I am nice and attractive. Am I not charming enough for you to lay your eyes on me?" Ningning sounds desperate but she doesn't care. This is about Renjun and she just can't give up on him like this. "Renjun-ah."

"I'm really sorry."

"Stop apologizing will you? How about the kiss? We kissed right?"

"You are the one who did it. Please, if you really like me, you will understand. I can't really like you back."

"But I can wait for you." Ningning is starting to tear up. Renjun didn't want this to happen but he couldn't do anything about it. He should be honest.

"You don't have to. I'm really sorry. Hurt me if you want if it will make you feel better." Renjun took Ningning's hand but the latter stopped him.

"Shut up. You're so mean." She wiped her tears off and didn't say anything before leaving.

Renjun left sighing.

"I'm sorry Ningning."


"Hey Softie!" Someone tapped Yanyang's head that made him awake from daydreaming. "You seems spaced out."

"I am?"

"Who else? Is it Xiaojun?" Hendery said sarcastically then rested his head on Xiaojun's shoulder.

"Why? Are you talking to me?"

"Of course dumbass. I'm asking you where have you been?"

"Ahh." Yangyang smiled then brushed his hair with his fingers. "I just practiced my new song again, and I'm thinking about how I could gain such a beautiful listener." Yangyang then bit his lower lip.


"I felt really good that time. I wonder why?"

Yangyang is talking about Renjun. The boy he encountered earlier. That one looks really beautiful whether he's near or far.

Should he talk about him to his friends? These fools are nosy when it comes to his privacy. What if they'll end up bothering Renjun? It's embarrassing.

"The fuck you're talking about?"

"Oh, nothing." He faked his smile. They don't know about this. They really can't.

"Ge! Ningning looks sad. What happened between you?"

"I just told her to stop, I really can't like her back."

Yangyang's eyes widened when he heard that familiar voice. He quickly gets up on his seat and chases the sound of that voice where it came from. Even if his friends are still calling him.

"It's Renjun." he smiled then went to the latter.

"Hi Renjun!" Yangyang tapped him.

"Oh, it's you. Hi." Renjun smiled and waved his hand. Yangyang also noticed a boy who's with Renjun that is looking at him with a weird expression.

"Uh, ge. I didn't know you had other friends than us."

"Ah, say hi. Chenle is Yangyang, we just met today and instantly became friends. Yangyang, this is Chenle. He is also my friend."

"Friend? Really? He is a friend?" Chenle asked, emphasizing the last word with a smirk on his face. "I get it now. About dumping Ningning. You're so bad." he whispered but chuckled.

"Shut up. That's not the case."

"Hi. I'm Yangyang. If you are Renjun's best friend, then would you let me-" Yangyang couldn't complete what he was about to say when Chenle pushed Renjun to Yangyang. Luckily, the latter caught him.

"Of course you can. Just take care of him and love him like he is the most precious thing that happened in your life. No problem." the younger one smirked and wink to Renjun.

"What the fuck Chenle?" Renjun said, then glanced at Yangyang. "Stop talking gibberish."

"Gibberish my foot. See you later! Enjoy your date." Chenle again then stuck his tongue out before running away. Renjun might catch and choke him if he did not run.

Renjun glanced at Yangyang again and laughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry about that kid. He's just silly." Renjun bit his lip. He felt embarrassed.

"It's okay. My friends are worse."

"Uh, you need something?"

"Ah, are you free later?" Yangyang asked shyly.

Renjun nodded. "Why?"

"Then, can you come with me? I want to know more about you." Then he smiled and rubbed his nape.

Renjun smiled too.

"Sure thing."

Special Chapter 2 ends~

Yey! Another special chap! I just wanT Renjun to be happy too so I gave him a man 😍kekkeke. The idea just popped in my head when new trainees were introduced.

I hope you like it! ☺

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