Guilty Pleasure | Seulyong

By pastelishpink

19.2K 735 850

guilty pleasure; (n.) to describe a certain substance or activity a person enjoys, and often practises, while... More

Every rose has its thorns.
โ”โœง One
โ”โœง Two [M]
โ”โœง Four [M]
โ”โœง Five
โ”โœง Six

โ”โœง Three

2.6K 125 159
By pastelishpink

Seulgi rushed inside of her small yet very cozy apartment and dropped her bag to the floor before almost running to her bedroom, and opened her white closet. She hurriedly looked through her clothes and took out some black leggings as well as a cornflower blue off shoulder top, and grabbed some clean underwear to change into before harshly closing her closet.

She threw the clothes on her bed before hurriedly undressing herself, trying to ignore the many hickeys on her naked body. She quickly dressed up and lapped over to her bathroom in order to arrange her face. She quickly brushed her brown hair and applied some red lipstick on her heart-shaped lips.

"Perfect!" She proudly exclaimed as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She then took notice of the red mark on her neck, and gasped. "I better be careful and let my hair down in order to hide it today." She pouted before touching her neck. 

She then quickly walked to her bedroom and grabbed the clothes she was previously wearing and threw them in the laundry hamper before rushing to the kitchen. She took a water bottle out of her fridge, and poured some water in a glass. She quickly drank up the water and took an apple before taking a bite of it. She quickly grabbed her bag from the floor as well as her keys, and left her apartment. She locked the door in a hurry and walked in a fast pace to the bus stop.

As she arrived at the bus stop, she quickly got on the bus and took out her transports' card. Unable to scan it, probably due to her rush, she threw it back in her bag and took some money out before handing it to the driver. She scanned the bus and felt disappointed noticing there wasn't any free seat anymore. She walked further inside the bus and grabbed the handle that was hanging from the bus' ceiling in order keep her balance as the bus drove away.

After a few minutes ride, she quickly got off the bus at her destination, and walked to her shop at a fast pace. She bowed to the few people she recognized, making sure to give them her most beautiful smile. She slowed her pace down as she finished eating her apple when she caught sight of her flower shop.

Seulgi always felt an overwhelming feeling of joy and pride whenever she saw her shop. She was really proud of it. She was really proud that she had a shop of her own, and a shop that people often visited in addition to it. She was proud her business worked well, and felt proud of herself every time she thought about it. It always reminded her of how much she cared about her best friend Jisoo, who gave her that opportunity by offering her the shop. "If it wasn't for Jisoo, I would probably be dead by now," she often thought.

She threw her finished apple to a trash bin and entered her shop happily.

"Good morning!" She cheerfuly greeted Jennie and the client she was attending to.

"Have a good day! We hope you will visit our shop again!" Jennie politely told the old man as she handed him the bouquet of white roses he had bought.

"I certainly will! Have a good day!" He said with a smile before leaving the shop.

"Good morning!" Jennie greeted Seulgi who now stood next to her.

"Good morning." Seulgi gave Jennie her most beautiful smile.

"You look radiant today." Jennie complimented her before giving Seulgi her signature gummy smile.

"So do you." She smiled back sweetly.

"Don't play innocent. You know why you do." Jennie said as she wiggled her eyebrows and smirked.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Seulgi teased as she walked to the office at the back of the shop unable to hide her smile.

"You should tell me everything since I opened the shop for you since you were too busy making out with some sexy stranger!" Jennie teased her as she closely followed behind.

"I wasn't making out!" Seulgi gasped loudly.

"So you're saying you made me open the shop instead of you, even though you weren't doing anything important like making out with a sexy stranger in a luxurious hotel room?"

"Well... At least not this morning..." Seulgi blushed madly while dropping her bag to the floor and sitting down on the office chair and took some administrative papers out of the white desk's drawer.

"Tell me everything!" Jennie excitedly said as she grabbed a chair and placed it on the other side of the desk facing her blushing boss before sitting down, eager to know every detail about Seulgi's one-night stand with a man.

"What is there to say..." Seulgi quietly said, pretending to read some important documents.

"Are you kidding me?"


"Fine." Jennie sighed before clasping her hands together determinedly and placed them on the desk while staring at Seulgi. "I'll ask questions then. Was he handsome? Jimin said he looked so-so, and that he looks more handsome than him."

Seulgi scoffed. "How dare he say he looks more handsome..." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey my boyfriend is handsome!" Jennie defended her lover.

"Sure." Seulgi held her laugh in not wanting to upset Jennie.

"Anyway. Does it mean he was really handsome then?" Jennie said as she smiled excitedly.

Seulgi thought for a few seconds. "I don't think handsome is the word."

"Then? Did you have sex with an ugly pervert because it's been a while?" Jennie gasped.

"What are you saying!" Seulgi said in shock. "He was everything but ugly! He was drop dead gorgeous from head to toes! He's the most handsome man I've ever seen!" Seulgi snapped back.

"I see." Jennie held in her laugh. "I guess he was really handsome then."

"Of course he was! I'm not desperate enough to have sex with an ugly stranger!"

"I'm sorry." Jennie laughed at her friend's outraged reaction. "Was he sexy?"

"You have no idea." Seulgi said before blushing again at the thought of the man she slept with.


"He wasn't just sexy. He... Had that kind of aura."

Jennie tapped her chin while thinking deeply. "What do you mean?"

Seulgi put down the papers in her hands on the desk and thought deeply of a way to explain just what kind of aura that young man had. "He was very charismatic. Everything he did looked so swift and class. He had that piercing stare with mysterious eyes that you can't really describe. I couldn't really figure out what he was thinking either. But it looked like he could see right through me. He had that... Expensive aura? His clothes were expensive. I don't think I even ever saw such a big and expensive watch before. And he had that deep husky voice..." Seulgi paused as she remembered the man's sexy voice telling her things no man had ever told her before as they were having sex. 

"I see. It looks like you hit the jackpot Kang Seulgi."

"No!" Seulgi laughed as she felt her cheeks burning red again.

"It looks like he has a real damn big effect on you, doesn't he?"

"I wouldn't say that..." Seulgi looked around feeling like running away.

"Then what else would you say? Look at you! You're blushing at the simple thought of his voice. You describe him as if he was some kind of angel fallen from the sky." Jennie rolled her eyes.

"What angel..." Seulgi looked away feeling embarrassed.

"Is he more on the devilish side then? The perfectly handsome and sexy man who can get any woman he wants, and knows just what to say, and what to do, messing women up completely?"

"Well... It's not like I know how he acts with other women." 

"You're so naive Kang Seulgi." Jennie sighed as she shook her head at her friend's naivety.

"This kind of men usually are hella' good in bed." Seulgi looked up to meet her friend's eyes as she gulped at her words. "Did he do you that good Kang Seulgi?" Jennie smirked.

"Hey! Don't say that! It's nasty!" Seulgi yelled as she blushed madly.

"I see. So he indeed did." Jennie smiled in victory.

"S-So what!" Seulgi stuttered at loss for words.

"I'm happy the first guy you have some sexual intimacy with for the first time after years at least gave you a great night." 

"W-Why does it matter..."

"It does! It sucks to have sex with a man who is bad in bed."

"W-Well i-it's true b-but he wasn't b-bad..." Seulgi looked away starting to sweat nervously.

"He obviously wasn't bad. I mean look at you!" Jennie laughed at her friend's cute behavior.

"H-How am I!"

"You look happier than you ever looked before."

"I-It was just a one-night stand. It's not a big deal." Seulgi played with her hands nervously, remembering she probably would never see the handsome young man ever again.

"So what? You needed to have some fun. And today you look absolutely radiant thanks to that."

"I-It's just sex..."

"Don't you know the power of sex?" Jennie flicked her tongue.

"Who cares..." 

"So he was handsome, sexy, charismatic, hella' good in bed, and apparently rich as well. What else? What was his name?"

"Lee T-Taeyong..." Seulgi quietly replied.

"Even his name sounds sexy. I'm jealous." Jennie sighed enviously.

"You have your boyfriend!" Seulgi hit her friend while laughing.

"So what?" Jennie loudly laughed. "I also want to moan such a sexy name when I'm having a good time!"

"Hey!" Seulgi playfully hit her again as the two loudly laughed.

"J-Jimin..." Jennie faked a moan. "It doesn't sound sexy." She shook her head as she sighed.

"Doesn't it matter more that he gives you a good time and makes you happy?"

"True. That matters the most." Jennie smiled proudly. "I have a very caring and imaginative boyfriend."

"Imaginative?" Seulgi asked curiously as she tilted her head.

"You don't want to know just how imaginative he is in bed."

"Oh my God Kim Jennie!" Seulgi laughed loudly at her friend's honesty.

"Ok ok I'm sorry." Jennie replied as she laughed back.

"How can you not be embarrassed talking about this!" 

"Why should I be? There's nothing embarrassing about it! It's human's nature!" Jennie snapped back proudly. "You should be less embarrassed talking about it. It's not as if you did something wrong."

"Maybe." Seulgi smiled.

"How old was he?"

"I... Don't know that. But he looked like he was around our age?"

"That's good then. What about his job?"

"Why are you asking so much? It's not a job interview!"

"But did he tell you about his job?"

"He just said he works for his parents' company." Seulgi replied.

"He must be from a rich family then."

"Is it important?"

"Not really. But I find it sexier to have a one-night stand with a sexy man from a rich family rather than with an alcoholic pervert who wastes his money."

"That's... Not wrong." Seulgi nodded in approvement.

"It's obviously not. Anyway Jimin told me he paid for your drinks and then took you to his room?"

"He did... But it was to eat."

"To eat? You mean to eat you?"

"Kim Jennie!" Seulgi scolded her friend who was now laughing.

"What! Who goes to a man's hotel room to eat if it's not to eat each other!"

"Hey!" Seulgi laughed at her friend's words. "You're not wrong."

"You're obviously not naive enough not to know this was meant to happen."

"Maybe I knew... Maybe I didn't." Seulgi shrugged playfully.

"You obviously did you sneaky fake good girl!"

"Fake good girl?" 

"Right! It's all an act! In reality you're a smart and sneaky little pervert."

"I'm not!"

"It's alright! I'm a smart and honest pervert."

"You're stupid Kim Jennie." Seulgi laughed at her friend's words.

"I just see no point in denying the truth." She shrugged as she laughed. "So you ate?" Jennie tried to stay serious as she questioned Seulgi.

"We did! We had dinner in his room."

"And you obviously were the dessert." Jennie nodded before being slappped playfully by her embarrassed boss. "Do not deny it!"

"I didn't!" Seulgi laughed.

Seulgi loved how Jennie always had the ability to make her laugh. She was so different from her, and in every way, but she adored her. 

"Because you obviously can't deny facts!"


After a few minutes of hard laughing, the two calmed down a bit. "What about this morning?"

"What do you mean?"

"What happened this morning?"

"Well... Nothing."

"Nothing as in nothing at all?"

"Yeah. He still acted like a gentleman but he barely talked to me. It was a bit awkward... He also was more distant and colder when he talked to me. I guess I was just another girl he had fun with, and that once he got what he wanted, he didn't feel like being the warm man he was last night anymore."

"Tsk. A whole damn jerk." Jennie shook her head as she sighed. "But at least you had fun last night, right? Don't take his morning attitude too much to heart. It was just a one-night stand."

"Right..." Seulgi replied feeling a bit down at the thought of the young man's distant attitude from the morning.

"Is there anyone?" Seulgi and Jennie quickly stood up and walked out of the room as they heard a customer call for them.

It was already lunch time when Seulgi's stomach growled. She walked to the office and took her bag before walking to Jennie who was busy arranging a bouquet.

"I'll go get sandwiches and juices. Do you want the same as usual?"

"Yes please!"

"Alright! I'll be back!" Seulgi said as she walked out of the shop. 

After a few minutes of walking, she entered the cafe she usally bought sandwiches and juices from. She quickly stood in the queue and patiently waited for her turn. She looked around and observed the many men and women eating while laughing. Many people working in offices were eating lunch there as the cafe was placed in an area with many offices around. People relieved their stress as they ate and shared their worries together.

"Hey Seulgi!"

"Hello Jongin." Seulgi greeted the tall man behind the counter.

Jongin was the owner of the cafe. He was her age, and looked quite handsome, but he wasn't really Seulgi's style. She and Jongin eventually became friends as she kept coming to get sandwiches from his cafe almost every day.

"Should I get you the usual?" He asked her with a smile.

"Yes, please." Seulgi smiled back.

Jongin was her age, but he already was married. When he once invited her and Jennie to dinner along with his employees Chanyeol and Kyungsoo, he told them about his story. He married his first love. Her name is Krystal. They knew each other since they were kids, and went to the same schools together. He always liked her, but never dared to confess, until one day, he was fed up to see yet another man courting her, and her falling for it again, so he finally gathered the courage to confess to her. They started dating after that, and then went to college together. He proposed to her when they were in college, and they were now married for a year already. Seulgi never met her, but she knew from the way Jongin talked about her, that she must be a wonderful and beautiful woman. All she knew about her was her name, and that she works for a fashion designer.

"Here's your order Miss." Jongin told her as he placed a plastic bag containing her order on the counter.

"Thank you."

"It will be-"

Seulgi interrupted the young man as she handed him the right amount of money. She took the same order almost every day for months, she knew exactly just how much it costed. "Here."

"Thank you. Have a good day. Say hi to Jennie from me!"

"Sure! Thank you!" Seulgi waved goodbye to the tall man and walked out of the cafe.

"Shit." She cursed as her wallet fell down to the floor after she struggled trying to put it back in her bag.

She crouched a bit to get it back when she suddenly saw a hand taking her wallet and handing it to her. "Here."

That voice.

Seulgi stood straight again, not daring to check whether she was right or wrong. 

She slowly took back her wallet with her shaking hands before bowing to the person who handed it to her. "T-Thank you!" She politely thanked as she didn't dare to look up.

"My pleasure."

She felt shivers down her spine at the simple sound of that voice. 

"No, it can't be."

She bowed again before quickly walking away when that voice stopped her in her tracks. "It's you, right?"

She froze on the spot. No word was able to escape her lips as they stayed stuck down her throat.

"Kang Seulgi. It's you, right?"

She gulped in nervousness as she heard footsteps getting closer to her until the owner of the footsteps stood in front of her again.

"Did you lose your ability to talk?"

She looked up and finally met those mysterious eyes again. 

It was exactly that stare.

That stare that pierced right through her soul.

She gulped nervously and she looked at the handsome young man with doe eyes when the man suddenly got closer to her and bent down a bit, moving his lips close to her ear.

"Or did I perhaps make you lose your voice last night?"

Seulgi took a step back as she gasped in shock and blushed madly.

The young man chuckled at the petite woman's reaction, finding her as cute as the first time he had met her the night before.

"Do I take it as a yes?" He teased her.


"Oh. It seems that you found your ability to talk again." He chuckled as he noticed her looking around trying to hide her madly blushing cheeks.

Taeyong was well aware of the effect he had on women. He saw all kinds of reactions from them. It was far to be his first one-night stand. He, in fact, didn't even know how many one-night stands he had so far. 

But Seulgi was different from all the other women he had met before. He found her shyness and constant embarrassement cute.

She was cute.

She was cute, but also very beautiful.

He was more used to seeing women who applied way too much makeup on their face to his taste, and women who flirted more than he thought was possible. 

Seulgi was different from all the other women he had slept with before. She had that natural beauty. He liked how natural she looked, and how there barely was any makeup on her eyes, and how her lips were the main point of her makeup. He thought he had never seen a woman wearing red lips as well as she did before.

He liked how kind of naive she looked, even though she obviously wasn't inexperienced.

When he entered the hotel's bar the night before, she right away caught his attention. He thought that even her sitting posture looked very graceful and elegant.

She had that natural elegance that she probably wasn't even aware of. 

He didn't really know why, but this petite woman attracted him a lot.

After a night with him, girls usually asked for his number, or asked to see him again, but she didn't, and it bugged him a lot. He never usually gave his number to the girls he slept with, and he always felt that they were too much for asking for his number as if they were about to start dating. But he felt somehow bugged that the woman he slept with the night before, didn't ask for his number at all.

When she hurriedly left, he even wondered if he actually did well in bed. He then realized it was impossible he didn't since she obviously reached her climax, and he guessed from the look in her eyes that it was no pretending.

Everything about Seulgi some kind of attracted him, even though he didn't know why. He saw women with much more voluptuous breasts, with very sexy bodies, and who weren't scared to try things in bed in order to get his attention. 

Seulgi was different from the kind of women he usually met. But he felt more attracted to her than to any other woman he had met before. But he found her beautiful, sexy, and elegant, even though it looked like she wasn't aware of her charms.

And unlike every other women he had slept with before, he strangely really wanted to give her pleasure. More pleasure than she ever felt before. It wasn't just about his pride, he just felt like it. It usually was more about his pride, but with her, he just genuinely wanted to, his pride aside. And seeing her getting pleasure from him aroused him more than any other woman aroused him before.

She was different.

He didn't know how this petite, shy, and cute woman attracted him so much. That maybe was one of the reasons why he was so bugged about the fact she didn't ask for his number. 

"I didn't think I would see you again that quickly Miss." He said to the cute woman standing in front of him, a smile on his face.

"M-Me neither." She looked away awkwardly.

"Are you working in the area?"

"Y-Yes..." She replied nervously. "A-Are you?" 

"I'm just meeting a friend there."


Taeyong checked his watch and realized he was running late to his lunch with his friend. "It was nice seeing you again Miss."

"I-It was..." She said as she tucked her hair behind her ear in nervousness.

"Be careful not to let your wallet fall again. Some people could try to steal it from you."

"I will... T-Thank you."

Seulgi bowed to the young man again which earned a smile from him.

"I have to get going now, I'm running late. I hope we'll meet again Miss Kang Seulgi." He said as he waved goodbye to the young woman and left.

Seulgi gulped as she stared at the handsome man quickly walking away.

"What did just happen..." She murmured to herself. She shook her thoughts away when she realized she had to bring lunch to Jennie. 

She quickly walked to her shop, the thoughts of the young man not leaving her mind at all.

As she walked inside the shop, Jennie ran to her and took the plastic bag away from her. "Were there many people? Why did you take so long? I'm so hungry!" Jennie took her juice out of the plastic bag along with her sandwich, and placed them on the counter.

"O-Oh yes... There were many people, I'm sorry." Seulgi apologized to her friend, not wanting to reveal she had seen the handsome man she slept with the night before again.

"It's alright. You're here now anyway." Jennie smiled sweetly to Seulgi. "Let's eat now!" Jennie said excitedly as she took Seulgi's sandwich out of the plastic bag and handed it to her.

"Yes." Seulgi replied with a smile as she took her sandwich and stared at Jennie who took her first bite of her own sandwich eagerly.

Seulgi yawned and stretched her body as she was sitting down at her desk. There were many administrative papers she had to take care of today, and she felt exhausted once she was finally done with them.

"Ah I'm so tired..." She yawned again.

She laid her head back and closed her eyes feeling the fatigue of the day. It wasn't easy to own a shop. Selling was one thing, but the administrative side also had to be taken care of, and it was far to be something Seulgi liked doing. But she had to do it anyway. She was the owner. She couldn't let Jennie take care of it even though Jennie often told her she could help.

"Seulgi! Can you come out for a minute please?" Seulgi opened her eyes as she heard Jennie calling for her. "There is someone looking for you!"

"Someone looking for me?" Seulgi whispered to herself.

Who would look for her? Could it be Jisoo? No. If it would have been Jisoo, Jennie would have said so.

"Then... Who is it?" Seulgi asked to herself as she stood up and quickly walked out of the office room. 

She quickly walked up to Jennie. "Who is looking for me?" She asked Jennie who was tilting her head looking in deep thoughts.

Jennie pointed her finger to a direction. Seulgi turned her attention to where Jennie was pointing, and noticed a man's back view. The sun piercing through the windows made it difficult for her to see the man much, so she walked to him.

"What can I do-" She stopped talking and froze on the spot when she saw the man's face. "For you..." She finished her sentence, feeling surprised to see the handsome young man looking at her.

"I wanted to see where you worked." He replied.

The truth was he didn't even know why he came here, all he knew was that he visited every flower shop of the area in hope to see her again. He had no idea why he did that, but he just did it.

"H-How did you know I worked here?" She asked curiously, feeling taken aback to see the man she had slept with the night before, standing in front of her. 

Not knowing what to reply to her question, he faked a cough, feeling awkward. He couldn't just tell her he visited every flower shop of the area, asking if a Kang Seulgi worked there every time.

"Are you closing soon?" He asked instead of replying to her question.

"I..." She met Jennie's eyes and saw her mouthing to her to say yes. "I'm supposed to close the shop in-"

"Yes! Yes we're closing soon! By the way I'm the one who has to close the shop today!" Jennie loudly interrupted her from where she stood.

"Are you...?" Seulgi asked Jennie, feeling confused at her employee's behavior.

"Oh great then." The young man replied. "Are you free for dinner?"

"D-Dinner?" Seulgi looked at the man in confusion.

"Yeah. Do you want to eat dinner with me?"


"Yes she does!" Jennie loudly replied as she interrupted her and ran to them.

"I do?" Seulgi asked Jennie with her eyes wide open in shock.

"Of course you do! And you should leave right away! As you told me to earlier to earlier, I'll close the shop tonight boss!"

"Will you?" Seulgi felt surprised.

"Of course! You told me to! I'm just doing my job!" Jennie laughed awkwardly and then gave Seulgi an insisting look.

"I... Ok then... I guess." Seulgi said in confusion.

"When can you leave?" He asked her.

"She can leave now!" Jennie said.

No word could describe how much Seulgi wanted to whoop Jennie's butt at that moment. 

Taeyong looked at Seulgi, waiting for her reply. "I... I guess I can leave now."

"Oh. Great then. I'll wait for you outside." He told her.

"I'll go get my bag and I'm coming..." Seulgi said.

He nodded as a reply and walked out of the shop. Seulgi turned around and walked to the office quickly while Jennie rushed behind her.

"Is it him?" She asked Seulgi excitedly.

"How did you know?"

"I guessed when I saw your face!"

"Oh..." Seulgi quickly grabbed her back and looked for her red lipstick.

"He's so hot oh my God! I'd ditch Jimin anytime for him!"

"Hey! You shouldn't say that!" Seulgi told her friend.

"What? Wait. Are you being jealous?" Jennie smirked.

"W-What are you talking about! W-Who's jealous! I-It's just you're dating! You shouldn't be saying that!" She denied.

"I was only kidding though." Jennie held in her laugh. "Or maybe not." She shrugged.


"It's a joke oh my God! Don't take it so seriously!" Jennie laughed at Seulgi's reaction.

"You shouldn't be joking about things like that!" Seulgi scolded her before she finally found her red lipstick and walked to the small mirror in the room.

"Ok mom! I won't do it anymore!" 

Seulgi rolled her eyes before applying some red lipstick on her lips again. She then quickly rushed her hand through her hair and arranged them. "Do I look ok?" Seulgi asked Jennie worriedly.

"You don't look ok."

"I don't? You're right I look like a mess right now oh my God!" Seulgi whined and panicked.

"You don't look ok. You look absolutely gorgeous." Jennie smiled as she arranged Seulgi's off shoulder top on her shoulders.


"Of course! How can he not fall for you when you look that beautiful and hot!"

"Fall for who... I don't want to make him fall for me!"

"Right, you don't." Jennie tried to control her face expression as Seulgi rushed to her bag and went through it hurriedly.

"Shit where is it!" Seulgi cursed as she couldn't find her perfume anymore.

"What are you looking for?"

"My perfume! Why can't I find it!" She looked through her bag in despair.

"Hey hey! Calm down!" Jennie grabbed Seulgi by her shoulders and looked at her. "Calm down. It's ok. It's just dinner. Breathe."

"But my perfume I-"

"I'll let you use mine." Jennie said as she let go of Seulgi's shoulders and walked to her bag. She took her Chanel perfume out of her bag and walked to Seulgi. "Close your eyes and mouth." She instructed her.

Seulgi did as she said and closed her eyes and mouth tightly as Jennie sprayed perfumed over her hair, neck and clothes.

"Wait isn't that too much?" Seulgi asked.

"Just trust me!" Jennie said. "Done! You can leave on your date now!"

"What date..." Seulgi looked away in embarrassement.

"Go." Jennie said as she handed Seulgi her bag. Seulgi took a deep breath an nodded to her friend. She walked to door of the office slowly as nervousity built up inside of her. "Hurry and go!" Jennie excitedly told Seulgi as she slapped her butt.

"Hey! That hurts!" Seulgi said in shock.

"You'll soon love it." Jennie winked to her.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Oh my God just go already! Don't make this poor man wait for too long!" Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Right. I'm leaving." Seulgi hurriedly dashed out of the office and stopped once she stood in front of the shop's door. "Don't forget to-"

"I won't forget anything! Now go before I beat you up!" Jennie threatened Seulgi who was panicking to leave the shop.

"Ok. I'm leaving. See you tomorrow!"

"Go!" Jennie yelled at her friend.

Seulgi walked out of the shop feeling worried whether her friend would really not forget anything, and close the shop well. She quickly walked to the young man who had his back rested on a wall as he focused his eyes on his phone, and stood in front of him.

"I'm here." She awkwardly told him.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming."

"It's alright." Seulgi swallowed down her saliva in nervousness. "So where do you want to go?"

"My friend owns a chicken restaurant, is it ok?"

Seulgi smiled at his question. She actually felt happy the young man who looked like he was from a rich family, wanted to take her to a chicken restaurant, and not some fancy restaurant she would feel uncomfortable at. She also felt a bit surprised he had a friend who owned a chicken restaurant.

"Sure! I love chicken! Let's go!" She said with a smile.

"Sure." He smiled back to her, feeling somewhat satisfied that the young woman was smiling and looked excited.

They walked together in silence as the both of them had smiles plastered on their faces.

"So you like chicken?" He asked trying to break the silence as they walked.

"I do! I would eat chicken all the time if I could!" She said with a bright smile. "Do you also like chicken?"

"I do! I like it with beer the most." He said with a small smile.

"Just like me!" She said happily.

Taeyong couldn't control his smile as he noticed the young woman looked really comfortable talking about food.

"Is it far?" She asked curiously.

"It's not! It's really close by."

"Alright then." She smilled. "Are you in this area often?"

"Not every day, but yes, quite often. A lot of my high school friends like hanging out in this area, or work here."

"I see." She smiled sweetly.

"Do you live far from here?" He asked.

"Oh not that far! I just have a few minutes bus ride and then I walk a bit and then I'm home!" She turned her head to him. "What about you?"

"I live quite far from here."

"Why was he staying at a hotel if he lives here..." Seulgi wondered. "He must have his reasons."

"Really? Isn't it inconvenient for you to come here then?"

"The place I work at isn't so far from here. And it's more convenient for my friends to meet here usually, that's why I don't really mind."

"Oh. You're very thoughtful of your friends."

"Am I? You're right, maybe I'm too thoughtful." He joked which made her laugh.

He looked at her laughing feeling satisfied she laughed because of him. He didn't see her laugh that truthfully the night before, was it because she felt less comfortable than now?

"It's here." He said as he pointed at the restaurant.

"Moon Chicken?"

"You know the restaurant?" He asked her in surprise.

"No I never went before. I just heard it opened not long ago, and thought that I should take Jennie here someday because she likes chicken."


"My employee. She's the woman you saw at the shop before!" She said with a smile.

"You two look like close colleagues."

"We are! But I see her more as my friend than as my employee." Seulgi smiled. 

"I see." He nodded as they walked to the door of the restaurant and opened it, holding it open for Seulgi. "Ladies first." He told her with a sweet smile.

"Thank you." She smiled back as she entered the restaurant and he followed. 

"Oh Taeyong! You're here!" They turned their head at the voice that called for him as the man walked to them. "Oh! I see you didn't come alone!" He said with a smile.

"Uhm... Yes." Taeyong said as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Moon Taeil, the owner of the shop. I'm also this kid's friend!"

Taeyong already regretted his decision of taking Seulgi to Taeil's restaurant. "She knows you're my friend." He rolled his eyes.

"So what! I can still introduce myself the way I want to!" Taeil said.

Seulgi smiled before bowing to Taeil. "My name is Kang Seulgi. Nice to meet you too."

Taeil gave her a smile back and then his eyes met Taeyong's eyes. He right away noticed something different in Taeyong. "Your usual table?" He asked him with a smile.

"Is it free?"

"It's always free for you." Taeil smiled at his friend before guiding the two to the table. "Just call me when you know what you want!"

"Thank you." Seulgi thanked him as she smiled.

Taeyong quickly walked to the chair in front of her and moved it back for her to sit. "Please take a seat." He gestured her to sit down on the chair.

"T-Thank you." She said as she nervously sat down before he quickly went to take a seat on the chair in front of her.

"Do you want fried chicken?"

"Yes! Is there a spicy one?"

Taeyong hesitated as he couldn't stand spicy food. "Yes there is!"

"I'll take that then!" She proudly said with a satisfied smile.

Taeyong couldn't just tell her he didn't like spicy food, he woud look like a weakling. "I'll take the same then!"

"Do you also like spciy food?" She asked curiously, feeling happy they might have something in common.

"Y-Yes! I really like spicy food!" Taeyong said as he laughed awkwardly.

"Since-" Taeil who heard their conversation while walking to their table was confused at Taeyong's words since he knew Taeyong disliked spicy food.

"We'll take the spicy fried chicken!" Taeyong interrupted Taeil.

"But you-"

"With beer!" He interrupted him again.

"Beer? You shouldn't treat beer to a woman!"

"No I like beer!" Seulgi defended Taeyong.

"Really? Then two beers it is!" He left to get the beers with a smile on his face.

Taeyong wiped the sweat off of his forehead. "It's pretty hot in here isn't it?"

"I think it's ok!"

"O-Oh..." Taeyong swallowed down his saliva nervously.

"But you're right! I think it's getting hotter!" She said as she thought it was impolite to say it wasn't hot if he felt hot.

"Right!" He said with a relieved smile.

"And two beers for you two!" Taeil said as he placed the two bottles of beer on the table along with two glasses.

"Thank you." She thanked him.

"It's quite surprising." Taeil suddenly blurted out to Taeyong's surprise.

"What is?" He asked.

"You never brought any woman to me before. It's the first time you do."

That was it. Taeyong indeed confirmed he made the wrong choice to come to his friend's restaurant.

"S-So what? What about it?" Taeyong tried to look as natural as possible as he defended himself.

"No. Nothing." Taeil held his laugh in at his friend's behavior until a thought crossed his mind and his eyes widened in surprise. "Wait. Is it her?"

Taeyong started feeling nervous at his friend's question, not quite sure to get it. "W-What are you talking about?"

"You know! I was sure it was another name though..." Taeil tapped his chin as he tried to remember the name he heard from Taeyong a few days before.

Taeyong's eyes widened in shock as nervousity grew in him. "No!"

"No? Then are you-"

"Just mind your own business! Why don't you go get us our chicken instead of bothering us!"

"Ok ok! Sorry! I'll leave you two alone Mister Moody!" Taeil said as he put his hands up in surrender before walking away.

"Does he have a woman?" Seulgi wondered as she stared at Taeyong blankly. 

He turned his head back to her trying to hide his nervousity and Seulgi looked down at the table as soon as her eyes met his. She grabbed her glass of beer and drank from it a she looked at everything else but Taeyong.

She put down her glass and took a deep breath as she started playing with her fingers, feeling the awkwardness of the silence that took place between them. She swallowed down her saliva in nervousness and looked up at Taeyong nervously.

She bit her lower lip hesitantly. "So... Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked sincerely, almost instantly regretting her question, fearing to hear his answer.

He looked at her in surprise. "I don't." He replied after a few seconds.

"Why does it look like you're hesitating?"

"I really don't. I'm single." Taeyong admitted before drinking from his beer feeling nervous at Seulgi's sudden question.

"But your friend said you talked to them about a woman recently."

"Oh. This." Taeyong paused. "It's not a big deal. I wasn't talking to them about a girlfriend. I just told them I saw an old friend of ours recently. Not all of them know her though. Taeil doesn't! Only one of my friends knows her well, and probably better than I do, that's why I mentioned it to them." He sincerely replied.

"Oh... So that's how it is." She licked her lips feeling stupid.

"Don't worry about it." He sternly said. Seulgi looked up at him again and discovered his serious expression.

"Why would I feel worried? It's not like you and I are a thing." She assured.

"I wouldn't have slept with you nor with any other woman if I had a girlfriend or even someone I liked." He coldly, but seriously said.

"Oh... I s-see..." She stuttered as she felt like slapping herself.

"I also wouldn't have invited you out if I had a woman." He clearly stated before taking a sip from his drink. "I'm not that kind of guy."

"I didn't say you were."

"I didn't say you said so."

Their eyes met as a cold tension between them appeared.

"And here's your chicken!" Taeil exclaimed as he placed the big plate of spicy fried chicken on the table.

"Thank you!" Seulgi thanked as a smile appeared on her face at the sight of the delicious looking chicken that was on the table.

"Eat well! It's on me for tonight!"

"Since when do you not let me pay?"

"I decided to be a good friend today." Taeil replied with a smirk.

"Yeah. Sure."

"Accept my sincerity my friend." Taeil dramatically pleaded as he placed his hand on Taeyong's shoulder.

"What are you doing! What's wrong with you!" Taeyong shoved Taeil's hand away as Seulgi laughed at the scene that took place in front of her eyes.

"You'll thank me later." Taeil discreetly mouthed to Taeyong as he winked to him before leaving the two alone.

Taeyong was puzzled at his friend's reaction, not understanding what he meant. He shook the thoughts of his friend's weird behavior away and turned his attention to Seulgi who was licking her red lips as she intently stared at the chicken.

Taeyong chuckled. "Please eat!" He gestured her to eat.

"Thank you! I'll eat well!" She quickly grabbed a fried chicken's leg and took a big first bite of it.

Taeyong chuckled at how happy and excited she looked about eating. He then stared down at the chicken and remembered the fact it was spicy chicken. He took a deep breath after praying he won't die during the night after eating, and grabbed a chicken leg before carefully taking a bite of it.

Seulgi smiled feeling amused at Taeyong's careful way to eat as she ate as well. "It's really good right?" She asked with her mouth full.

"I-It is!" Taeyong said before taking a sip from his beer while his eyes were getting watery. Oh how much did he hate spicy food.

Seulgi and Taeyong left the restaurant after an hour. It was now dark outside, and getting chilly. Seulgi shivered as she suddenly felt the cold on her bare skin.

"Where do you live? I'll drive you home." Taeyong said as he noticed the petite young woman grimacing a bit.

"Oh please don't bother yourself! I can take the bus!" Seulgi assured as she looked at the young man in front of her.

"What kind of man lets a girl walk home alone when it's dark outside? I wouldn't be a man if I did that. I don't give you any choice anyway. I'm taking you home."

"Well... Thank you..." Seulgi quietly replied as she bowed to him a bit. 

She felt a bit flustered. She hated feeling like a burden to people, and she didn't want to burden anyone. 

"Here. Wear that." Taeyong took his dark blue tailored jacket off and placed it carefully around Seulgi's bare shoulders. "It's getting chilly and your shoulders are bare. You shouldn't get sick." 

Seulgi felt warmth in both his voice and actions. "He's such a gentleman," she thought.

"Thank you..." She shyly thanked him as she blushed a bit.

Taeyong smiled as a reply. "My car isn't parked far from here." 

"Alright." She smiled as the two awkwardly walked to where Taeyong's car was parked.

After a silent three minutes walk, Taeyong took his car keys out of his pocket and opened his car from afar. Seulgi's mouth went agape as they now stood in front of a luxurious black Mercedes car.

Taeyong opened the passenger's car's door and held it open for Seulgi. "Please take a seat."

"Oh y-yes t-thank you." She bowed a bit before taking a seat in the car. Taeyong determinedly closed the door before walking to the driver's seat.

Seulgi looked around the car in awe, not even noticing Taeyong taking a seat next to her. "Do you like it?" He asked, a slight tone of amusement in his voice.

"Y-Yes!" Seulgi quickly looked at her thighs feeling embarrassed.

Taeyong chuckled before starting the engine. "I only trust women who have good tastes in cars."

Seulgi smiled a bit at his remark. "Should I guide you?"

"That would be better since I can't guess where your place it at." He joked.

"That's not wrong." Seulgi chuckled.

As Taeyong drove away in Seoul's night atmosphere, Seulgi couldn't control her smile as she looked outside from the windowpane.

She loved the smell of the leather of the car's interior playing with her senses. Even the smell felt expensive. She chuckled a bit at the thought of it.

"What's wrong? What's funny?" Taeyong asked with a smile on his face as he kept his focus on the road.

"I was just thinking that I never thought I would ever get to sit in such a car." Seulgi honestly replied as she kept a smile on her face.

"Then I'm glad my car is your first." Taeyong chuckled at his words.

"I guess." She giggled.

Taeyong sighed as he moved one of his hands to his stomach. He was already regretting having eaten spicy food. Just what went through him at that moment?

Seulgi quickly noticed it and then looked up the young man's face and noticed sweat on his forehead. "Are you feeling alright? Are you feeling sick?" She asked worriedly.

"Oh no. Don't worry about it." He replied as he moved his hand back on the steering wheel and faked a smile.

"Are you feeling hot? You're sweating. Should I open the window?" 

"You don't have to! You'll feel cold. I just always sweat after I eat." He lied.

"You didn't last night." She remarked.

"I was!" He lied again. "But you're right. Maybe I was sweating for another reason as well." He took a quick glance at her and smirked when he saw her smiling shyly.

"Maybe then." She tried to control her face expression. "Oh it's here!" She said as she noticed the familiar building through the windowpane.

Taeyong parked his car and stopped the engine. He quickly left his seat and swiftly opened the passenger's door for Seulgi. 

"Thank you." She shyly said as she got out of the luxurious vehicle.

She gently took the young man's jacket off of her shoulders and handed it to him. "Thank you for lending this to me. I wasn't cold thanks to you."

"You don't have to thank me. It's only natural." He replied with a smile as he looked at the beautiful young lady standing in front of him.

"Oh and thank you for tonight as well." She sincerely thanked him as she let out a sweet smile.

"Oh well... My pleasure." He giggled as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Uhm... Do you want to come up for a cup of tea?" She shyly offered.

"I don't want to intrude your personal space." He jokingly refused.

"You wouldn't! I'm offering it so it means I don't mind..." She shyly smiled as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Maybe next time?" He smiled.

Seulgi looked up at the young man in surprise at his words before flashing a sincere smile. "Next time then."

Taeyong nodded as his smile didn't leave his face. "You should go up quickly."

"Right. Thank you again." She bowed to the young man. "Please drive back home safely."

"I will." He smiled. "Good night."

"Good night." She sweetly replied before turning her back to him and slowly walking to the buidling's entrance.

Taeyong walked back to his car and took a seat in the vehicle. He observed Seulgi through the rear-view mirror feeling quite uneasy. 

What was this feeling?

Taeyong smiled thinking of how beautiful the young woman looked when she smiled. It made him want to protect her. 

He wanted to keep her just for himself.

Taeyong shook all his doubts away and quickly left his car before lapping over to Seulgi.

"Oh wh-"

He interrupted her as his lips madly crashed on hers while he cupped her beautiful face.


NOTE: Hi everyone! I'm sorry for not updating earlier, I took a little while to decide on how I was going to write this chapter. I want to thank everyone for reading this book despite it having only two chapters so far, now three. I actually got two new Seulyong fanfiction plot ideas so I started two new books, however I will keep them in my drafts. I will publish them once all the chapters will have been written, that way none of you will have to wait for too long for the updates. This fanfiction won't be as long as my first story "In Love With You." The main reason is that it's fictional, and not based on facts. The chapters also are much longer. So what did you think of this chapter? I'm not actually as satisfied with this chapter as I am with the two previous ones. Jennie made her first appearance! As you probably noticed, her character is very different from Seulgi's or Jisoo's. Her character nonetheless is really attaching. I hope this update is up to your expectations after such a long wait. I'm sorry for taking so long to update. I promise I won't take so long anymore. Please do leave comments! I'd really like to know what you guys think of this chapter, and this story. Your comments also motivate me greatly. Thank you to everyone reading this!


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