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Jordyn, a WWE diva, battles her way through Love, Lies and Life. This book will be full of Complications... More

Chapter 1 ~ The Distraction & Concussion
Chapter 2 ~ Airport Mayhem
Chapter 3 ~ Fight + Feelings
Chapter 4 ~ Storylines + Titles
Chapter 5 ~ Brawls + Pranks
Chapter 6 ~ Bus Trips To Washington
Chapter 7 ~ Match Discussions + The Truth
Chapter 8 ~ Mini Reunions + Distractions
Chapter 9 ~ DQ + Botches
Chapter 10 ~ Finding Out
Chapter 11 ~ Trapped, Sick + Royal Rumble
Chapter 12 ~ Breakdowns + Charlotte
Chapter 13 ~ Gym
Chapter 14 ~ Starbucks + Ultrasound
Chapter 15 ~ Friends
Chapter 16 ~ Monday Night Raw
Chapter 17 ~ Flights Back To Philly
Chapter 18 ~ Arrested + Concussion
Chapter 19 ~ Girl Scouts + Smackdown
Chapter 20 ~ Changes in Storylines + Guess Who?
Chapter 21 ~ Dislikes + Arguements + Nappies
Chapter 22 ~ Gym + Brie-Mode
Chapter 23 ~ Good Morning + Meeting
Chapter 24 ~ Indiana + Build-Up
Chapter 26 ~ Tension + Fixtures
Chapter 27 ~ Welcome Back + Potential Firing
Chapter 28 ~ Godmother + Austin
Chapter 29 ~ Packing + Parental Struggles
Chapter 30 - Wrestlemania XXX
Chapter 31 ~ Awkward + Golf Cart
Chapter 32 ~ The Match + Vince
Chapter 33 ~ Wow + Hotel Jalepeno
Chapter 34 ~ Bullies + Bullshit
Chapter 35 ~ Confrontation & California?
Chapter 36 ~ Santa Monica & The Airport
Chapter 37 ~ Three Amigos & Taco Hell
Chapter 38 - The Other Half
Chapter 39 ~ Calls & Changing Flights?
Chapter 40 ~ Mr Lopez
Chapter 41 ~ Joseph & Anaheim
Chapter 42 ~ Negotiation & Replacements

Chapter 25 ~ Heading To Cleveland

1.6K 63 11

I'm not finishing this book anytime soon. Sorry for the slight delay for a new chapter. Enjoy.
"I'll save you a seat." Ashton said as he climbed onto the bus. I nodded towards him and placed my suitcase in the bottoms of the bus. I turned around and came face to face with Jon and Colby.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I hugged them both and smiled.

"Hey Jordyn." Jon said as he chucked his case in.

"Hey." Colby grinned and slid his in the bottom of the bus. "After you..." Colby pointed to the bus and I walked in front I thanked him and found Ashton. I sat down next to him and Colby and Jon sat down opposite us.

"Have I introduced you guys?" I asked.

"Well actually, me and Colby go way back." He smiled. Colby nodded. "We used to train together in Miami and then we both got signed."

"Of course I was much more advanced which is why I got called up first." Colby flicked his hair in a sassy way. Colby was joking so we all laughed at his silliness.

Once I'd stopped laughing, I introduced Jon to Ashton. "Oh well, this is Jon." I said. "This is Ashton." I pointed to my cousin.

"Damn, I can't believe how much he looks like Jonny and Josh. Even Dwayne." Jon said, raising his eyebrows ever so slightly.

Ashton chuckled and shook his head, he didn't believe that he looked like any of us but everyone always confirms that he does."Quiet everybody!" Jonah called. Everybody shut up and faced the front. "We need to see if everyone's here, the sooner we get it done, the sooner we leave."

Warren got on the bus and Jonah sat down. Warren looked down at his clipboard and began taking a register. "Victoria?" Victoria (Alicia Fox) raised her hand and Warren ticked her name."Brie?" No reply. Warren repeated and eventually put a cross through her name."Jordyn?" I raised my hand and smiled childishly. Warren grinned back at me and nodded towards me before he ticked my name. "Zack?" No reply again. He crossed his name. "Jon?" Jon raised his hand and nodded towards Warren. He ticked Jon's name. "Colby?" Colby raised his eyebrows as he was mid-sentence with Ashton. He raised his hand slightly and Warren ticked his name. "Ashton?" Ashton put his hand up eagerly and smiled to Warren. Warren returned a smile and continued with the register.

I turned around to face Jon and Colby again. "How long does it take to get to Cleveland?" Colby asked, striking up a conversation.

"Between 4 or 5 hours." Jon shrugged. Colby nodded and he sat further down in his seat. I looked up and saw Warren and Jonah talking privately. They looked concerned and slightly worried about something. Jonah turned around and gulped.

"Right," He said, grabbing everybody's attention again. "They're are a few people missing and we are going to postpone the departure. Hopefully, we can set off shortly as we do have to stick to a schedule. I am sorry for any inconvenience." Jonah smiled helplessly and shrugged before getting off the bus with Warren. People on the bus groaned in misery and began talking amongst themselves again.

"Do you think so?" Ashton nudged me mid sentence. I shook my head about the postponement of the departure and looked at Ashton once I realised he was speaking to me.

"What?" I asked, frowning a little.

"Do you think I could have a match on Smackdown?" Ashton said, eagerly.

I shrugged and smiled. "We could always ask Paul or Stephanie." I said, keeping his hopes up.

"Oh my god that would be awesome." Ashton mumbled to himself has he placed his head on the seat and looked out of the window. I glanced at Jon and Colby who had genuine half smiles on their faces as they listened to Ashton.

I frowned as I looked out of the large bus windows. Jonah and Warren appeared to be arguing with other staff members and Paul walked towards the bus then started shouting at Warren. He left shortly after and Paul began talking more calmly to Jonah.

"Have you seen Brie?" Jon asked, curiously. I shook my head.

I tried to think of a solution. "I'll ring her." I told them. I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked through my contacts to find her name. Once I found her name, it rang once and she picked up more or less straight away.

"Hello?" She answered, out of breath.

I furrowed my eyebrows a little as to why she was out of breath however I decided to ask her a more important question."Brie! Where are you?" I exclaimed.

"I'm almost there, I overslept! Wait, the bus hasn't left, has it?"

"No, Brie. The bus hasn't left. We're in the arena car park. Everyone's waiting for you and Zack. Have you seen him?"

"Erm, no. I thought he was driving to Cleveland?"

My eyebrows relaxed a little."Oh, he must have forgotten to tell Warren or Paul. I'll go tell them in a second. Just hurry up Brie!" I exclaimed, looking around at the other impatient superstars and women on the bus.

"I will!" She squealed before putting the phone down. I locked the phone and put it back in my pocket. I ran my fingers through my hair so that it was no longer in my face and sighed.

"What did she say?" Jon asked, grabbing my attention. I looked up at him and saw Colby looking too.

"She's not far away, she overslept." I shrugged. Stuff like this happens so we've just got to deal with it. I just don't want Brie getting a lot of slack off of the others.

Jon chuckled and shook his head. "What about Zack?"

"Zack forgot to tell everybody he was driving to Cleveland." I rolled my eyes and stood up from my seat. "I need to go tell Paul." I adjusted my grey sweatpants and quickly tied my hair up into a high messy ponytail so that it was out of my face.

Jon stood up after me. "I'll come with you." He said, not giving me an option.

I nodded and walked off the bus, Jon following behind me. I looked towards the arena where Paul was stood, he was just about to enter the arena. I nudged Jon. "He's over there." I pointed over to him. We walked over to the entrance of the arena. Jon opened the door and allowed me to enter first. I thanked him and looked around the corridor. "Paul?" I said.

"He might be in his office." Jon stated. We headed down the hallway and towards the office. When we was outside the room, we could hear people shouting and arguing. I raised my eyebrows and Jon looked towards me with a similar expression.

I knocked gently on the door and the arguing stopped completely and everything fell silent. Paul came to the door and swung it open. "Can I help you?" He said, calmly.

I frowned. "Um.. Brie is like a few minutes away and Zack is driving to Cleveland."

Paul sighed. "Right." He looked at the other person in the room and shook his head as if I'd just brought up something they'd been talking about. I couldn't see the other person because the person was sitting next to the door. "Thank you for telling me." He said before shutting the door.

I looked at Jon. "The hell was that about?" I mimed to him.

He shook his head vigorously and shrugged. "No idea." He whispered and we exited the arena.

Just as we left the building, a car came into the parking lot. I squinted my eyes and realised shortly that it was Brie. She got out of the car and Jon and myself walked over to her. "Hey.." I trailed off when I saw her. My eyes widened at her appearance. Not to be rude or anything, but she looked half dead. That's putting it nicely. Her hair was all over the place and her mascara had rubbed around her eyes. Wild night with Bryan, eh? ;)

"Hi." She said bluntly and walked around to the trunk. She opened it up and began to tug on her suitcase. My eyes watered at the smell of her breath and my nose began to burn. After giving her a minute or so to attempt to get her suitcase out of the trunk, I told Jon to go and get the case out for her. He went around the car and got the case out in seconds. Brie rolled her eyes and locked the car.

"What's up with you?" I questioned Brie. Jon walked ahead of us, trailing Brie's case behind him towards the rear of the bus.

Brie yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Nothing, Jordyn. It really doesn't matter." She shrugged and folded her arms.

"Brie, if there's something wrong then obviously it does matter. Just tell me." I said quieter so Jon couldn't hear. I put my hand on her shoulder in a gesture of offering my condolences.

"Maybe later." She shrugged again and I let Brie on the bus first. Jon came jogging over to me.

"Is she okay?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Obviously not but she hasn't told me yet." I shrugged a little.

Jon nodded his head and mouthed an "Okay." to me before we climbed onto the bus. I walked up behind Brie as she sauntered down the aisle of the bus. Various wrestlers' mouths open and their eyes widened when they saw the state of Brie. I gave them all death glares and the majority of them looked away.

"Brie, we're sat here. There looks like there are some spare seats up there." I nodded my head towards the back of the bus and Brie nodded and sauntered to the back. I watched her before sitting down in my seat again.

"What the hell happened to her?" Ashton practically yelled. I slapped him over the head and gave him a disapproving look.

Jonah appeared at the front of the bus and spoke to the bus driver. "Right guys, we're just about to set off. The first bus has already left. When we arrive in Cleveland at the hotel, we want you to go to your rooms, drop your bags off and come straight to the arena. As usual, catering will be on throughout the night so go and help yourselves. They're might be chance to practice the matches tonight, we're not too sure. Unfortunately, there is a possibility that the match card could change. This means that matches will be moved around and some matches may be cancelled. If your match is cancelled, it is likely that match will be on Smackdown, Superstars or maybe Raw. Enough of my babbling, lets go to Cleveland!" Jonah exclaims and pats the bus drivers back.

A few people cheer as the bus sets off. Jonah sits down next to Steve at the front of the bus, opposite the drivers seat.

"Matches are going to be cancelled?" Ashton looks at me with a worried look on his face.

I nod sincerely. "The chances it will be your match is like.. 1 in 10." I attempted to reassure him however I was also trying to reassure myself because I genuinely didn't know either.

He half smiles and nods before looking out of the window and watching the surroundings as we travel through the city. "You spoke to Joe?" Colby asks, sounding overly-concerned. I understand why he's concerned though, we're all practically family.

I looked at him and shook my head. "Not even Jonny or Josh." I informed them all.

Jon shakes his head and tuts. I raise my eyebrows at him. "You need to speak to them!" He exclaims. "They only want the best for you." He said, sounding just like them which made my stomach turn.

"No, they want to treat me like a baby and I'm sick of it. Joe acts like my dad. If I wanted a dad, I wouldn't have lost contact with my actual dad years ago!" I raised my voice slightly. Jon looks down and Colby opens his mouth like he was going to say something but decided against it. Ashton looked at me in shock. Guess he never knew how much of a dick his Uncle was. "Sorry." I mumbled and rubbed my temples.

I placed my earphones in and watched as we left the main road and approached the motorway. As soon as we got on to the motorway, we came to an abrupt halt which made quite a few people including myself jolt forward. I took my earphones out and rubbed my neck. "What was that?" Ashton muttered to himself. I shrugged and looked forward.

"It's held up for ages. We won't make it there in 4 hours in this." We could hear the bus driver telling Jonah. I groaned and watched as Jonah began biting his knuckle. He pulled his phone out and he clearly called Paul. I sighed and stood up from my seat.

"Where are you going?" Colby asked me. I pointed to the front of the bus where the drivers seat is. Colby nodded and I walked over.

"Jordyn will you pleases sit down?" Trevor (WWE personnel) snapped. I flipped him off and he looked at me disgusted. Warren chuckled until Trevor glared at him.

"Are you kidding me?" I shrieked, looking out of the windscreen towards the traffic. "It's going to take at least 7 hours on the motorway." I exclaimed.

"Do you have a better idea?" Trevor asked sternly.

"Walking." I replied sarcastically. "We'd get there quicker." I smirked. Trevor glared at me and I glared at him. I leant over the bus driver and pressed the bus horn. "C'mon!" I yelled. Other cars joined in and I continued pressing the horn. Two pairs of arms wrapped around me and dragged me away from the front of the bus. I turned around and saw that it was Ashton and Colby.

"Damn." Ashton chuckled. "You get road rage when you ain't even driving." He laughed. Colby and Jon laughed whereas I shrugged nonchalantly.

"...round and round, round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long. The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish. Swish, swish, sw-" Steve (Hawk boy from the airport) sang and did the actions at the front of the bus.

"FUCKING KILL ME!" I screamed. Steve shut up and looked at me. Other wrestlers on the bus laughed their heads off and Steve called me to the front of the bus. I stood up and walked forward. "What?" I asked.

"What." He mocked me.

I shrugged. "What did you want me to come here for?" I asked, sounding my best to be a little more polite to Hawkings.

"I'm trying to entertain everybody and you just interrupted me Jordyn, I don't appreciate that." He sternly said, taking it all very seriously.

"I don't appreciate you making me want to kill myself." I told him. He looked at me in disbelief. I shrugged. "Are we done?" I asked, getting bored of the whole situation. He nodded unseeingly and I returned to my seat.

Ashton clapped as I came back to my seat. "That was legend." Ashton said just as he began to have a laughing fit.

Colby shook his head. "You're so weird." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and rested my head against the back of my seat again.

"I'm so bored. How long has it been?!"

"Since you last spoke?" Jon asked. He glanced down at his watch. "About twenty seconds." He answered his own question. I stood up out of my seat and faced my fellow coworkers.

"Does anyone have a laptop?" I asked, loudly so everybody could hear me.

"I do!" Kofi shouted and raised his laptop up.

"I do too!" Nattie smiled and held hers up.

"Great, pass them to me!" I instructed, collecting the two laptops. I went to the front of the bus and pulled the first two tables that weren't in use, together so it was like a barricade between the wrestlers and the people around the drivers seat area. I switched one laptop on and placed it in the middle of the tables. Then I went about halfway into the bus and got the people who was sat down to move further back. I pulled them two tables together and placed the laptop on there. I switched it on and told them a website to go watch movies on and Nick did it for the second laptop. I went over to the first laptop and went on the website. "What film?" I asked my section of the bus.

"Hangover!" Someone suggested.

"No. Seen to many times." I frowned.


"YAS!" I yelled loudly and put Saw 2 on. I put the film on and adjusted the screen so everybody on this side of the bus could see it.

"NOOOO!" All the wrestlers yelled as the bus finally managed to move a few yards and the wifi stopped.

"For fucks sake!" I screamed.

Trevor poked his head around the corner. "Stop that vile language Jordyn."

"I don't give a fuck." I mumbled under my breath, so only the people around me could hear what I said.

"What?" He asked.

"I said 'yes mum'." I replied sweetly and innocent with a smirk. He gave me a death glare before turning back around. I got up out of my seat once the bus had stopped again and handed Nattie and Kofi their laptops back. I shoved the tables back to normal and sighed.

"Will you please sit down?" Steve asked. I glared at him.

"The bus isn't even moving." I shrugged. I began to think. I looked up and a lightbulb flashed. I checked that none of the WWE personnel was watching. I stood on one of the seats and pushed the roof window up. I stuck my head through and laughed as I waved at people in cars. A few cars began moving ahead of us but I didn't pay attention. I had both hands at either side of me on the roof of the bus and my legs were dangling.

"Where is Jordyn?" Someone, most likely to be Trevor, shouted. I crossed my legs casually as I heard him starting to walk towards me. The bus moved and I could hear his footsteps go back towards the drivers seat as I fell and face planted the floor. I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

"Shit, are you okay?" Nick laughed as he helped me up. I nodded.

"That was awesome!" I yelled and began climbing back up.

"Jordyn!" Trevor shouted. I got off the seat I was half way up climbing and headed over to Trevor. "Sit here for 5 minutes." I sighed and placed my head in my hands as I sat down. The bus jolted forwards again and I sighed.

"I'm sorry Trevor. Can I please go back to my seat?" I pouted, like I was sincerely sorry. Newsflash genius, I wasn't.

Trevor looked at me and sighed. "Yeah." I smiled and ran back to my seat with Ashton, Colby and Jon.

"Do you have any money?" I asked the boys. They nodded and got the money out on the table. "Great." I smiled and pulled my poker hat out of my back pocket before putting it on. I grabbed a pack of poker chips from my pocket. "I'm going to be one rich motherfucker." I chuckled to myself.

"Thank you, thank you." I muttered as I pulled all of the money on the table towards me. People around me groaned and shook their heads. Jon smacked his cards down on the table as did Ashton. Colby shook his head and Ashton lowered his head in defeat. I placed the money in my pocket. I took my hat off and the people around us sat down. The bus inched forward and I sighed. "Yo Trev!" I called.

I could hear him mumble some curse words under his breath that I shall not repeat. "What, Jordyn?" He called back loudly. He sighed and spun around.

"How long have we been on the bus for?" I questioned. He looked down at his watch and began counting. "Today!" I yelled impatiently.

"Just under 2 hours." He answered, folding his arms.

"So we've moved around 500 yards in the past 2 hours?" I raised my eyebrows and folded my arms mockingly. Trevor scoffed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He sighed and turned back around so he was facing the opposite direction. "How the hell are we meant to get to Cleveland in the next two hours if we're not even out of Indiana yet?" I asked. "Rude." I muttered now that I realised that he had turned around.

I moved down in my seat and closed my eyes. Hopefully, I'll be able to sleep the rest of the way to Cleveland. My surroundings quietened and I fell into a peaceful pool of darkness. Sleep.



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