I was Sold to My Dead Brother...

By pjaclie22

17.4M 244K 31.7K

Was Originally: My parents sold me, to my dead brother new best friend. My brother disappeared when I was e... More

Ten Years Later
Odd Sight
The Contract
I'll Catch You
His Blood
Being Dramatic
We Need to Leave
Get to the lake
To Make Their Life a Living Hell
Get out!
Listen Real Good
What happened to Macy
I'm not here to take you home
Tell me Why
Dance Lesson
The Ball
What are you doing?
A Party
Waking Nightmare
The Store
Black out
I am going to kill you
A Dress Fitting
What Happened to Macy pt. 2
Wedding Day
You want to dance with me
What to do
Turn that light off
You want the truth?
In what universe
I have a theory
Council Meeting
Whats going on
It's not your decision to make
This is not a dream
Not a Chapter

A private meeting

332K 4.4K 510
By pjaclie22

Yes, I was angry, hurt, and upset about what had happened when I went to talk to Luke and discovered their plans. Yes, I slept with Joel just to spite Luke and whoever else that wanted to care because I was beyond upset and I thought it would make me feel better. After the fact, did I feel better? No, I almost felt worse than before and I almost felt dirty in a way. Being with Joel just wasn't the same anymore and that hurt knowing I had lied to Joel. I was basically leading him on and eventually going to hurt him more in the long run if I ever forgave Luke for what he had done. He had humiliated me in front of that leech named Leah.

I splashed some water over my face while still feeling uneasy after sleeping with Joel; I practically ran and hid in the bathroom. My life felt as if it was spinning out of control and everything I did just seemed to make everything get ten times worse. I could hear Joel snoring lightly on my bed; at least he didn't notice my speedy exit to get away from him. I need to wake him and send him to his room, so we didn't get into trouble, under Luke's stipulation of him being here. I rolled my eyes; I just wanted to punch him in the stupid face sometimes for making me so angry. I sighed thinking how he could have done this, just as I was thinking I liked him and wanted to be with him he goes and pulls this. I would have been overjoyed for Joel to have been here with me, but now I was unsure now.

Then the thought popped in my mind, what if Luke had planned all this all along, if he could have petitioned to marry me why didn't he do this from the begging when I said I didn't want this? I know he is smart and likes to play games, but could he have been planning this all along? Leah had been around Luke for a long time, maybe he truly wanted to be with Leah and was just waiting for time to pass, that way it looked like he tried to make it work and when it didn't he and Leah could be together. I felt bile start to rise at the thought as my stomach twisted and I kept breathing slowly trying to calm down. No, I thought Max would never allow him to do that, my brother was supposed to protect me, even though he lied to me many, many times. I'm not sure how long I sat in the bathroom contemplating everything and becoming even more paranoid, every single person lied to me, even Joel. I felt so alone.

I pulled myself together and finally walked back into my room to see a naked Joel sprawled out on my bed. I took a deep breath and walked over to wake Joel up because he couldn’t stay even thought I really didn't want to be alone at the moment. We talked for a short time about nothing of importance; he told me about his dad's job, and that his mother also worked here sometimes. Though my mind was racing and couldn't really focus on what Joel was talking about I feared that my paranoid thoughts were true and they were all just messing with me. When Joel finally left I lay curled up in a ball and silently wept, not wanting anyone to hear and come to investigate.

I awoke in the morning from hearing a knock on my door; I could tell my eyes were swollen from last nights pity party.

“Enter,” I said with a cracked voice, as I sat up and looked the opposite way so whoever it was didn't see me in this state.

“Annie, the queen wants to have a private meeting with you as soon as you get dressed.” Mary said quietly in an almost sad way.

“Okay, I’ll be ready soon.” I stood up and rushed into the bathroom before she could get a good look at me.

I knew better than to lollygagged when it came to the queen, so I rinsed off fast, still feeling slightly dirty and covered my face with make-up to hide the swollen eyes and dress in a simple light yellow summer dress. I walked back into my room and looked at Mary who stood by the door looking down, not even looking at me. I knew this meeting was not going to be a pleasant event. I wonder what it could be about; there were a few things she could be unhappy about. First me and Luke still not together, second Luke and Leah’s petition, third she could have heard me and Macy arguing and the event that happened afterward which meant she knew about everything including Joel being present. I started chewing a lot on my lip roughly and I'm surprised I didn't chew a piece off and eat my lip. I walk in silent behind Mary as my anxiety sky rocketed with every step.

“Go in, she’s waiting.” She stopped and gestured to a set of doors; I took a deep breath and entered.

This must have been the queen’s private office, and it was very elegant and classy, she sat perfectly completing the picture behind a highly ornate wood desk.

“Come, sit down.” The queen said, in a monotone voice as her face showed no emotion and went back to reading the paper that she held in her hand. I sat there waiting for her to speak as I clutched on hands together digging my nails into my palms while I patiently waited her to say anything, I silently prayed I was over reacting and this was another lesson, but my heart was just pleading unheard wishes.

“So you know why I called you here Annie?” She said, not taking her eyes away from the paper that seemed to hold her interest more than I did.

“No, I am sorry, I don’t know.” I decided it was best to speak the way she taught me, with dignity and class and play dumb in case she doesn't know anything, she sighed and sat the paper on the desk and pushed them toward me.

“Annie, playing dumb is not cute at this time, I am very upset over what has been happening right under my noise,” I sighed and looked down in shame, for having lied now, “, I happened to be heading to my room last night when I over hear the ending of you and Macy’s argument,” she stood up, slamming her hands on the desk making me jump, “, so I ran down to the council and pulled a copy of this petition that was filed and I’m very upset about what my son has done, and disappointed in you that you allowed this to happen.” She sighed and turned away from me and looked out the window, and I felt so bad for her disappointment, it is the worst thing you can do in my eyes.

“I'm sorry, I didn't know about it till last night, I had no idea he was going to do this,” I said as I tried to hold back the tear I felt threatening to fall.

“Annie, you have no idea what you have done,” turning back to look at me, “, there is a good reason that Leah’s family is not in power anymore, they were horrible to the human race and kept the world from advancing for centuries,” she sat down almost tired like, “, Luke's great grandfather overthrew Leah’s family, for crimes against the world expectantly for ill treatment of humans. They enslaved the humans, killed them left and right and almost put humans into extinction and in the process, us. My family lived in the shadows. Humans suffered from a lot of animism and had forgotten a lot about the past and it is for their best in certain cases, our kind unparticular.” She paused and was rubbing her temples to relive some of the stress I had obviously caused her. “That petition is ludicrous and the majority of it won't be passed but they will most likely grant the separation between you and Luke, unless you fight it.” I glanced down at the paper that lay on her desk.

“What do you mean, fight it?” I asked, a little suspicious.

“Well when you get called in front of the council they will discuss what they will allow and what they won't allow, then they will ask both party's if they agree to the terms of the agreement, if you do then you sign it as told,” she sighed, “, if you or the other party doesn’t agree then one or the other will have to file another petition with different stipulations until both agree or no more petitions are filed.” My head started to spin.

“What are the terms that I have to agree to?” She picked up that papers and shook her head with a scowl.

“Well a lot will be cut out because it is ridiculous, but I will read them all to give you a glimpse of what Leah and her family are like.” She looked at me in a way that made me feel bad and more nervous.

“First: Annie Erickson is to relinquish all present and future right to the crown and royal family, Second: Annie is to publicly announce to the vampire community in this country that Leah Mohan is and always will be the better queen. Third: Annie Erickson will be punished for anything Leah Mohan deems punishable during her stay in the royal house. Fourth: Annie Erickson is still to produce the crowned prince Luke with a child, being Luke’s actual mate and there needing to be an heir to the throne. Fifth: Annie Erickson is to be executed after delivering an heir to the throne,” I gasped as she continued to read, “, the heir is to never know of Annie’s existence and the replacement princess chosen by the prince will be his official mother and never told anything that contradicts this, or be punished by death. Eight: Replacing Annie Erickson will be Leah Mohan; all history will be wiped clean of Annie Erickson’s existence in vampire and human form.” She tossed the papers on her desk and started to rub her temples some more.

I'm not sure when the tears started to fall and it felt like my heart was being squeezed and my lungs were filling with air. All I could think was how could Luke do this and agree that I should be punished by Leah, and then focused to have his baby, and then be killed off. He truly hated me and was just using me this whole time as I started to sob at the realization.

“Annie, calm down. The court will never allow half of this, I revised a version with Leah being your replacement, you will have to produce a child since you are the only one that can have Luke's child, you won't be killed because that would kill Luke, but will most likely be sent away from here.” I looked at her in complete horror, how could she really expect me to calm down after that?

How could Luke do this, I understand I hurt him, but did he really want me dead because I would be with him? I couldn't wrap my mind around this, the only reason I can see that he brought me here was to get a kid out of me and kill me off. I stood and ran from the room not wanting to hear any more of what my future had in store for me. I reached my room and locked the door lucky nobody had seen me in tears and running around like a mad person. I rushed into the bathroom and turned the shower on as hot as possible and got in with all my clothes on. I didn't care at this point I just wanted to feel the burning heat on my body and the water to muffle my tears so nobody could hear my pain.

The queen’s words still rang in my head.

“This could have been different, you could have loved him.”

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