The Night I Disappeared - An...

By GreaserMcGoo27

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One night at the DX, Two-Bit and Sodapop get kidnapped by an angry Bob, who is seeking revenge on Soda. Both... More

An Angry Bob
Two Hurt Greasers
Worthless Scum

Will We Ever Get Free?

594 8 23
By GreaserMcGoo27

Soda's Point of View

About an hour had passed and Two-Bit was still hogtied and I was still forced to watch him helplessly, whimpering.

Two-Bit wiggled and pulled, rolling slowly over to his sides and then back over, it evident it was useless for him to struggle. He kicked his legs which tightened the noose around his neck and he coughed badly, his coughs muffled from the gags. But he still didn't stop struggling.

I felt so bad for him, nearly crying as I watched. I wished he could at least see and not have to be blindfolded.

I watched him wiggle on his stomach and jerk his shoulders around, blood dripping down his bound wrists to his arms, looking awful.

I sniffled with a deep frown, hearing him cough.

"B-Bob, Bob, let him go," I whimpered out, trying not to cry again.

Bob's arm was tight around my chest as he played with my hair or kissed at my face, making me wanna vomit. "Sorry Soda......'sides, he's fine."

Bob kissed my jawline and my eyes went narrow with a growl, flinching away but I still couldn't get away with him holding me on his lap.

I heard Two-Bit let out an exhausted moan before he rolled over again, lying on his side, his chest heaving as he laid his head down on the ground.

"He isn't fine," I snarled at Bob as he kept kissing at my face. "He's bleeding, untie him!" I growled, jerking at my wrists a little.

Bob just chuckled and cupped his hand over my mouth, making me shake my head no and growl. "I'm not untying him." He huffed. "Just look at the little guy struggle."

Two-Bit rolled back over and wiggled and kicked, coughing, his neck bright red and bleeding now.

I jerked my head away from Bob's hand, growling. "You're sick." I spat. "You can't keep him tied up like this, it's inhumane!" I hissed.

Two-Bit's shoulders jerked and he let out another moan, letting his head drop to the ground, a clear sign he was exhausted from struggling so much.

I knew how he felt; when I was tied like that, it was real tiring for me too. But he's been struggling a lot more than I had been.

"See how much he struggles, Soda?" Bob's hand went over my mouth, grinning into my ear. "That's how much I want you to struggle when you're hogtied. I didn't even have to tell him to start should do the same, pretty boy." He kissed my hair and I flinched, pulling away with a snarl.

"Let him go."

"Quit saying that," Bob growled a little, stroking my hair and I shuddered, my narrowed eyes watching Two-Bit.

He slowly jerked his shoulders around, slowly rolling over again, letting out a muffled moan, his teeth biting tightly on his gags, lying his head down on the floor.

"Bob, he's exhausted, just untie him already." I seethed through my teeth, weakly pulling at my own ropes. "Hasn't he had enough of this?"

"Hey, quit lookin' at him and start paying attention to me," Bob growled and grabbed my face, turning me to face him.

"No way, mother f*****," I swore and squirmed on his lap. "Let him go."

"Okay, that's it Soda, you're gonna be quiet now...." I heard him growl and then soon heard the ripping of duct tape.

I growled and tried to get off him but he held me back, patting a strip of duct tape down over my mouth and I swore at him.

"Now quit looking at him." Bob growled meanly and I snarled through the tape, shaking my head no, letting out muffled growls.

Apparently this made Bob angry. "Fine. You wanna watch your buddy so much? Well then," He got up and started tying me down to the chair tightly. "You can watch him get beat up." He huffed and yanked the ropes tight.

My eyes widened and I shook my head no, watching as he started over for Two-Bit and I yelled out, not wanting him to hurt my friend.

"Mmmmm mmmm!"

Bob ignored me and went to Two-Bit with a mean look, kicking him to his stomach, making Two-Bit yelp.

I glared and snarled things at Bob, jerking around in the chair, but he totally ignored me.

Bob started kicking Two-Bit's side, kicking over and over, laughing as his foot collided with Two's ribs.

Two-Bit yelped in pain and looked around blindly, wiggling a little in his ropes but to no avail, whimpering when Bob kicked him.

I screamed out, holding back tears, shaking my head no, hating Bob, wanting him to stop hurting Two-Bit.

Bob snickered at Two-Bit's yelps as he kept kicking before he finally stopped and Two-Bit whimpered, breathing heavily, letting out a moan of pain, unable to defend himself.

Bob smirked and eyed Two-Bit's helpless form, slowly taking off his belt, glancing over at me with a smirk.

My eyes went narrow and I started screaming at him like mad, shaking my head no, praying he wouldn't belt Two.

Bob smiled at me and raised the belt over his head and I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut tight when he brought it down, flinching when I heard the loud *smack!*

Two-Bit screamed and whimpered out and Bob continued to belt my friend, laughing and I started to cry again, unable to watch.

I remembered when Bob had belted me and how awful it had hurt and I felt terrible, crying out of horror everytime I heard the smack and the muffled yelps of pain.

I shook my head no as tears ran down my face, Two-Bit wiggling helplessly as he cried out.

Bob kept relentlessly belting the red head with laughter before he finally stopped and Two's sniffling replaced his yelping.

I looked up through my tears when I no longer heard the smacks and saw Bob stand up and come over to me, ripping off my duct tape.

I gasped in pain and cried out as Bob turned to go back to Two-Bit.

"T-Tw-Two-Bit!" I cried, sniffling. "Two-Bit, i'm so sorry!"

Two-Bit lifted his head a little and looked for me blindly, muffling something out.

Bob went beside Two-Bit and my eyes went narrow as I watched him, letting out a growl. "D-Don't you hurt him!"

Bob just gave me a kind of glare and he grabbed Two-Bit, picking him up, seeming to sit him up on his knees.

Two-Bit flinched and jerked and immediately began to scream when Bob touched him, trying to get away, only to cough from the ropes.

Bob held onto him and tried to keep him from jerking, sitting him up on his knees, shushing him softly, keeping him upright, an arm wrapped around his chest.

"You're okay, you're okay, just don't struggle now," I heard him say lowly and I watched with furrowed eyebrows, not knowing what he was doing.

Two-Bit almost seemed to relax at the shushing and he quit pulling, keeping still as Bob kept him leaned up against his body.

Bob's head was at Two's shoulder, an arm wrapped around his chest, keeping him upright. "There ya go. Now, let's get those gags out so you can talk to Soda...."

I heard my name and perked up a little, watching hopefully as Bob reached for Two's mouth.

Two-Bit whimpered out as Bob took out the first gag, letting it drop at Two's neck, struggling to pull out the second one from Two's teeth.

I watched with big eyes, trying not to eye the blood that was dripping down Two's neck, the noose still tight around his throat.

Bob finally got the gag out and Two-Bit coughed, whimpering out, moving his jaw around.

Bob slipped off his blindfold and I was grateful, finally able to look into my friend's eyes again.

He squinted at first and had to find me, his eyes wide and scared, looking panicked.

"S-Soda!" He whimpered out and pulled a little but Bob held him back, arms wrapped around him firmly.

"Two-Bit," I whimpered sadly, wanting to hug him, my eyes welled with tears. "A-Are you okay?"

I could see him visibly shaking and beads of sweat rolled down his face and I could tell he didn't like the way Bob was holding him, flinching to get away.

"I-I'm okay, Soda," Came his response and I knew he was lying. There was no way he was okay after all that.

"Two-Bit, you-you gotta stop struggling man, you're only hurting yourself more!" I whimpered out to him in hopes he would stop from now on.

Two-Bit looked at me with big eyes. "But Soda, imma get us outta here, I am! I don't care what it takes! I-I don't care if I have to stay tied up like this forever, imma get you free!"

Classic Two-Bit. Always looking out for anyone but himself. In this case, me.

"B-But Two-Bit, you can't stay tied up like that!"

"I-I do if it means i'm the one getting hurt instead of you, Soda!" Two-Bit whimpered back. "You don't deserve that!"

Neither do you, I thought, frowning deeply. I opened my mouth to argue with him but Bob chuckled and spoke.

"Awwww, how sweet. The little lovebirds care about each other. How sentimental." Bob smirked and tried to nuzzle and kiss Two-Bit's cheek but Two-Bit whimpered and flinched away with a growl.

"You know your buddy is kinda cute, Soda," Bob grabbed Two's face and kept him still, holding onto him tightly. "But not as handsome as you....." He smirked in my direction and I almost wanted to barf, disgusted.

Two jerked his head around, whimpering. "Let go of me, let go!" Bob just kissed his cheek and Two-Bit froze, eyes wide in shock, looking horrified.

"Let go of him, Bob." I growled, not wanting him to start touching Two-Bit like he had touched me, shaking a little.

"What? You jealous?" Bob smirked with a snicker. "Or you just don't like seeing your friend get hurt?"

He suddenly wrapped an arm around Two's throat and squeezed, Two-Bit instantly coughing.

I gasped and glared, whimpering out. "Stop it! Let go of him!"

Bob held Two-Bit back as Two-Bit jerked around in an attempt to get away, his face going red as Bob choked him.

Bob just laughed and kept squeezing. "You'll have to beg, pretty boy! Tell me ya love me first!"

Two-Bit was gasping and coughing, unable to breathe, eyes squeezed shut. "S-Soda!" He gasped out.

I looked at Bob in horror, Two-Bit's skin white. "Let him go! Stop it, stop it!" I pleaded, yelling desperately.

Two-Bit looked like he was going to pass out, gasping for air before Bob finally let go of him, shoving him to the floor with a laugh.

Two landed on his stomach and gasped to breathe, coughing, shaking all over.

I gasped as I watched him, eyes narrowed at Bob, jerking around in my chair. "You're horrible! How can you treat us like this?! What did we do to you?! Please, just let us go!" I shouted, almost in tears again.

Bob just sneered with a 'hmmph'. "In your dreams, Sodie.....Y'all ain't never leaving." He gave Two-Bit's side a rough kick and then stomped up the stairs, slamming the door shut.

I began to cry, hanging my head down, hating him, wanting Darry and Pony, hanging my head down, sobbing.

"Don't cry, Soda...." I heard Two-Bit's soft voice, looking over at him as I sniffled.

His head was lifted, looking at me with concern, still hogtied in those awful ropes.

"H-How can I not cry, Two-Bit?! We're still tied up and we're still being tortured by that monster! I just wanna go home!" I bawled, not caring if I looked like a baby.

"I wanna go home too," Two-Bit said softly. "B-But we gotta get outta here first. Okay?"

"W-We ain't never getting outta here, Two-Bit! I'm never gonna see my brothers again!" I sobbed.

"Hey, we'll get outta here," Two-Bit's voice shook a little. "Y-You'll see."

I shook my head no, crying. "J-Just look at you, Two-Bit! You're all tied up and helpless! And it's all cause of that god-awful Bob!"

"Hey, when we bust outta here, we're gonna stomp his creepy a** good, okay?" Two-Bit huffed, beginning to jerk and pull at his ropes again.

I looked at him, sniffling. "Wh-Why are you struggling again Two?! Stop! You're just hurting yourself!"

"Well it's worth it if it gets us outta here!" He grunted, tugging at the ropes, coughing, swearing angrily.

I just shook my head no sadly, muttering out his name with a sniffle, too heartbroken, unable to believe we were going to get out of here.

I just felt awful. My whole body smarted and I was hungry and lonesome and I just wanna go home.

I couldn't stand watching Two-Bit get hurt no mores and I didn't want to be near Bob any longer. I didn't like him touching or kissing me and he was just so creepy and horrible and I couldn't take it anymore.

I didn't think we were ever getting free.

Two-Bit was struggling in his ropes and coughing, letting out grunts and he was swearing, and I frowned at him, wishing he'd stop already so he would quit hurting himself.

I just hung my head and cried, hoping to god my brothers would find us or we could somehow escape.

After a long, long time, I heard Two-Bit's tone of voice change, murmuring something.

I looked up, seeing him pulling at his wrists tightly. I frowned at him, eyes sad, feeling bad for him when Two-Bit suddenly pulled his wrists free.

My eyes went wide and I gasped, watching him as he untied his ankles and took the noose off of him.

"Okay Soda, we're busting out of here!" He huffed and hurried over to me when the ropes were off.

I was overjoyed, suddenly hopeful. "Oh thank God, Two, we're home fre-"

We heard the doorknob jingling and I gasped, knowing Bob was coming. "Q-Quick Two-Bit, go! Save yourself, get help! Hurry!"

Two-Bit stopped untying me to look at me incredulously. "Are-are you insane?! I am not leaving you here with this sicko!"

"Two-Bit, just go! Please! Before he gets down here! Just go!" I pleaded, wanting him to at least get to safety.

Two-Bit fumbled with the ropes at my ankles, shaking all over, looking at me with huge eyes . "I-I am not leaving you, Soda!" He breathed heavily, tears suddenly falling from his eyes.

The door opened and I gasped, almost kicking at him. "Go Two-Bit! Now!" I shouted.

Bob saw Two-Bit was free and snarled, starting down. "Hey!"

Two-Bit didn't move and I screamed at him. "Two-Bit!"

Two-Bit suddenly whimpered and looked at me with big, huge, watery eyes before he ran up the stairs and met Bob, shoving him down, letting him tumble down the stairs painfully.

Bob landed at the bottom with a yelp and groaned in pain.

Two-Bit looked back at me and whimpered, starting to come back down.

"N-No Two-Bit! Go! Hurry!" I whimpered as Bob started getting up with a growl.

Two-Bit looked at me as silent tears rolled down his cheeks before he turned and darted up the stairs, Bob nearly grabbing him by his leg.

"Go Two-Bit go!" I shouted as I watched him run up and dart out the house, escaping.

At least he could get away, I thought, relieved and happy for my friend, a ton of weight lifted off my shoulders and I sighed heavily when I heard the front door slam.

Bob snarled and balled his fist, swearing. "F***! Ah, who needs him anyways? I've got my pretty boy here...." He looked at me with a smirk and I quickly cowered back as he started coming over to me.

Come on Two, bring the gang over to rescue me......I prayed.

And bring them soon.....


Two-Bit's Point of View

I slammed the door shut and bolted it the hell out of there, running faster than I've ever ran in my life, panting.

I stumbled, struggling to find full use of my legs, them still wobbly and sore from being tied up for so long.

But I had to keep running, I couldn't stop.

Breathing heavily, I ran and ran, whimpering, hot tears running down my cheeks and I wiped them away hurriedly with my arm.

I can't believe I had just left him back there, my own best buddy. I was horrified and terribly guilty.

I pumped my legs, whimpering as I panted.

Gotta get the gang, gotta get the gang. Gotta save Soda.

That was my motivation, saving Soda and I ran as fast as I could.

But I was running out of breath and my head was pounding badly and suddenly I didn't feel so good.

The sun was hot and my stomach almost lurched and everything started spinning.

I whimpered and stopped running, holding my head, feeling sick.

"No, no......gotta help Soda," I whimpered out with a murmur and took a few more steps, my whole body shaking.

My legs suddenly went out and I collapsed, landing on the sidewalk, everything going fuzzy in front of me.

"N-No, Soda," I whimpered before everything around me went pitch black.

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