My Drug Is You

By HayleyMarie95

84.2K 1.5K 501

Sophie Miller walks around like a ghost. She is badly bullied by Nicole and her friends. They make her life a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 20

2.7K 51 18
By HayleyMarie95

Hey guys so after some consideration I have decided that there will be 3 chapters left and no sequel, no matter how the story turns out and I have no idea myself yet. I just thought I would let you know and the theme of the story will be going back around college. I took it away for many different reasons but it this chapter will contain that.

Hope you enjoy this chapter as always and let me know what you think!


I woke up wrapped in his arms once again. This feeling could never get old for me. I could do it for the rest of my life and never get bored. I looked down at the beautiful ring that now sat on my finger and my heart swelled at the sight of it. I couldn't believe he trusted me with something like this neither could I believe he loved me enough to give it to me. If somebody said all this was going to happen to me a year ago I would have never believed them.

"It looks beautiful on you," he stated and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I didn't even know he was awake.

"It's a beautiful ring," I replied.

"Not as beautiful as you though," he complimented as he trailed wet kisses down my neck and along my exposed collar bone. He gently sucked the exposed skin leaving a mark behind. He laughed as he removed his mouth from me.

"What's so funny?" I questioned.

"I just like leaving my mark on you. I like to let people know your taken even if they don't know it's by me. I laughed because even I find that a little weird," he replied.

"I'm glad you leave your mark. It's like I'm carrying you around all day," I giggled.

He captured my lips with his and kissed me with passion. It was the sort of kiss that makes your toes curl and your heart race but that's what knd of effect he had on me anyway with out having to kiss me. His tongue entwined with mine as he explored my mouth. The kiss sent electricity shooting through me as I tangled my fingers in the back of his soft hair. We broke away both of us panting for breath, even though I didn't want to. I loved the feeling it had on me and I wanted more.

"I'm going to go and take a shower," he announced as I realised it was a college day. I groaned in disapproval at him. I didn't want to go to that place ever again. Why couldn't I just stay in bed with Brian for the rest of my life? That would make me a happy woman. He laughed at me and said, "You could always join me."

I felt my cheeks burn bright red as those words left his lips. I only lost my virginity yesterday, am I ready to do that yet? "I- I don't know," I replied. I felt bad if I didn't do but could I handle myself being expose to him so openly again?

"Oh, come on. It's just a shower nothing has to happen unless you want it too," he begged.

I looked at him and I could tell he really wanted me too so I sighed and pushed the bed covers off of me. I got out of the bed and walked towards him. As soon as I reached him his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close to his warm body. We walked to the bathroom and I felt the nerves kick in. I shouldn't be bothered by this. He has seen everything but I guess this way he can really see and not be caught up in the moment.

We entered the bathroom and Brian kicked the door so it closed. He pulled the cream blind down that was attached to the window and set he shower going. The steam filled the air around us and I gulped hard.

"You don't have to this. I'm not pressuring you. I can shower alone," he told me over the noise of running water.

I was so tempted to take his offer and run away but I had to face my fear sometime. I told myself over and over again that he has already seen everything. I inhaled a large amount of air and shook my head. "No, I'm fine," I said.

He walked over to me and pressed his thin lips against mine. Every fibre within me set on fire as I kissed him back. He pushed his tongue past my lips and they were reunited. He massaged his tongue against mine and I let put a moan but it was muffled by the kiss. I savioured the taste of him as I knew I wouldn't be able to kiss him throughout the day which saddened me every time the thought popped into my head.

He pulled his mouth away from mine and grabbed the hem of his shirt that was currently on my body. He gently pulled it off of me and his eyes wandered my body. I couldn't help it and I blushed bright red, probably as red as a tomato and more than likely I looked hideous.

"There is no need to be embarrassed. You know I have seen it all before. We've still got to get your underwear off yet," he laughed. I blushed even more. I really needed to get this under control. I feel like an idiot when I do it.

His fingers went round to the back of me and unclasped the bra that I was wearing. He took it off and let it fall to the floor. He let out a groan as his eyes took in every detail about my cleavage. He then reached for my panties and pulled them off. The slid down my legs and I quickly kicked them off.

I took a deep breath in as I realised he was still in his boxers. I let out a little giggle as he was sporting a large tent in his boxers. He looked down and laughed, "I'm sorry. I can't help it. You shouldn't be so gorgeous. I'm only a man after all."

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"It's alright. I'll survive," he chuckled.

I walked over to him and close the gap between us. I grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down realising his erection. He pulled me into the shower and closed the door behind us. The hot water hit us and I felt instantly relaxed. I wanted to feel comfortable around him but I felt so self conscious. I knew about his past and that he has been with a lot of women, how could I compare? They were all probably ten times prettier and slimmer than me.

He grabbed some shower gel and squeezed some on his hand. He let out a laugh and pulled me closer to him. He started to rub the shower gel into my chest and my arms. His calloused fingers worked it into my skin making sure I was clean. His fingers worked down to my breasts as he fondled with them. I let out a moan as he kneeded them and his thumb grazed over my hardened nipple.

"God, you're so beautiful," he groaned. I felt my cheeks go hot as his lips attached to my neck and kissed and nibbled at it. He washed the shower gel off of my body. His hands caressed the sides of my body and went round to my back. His hands slipped down until he reached my ass. He gave it a gentle squeeze and said, "I love this little ass but not as much as I love these." His mouth kissed my breasts and I let out a little laugh.

"Are you trying to seduce me, Mr Haner?" I asked.

"So what if I am, Miss Miller," he replied. "Is it working?"

"It maybe," I told him. He pressed his lips against mine and tangled his fingers in the back of my wet hair. He deepened the kiss as his tongue entwined with mine. I couldn't believe I was doing this after all my doubts but he was my drug and I couldn't get enough of him.

He pushed me against the cold tiles behind me which sent a shiver through me. Our bodies were flushed together and I could feel his excitement against my thigh. I wrapped my leg around him and pulled him impossibly closer. His lips trailed down my neck and his calloused finger trailed down my body and started rubbing my sensitive nub. I let out a moan and threw my head against the wall.

"Don't tease me. I want you now," I weakly told him.

"Whatever you want. I'll give it to you," he chuckled as he pushed straight into to me. We both let out a moan and he grabbed my other leg and wrapped it around his waist. He pounded in me at a hard, fast pace.

I was lucky he had a secure hold on me otherwise my legs would have give away know. The wonderful sensation ripped through my body as I clawed his tattooed back. His lips pressed against mine again and held me in a heated kiss. He carried on thrusting into me and I could feel the hot ball in the pit of my stomach, threatening to explode.

He carried on working in and out of me and I let out another moan as I knew I was close. I could feel the hot ball getting bigger and my walls clenched around him. "Come for me Sophie," he huskily whispered.

I got even more flustered by his word and after one last thrust, I came hard just like he wanted. I let out a scream as the euphoric feeling washed over me. My body shook in pure bliss. He let out a load groan and I felt him exploded deep inside me. We both just stood there out of breath, our body's covered in sweat as we came down from the high.

"I love you so much," he said.

"I love you too," I replied as he kissed my lips.

We quickly washed ourselves and jumped out of the shower, seen as we had to college to attend both of us dreading it. Brian seemed on edge when I mentioned it but that will probably be down to Nicole and our whole situation. I hated it too. I just wanted to be with Brian in public and not have the fear of getting caught.

I quickly chucked my clothes on and tied my hair up. I did a light dusting of make up and put some eyeliner on. Once that was done I rushed down the stairs to find Brian buttoning up his shirt and looking around for his car keys. I noticed them on the sofa so I picked them up and held them up in front of him.

"You are a life savour. I don't know what I do without you," he said.

I laughed, "You would be lost." I walked over to him and buttoned the rest of his shirt up for him. He rapidly tucked it in and he looked like Mr Haner now, the teacher who was off limits.

"Come on, we are going to be late if we don't go know." he said. "I've got you first period so we can't be late together."

I nodded my head and walked out of the door with him and into his car. He laced our fingers together and he set off for college. The drive was silent for the most part. It was a nice silence as I could just think about things. I thought about the ring that was now present on my finger, as much as I loved it the thoughts wandered into my mind; should I be wearing it for college? What would happen if Nicole saw it?

My thoughts were cut short as the car came to a stop and I noticed he was parked inside the college parking lot. "What are you doing? We could be seen!" I screamed.

"Relax, look around nobody is here. Just get out and walk ahead of me," he said.

I nodded my head and got out of the car, slamming the door shut. I walked off and I could sense Brian walking behind me, I didn't have to turn around to know his eyes were looking me up and down. I hurried into college and headed straight for my locker. I grabbed my English book and headed straight for his class.

I walked inside to see everybody waiting for the class to begin. I went straight to my seat and just waited. I kept my gaze on the desk in front of me but I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me and I knew they belong to Nicole. I just tried my best to ignore it.

Five minutes later, Brian walks in with a girl behind him. She seemed nervous and kept looking at him for support. She must be new. I looked at her and she had brown curly hair with piercing hazel eyes. She was quite pretty which made me kind of jealous as Brian laughed at something she said.

"Right class, this is Ellie and she is new so be nice to her!" he warned the class. "There's only one seat left next to Sophie so go and sit there."

She nodded and smiled at him. She came over to the space next to me and pulled the seat out. It was weird having someone sat next to me. I was always the loner that sat by herself.

"Hi!" she chirped way too excitedly.

"Hi," I replied.

"I'm Ellie," she said as if I didn't already know.

"Sophie," I told her but she already knew. I hated small talk and I was never any good at it. I just wished this lesson would hurry up.

Brian started teaching the class but I seemed to daydream off. I couldn't stop thinking about this morning. I couldn't believe I was that brave but I knew he was the one for me so he had see it all sometime. A bang ripped me from my thoughts and I jumped up startled by the sudden noise. I looked up to see Brian's laughing face and back down at the table to see he had put a textbook there.

"You really do need to start paying attention Miss Miller. Whatever you're thinking about can wait," he smirked as my cheeks flushed. He knew exactly what I was thinking about.

"Sorry Mr Haner," I replied.

He let out a little chuckle and walked away. Ellie turned to me and said, "Wow, he is so fine. God, I could eat him for dinner."

I gasped at her words and a surge of anger and jealousy rushed through me. He was mine. I was the only one allowed to even think about things like that never mind actually doing it. "Yeah?" I replied turning it a question to make it seem like I am not interested. I couldn't afford to slip up.

"You're telling me you wouldn't?" she asked.

I nodded my head even if I had already had him more than once. I felt better about the whole shower situation now. I was realising so many girls would kill to be in my position.

"Oh, come on! He is seriously hot. I mean his body is amazing. I bet under that shirt he has muscles people only dream of. His facial feature look like they have been sculpture and we can't forget to mention that cute, tight but," she said all in one breath. "He could kill people looking like that!"

I laughed at her. I couldn't help it. The way she was going on about him was definitely a reality check. I wasn't as good looking as the other girls. He could have anyone but he chose me. That's something I will never get my head around.

"Calm down, you don't want to give yourself an aneurism," I joked.

"Whatever, you can't deny or hide anything from me. I saw you blushing. I think someone's got a crush," she said and made the last but into a song. If she only knew the truth.

I didn't respond to her and got down to the work in front of me. I had missed so much that it looked like a foreign language to be. I made a mental note to myself to remember to ask Brian for extra help at home. I definitely did not want to fail.

"So, you seem really cool. I was wondering if I could go with you for lunch?" she asked and I could honestly say that's the first time I had ever heard those words spoken to me.

"I dont think that's a good idea," I replied.

"Why not?" she questioned.

"Well, you seem like a really nice person but I'm not popular here. People don't like me especially Nicole," I said as I motioned my head to where she was sitting. "I wouldn't like you to get bullied because of me."

"You think I'm scared off her. She looks like a no good whore who is clearly jealous of you because you seem to be way to nice for her to have a reason to be a bitch. I'm not letting her put me off talking to besides you look like you could use a friend," she said.

I let out a sigh and nodded my head. At least this way she was putting herself in the firing line but Ellie looked like she could handle herself.

The clock struck the hour signalling the end of lesson. I had direct study next so I couldn't wait. Everybody started piling out of the classroom and I heard Ellie shout, "I'll meet you at lunch." which earned her a death stare from Nicole but she seemed to shrug it off.

The room became silent and I couldn't help but smile. I praised the Lord for these hours where we are alone. I got up out of the chair and walked over to the door and flicked the lock. I laughed and said, "Finally, I get you all to myself."

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