Distant Mirage || 13 Reasons...

By Cutehorse

60.3K 1.1K 185

'What's the truth if all we see are mirages?' || Book 0 in the Bailey Matthews Series || || 13 Reasons Why ||... More

Bonus Chapter
Part II


1.4K 33 14
By Cutehorse




The school halls were decorated with posters about the Winter Formal, and Bailey swore if she heard one more person talk to her about it, she was going to scream. She walked up the hall toward where Courtney and a few of her friends were selling tickets, her eyes wandering over Clay as he stood before them.

'I didn't know Clay Jensen did dancing,' Courtney's friend suggested to the boy.

'Clay Jensen lost a bet to Jeff Atkins,' He replied.

'It's cute how Clay talks about himself in the third person,' The other girl flirted.

'Would that be the bet that he couldn't get above a C in english and history?' The Matthews girl asked as she approached him; 'No faith.'

Clay shrugged with a smile, reaching for the ticket from Courtney.

'Here's your ticket, handsome,' Courtney smiled; 'Remember, it's formal so no exposed midriffs.'

'Got it,' Clay nodded.

'And I hope you'll save a dance for me.'

'Um... Sure. I don't actually dance.'

The girls gigled before turning their gaze to Bailey, smiling at her.

'Will we see you there, Bailey?' Courtney asked.

'Courtney, you know I don't do these types of things. It would take a lot to get me to go,' She smirked.

'Aw, come on. There's lots of hot guys going.'

'I'm sure there is. And you girls can have a nice night with them. I'll be at home watching the game.'

'Will Drew and Jeff be going?' Courtney's friend asked.

'Uh, probably. There's hardly ever a party without them there.'

Courtney's friends giggled as they looked at each other, causing Bailey to roll her eyes and wave to them.

'See you in class, Courtney,' She muttered as she walked away.


Bailey groaned as she dumped her bag by the front door as she got home, calling out to her parents. Her brows furrowed at the silence that came in reply, soft murmurs coming from upstairs.

'Mum? Dad?' She called; 'Drew? You home?'

She looked up the stairs when she heard heavy footsteps, Drew appearing seconds later with a huge grin on his face.

'What'd you do?' She asked.

'What? Can't I just be happy to see my sister?' He replied.

'Yes. But not when you're grinning like that Cheshire Cat.'

The boy simply shook his head before his hand latched onto her wrist, pulling her after him.

'Drew, what are you doing?' She asked as she laughed.

He didn't reply as he pulled her up the stairs quickly, making it hard to keep her footing.

'De, come on,' She chuckled; 'What are-'

A gasp left her mouth as he pulled her into her own room, motioning to the bed. She began to laugh as she brought her hands up to her mouth, looking at her brother who was smiling from ear to ear. Before her sat a large piece of black cardboard with blue writing and balloons either side tape to the wall above her bed, the sign saying, Bailey, you can't be a winter formal virgin forever, and because I love you, please let me be your first date to your first formal. The girl nodded as she wrapped her arms around her twin, laughing none stop.

'So, you'll go?' He asked as he hugged her back.

'Yes,' She chuckled.


They laughed together, Bailey shaking her head at her brother as he danced around with her still in his arms.

'Do I have to wear a dress?' She asked.

'Yes,' He stated firmly; 'Half the Padilla clan will be here in ten to take you shopping.'

'And you just assumed I'd say yes?'

'I knew you'd say yes. No one can say no to me.'

'You wish, Matthews.'

She turned to look at the poster again, shaking her head as she continued to grin; Drew's arm wrapped around her shoulders.

'You're the best brother ever, you know that?' She sighed.

'Yup,' He nodded.

'You arse. You're not supposed to say that.'

'You've been telling me that a lot lately. And guess what? I still don't care.'

Bailey turned her head to look up at Drew's face, her smile only growing wider when he met her gaze. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering there for a second before he pulled away and leant his head on top of hers.

Within fifteen minutes after that, Bailey was walking through the mall with Kalani and Hayden. But after drifting from dress shop to dress shop for an hour, Bailey still couldn't find a dress. She was sure she had tried at least fifty on, none of them pleasing to the eye as she tried them on.

'Kalani, I hate this one, too,' Bailey called from inside the dressing room.

Hayden groaned as he slid further into the seat, Kalani walking over calmly with another two dresses in her arms.

'Try these,' She told her as she hung them up on the hook inside the small room.

'Come on, Bay,' Hayden called; 'It can't be that hard. At least show us one.'

'Shut up, Hayden,' The Matthews girl replied.

'Fuck, I'm glad I'm out of high school.'

'I can still hear you.'

'That was the point.'

Bailey huffed and shimmied into a black and red dress, the top half black with small cut outs on either side and the skirt, red. She looked at herself in the mirror, placing her hands on her hips as she looked over her figure.

'Show us whatever one you've got on,' Hayden demanded; 'I don't care what you look like.'

The girl ran her hand over her face before she stepped out of the dressing room, jutting her hip out to the side as she crossed her arms over her chest.

'That's it,' Jeff's voice sounded as he appeared; 'That's the face. That's the entire look.'

She shot him a bored look, watching as he laughed to himself. She rolled her eyes when Kalani marched over and pulled her arms to her side so she could look at her properly, the girl walking a circle around her.

'I love it,' Kalani stated as she came to stand before her again; 'Boys?'

'You look stunning, Bay,' Hayden nodded.


The boy nodded as his eyes moved over her, causing a light blush to come onto her cheeks.

'There, it's settle,' Hayden clapped; 'Let's pay for it and get out of here.'

Bailey didn't complain as she stepped back into the dressing room, changing back into her jeans and shirt. But when she walked back out, Jeff was gone and the Padilla siblings were at the register waiting for her. She sighed and walked over with the dress, placing it on the counter and awaited the price.

'That comes to-' The girl behind the counter started.

'Don't tell me,' She cut her off; 'Just let me pay for it.'

She slid her card into the machine and paid quickly, taking the bag from the counter before she left.


By the time the actual Winter Formal came around, Bailey was seriously considering pulling out. She was sick of hearing about it. Every second person she spoke to talked to her about it, but she persevered. She sat in her room, Kalani doing her makeup for her with the help of both their mothers.

'Sit still, Bailey,' Maria pressed.

'Can we please skip the makeup?' She whined; 'The hair is enough.'

Before any of them could reply, a knock came at the door and Drew stepped into the room; carrying a Nike shoe box. Bailey suppressed a smirk as she watched him step into the room, a grin on his lips.

'I got you something to make you feel a little more comfortable tonight,' He stated as he held the box out to her.

She took it from him and pushed it open, her jaw dropping at the sight of bright cherry red Nike's inside.

'Only thing is,' Drew stated; 'They're heels.'

'They're- I love them. Thankyou,' She smiled before holding her arms open to hug him.

The twins held each other tight for a second, before they separated.

'Drew, you aren't even dressed, honey,' Maria chastised.

'How much longer are you guys gonna be?' He queried.

'About five minutes.'

'Time to get ready then.'

The boy left the room quickly, his mother just missing him as she went to flick him. Bailey sighed as she ran her fingertips over the shoes that sat in her lap, a small smile on her lips.

'Ok, go get dressed,' Kalani demanded; 'Then put the shoes on then come downstairs.'

'Yes, ma'am,' She mock saluted.

The girls laughed before the three of them left the room, leaving her to dress herself. Bailey pulled on her dress, running her hands over the fabric as she looked at herself in the mirror once more. Who she saw wasn't her, but she still felt beautiful. She had a smokey eye look with a nude lipstick, her hair pulled up into a high pony tail with bits pulled out by her ears to make it a little fancier. She pulled her feet into her new shoes, instantly becoming two inches taller. She looked over her image once more before she left her room, carefully walking in her heels; trying not to fall over.

She slowly walked down the stairs, throwing her head back in laughter at the sight of her parents, Drew, Jeff and the Padilla's at the bottom of the stairs. She held the railing tight as she wobbled, letting out a sigh of relief when she stepped off the final step and onto the ground. Bailey smiled as she looked over her brother, shaking her head at the sight of him in a black suit with a black shirt underneath; a red pocket square in his top pocket.

'I swear, if you got me a corsage, I'll kill you,' She sent him a playful, yet pointed, look.

'No, because I knew you'd say that,' He laughed as he hugged her.

'Hold it there,' Maria called; 'I want photos.'

The siblings held the pose for a second longer before moving apart, Drew keeping his arm around his sister's back as she wrapped her arm around his waist. Maria took a heap of photos, before she motioned for Jeff to join the pair. Bailey stood in the middle, an arm around each of the boys. Her mother begged for photos of just her and Jeff and was easily granted them as the pair posed together, letting the woman snap a few more shots before she let them go.

Taylor met them at the door, standing in front of it to stop them from leaving. The twins cocked an eyebrow at him, watching as he held up a set of keys in front of them. They looked at him confused, before they looked at each other and then back to him. Taylor merely smiled and dropped the keys in Bailey's hand, stepping out of the way from the door before he pulled it opened. Both the twins' jaws dropped at the sight of the blue charger sitting in the street.

'Happy early birthday,' Taylor smiled.

'You're kidding?' Drew exclaimed.


'Holy fucking shit,' Bailey yelled.

'It's yours to share.'

'But, how?'

'You can thank the Padilla's for that.'

'That's why you would let me in the garage.'

Sam chuckled, 'Yup.'

Both the twins turned to look at their friends, grinning before attacking them with hugs. They then attacked their parents the same way, before they grabbed Jeff and dragged him out of the house and down to the car. The three of them rounded it, taking in every inch of the beautiful model.

'I'm driving,' Bailey called.

'Nah, I'm older,' Drew replied.

'Dad gave me the keys.'

'Cause you were the closest.'

'I'm driving since you both still don't have your permits yet,' Jeff grinned.

'Aw, no fair,' Drew whined.

'You suck,' Bailey jutted out her bottom lip.

'I love you both, too,' Jeff held his hands out for the keys.

She dropped them in his hand and raced around the car to get the front seat, scrambling to get inside when Drew caught on. She slammed the door shut in his face, sticking out her tongue at the glare he shot her.

'Jeff, get them out of here before they kill each other,' Cade called.

The boy shoved Drew into the back of the car, before he got into the driver's seat; beeping the horn before he pulled out onto the street. All three of them drooled at the sound of the car's engine, Bailey squealing at the CD player and radio; turning it on and up. They sung along out of tune the whole way to the school, parking up the street a few blocks. 

The girl laughed hysterically when Drew told her to stay in the car, the blonde clambering out behind Jeff before he raced around to open her door. She stepped out onto the foot path, brushing her hands over her dress before looping her arm through her brother's as he held his elbow out to her; her laughter never ceasing. Bailey linked her other arm through Jeff's, starting up the path back toward the school; already able to hear the faint beat of the music. 

Almost the whole school was already inside when they finally got there, dancing around under the blue lights and snowflakes hanging from the roof. The trio posed as Tyler jumped in front of them with his camera, doing one normal photo before they playfully attacked each other in another. Bailey's eyes moved over the room, she was slightly underwhelmed at the decorations; but she still thought it looked rather nice. 

'Bay,' A voice called. 

She turned to look at Alex as he approached them, wrapping her arms around him quickly. 

'Thought you said this wasn't your thing?' He asked. 

'It's not,' She shrugged; 'But my big brother convinced me to come.'

'Good for you.'

'Who you here with?' Drew asked.

'Uh, was supposed to come with Jess, but... Yeh.'

'You can still have a good night.'

'I guess.'

'We gonna dance or just stand around?' Jeff asked all of them.

'I say, dance,' Bailey grinned; 'But I'm going to see Tony first. You guys have a head start.'

The boys nodded before watching as she weaved her way through the bustling crowd, slowly making her way to the front. She grinned at her best friend as he stood behind the decks, one headphone on; the other resting on his shoulder. Tony smiled when he saw her, stepped away from the table to hold his arms out to her; motioning over her from head to toe.

'This is a new look,' He stated; 'I like it.'

'Well, don't get used to it,' She teased as she quickly hugged him. 

'No, seriously. You look stunning, Bay.'

'As do you, Tone.'

Her eyes flickered behind her best friend to see Ryan standing behind him, leaning on the table as he watched them; waving lazily to her. 

'Hey, Ryan,' She called. 

'Hey, Bailey. You look good,' He called back.

'Thank you. So do you.'

She turned her gaze back to the boy before her, smirking as she looked over his face. 

'Shut up,' He hissed lowly. 

'You like him.' Her lips broke out into a grin. 

'He's just a friend.'

'You didn't deny it. It's ok, I won't tell.'

'He's just a friend, Bay.'

'And you let all your male friends hang with you while your djing? I don't think so, mister. You won't even let Drew up here, and you've known him since he was born.'

'Ok, so... Yeh, maybe.'

A quick squeal left the girl's mouth as she squeezed Tony's shoulder, her lips smooshing together when he placed a finger over them. 

He shushed her, 'Go dance with your brother. He's waiting.'

She sighed dramatically, 'Fine.'

'That dress makes you girly. I don't like it.'

'Ryan makes you an arse.'

'Get out of here.'

She winked at her best friend before she turned away, walking back down the stairs. 

'Don't do anything, I wouldn't do,' She called over her shoulder. 

Bailey laughed when she heard Tony reply, but couldn't quite make out his words as she stepped in front of the speaker. She skipped over to Zach when she spotted him enter the building, squealing when two hands squeezed her waist. Monty kissed her cheek as he passed her, heading straight into mosh pit; dancing with the girls.

'Matthews, thought you were too cool for these things?' Bryce stated as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 

'Still am, but I thought I'd come and see what all the fuss was about,' She retorted.

'You impressed?'

'Hardly. Now, I'm going to go find my brother.'

The girl hugged Zach, before making a beeline toward Justin; greeting him and Jess. But as she looked up at the look on her best friend's face, she knew why he was talking to the girl. 

'Hey, guys,' She smiled. 

'Hey, Bay,' They replied together.

She sent a wink up to Justin with a subtle nod before she disappeared, pushing her way through the crowd; trying to find Drew. She found him standing by himself, looking around; a smile coming onto his lips when he spotted her, busting out some dance moves. Bailey laughed as she did the same, dancing with her brother; both of them with no rhythm what so ever. Their laughter mixed with the up beat music, their grins clear to see by everyone around them. 

'Ok, Liberty High, let's slow it down a little. Nice and smooth,' Ryan's voice came through the speakers.

But as they music stopped for second, before a slower track played, they stopped and looked at one another. Drew bowed and held out his hand to her, looking up at her with a smile. His sister took his hand as she curtsied, stepping closer to him; wrapped her arms around his waist as she leant her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on top of hers. They swayed slowly to the song, enjoying each other's embrace. 

'How are you liking it so far?' He asked. 

She chuckled, 'It's been pretty good.'

'Good enough to come again next year as my date?'

'I suppose.'


She laughed softly, her eyes moving over the couples around her. Bailey waved at Jeff when she spotted him sitting off to the side, motioning him over. But he politely declined as he shook his head, smiling softly at her. She sighed and closed her eyes, jumping when a loud round of laughter sounded over the music. She went to raise her head to see what was going on, but Drew placed a hand on the back of it to stop her. 

'It's just Jess,' He muttered; 'Probably a little drunk, but Justin's got her.'

'Are you sure?' She whispered. 

There was a pause before she felt him nod, 'She's ok, Bay.'


The girl stood up straight as the song finished, clapping before making a heart out her hands and shooting it Tony's way. He returned it with a grin, changing the beat back to a fast paced song. 

'I'm gonna get a drink, you want one?' Drew asked. 

'Uh, yeh, please,' She smiled; 'No alcohol though.'

'I'll make sure of it.'

Bailey watched as her brother disappeared into the crowd before she walked over to the grandstand, stepping up each of the levels until she finally reached Jeff. She tucked her skirt underneath her as she sat beside him, looking out over the crowd. 

'You ok?' She asked.

'Yeh,' He smiled; 'You look gorgeous tonight, Bay.'

She lowered her head as she felt heat rise on her cheeks, a smile playing on her lips. Jeff placed two fingers under her chin and softly rose her head up again, his eyes moving over her face.

'I mean it,' He whispered.

She nodded, 'I know. You look pretty good yourself.'


She chuckled lightly as she moved her head away, the smile staying on her lips. Jeff placed a lazy hand on her knee, causing her to jump, but she made no move to rid of it. Her gaze moved over the crowd again, her mind on the feeling that sat in her stomach at the feeling of Jeff's hand on her skin. 

'Bailey,' Drew called from the bottom of the grandstand before he made his way up with drinks in his hand.

She stood to grab the one hanging from his mouth, two in his hands. She took a sip from his as he sat down beside her, passing one across to Jeff; his hand now sitting back in his lap. 

'Now, are we gonna dance the rest of the night away or we gonna head home?' Drew asked. 

'I say we dance,' Jeff stated. 

'I agree,' Bailey nodded.

All three of them looked at each before grinning, all of them speaking at the same time, 'Fuck it.'

Bailey downed the rest of her drink with her two favourite people in the world, standing with them before she made her way back to the dance floor. They made their way to the middle of the crowd before they began to jump around, all of them looking like idiots but they didn't care; they were with each other and that was all that mattered to them.

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