
By HarleyRush

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Marinley is a different kind of Mermaid. She prefers the company of sharks and spends her time protecting se... More

Prologue: Mermaid Money
Chapter 1: Mouth of Teeth
Chapter 2: Shark Ridge
Chapter 3: Speak of the Devil
Chapter 4: Do I Correct Him?
Chapter 5: I Think Mermaids are Overrated
Chapter 6: Marinley Has a Crush on a Human
Chapter 7: Space Cadet
Chapter 8: Illumia Cove
Chapter 9: Green Slime
Chapter 10: Prom
Chapter 11: Fighter
Chapter 13: Jessica Alba
Chapter 14: Pirate Ship
Chapter 15: Haha...Tail.
Chapter 16: Seviran
Chapter 17: Grow a Fucking Tail
Chapter 18: Be Closer to You and the Sea
Chapter 19: Family Isn't Blood, It's Love.
Chapter 20: For Once, Keep Your Mouth Shut.
Hey Bitch. Get Ready to Get Fucking ROCKED!

Chapter 12: Fuck You God

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By HarleyRush


I spent the morning with my dad.

And it wasn't fun.

He was stern and dry, just as he always is. The whole time he was acting like he'd rather be anywhere than there with me.

It felt really good-NOT.

It actually made me sick being there, seeing all of the different types of fish and lobsters and crabs either dead or in giant tanks cramped and confused.

Marinley would lose her mind if she saw it I'm sure of that. Everything he was doing was legal though, and it upset me that animals could be treated so horribly and it was okay.

I realized today though, that I didn't want to be a part of the company.

That's definitely not what I wanted to do with my life.

I wanted to save sea creatures, not hurt them.

My parents had left after my father finished with me so I grabbed Strover and headed down to the dock. He got excited when he saw it and I think he knew it's where Marinley would be. Since it was earlier in the day I used the bag of shells to reach her.

"You rang?"

I jumped and spun around, smiling at Marinley who had finally arrived not even ten minutes later. She tossed the bag at me and I caught it with ease, sticking it back in my pocket.

"I just...wanted to see you." I told her honestly, her grin turning into a smile.

"I have all day today. What would you like to do?"

"I kind of just want to spend the day at the beach and at the boardwalk. If you want to, I mean."

Marinley watched me before she nodded with a grin on her lips. "I've never been on a rollercoaster. Eliyah didn't want to come with me the few times I've wanted to go so I'm okay with that. Let's go get your bike!"

Our hands brushed a few times but no one made a move to hold each other's hand.

I desperately wanted to, but I wasn't sure how she'd respond to it.

I was surprised though, when her hand slid into mine and held it.

I held her hand back.

And damn did it feel right.

Pardon my language.

Strover ran beside us as we rode my bike to the boardwalk. This was one of the best places in the town. The rides, the food, the games. And when you're done and ready to take a break, you walk down to the beach and hang out in the sand.

I would never get in the water.

I mean now I might but before? I'd find a place in the sand and sit and watch Clary play in the water.

Now I think I would join her.

No, I definitely would.

I bought us two wristbands and secured Marinley's before she helped me with mine.

Her skin is so cool, I don't mean her skin is cool but she's very cold to the touch.

But it feels nice. Especially in this heat.

Marinley had her eye on a giant stuffed shark the moment we walked into the boardwalk. It was kind of cartoon-ey, but she wouldn't take her eyes off it. I was going to win it for her. It was the game where you throw the ball at the bottles.

I wasn't good at this game at all, but I had to try.

I had a girl to impress.

"How many do I have to knock over to get the shark?"

It was a big one, so I wasn't surprised when he said I had to knock over all five. I had three balls. You would think this game is easy, but it's not. The bottles are bottom heavy, and they don't fall over with ease.

But Marinley was beside me with a hopeful look in her eyes, and she seemed very excited.

I couldn't let her down.


I handed him a five and took the first ball.

Please god, I will be a good boy if you help me win.

I threw the first ball and took out two. Marinley cheered, encouraging me.

So I threw the second one.

I got a third.

Holy shit I might actually do this.

I threw the final ball, and one went down-the one beside it wobbled but straightened back out.

Fuck you god.

And don't pardon my language this time.

"Is it my turn?" Marinley said with hopeful eyes, still seeming really excited.

I just lost, why is she so happy?

I handed the guy another five and he handed Marinley a ball.

"Sit. Stay." She ordered Strover, handing me his leash.

She took a few steps back before she pulled her arm back, her eyes narrowing on the bottles.

And then she threw the ball.

It went flying into the bottles-right in the middle-literally blowing the bottles apart.

Two even shattered, another two knocking into the bottles beside them and knocking those down.

My jaw was on the ground, and so was the carny's.

I can't believe what I just saw.

"So I get the shark now right?"

The guy used his hook, still looking at Marinley with a horrified look on his face, as he got it down and handed it to her.

"Now you get to pick one too."

I couldn't help it.

Call me crazy, but I just started laughing. It was a hard laugh too.

I had bent over, the stitch in my side was killing me I was laughing so hard. I can't believe she did that on purpose just so I got something too. Mermaids are a lot stronger than I thought.

The guy seemed relieved that we left after I got a giant stuffed dog.

Marinley asked the carny to watch our prizes because she didn't want to carry them around all day. The carny agreed but I think he only did it because he's afraid of her.

I would be scared after seeing that too, but I wasn't afraid of Marinley at all.

She's made me almost fearless. I hated the ocean, now I love it. I hated sharks but now I like them. I don't think I have anything else I'm afraid of.

Well except for dying.

But I think everyone's afraid of that, right?

We went to stand in line for the first roller coaster. Strover was a good dog, sitting at our feet and not making any noise. A couple of kids came up to pet him while we were waiting in line and he loved the attention he was getting.

This place only had nine rides-not including the ferris wheel-and this was the best one.

We loaded onto the ride and Marinley couldn't sit still.

"How fast does it go?"

I shrugged.

I wasn't sure, but I know it's fast.

"I don't know, pretty fast." I said, watching Marinley's smile grow bigger once the ride jerked into motion.

She was cheering the whole time, her hands in the air as we rushed along the track.

When the ride came to a stop Marinley frowned, looking around like she was lost.

"It's over already?" She whined, which made me smile.

She was too cute for her own good.

"The zipper makes you flip upside down?" I offered, pointing to the ride.

She watched it with narrowed eyes, the ride flipping and spinning around in a giant circle.

So we got on that.

Then we went on the gravitron.

Marinley didn't enjoy being stuck to the wall, so she stood on the seat and held her hands out open wide as we spun around at an intense speed.

"Marinley come back!" I shouted when the ride began to slow down.

She was too late and fell to the floor.

I stifled laughter as I helped her to her feet.

She didn't seem embarrassed at all as she laughed, but I could see the slight flush in her cheeks.

"Now what?" She asked, looking around.

We'd already gone on everything.

Except for the Ferris wheel.

I could kiss her at the top like in all of those chick flicks Clary made me watch.

I don't care where I kiss her, as long as I do.

"How about that one?" I suggested, pointing to it.

She tilted her head to the side and watched it go around before shaking her head.

"Nah, too slow. And Strover has to be bored by now. We should go play at the beach!"

Cockblocked by a dog.


"Let's go to the beach then."

We started walking when Marinley suddenly stopped in her track, turning to look at me with wide eyes.

"Wait I almost forgot something!" Marinley said with a gasp, turning and running away after handing me Strover's leash.

A minute later I saw two giant stuffed animals running straight for me. I could see her bare feet beneath them and smiled to myself.

She really doesn't like shoes, does she?

I don't think she realized she was so close to me when she plowed into me, sending me stumbling back. I fell to the ground with Marinley on top of me, well, kind of. The stuffed animals were in the way.

She tossed them aside and looked me over, checking to make sure I was alright.

"Oh my are you okay? I didn't realize you were so close."

I went to say something but I realized how close we actually were.

And she was on top of me.

I'm trying really hard not to get too...excited.

Don't blame me-you don't understand how truly gorgeous Marinley is until you've seen her with your own eyes.

She leaned down and right as we were about to kiss, I heard my name being called-again.

I can't believe we were interrupted again.

Is this is a sign we shouldn't be together?

There's no way this is a coincidence.

"I saw that fall are you okay?!" Clary cried out, Lisa looking between us sheepishly.

Once again, they've interrupted my moment with Marinley.

What a good friend she is.

"I'm fine." I grumbled.

Marinley stood up and helped me, bending down to pick up our stuffed animals.

"If we get interrupted one more fucking time I'm going to maim someone."

I barely heard it, but I heard it.

It made me grin, even though I was feeling the same way.

"I just wanted to make sure. I didn't know you guys would be here! We should hang out!"

Marinley gave me a look and I read it easily.

I wanted to be alone with her too.

"It's up to Marinley." I said with a grin, knowing she'd say yes just to be nice.

"Yes. Fine. We can hang out. We were just heading to the beach."

Clary clapped her hands together, squealing out of happiness. I loved my best friend, but she's a total cockblock.

"Oh! I need to talk to Fin for a second actually." Clary grabbed Marinley's hand and pulled her away.

Marinley didn't look too happy about it either. I wanted to know what she was saying but I figured I could get it out of Marinley later.

Marinley's scowl turned into a grin as she looked over at me, nodding her head slowly.

"Your girl is beautiful Sailor. No offense but how did you manage to snag that?"

I blushed and grinned at the same time, but I didn't know what to say.

I don't know how I managed to get her, and while she's not really mine I want her to be.

She held my hand, we almost kissed a few times, it was clear she wanted me too.

I just wasn't sure of how much.

"I like Clary but she's really obsessed with Mermaids isn't she?"

I could only nod. She's been obsessed since we were kids and it hasn't faded, so I'm not sure it ever will.

"I hate Mermaids. And this town." Lisa muttered quietly, but I heard it.

I realized Clary and Lisa won't work out. Clary loves Mermaids, way too much in my opinion.

But she does, and having a partner that hates them?

I don't see them staying together for very long.

They came back over to us and Marinley held out her hand, waiting for me to take it. I had my hand in hers less than a second later. Clary did the same, but Lisa looked less than thrilled taking it.

I wonder what her problem is.

"So what did she say?" I asked Marinley as we walked down to the beach.

She grinned but didn't say anything.

Suddenly she ran forward and jumped into the water. Strover took off with her, both of them playing together. Clary joined them, leaving me and Lisa alone again.

We sat down in the sand, saying nothing. I feel like she really doesn't want to be here. I only want what's best for my best friend, but hopefully she won't be mad at me.

"I can tell you don't really like Clary. You shouldn't lead her on you know. She's a good person."

Lisa looked at me with wide eyes and then stood. "Tell her I said I'm sorry, but you're right. I'm gonna go home, have a nice night Sailor."

I watched Lisa walk off, and I had no regrets. Clary is a special girl, she only deserves the best. Lisa didn't even put up a fight either. I never would've said that before, but being around Marinley-who's too honest-made me grow bigger balls. Or as Marinley would say, a bigger tail.

"Where'd Lisa go?" Clary asked as she sat down beside me, starting to make a hole in the sand.

"She had to go I uhh...may have said you deserved better I mean she was clearly leading you on please don't be angry with me I'm looking out for your best interest-Sailor it's okay. I know she didn't like me that much, I kind of was feeling the same way. How can I be with a person who doesn't like Mermaids?"

I draped my arm over Clary's shoulders as we talked, watching Marinley play with Strover.

"She's gorgeous Say. Way too hot for you." Clary said in a teasing tone.

I didn't take offense to it. She was right. Marinley was too hot for me.

But I'm selfish and I want her, so I don't care.

Seems like she wants me too.

Marinley waved me over so I kissed Clary's cheek and stood and ran straight for them. I grabbed her and kept running until I fell and we were both submerged.

When we surfaced she smiled at me and pushed me back under. She went for the shore but I was faster, my arm going around her waist as I lifted her from the ground with Strover running around and barking at us.

Everything was perfect right now.

I never want this moment to end.

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