Dealing with Davion

By LaurelWhitley

692 27 16

Jayla: lives a not so great life, but once mom steals money from a bank where she works and gets arrested for... More

Unexpected Arrivals & Unwelcome welcomes
New Friends
Davion's Friends Invade
New Friendships
The Dare
The Struggle
Phone Calls
The Trip to the Woods
Meeting the Family

Revealing Secrets

12 0 0
By LaurelWhitley

     "Davion before I say anything else I need you to calm down sit down and let me explain" I said calmly, rationally, and quietly. I could tell Davion was nervous and if I was him I would be the same way, and I don't blame him in the slightest. As I studied his face he was biting his bottom lip as hard as he could, his dark brown, puppy dogged eyes looked worried and scared at the same time. That's when I felt bad for not telling him anything, I should've trusted him more than I did because that's when I noticed how much he actually cared, was when he showed me the face of how much he actually cared.

     "Okay, but this time don't leave anything out. We are a team, we are together, you are my girlfriend, I know you're not familiar with people sticking by you and being there for you but you have to trust me for this to work. That's what a couple does. If you trust me I can protect you, I can support you in every way possible but you have to tell me the truth..." Davion said angrily but passionately at the same time. He was right, I did need to be honest with him it was about time.

     I start to head to my luggage and grab a dark grey tank top and quickly pull it up and over my head trying to make sure Davion doesn't see anything.....yet. I bent back down and reached for black shorts and slid them under my towel and lifted them to my waist and put the towel on the floor. As I was done I walked towards Davion and the bed, gave a slight smile and sat beside Davion and looked into his eyes.

     "I do have a son, he's 3 months old and he is amazing. When you had that party of friends over and we had that big brawl with Isaiah, when he told you about Aiden! He abused me in every way humanly possible, he kept me in a basement for 3 weeks until I escaped. A week later I found out I was pregnant because he raped me. My son doesn't have the best father at all but that doesn't mean I can't be the best mother that I really try to be" I say pausing here and there with tears just rolling heavily down my cheeks. I could feel my face burn up from all the crying, this was a very touchy subject but it's a subject I need to have with Davion, he needs to know.

     I was staring at the blanket but there wasn't much to see, my vision was really blurry from all the crying I've attempted to do. I didn't expect this conversation to start so soon but Davion and I had been dating for quite some time so I think 'this' conversation is very important. I try to keep this part of my life a secret because I don't want to announce my little guy to the world, he's a child and I want to keep it that way. I looked at Davion or I tried to anyway and he looked horrified, surprised, and uncertain what to do or what to even think. As Davion took a deep breath and shook his head slightly I could tell he was having a hard time trying to find the right words to say.

     "Why would you keep a secret like this from me? Can't you trust me?  Have I not shown you that you could at least trust me?" Davion said shakily, it wasn't until then that I truly could tell that I had fucked up. But honestly as much as I care about Davion I was thinking of my child, when you have a child it's not just about you anymore, you are caring not just for you but another human being that doesn't know anything about this world, a person who can't provide for themselves so you have to pick up all the extra weight. I understand Davion's frustration and pain I really do but my child comes first no one else.

     "Listen I know you're mad, frustrated, and hurt about me not trusting you with this information and not telling you and you have a right to be mad. However, I wasn't thinking about myself, I wasn't thinking about the fact that I should tell you. I was protecting my son, my son is the one thing I got and I'm doing it by myself, my son has stayed with the one person I've ever trusted in my whole life,  so I'm sorry if I hurt you but this thing with my son isn't about you it's about the one person in his life who gave birth to him trying to protect him..." I said with more tears streaming down my face as I got up quickly and walked to the left side of the bed by the headboard and sat by the pillows. It's the farthest I could get away from Davion at the moment, I didn't want to leave the room because Blythe hates me enough as it is I don't want to give her more satisfaction. I sunk into the bed so quickly I didn't realize and it calmed me down a little which helped me not to yell completely.

     "Layla, I didn't mean to be rude or hurt your feelings it's just... you should've told me about this. I'm just in shock  and I don't know what to think at this point. I can't possibly imagine how hard this may be for you but the least I deserve is the benefit of the doubt, to trust me a little bit and I know that you are just protecting your son. All I really needed to know was whether or not you do have a child I don't need a bunch of information but at least the minimal" Davion said eagerly and quietly. Well now I feel like a dick, like damn, Davion is right I guess I could've at least warned him. I'm not very good at this, I don't really know how relationships and all this crap goes, I'm used to depending on and caring for myself. I breathed heavily and decided to drop it, this is new for him as well, I can't expect someone to be okay after I exploded the fact that I have a 3 month old son and expect him to understand why I didn't tell him about it.

     "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was just protecting my son I could've just trusted you but I think you would really like him" I said and apologized nonchalantly as possible, I scooted into the bed further and spread my hands more into the comforter as much as possible. The more I get into the bed the more I realize that this bed is the closest thing to heaven there is, but then there's the fact that I never really had a 'real bed" so you know not much to compare it to! I looked up at Davion and he smirked a little and got up slowly and inched his way towards my side of the bed and sat beside me. As I could feel the bed sink in even lower I could feel his body heat rise each second he lingers next to me, how is this boy always this hot 24/7?

     "What's his name?" Davion asked eagerly, assuming he was talking about my son. Honestly I'm really glad that this conversation didn't go south like all the other relationships, they always ended in abuse, heartbreak, and the guys finding out about my son and freaking out. It's nice to have someone who understands and won't leave someone for something that happened in the past.

     "Hayden!" I said with enthusiasm as I chuckled a little thinking about my little boy and how much I missed him. It's been a while I need to see him, a little guy always needs his mother since he don't got a father I have to be both just as much as possible. I may not be able to be a father in figure shape but I can be one in mother form, it's  not easy to be both mother and father, to be both good guy and bad guy at the same time but I know I can do it. I only do this because of how much I love Hayden, I only want what's best for him.

     "That's a beautiful name Layla" Davion said as he turned his head and looked at me and slowly brought his hands on top of mine. His hands were just radiating with heat, as soon as his hands touched mine that's when my whole body began to ache. At this point my heart was racing and my whole body was tingling , Davion makes me feel emotions I've never felt in my life and it brings me more than plenty of joy. I've never met a more dedicated, trust-worthy but more stubborn man but makes an endangered woman feel safe. I smiled a little at what Davion's comment, my son is the smartest and most beautiful that I don't know what I would do without him, he keeps me alive.

     Davion inches a little closer to my body and begins to move his right arm and wraps it around my shoulder, that's when he pulls me in closer to him and I instantly feel Davion's body heat rush onto my body.  How is one man this warm 24/7, I sincerely don't understand, I find it interesting that one person constantly stays warm for this long forever hahaha. As Davion pulled me in closer and closer my body was a little sideways, my waist had hurt a little from my current position but I was comfortable for the most part so I didn't have much to complain about. I rested the side of my head on the base of Davion's shoulder with my eyes casually closed, Davion used his other arm to slightly put his arm under my legs and lift me onto his lap so that I was much more comfortable. Davion rested his right arm tightly around the bottom of my waist and brought me in closer to his chest, I could feel his heart beating rapidly but normally, I casually listened to Davion's beating heart. Listening to the rhythm, the rate, the intensity of the beating of the heart, I don't think I could think of a more safer place than right here in this very spot, it warms my heart to know how safe I am when I'm with Davion.

     "We should probably go to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us love" Davion said calmly and casually. That's when Davion wrapped his left arm around my legs, picked me up and moved further down the bed to where the head of the bed was and we sat as a unit. Davion flattened his chest so we were both laying down, my head rested on Davion's chest and my arms wrapped around his upper chest and our legs intertwined together. It was rather comfortable!!!! As my mind began continued it's thought process my physical body was drifting away into bliss, I re-positioned my head and inched my head closer into Davion's chest and felt incredibly warm. That's when I knew I was at peace and I knew I was falling asleep


     I blinked a few times until I lifted my head and looked above me and Davion was wide awake and staring at me, why does every guy think that staring at a girl before she wakes up is romantic? Because it's really like not romantic it's just a little weird, I mean maybe it's romantic if you're in a movie and some dramatic music is playing but this is not that moment. I just shook my head and brought my head back to it's a original position, back to Davion's chest, it brought me comfort. But I realized I needed to get up and start the day or I would never get up, if I could I would just lay here all day and have a lazy day. I lifted my upper body causing my extra belly fat to scrunch up, which like every girl in the world hates about their bodies, it makes me super insecure. Then I use my arms to lift my whole body out of the bed and then I hear Davion whining and complaining and I roll my eyes at him until I reach the end of the bed. As I get out of the suffocation of the bed, I stretch my arms out and make a loud groaning sound and Davion chuckles a little more, I'm so glad that I amuse him. 

     "What are we doing today? Do you know?" I asked Davion curiously, with a questionable face. I started heading towards my dufflebag and reach in it to grab some dark ripped jeans, a black lace bra, and a blue crop top with bold words on it that say BOLD! Then I go into the bathroom to change and hear Davion say.

     "I think we are going to head home today actually, I need time away from this side of the family anyways and I have some stuff I need to handle at home" Davion said quietly, I'm kind of disappointed that we are going home I just love the energy out here but I get it, we all have family that we can't stand. I slid off all my pajamas and put one leg through one hole of my pants and then the other into the next, then I did the whole jump until the pants fit haha until I could button my pants together. I bent down and put on my bra that was actually really comfortable and slid on my blue crop top and went as far as mid-length of my belly button that showed my piercing. 

     I opened the bathroom door that led to a completely dressed Davion, wow he's fast and he's even packed already and so is my stuff damn, but he did leave me my phone, a pair of unmatched socks, and a pair of converse. He really does want to leave, from what I've met I don't blame him. 

     "You ready?" Davion asked me immediately as I got out of the bathroom, let me just put on my shoes, calm down jeez hahahahah. 

     As I put on socks and shoes, I got up and Davion had the door open with all of our bags on his shoulders, I don't know whether to feel mad for not giving his family a little more time or to understand what he wants personally. I walked out of the room and we headed towards the front door without Davion wanting to say good-bye to anyone, I'm honestly surprised he doesn't even want to say bye to Hendrix he seemed rather nice and down to earth. Blythe wasn't exactly a ray of sunshine but Drix seemed to be rather sweet, I obviously won't get in-between because I've had my fair share of family problems and I wouldn't want Davion to get in the middle of it so I'll leave it be. 

     When Davion opened the front door I felt a breeze that was rather refreshing and a breeze that would calm the nerves to a level of relief. I took a deep breath as the wind hit me like a tornado but I honestly loved it, I've always adored the wind because it gave me a relief that nothing else ever did. I took in the whole view as much as I could because I didn't know when we would be back, the whole view just constantly takes your breath away, it's just breathtaking and I could stare at it for years. The view was the stupid beautiful, I still don't really understand why Davion wants to leave but I'm sure he has a good reason. 

     "You ready babe?!" Davion asked me curiously. Which brought me back to reality and accepting that I have to leave but I'm sure I'll be back at some point. That's when I hoped back into the car and decided to daze off and as I was thinking I needed to go see my bestfriend so I can go see my son......


Tell me what you thought of the chapter, sorry it took forever got a lot going on right now! Love you guys always!!!!

What do you guys think of the plot?

I'll update again as soon as I can.

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