Alpha Xavier ✔️

By xXxWhitelipsxXx

378K 10.4K 268

(Book 1) Highest Tag Rankings: Self identity #1, July 11 2018. Werewolf Romance #7, September 26 2018 Female... More

Welcome Readers: Dedication
Authors Note: A New Story
All Rights Reserved
Concepts of Werewolf Genre
Part One: The beginning
Chapter I: Oblivious
Chapter II: Similar to me?
Chapter III: Curiosity kills
Chapter IV: Cold Eyes
Chapter V: Another one?
Chapter VI: Darkness
Chapter VII: Lifeless fire
Chapter VIII: Breaking Bones
Chapter IX: Memories
Part Two: Self Identity
Chapter X: Blood Ties
Chapter XI: Family Heritage
Chapter XII: Full Moon
Chapter XIII: A Ceremony?
Chapter XIV: Like Mother, Like Daughter
Chapter XV: Hello, Mate.
Authors Note: creating a book series and shoutouts
Chapter XVI: Cards Down
Chapter XVII: The Twelfth Night
Chapter XVIII: Number 25
Part Three: Strength
Chapter XX: Earthquake
Chapter XXI: Autumn Leaves
Chapter XXII: Past Trauma
Chapter XXIII: The Silvermoon Pack
Chapter XXIV: Fever
Chapter XXV: Gone
Chapter XXVI: Shadows
Chapter XXVII: Past Encounters
Chapter XXVIII: Revelations
Chapter XXIX: A Young Boy
Chapter XXX: Reunion; Part I
Chapter XXXI: Reunion Part II
AUTHORS NOTE: Editing & Bonus Chapters

Chapter XIX: The Hunt

6.7K 218 3
By xXxWhitelipsxXx

A/N: not edited. This chapter is dedicated to KristaBunch thank you for adding this book and the private chapters to your reading list.

She stared out the window, multiple days passed by as her back healed from her mates primal instinct for his mate to be his and only his.

Brooke would sit with her in a comfortable silence. No one would ask questions. They didn't want to trigger the she wolf.

Xavier watched on the sidelines. He felt a weird pain in his chest as he watched her become mute the past days and struggle to eat. He reflected on the time that he stuck her in the hole not trusting her. She was in the same state as before. Her insanity in the darkness made him question what abuse this male had caused to his female. His female?

He was hating these feelings he would get whenever he would look at her, or whenever her sweet nectar scent would call to him. She  was nothing like her. He could see that now, there wasn't any resemblances in looks or personality. No, they were the complete opposite. He always thought he'd be with someone like her, not Isla. But he realised, the outcome made him happy. He smiled which shocked Brooke and her mate. Along with their cousin Damien who just patted Xavier and pushed him into the room.

Isla looked at the ruckus that interrupted her peaceful silence and saw her mate with a genuine look on his face. She gasped at the sight, curious to what caused it. She felt her heart warm and flutter at the sight. It was the brightest sight she had seen in awhile. Their eyes met and for once she felt comfort when she needed it, as much as his eyes sent increasing warm sparks throughout her stomach, she still refused to speak: the only noise being the small gasp that breathed through her slightly parted lips.

Xavier remembered the kiss they had after she was badly injured. How for once he felt the most caring feeling he'd ever experienced but wanted to shove any foreign feelings down, he didn't realise he was smiling until he saw his reflection in the dirtied window. The autumn weather was at its peak before winter. The forestry that surrounded them had grown with warm colourful hues as the leaves reached the ending of their cycle.

He could see a few loose leaves pass by the window that Isla sat it. The leaves drifting in a dance with the wind. He was mesmerised. The smile turned into a small one. "I hope you are feeling better. I wanted to apologise for my uh- my wolfs behaviour. He uh..." Xavier drifted off, ensure that she would even want to hear an apology.

"I want to go for a run." She said. Breaking the days silence.

"Oh, yeah sure, I'll just let Damien know that I'll be back in a couple of hours." Xavier replied.

"Not with you." She said sighing. Xavier felt his wolf drop in his mind, his chest ached further and it was irritating him.

"I promised my pack we would go for a hunt, just like old times."

"Oh okay then. That's fine." He let out a chuckle, "but are you sure it's safe?"

"I'm not going to let my past dictate my present nor my future for that matter. I'm not going to be some trapped she wolf that needs protecting. I am a strong female alpha from a strong lineage as well as a mixed breed. I lead a strong pack and I think I'm figuring out who I am quite well. I finally feel like I belong somewhere and if that's along side other hybrids that are the same as me, then that's where I'd like to be." Her voice was soft and sturdy at the same time. It's exactly what a Luna should have.

"If you'll excuse me, I am going to meet with my pack members that are on the other side away from everyone." She turned around to look at Xavier. "If you want a chance Xavier, then just know this." He waited to hear what would come out of her soft pink lips next. "Why haven't you or anyone else in your pack given us so called "interbreeds" a chance."

Although the question sounded more like a statement, Xavier was concerned but refused to show it. They were slowly losing time before her first heat would arrive and he had no clue where they would stand when it comes to their mating bond.

Paws thundered across the ground, zips and flashes of white, silvery and grey coats created a smudged painted picture when looking above. Their speed was uncanny to the normal eye. They could smell their prey.

There in a field munching on whatever they could find was 5 bucks. Their bodies thickened as winter was coming soon. They were eating more as the weather grew with a chill in the air.  Animals would learn from the seasons as they grew up, along with their mothers that would teach them all to know. How much they knew was going to be an answer that would be found out soon. To see who could survive the viscous attack from a pack of unordinary, supernatural wolves.

She wondered if they knew there was something seriously wrong with these wolves. Her pack members looked to her for guidance.
Her wolfs snout rubbed against other wolves as she indicated for them to go further left and into a straight line facing her, and for other wolves to go left and right. The last of the wolves being the ones to stay where they remained. They were circling their prey and they were yet to notice what was about to happen.

Her pack was known for travelling and never being caught by any packs. This was because of their soft padded feet that could guide them gently and elegantly.

Matías leading another warrior into the circle the wolves created, the bucks were scared and began to run. They were like sheep dogs, herding them into a smaller circle. Isla felt slightly weak from the hunger that filled her wolf and made her feel nauseous as the hunger feeling came up her oesophagus, her stomach growling at the sight of the buck that came down. The next couple of bucks came down, they let the last two escape. Isla allowed the males to eat first. They did most of the hard work and she wanted them to be rewarded for it.

When the males were starting to feel satisfied, Matías looked towards Isla, signalling they are ready for the females. Isla allowed the weakest females in her pack to go first. They needed the sustenance to grow stronger. Once she  was satisfied Telula and Isla went to the buck on the left, tearing at the meat. Blood covering their mouths.

Suddenly, one of the younger male wolves was attacked by a rogue. They were too engorged in the food that surrounded them. Matías was the first to act with another rogue that came out. Him and the other male warriors began to fight rogues that were piling through the forestry.

4 of the rogues made contact with Isla's wolf. Many of the rogues focusing on her.


The female wolves led some of the rogues away. Running towards the pack house. Isla howling for her mate, the wind becoming very strong against them. At this point she wasn't sure if they'd hear her howl that got carried away by the howling of the wind itself.

They continued to sprint, many rogues following behind. They questioned what was going on and why there was already a second attack. Isla feared the worst.

If a lot of wolves died today she'd blame herself.

That rogues words filled her mind: "he's coming to get you number 25."

She was what he wanted.
Unknown Location
Her black hair fell over her bare shoulders as she rose when the male had left her bedside,

The room was the cleanest out of the rest of the area that they were situated at. Her burgundy eyes reflected red in the light and held some hatred.

"Are the rogues you have control of still attacking his pack?" The males voice carried out to her ears.

"Yes, my love. They will not kill number 25, but I can't guarantee whether or not she will be banged up a little." She laughed.

To her displeasure though, she wasn't so keen on this fine specimen wanting to be with this puny female. She wanted him all to herself, but he only saw her as a loyal witch that chose the right side to be on.

She remembered the fun she had pretending to be the next Luna and tearing up the trust within the pack. She despised Xavier's family line for what his grandfather did to her mother when she was young.

"That's alright, my plan for her to be back soon will be processed soon. As for now, let's enjoy each other's bodies." He replied, turning around.

She licked her lips at the naked man as their eyes met.

Her red eyes meeting his white soulless eyes.

© 2018 Emily. Rose. All Rights Reserved

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