Falling for you ( Teen wolf...

By CaitlynKennedy7

183K 3.3K 524

When Emily's life goes from middle school to high school, will high school bring more than expected? Will it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 8

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By CaitlynKennedy7

I walk into the Omega's home.

I scream "Ashton Alexander Wood, get you butt out here! Right now!"

He comes walking out. He walks up to me and lean in and kisses me. I push him off and growl.

He says "It didn't work?"

I say "No the mating bite worked, I just fight it off. What  are you thinking! After 14 years I thought you would know better!"

He says "I do know better, that's why I tried forcing it. Getting Liam away from you."

I say "Liam is my best friend. If you touch a hair on his head so help me god. He can't protect himself."

Ashton smirks. Alright let's go a new approach to this. I stand on my toes and lean up and whisper in his ear.

"I'm a hunter, just remember that. "

I smirk and walk out. Jake and Brett follows me.

Brett says "Let us join your pack."

I say "What?"

Jake says "We won't you as our leader. We don't wanna be Omega's anymore. We can't someone to protect us."

I say "I'm not an alpha."

Brett says "But you can still lead. You can have your own pack. We will switch to Beacon hills and everything."

I say "On one condition."

Jake says "Anything."

I say "You leave Liam alone. There's no arguing, fighting, or even dirty looks."

Brett say "Deal!"

Jake says "Easy enough."

I say "Well I'll see you at school then."

They nod and I walk off. I get into my car and drive to school. I have a pack now. That looks up to me. I have to protect them. I pull into a parking spot and smile. I climb out and walk to the doors. I spot Brett and Jake. I motion them over and smile at them.

I say "Ready boys?"

They nod and we walk in. Me in front and them behind me. All eyes drop on us. I smirk and keep walking with them following. Once we reach my locker I turn to them.

I say "Now just because were a pack dose not mean you have to follow me around. I have a life. Now go figure out your classes."

They walk off and Scott comes up to me.

He says "We need to talk. Now."

He grabs my arm and pulls me into a empty classroom.

I say "What's going on?"

He says "Have you been having this feeling. Like your becoming stronger. Like you need to protect everyone."

I say "How did you know?"

He says "Your becoming a true alpha."

I say "No, way. So, I have a alpha scratch, mating bite, and a true alpha problem! Oh my god! It don't stop does it."

He says "Alpha scratch?"

I say "You scratched me. It causes hallucinations."

He says "Let me see it."

I flip my arm over so he can see it. He pulls his claws out. He traces it and makes it heal. I smile at the sight.

I say "Oh, I also have a pack."

Scott says "Jake, Liam, and Brett. I know."

I say "Not so much Liam."

He says "Your the only one he listens to."

I make a o with my mouth and look down.

I say "I want to take the rest of them in but I don't want Ashton. But its unfair if I just leave him."

Scott says "Sometimes, you have to deal with people you don't like in order to keep everyone safe."

I say "Ashton, he's not the same. Scott he tried to force me to like him. He kissed me today. After 14 years he kissed me."

Scott says "He bit you. He loves you. When a werewolf does that it means he truely loves you."

I say "But i don't love him back. I feel really sorry for what I did but I'm not gonna say I love him because I don't. I like Derek, and I'm not scared to say that."

He nods and leads me out. I come face to face with Ashton. He was spying on me. I push him away and keep walking.

Ashton yells "Emily let's talk about this!"

I scream "No Ashton! You don't understand! I'm not getting close to you! That's not happening again."

Tears are rolling down my face and everybody is starring at us.

Ashton says "Please. Let's just talk."

I turn and look at everybody.

I yell "Stop staring! Mind your own crap! "

I keep walking ignoring everything. I go into the boy locker room and slide down the wall by the shower. I turn it on and let the water run over me and more tears are spilling out. Someone walks in.

I say "Go away. Please."

I look up and come face to face with Ashton.

I say "Ashton, go away please."

He says "Not until you talk to me."

I say "Ashton I can't home it back. Its getting harder. I can't control myself. History can't repeat itself."

I look up at him with glowing eyes. Red glowing eyes. My fangs comes out and I stab myself over and over with my claws.

He says "Emily, stop."

I say "Don't you understand! I can't! That's the point! I can't control myself. I need help."

I look behind Ashton to see Derek. I look at him with pleading eyes.

He says "Ashton get out of here. Now."

Ashton runs out and Derek walks up to me. Im breathing heavy and freaking out. He helps me stand up and I do. He leans down and kisses me. All my worries stop. Its just me feeling the fireworks go off. Our lips moving in sync. Scott fixed the scratch. This is real. I pull back for air and look at him. Our eyes are glowing. Im fine, I don't feel like shifting anymore.

I say "How did you know?"

He says "I felt it deep inside. That night at the hospital, that's when I first felt the connection to you. Our eyes glowed. Not just mine, not just yours, both of ours. It was our way of imprinting. Kinda like love at first sight. I love you Emily Nicole Tate."

Is this real? Is this really happening? Did the Derek Hale just say he loved me? Do I love him? I'm not sure if I do.

I say "Derek, I love you to."

He says "You don't have to admit to it yet. Your still uncomfortable."

I say "I feel like I have feelings for you because you saved my life. Not because of who you are."

He says "Don't worry, let's get you home and dried off. Shall we?"

He holds out his hand and I grab it. We both walk out to his car and drive off to his house.

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