The Day That Changed It All

By KathleenAdams

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Elizabeth Anders is 16 and she has depression. She believes she can't go on anymore. The only thing that is k... More

The Day That Changed It All - A One Direction FanFic
Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Nine

1.4K 18 3
By KathleenAdams

---- Kia Ora guys! How are you all enjoying the Olympics so far? I haven't been able to see any of them but I hear alot of it! Sooo anyway this chappie is dedicated to MrsSwaggMasta1 because she left like the best comments ever! Whoo! Enjoy!----

Chapter 9

"Okay, okay! You go!"


Harry and I had been playing games up his room for about 45 minutes now and now we were playing a food game where we had to put a cookie on our foreheads and move our face to get it to our mouth. It was my turn. I had finally gotten the hang of it.

"Yaaaaaaaay! I got it! Beat that Styles!"

"I don't think I can Anders" Harry winked. Just that one simple gesture made my whole body melt.

"Anyway, Liz, tell me more about you"

"Okay well my name is Elizabeth Nicole Anders. I'm 5"2', so I'm quite short. I love music especially indie pop rap kind of stuff. Ya know like Ed Sheeran and Joe Brooks. I live with my mum in Warrington, Cheshire. Um, I'm 16 years old, 17 next month and I'm extremely awkward, physical and social wise"

"Aw com'on. Something interesting? Pleeease?"

"There's nothing too interesting about me mate"

"There must be something.." Harry said gabbing my hands in his.

I struggled to catch my breath.. He was so beautiful. In a man way.


Harry looked down. He paused for a second. Then his head bent down and he pulled my wrists towards his lips. I was freaking out. He kissed my scars and looked back into my eyes. He was just staring at me.


Crap. Louis. I looked back towards Harry who had obvioulsy gone off into his own thoughts.

"Guuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiseeeee! Let me in. I wanna see my Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaz!"

"Go let him in" Harry smirked at me. I got up off the couch and walked to the door. I opened it up so I would be behind the door. Louis burst through and jumped onto Harry. I never shipped Larry Stylinson.. But I had to admit. They had a cute friendship...


Harry's POV

"PIZZA!" I heard Niall shout from the kitchen. That boys seriously never stops eating. How is he not fat yet? 

"I'm not hungry. I'm gonna go back to my room. I'll see you guys later yeah"

"Okay night Harry" Zayn called from his couch with Perrie

Louis whispered something in Eleanor's ear. "Hey wait up Harry I'll come with ya"

"No you stay here with El"

"No, I'm coming with you"

"Yeah I'll just hang out with Nialler. We can demolish that pizza!"

"MY PIZZA!" Silly leprechaun. Eleanor giggled and skipped to the kitchen. I liked her. She made my best mate happy. And I loved seeing him happy.

Louis and I walked to our room in silence.

"Harry, wanna talk?"


"You just seemed weird since Elizabeth left"

"Oh yeah. Just thinking"

"What about?"

"Its just, when we were talking I accidently looked at her wrists"

Something in Louis' face changed. "Mate, don't press it. If she wants to talk about it. She will. Trust me"

Seeing Louis be so serious was always quite surprising but comforting at the same time.

"Yeah I know. I just, I hope shes alright"


Elizabeths POV

"How was you night hunny?" My mother asked.

"It was nice yeah. Sadie went out to nandos with everyone. I stayed back with Harry. Then when they came back we watched more movies"

"Thats sounds nice love! So did our little Sadie go out for some lunch?"

"Yeees! I love Danielle! Shes so nice! Shes going to be my new sister!"

My mother and cousin went off into their own little conversation. I walked into my room and sat down on the bed. It was still raining. But it was comforting. I was still thinking about the moment with Harry before Louis came in. He probably thought I was weird. He probably hated me now. I sighed and unlocked my ipod. I pressed play on my IPod and Moments started playing.

It was completely surreal. That I had actually meet One Direction and got to hang out with them. As the song played tears started prickleing in my eyes. The song always made me a bit teary. It was so sad sounding. I carried on like this for a bit. Just listening to my ipod staring at the wall.

It wasn't until Sadie came into the room to go to bed did I actually check my phone.

2 missed calls and 10 messages. Wow. I was loved.

I checked the calls first they were both from Harry.

Then the messages I had 4 from Harry. 3 from Louis. Then 1 each from Niall, Liam and Zayn.

Harry was asking me to answer. Louis was yelling at me to answer Harry. The others were asking if I was ok. Just then I got a message come through. It was from Eleanor.

"Hey babe! It Eleanor here. Lou gave me your number. Anyway, you should answer Harry. He's moping around our room here and its making me sad. Lol. Love from El xoxo (:"

I sent a message back "Oh hey El! Tell everyone i'm sorry for worrying them. I was just reading a really interesting story. Tell Harry he can call me now if he wants too! (: xoxo"

I put my phone in my pocket and went to go get some juice. A couple of minutes later my phone started buzzing.



"Haha. No Harry its the Queen" I laughed.

"Meh. Same name. So how are we your highness?"

"Your so cray Harry. I'm great actually. Sorry for not answering by the way. I was reading a really interesting book"

"Heeeey, don't worry about it." There was a pause " I had fun today Liz. I like being around you"

"I had a good time to Harry"

"We have the signing tomorrow and then we have to leave back to London.."

My heart dropped.

"I know.."

"I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too"

"But i'll be back in Holmes Chaple next month. We could meet up. I could take you out for your birthday"

"That would be really nice Harry"

We stayed talking like that for another couple of hours until we both had to get to sleep.

"I'll call you everyday ok?"


"Bye Liz"

"Bye Harry"


----Hola! How did you guys like that chappie?!? I got really emotional writing it! Anyway! Vote! Comment! Fan! You know what to do! Ciao ! -Kathleen (: xo ------ 

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