An Agents Life

By EGH15-01

111K 3.1K 912

Josh is the leader of the FBI team in New York and Maya is one of his field agents. Josh has been in London f... More

Special Agent Joshua Matthews
Ridiculous behavior
First crime scene
Breaking the law one step at a time
Past memories
The Arrest
The interrogation
Another story idea
The Aftermath
One step back
The support group
The dinner
Back to work
Mixed Feelings
Taking a break
The Big Blow Up
The Night Before
With a heavy heart
Not part of the deal
The Beginning Of The End
A Step In The Door
A dose of reality
Having Backup
Hormones and Drugs
New Motivation
Starting Over
Stepping It Up
Playing The Part
Day Out
Step In The Door
Another Step
Missing Her
Getting A Plan
The Charity Event
Boiling Point
The Climax
Breaking The News
Pure Anger
Plan exposed
On The Clock
Moving in
The Old Warehouse
Not Over Yet
Back Of The Ambulance
Hospital Blues
Battered and Bruised
Finally Home
The First Night
Friendships never die

True friends

1.8K 59 1
By EGH15-01

Sorry about the wait. School for me is about to start back and things have been hectic trying to get all my stuff together to go back. Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy!
Maya had just finished all of her paperwork for the night as she closed her desk up and grabbed her things. Riley had called her and told her that she wanted her to come over and stay for the day so they could catch up. She still had to go into Josh's office and request it. She made her way to his office and knocked on the door getting a faint come in.

"I'm taking a sick day tomorrow." Maya told him as she opened the door and popped her head inside. Josh looked up from his desk and motioned her inside. Maya sighed as she came inside the office and shut the door.

"May I ask way?" He asked her as he dropped his pen on his desk and sat back on his chair looking up at her.

"You can ask but that doesn't mean that I'll tell you." Maya told him as she gripped her bag. Josh chuckled.

"Fine. I'll see you here at 7." He told her as he picked his pen back up and started back on his reports. Maya rolled her eyes.

"Riley wants to spend the day with me tomorrow. And since I can't go out into the field, Smackle hates me being in her work space and won't let me do anything I'm pretty much useless. All I'm doing is taking up space." Maya told him. Josh bit his lip as he thought about it.

"Fine, as long as you don't let it interfere with your three o'clock physical therapy appointment." He told her before going back to his report.

"I'll be here." She told him before she started to walk out the door.

"Maya?" Josh called after her. Maya stopped and looked over at him. "Tell Farkle I need to see him in my office on your way out." He told her. Maya raised her eyebrow and nodded her head.

"How did you know?" She asked him. Josh looked over and smiled.

"Because we use to do the same thing." Josh told her. Maya chuckled.

"We weren't as subtle as them." Josh laughed and nodded his head.

"That's because we were living together, we practically couldn't keep our hands off of each other. Plus, Smackle and Farkle are a lot smarter than us both." He told her. Maya nodded.

"Don't go too hard on them." And with that Maya was out the door.
Maya knocked on the door of the house and was immediately met with a glaring Riley.

"Well look who it is." She said sarcastically as she went back into the house leaving the door opened for Maya to walk through. Maya smiled at her over dramatic friend.

"Hi Riley." She said as she closed the front door and made her way past all the toys that was thrown everywhere and into the living room.

"It's about time you came for a visit. I'm beginning to think Kaylee is forgetting who her aunt Maya is." Riley said making Maya laugh.

"It hasn't been that long, Riley. Besides I'm not really her aunt." Maya said as she happily took the one year old out of Riley's arms. Riley smirked.

"Not yet." She said. Maya gave her a disgusted look. "Common Maya we all know it's going to happen eventually. You and Josh have always had this connection that I can't even begin to explain." She said. Maya sighed as she sat down on the couch this the kid in her lap.

"Maybe we use to but now Josh and I are just coworkers. In fact, he's my boss." Maya said.

"Maya when you've been romantically involved with a guy it's hard to look at them as anything else. Even when you're broken up. And I happen to know for a fact that Josh is still in love with you." Riley said. Maya bit her lip as she looked away from the baby and over to Riley.

"We ended things on such a sour note. Josh and I had talked one night about what would happen if we let our jobs tear us apart. We agreed that it would be too hard for us to remain friends but that we would act like it around our families. That way nobody could ever tell us that breaking up was a mistake. We blew that to pieces. It just hurt too much." Maya admitted. Riley rubbed her shoulder.

"What happened between you and Josh to make you guys hate each other so much. I knew the breakup was rough but you two went three years without speaking. You never mentioned him, he barely ever mentioned you. I never got the full story." Riley said. Maya sighed as she let Kaylee hold her finger and play with her hand.

"Josh never like the thought of me being an FBI agent. In fact, one of the biggest arguments we ever had was when I passed the test and New York gave me the job. We had just started dating, at first we were keeping it secret because Josh didn't want any of the people he put away to know that I was out there. Then it turned into because Josh had requested that I be his partner so he could keep me safe. If anyone found out that Josh and I were dating I was going to be transferred. Josh did not want that to happen, even when I said I preferred to be transferred so that him and I both could do our jobs without the distraction." Riley laughed.

"I remember when he called me begging to talk you out of becoming an agent. And i tried but you were just so dead set on saving the world it seemed like." Riley said. Maya smiled and nodded her head.

"So we became partners. A couple of months before the break up Josh got word that he was going to be given an undercover job in London. They didn't know how long at the time but they knew it was going to be for at least more than 6 months. So Josh sat be down and said he wanted me to take a leave of absence until he got back. He didn't want me working without him by my side. I refused to do it so we ended up getting into another huge fight about it. The last two months of our relationship was nothing but arguing. He would bring it up and I would get defensive. It was rough."  Riley took Maya's other hand in hers as she continued the story.

"About a week before he left the agency told Josh to go ahead and take the rest of his time here in New York off. So the weekend before he left I also took that weekend off to say goodbye to him. We stayed in a hotel and our room had a view of the statute of Liberty from a little ways off. I would say that weekend was probably the best two days of our relationship considering. We didn't do anything but stay in the hotel room." Maya said causing Riley to playfully shove her with her shoulder.

"Gross." She said causing Maya to laugh.

"The day he was leaving was hard. We both woke up with the intentions of me seeing him off at the airport. But I got called into work with an emergency. I had no choice but to leave. Josh wasn't happy about it and I wasn't either but he kind of got angry and one thing led to another and it started another huge fight between us. We both said some things that we didn't mean and we ended up ending things right there. I left to go to work and he left to go to London."

Maya finished her story and Riley took Kaylee out of her arms and placed her down on the floor so she could go play with her toys. She sat back on the couch with Maya's hand still in hers.

"Sounds like you and Josh have an elephant in the room. You two can't get better even as friends if you don't talk about what happened." Riley told her. Maya shook her head.

"What good is it going to do. Besides, I've been thinking a lot about requesting a transfer." Maya mumbled. Riley's eyes widened.

"Wow. Have you told anyone?" Riley asked her. Maya sighed and shook her head.

"Nope. I'm still thinking about it. I don't want to and I thought that coming into the office and seeing him would get easier as time went on but it's only getting harder." Maya admitted.

"Do you still love Josh?" Riley asked. Maya sighed.

"I still really care about him. Probably more than I should." Maya said. "But if we get back together he's just going to go back to the way he was before. And I can't be with someone who's not supportive of what I do with my life and that includes Josh." Riley nodded her head.

"If this is what you truly want then I'll back you. But you might want to talk to Farkle before you go making decisions like this. Just to give him the heads up." Riley said. Maya nodded as she rested her head in the crook of Riley's neck.

"What did I ever do to get a friend like you." Maya said. Riley laughed.

"Ya got lucky." They both laughed as they watched Kaylee play with her toys.
Thanks to all you lovely readers!! Have a good day!

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