Larry Stylinson One-Shots

By 50ShadesOfZen

21K 363 99

Larry Stylinson One-Shots by Julia warnings; really gay More

Truth or Dare
Two Birds
You Belong With Me
Best Friends
Three O'Clock Confessions
Back To The Start


1.3K 26 14
By 50ShadesOfZen

"Your mother is going to destroy you, Louis." Harry grumbles, tugging his drunken friend inside his vacant house.

Louis chuckles like a overly loud maniac as Harry lays his body down on the sofa. As he tries to walk away, Louis falls towards him and manages to wrap his arms round the boys waist. "Don't,"

Harry releases and annoyed huff. "I'm going to get you some water."

"But if you leave then-If you leave then I'll be alone."

Harry stares at him for a moment. "Yes, astute observation, detective. Will you please let go of me now?"

Louis flings himself back against the couch and pouts his lip. "You're in a mad mood."

"I am in a mad mood." Harry tries not to laugh as he struts off to the kitchen, returning to the half-conscious Louis with a tall glass of ice-water moments later. "Drink it, please."

Louis chuckles again, shaking his head. "I'm not that kind of thirsty."

Harry lifts an eyebrow. "What kind of thirsty are you, then?"

In his drunken stupor, Louis reaches up and takes the glass from Harry's hand, nearly spilling all it's contents as he sets it on the coffee table. He then tugs his care-taker down to sit adjacent to him on the couch. He's wearing a suggestive smirk. Harry is confused, but his heart is pounding nonetheless.


Harry swallows hard. "Lou, you're piss-drunk. You don't even like me like that."

Louis shakes his head violently, climbing onto Harry's lap and straddling it. "That isn't true. I-" he pauses to hiccup and wrap his hand round the nape of Harry's neck. "I'm in love with you."

Harry shakes his head, feeling even more anger rise in his chest. "Get the hell off, Louis, you're not in love with me."


"Yes what?"

"I don't know... Oh, wait, I am in love with you, Haz. You're like, beautiful and I love you."

"Get off."

"Kiss me."

Harry eyes begin to brim with tears. "Get your drunk ass off of me before I push it off."

"If you don't kiss me, I'll kiss you." the older lad warns him.

Harry doesn't want to refuse any kind of kiss from Louis, but he knows that this is wrong. He may have incredibly strong feelings for Louis, but this isn't the way he wants to deal with them. He wants Louis to be coherent. But, Louis is also very attractive and straddling his waist, daring Harry to kiss him. He can hear Satan's mocking laugh in the back of his mind.


Harry was cut off by a pair of hot lips crashing against his mouth. His heart beat a million miles an hour at the sensation that he'd been imagining for as long as they've been friends. But the pleasure is accompanied by guilt. He withdraws from the kiss and lets out a long sigh.

"Harry," Louis whines pushing Harry's body down on the couch. "Just kiss me. I need you."

Harry shakes his head out of another intoxicating kiss. "No, Louis. Please, I don't want to do this."

"You know you feel the same, Harry. I know you do. Just let it happen. I know you want it to."

Harry becomes a little chocked up. "You don't love me, Louis. You're just drunk."

"I love you,"

Harry doesn't protest the next time Louis forces a kiss. He moves his lips passionately along his best friends, hands roaming his perfect body. Harry had dreamt and imagined this moment for ages, only, Louis wasn't drunk. But Harry can't resist.

Louis pries open Harry mouth, their tongue clashing and moans filling the air. Harry tastes the alcohol on Louis' breath and is reminded that this isn't real to Louis. But it's real to him, and there's no way he can pull away.

Minutes into their heated kissing, Harry takes his turn hovering over Louis by pushing his body back onto the couch. Louis eagerly grinds his hips against Harry's. Harry closes his eyes and loses himself in everything, allowing Louis to nip at the skin on his neck and continually roll his waist against his already hard crotch.

"Take your shirt off, it's annoying me." Louis demands, failing his attempts to lift the younger boy's shirt over his head.

Harry completes the task for him, tossing the shirt to the floor and wasting no time in the removal of Louis' as well. Drunk Louis is quite instant. He pulls Harry closer, their bare torso's touching as well as their lips. Harry shuts his eyes again and savors every feelings, because maybe this is all he would get. Maybe this is how the moment happens and not like the stupid fairy tales he conjures up in his brain.

"I want you, Harry,"

Harry's eyes widen. "You mean..."

Louis nods. "Fuck me, Haz."

Harry shakes his head. "I can't, Lou."

"Yes you can; you know how."

"No, I can't, Lou, you don't understand-"

He was interrupted yet again by Louis' kiss. He tried a few more times to stop Louis from unbuckling his belt, and tugging his trousers down, then removing his own trousers. Harry felt guilty as hell but he wanted Louis more than anything. He was drunk on the feeling of Louis, and Louis was drunk on alcohol. Hopefully he wouldn't even remember by tomorrow morning.

"I love you so much, Louis,"

Louis absently mutters, "I love you,"

Harry tries to pretend that Louis isn't drunk through the night.


Louis' wakes up with a no understanding of why he's lying naked on Harry's couch, a massive headache, and a literal pain in his ass. He groans, rolling over to get more comfortable but falling right off the couch instead.


After taking a few minutes to sort himself out, he unsteadily stands and begins the search for his clothes, only to find them in a neat pile on the coffee table. He creases his eyebrows together and slowly dresses himself.

"What the hell happened last night?" Louis wonders aloud, trying to sit but finding it uncomfortable to do so. He to slowly puts the pieces together.

"Harry's couch.. Ass-pain, no clothes.. Clothes all folded up... Shit,"

Louis rubs his face, sighing heavily. It's not that he would mind being in a sexual situation with Harry Styles at all. Everyone at school who doesn't fantasize about him is lying to themselves. But, he's aware that he was extremely drunk last night, and that he was a sexual drunk. And Harry wasn't here.

Louis picks up his mobile and dialed Harry's number, pressing it against his ear. He muttered 'Answer me, answer me,' until he gets Harry's voice mail. Frustrated, he tosses his phone onto the sofa and stands, searching Harry's room for the curly kid. The Styles residence was empty, due to Harry's mother going on her honeymoon with her newly wed. It's quiet, and Harry is also nowhere to be found.

Louis tries Harry's mobile a few more times before realizing Harry doesn't want to be found. That's when he began to have paranoid thoughts.

What if Harry didn't like it? What if he didn't want to do it in the first place? What if I did something completely wrong and this ruined out entire friendship forever and I'll never be with him in anyway now?

Louis spends the rest of the weekend panicking and trying to get a hold of Harry.


"Feeling better, Lou?" Niall inquires as Louis gets his things out of his locker. He peers up at Niall, still a bit on edge because he still hadn't spoken to Harry since the drunken incident.

"Fine. Why?"

"You were absolutely wasted at that party Saturday night. Harry had to physically drag you out. It was hilarious,"

"Harry-Harry dragged me out. Where is he?"

Niall shrugs. "I haven't seen him this morning, but I'm guessing he's in class. Is everything alright?"

"Super," Louis responds with a forced grin. He slams his locker and starts walking to his first period class, which was also Harry's first period.

He enters earlier than he ever is and scans the class, disappointed when he doesn't find Harry. He frowns and takes his seat. mind wondering through all the terrible possibilities again. 

Louis tries Harry's phone again at lunch, receiving no response, as per usual. He lets out an exasperated sigh and sets his mobile on the lunch table. Liam is the first to speak up.

"What's with the trouble in paradise?"

Louis lifts his gaze towards the lads and shakes his head. "I think Haz is mad at me. He won't answer me."

"What happened?" Zayn questions, taking a sip of his water bottle.

Louis shakes his head. "Don't fret about it."

Zayn pressed anyway. "Mate, is he okay?"

"I don't know."

"Here, I'll try calling him." Liam decides, taking out his mobile phone and calling the absent curly lad. He doesn't pick up for Liam either.

"Let's check on him after school, yeah?" Niall suggests, and everyone agrees. The rest of the day proves to be quite agonizing for Louis.

The four lads stand on Harry's porch for about five minutes, pounding on the door and getting no reply whatsoever.

"Lou, go in and see if he's asleep." Liam orders.

"Why me?"

"Because you're his favorite. Go,"

Louis shakes his head. "Zayn, you do it."


"For God's sake, someone just go in." Niall says finally.

Zayn sighs, "Right, I'll go in."

He reaches up and removes the spare key from the flower pot that was suspended above. Only the boys and Harry's Nan new about the key. Zayn unlocks the door and steps inside.

"Harry, where are you? It's Zayn, not an ax murderer," Zayn calls out into the solitude of the empty house. He trudges round when he earns no response. He can't find Harry anywhere upstairs or downstairs, so he decides to check the basement. Surely enough, there Harry is, lying on the couch with ear-buds in.

Zayn steps over and forcefully yanks the wire out of Harry's ear, causing the younger lad to jump in shock. "Bloody hell, Zayn,"

Zayn chuckles slightly and takes a seat beside Harry. "What's going on?"

"How do you mean?" Harry asks, setting his cushion beside him.

"For one, you look like you've been sobbing, you're listening to Adele, you've skipped school, and Lou thinks you're mad at him and Jesus knows that never happens. So, what's going on?"

Harry is hesitant to reveal any information about what happened after the party Saturday night. He swallows and finds a spot on the ground to stare at. "I'm a shitty person."

"What makes you say that?"

"Just am."

"That's a sucky answer, because you are definitely far from a shitty person, mate."

"But Louis was drunk and I... And we.."

Zayn widens his eyes. "You and Lou did the nasty?"

Harry can't help but chuckle at that. "Regrettably so."

"Why regrettably?"

"He was drunk, Zayn. He doesn't actually love me, and I love him. It's like I took advantage of him... Course, he was coming onto me."


Harry makes a face. "You're gross."

"I know. But why skip school and sulk in sad music?"

Harry shrugs. "I screwed up.. Louis probably hates me.. I can't face him."

"Lou far from hates you, Haz, believe me."

"Well, he doesn't love me the way I love him, and now he knows that I love him."

"So, you're essentially scared of rejection?"


Zayn let out a sigh. "Alright, mate. I'll let you and Lou sort this one out on your own. You will talk to him when you muster up the courage, yeah?"

Harry nodded slowly. "Promise me," Zayn demanded.

"I swear." 

Harry broke that promise. He had been avoiding Louis ever since, and Louis was quite frankly sick of it. Friday afternoon he decides he can't take it anymore.

"Why the hell won't he talk to me! Does he not want to see me now because we had sex or something? Is he honestly that petty?" Louis went off about it to Zayn and Niall.

"Oh my goodness, you've been ranting about for a full hour, give it a rest," Niall complained, rubbing his temples.

"I can't! I just want to know why he won't freaking speak to me! What did I do wrong?"

"He loves you, for God's sake!" Zayn finally shouts back. "He loves you, you idiot, and he's hurt! He's completely embarrassed and he thinks that he ruined your whole relationship by taking advantage of your drunk ass."

Louis calms down a bit. "Why would he think that?"

"He knows that you don't love him the way he loves you."

Louis creases his eyebrows together. "He doesn't know that."

Niall smirks. "You like Harry?"

"Obviously I like him. Everyone knows that. Except him, apparently."

"Alright, but there's a difference between like and having sex with him. You didn't want to do that, did you?"

Louis shifts in his seat. "Uh, I wouldn't particularly mind it... But, I dunno, I've never been in love before. Do I love him?"

Zayn shrugs. "You're the only one who can answer that question."

Louis thinks to himself. Do I love Harry?

All the memories of Harry's breathtaking smile and warm, green eyes come flooding through Louis' mind, making his heart swell with joy and fond for the younger boy. He knows Harry better than anyone, and vise versa. They've always had a profound bond that was inexplicable.

Louis loves every single thing about Harry; the way his soft, curly hair is always messy, the boys big, bright green eyes, his lopsided smile, his laugh, his monotone voice, his dorky personality, and the way he's so loving and passionate and caring.

Harry can bring Louis out of any bad mood by simply smiling at him. He has the power to make Louis laugh even though his jokes aren't even funny. Louis' favorite place in the world to be is right beside Harry. Harry is his first and last thought of the day, and more often than not what he dreams about. Harry is everything Louis has ever wanted in one beautiful human being.

"I love Harry."

"Called it!" Niall exclaims.

"You sure, mate?" Zayn raises an eyebrow.

"I'm positive. I'm in love with Harry Styles and I want I think I want to marry him on a beach in Australia."

"Go get your man, Tommo!" Niall cheers. 

Louis rolls his eyes, still smiling. "What do I say to him?"

Zayn shrugs, "Uh, how about, 'Hey, Haz, I'm kind of in love with you,'"

"That's a great conversation starter." 

"Just go and make my ship sail!" Niall spoke louder, grinning at Louis. 

"Don't be creepy," 

"Go tell Harry you love him."

"I'm scared!"

"Of what?"

"He's not going to believe me," 

"Then make him." Zayn says. 

Louis takes in a breathe. "You're right... I'm gonna love the dork out of him." 

Zayn and Niall shoot some more words of encouragement Louis' way as he saunters out of the house and begins pre-planning his declaration of love. 

When he arrives at Harry's home, Harry's mother, Anne, opens the door. A warm smile stretches across her tanned face. They must've just gotten back from the honeymoon. "Hi, Lou," 

Louis greets her back, stepping inside and peering round. "Is Harry home?" 

She nods. "Down in the basement. He's been sulking, and won't tell me why. Maybe you can cheer him up." 

"Hopefully," Louis mutters, making his way down to where Harry was. When he emerges from the staircase and into the finished basement in which the boys spent most of their time, the first thing he sees is a messy mop of curls laying on a pillow and the big-screen telly displaying a random Netflix film. He lets out a deep sigh. 

"I don't appreciate your silent treatment, Styles." 

Harry jumps, not being aware of the older lad's presence. He lifts himself up slightly, wide, green eyes finding Louis. "I-When did you get here?" 

"You've been dodging me all week," Louis steps over and grabs the remote off the table, muting the television and standing over Harry, hip-jutted out and arms crossed like a disappointed mother. "I have a pretty good idea why." 

Harry refuses to meet Louis' brilliant, blue stare. "I'm just not feeling well..."

"Cut the bullshit, Haz. We obviously need to talk about what happened when I got drunk." 

Harry swallows, all of his bad feelings rising to the surface, making his chest numb. "Why?"

"Because we can't just pretend it never happened. Try as you might, I'm not letting it go."

"Well, it's not like we made love, Lou. You were drunk, and I was sober and it shouldn't have happened. I know you don't like me like that and it was a huge mistake and I'm so, so sorry," 

Louis gingerly sits next to Harry, who's got his face in his hands. He can't tell if the younger lad was crying or not. Although he already knows the answer, "Why did you let me do that with you?"

Harry struggles to breathe, let alone respond. He wants to tell Louis everything he'd been holding back since he realized how he actually felt about him. He wishes the words would eloquently flow out of his mouth, and Louis would return the feelings and they'd live happily ever after. But this isn't a fairy-tale, and Louis' not going to leave until he has some kind of answer. 

"Maybe I was a little drunk, too..." 

"You don't drink, Haz." 

Harry sighs. Louis leans in closer, speaking softly as if the tone of his voice alone could make the boy retreat into silence again and never retreat from it. "Harry... Do you love me?"

A new lump forms in Harry's throat, but for some reason, he looks up at Louis. The terrified child in him is yelling at him to turn away, but he just gazes into Louis' beautiful eyes, remembering exactly why he couldn't resist what he had done with Louis. "Do you remember anything?" 

Louis traces his bottom lip with his tongue. "It's fuzzy, but I have a general picture..." 

"Do you wish you didn't?" 

Louis shakes his head. "They're good memories." 

Harry's cheeks begin to turn red, but his breath hitches in his throat, "What?" 

Louis smiles slightly. "I don't know why you have it in your mind that I'm not in love with you, but open your eyes, Haz. You're the one person in this world I wouldn't kill if it was legal. I can't stand being away from you, and when I am, I annoy you until you come be with me again. I spend ninety percent of my time lovingly gazing into your eyes, and the other ten percent wanting to kiss your mouth. So, no, I am not mad at you for doing me, and to be frank, the only reason I'm upset about it is because I wasn't coherent, and I kind of missed it. I wouldn't mind trying again, either." 

Harry's heart rises from the bottom of his stomach and threatens to break out of his rib-cage. "Really?" 

"Yes, really, you absolute dork. I love you." 

Harry smiles widely. "I love you." 

"Good," Louis opens his arms for Harry to fall into. "Get over here." 

Harry collapses into Louis' warm embrace, a thousand pounds being lifted from his shoulders. He shuts his eyes and takes in the familiar scent of his "best friend" as he clings tightly to him. "I missed you." 

Louis presses a kiss to the top of his head, then starts attempting to fix the curly nest. "I missed you, too. Next time we have sex, don't ignore me for a week." 

Harry's lips curve into a half-smile. "Duly noted."

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