The Night I Disappeared - An...

By GreaserMcGoo27

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One night at the DX, Two-Bit and Sodapop get kidnapped by an angry Bob, who is seeking revenge on Soda. Both... More

An Angry Bob
Two Hurt Greasers
Will We Ever Get Free?
Worthless Scum


731 9 28
By GreaserMcGoo27

Warning: This Chapter is really Triggering so you've all been warned!

Soda's Point of View

Hours Later......

I was still hogtied and completely worn out, forced to wiggle around for Bob and I wondered just how much longer i'd have to do this.

I sniffled and whimpered out under the tape, tears rolling down my face as I rolled over to my side for about the 500th time.

Bob had blindfolded Two-Bit about two hours ago so he couldn't watch anymore and I could only hear his faint whimpers, a handkerchief tied tightly over his eyes.

The red head still struggled in his bounds but I knew he was getting very tired, him weakly struggling and barely pulling, whimpering faintly through both of his gags, his voice muffled.

I felt truly awful for him, wishing I could help him.

"Okay Soda, you can stop." Bob's voice filled my ears and I let out a deep sigh and rolled back to my stomach, lying my face down, my body shaking with exhaustion, aching badly.

I prayed he would just untie me already, so d*** tired of being in this position.

"Easy Soda, keep still," I heard Bob speak and I opened my eyes, seeing him with a handkerchief and I frowned deeply with a whimper, him blindfolding me before I could pull away.

I whimpered out, everything completely dark and I couldn't see anything, frightened horribly.

"Shhh, shhhh...." Bob shushed me and I felt him rubbing my back, his touch making me shudder. "Relax."

He rubbed my back smoothly and I whimpered, trembling as his hand slowly made his way down to my rump.

Whimpering, I felt his hand rest on my rump and then give it a good smack and I flinched, shuddering instantly and shaking badly, not liking how he was touching me.

"You've got a good a**," I heard him whisper lowly and he smacked my rump again and I whimpered in pure fear, wondering if this was why he had blindfolded Two-Bit to keep him from seeing what he was doing to me.

Bob's hand slowly started roaming up my back and I began to cry again, shuddering and flinching badly, wishing I still wasn't tied up in these ropes.

Bob's hand went to my hair and began to pet and run his fingers through it. I flinched and cried out in fear, unable to see, terribly scared.

Bob shushed me lowly and kept playing with my hair. "You're okay, you're okay."

He played with my hair for awhile before I felt him pushing at my side. "Roll over," He told me quietly as he pushed and I shuddered as I reluctantly rolled over a little.

I whimpered as I laid on my side, my bare chest revealed, trembling as I cried and sniffled.

Bob began running his hand over my chest and I squeaked and whimpered out loudly through the tape, beginning to cry hard, flinching horribly as his hand roamed over my ribs and my upper chest.

I was horrified as he touched me, shuddering and crying hard, tears falling from under my blindfold.

Bob touched me all over my chest and I practically sobbed, shaking with fear and horror, scared terribly.

I could hear Two-Bit's faint whimpering in the background, but I knew he couldn't see what was going on and I frowned deeply, continuing to cry.

Bob eventually rolled me back to my stomach and gave my rump a hard slap. "Ya done good, pretty boy, ya done good."

He took my blindfold off and I whimpered out, eyes huge, sniffling and shaking badly.

Bob began untying the ropes and I breathed out in relief, wanting the hell outta them.

I also wanted to get the hell away from Bob, frightened and disgusted by him all at once.

My eyes went over to Two-Bit, who was still blindfolded and gagged.

He was leaned back in his chair, his head leaned back towards the ceiling, whimpering out lowly, his wrists just barely tugging at the rope.

Bob untied me and I whimpered, shakily attempting to push myself up.

Bob grabbed me and pulled me to my feet, slipping a leather jacket on me. I recognized it as Two-Bit's and instantly frowned, wanting my old clothes back on.

Bob left the duct tape over my mouth and led me over to my chair, me stumbling along, trying to make use of my legs again.

Being in that hogtie position for so long had made my entire body sore and weak and my legs were almost numb.

Bob sat me down in the chair and tied me down, tying my wrists, arms and ankles up.

I shuddered, still sniffling, at least glad I was out of those ropes.

Bob murmured in my ear, "Be right back," and then he walked out, closing the door.

Frowning deeply, I looked over at Two-Bit, who had barely moved. I wished he wasn't still blindfolded so I could at least see him and I wished he didn't have those awful gags stuffed in his mouth.

I could see his teeth where he was forced to bite down, his cheeks a little bulged and it looked awfully painful.

He let out faint whimpers now and then, keeping his head leaned back.

I frowned deeply, wanting to help him, looking down at the ropes that were holding me down, sniffling softly.

I just wanna go home.

I want Two-Bit home.

I want my brothers, I want the gang. I miss our family.

I wish we could just escape or be rescued already.

I heard the door open as Bob started coming back and I frowned deeply, seeing him carrying a plate of food.

I frowned deeply, starving. Two-Bit and I haven't eaten since yesterday and I was so d*** hungry.

I watched Bob go over to Two-Bit with huge eyes.

Bob bent down in front of Two-Bit, who didn't even know Bob was right in front of him, flinching when Bob took off his blindfold.

"Mmmm mmm mmmmm?" Two's wide eyes went to me quickly but Bob grabbed Two's face, pulling out the first gag from Two's teeth, dropping it loosely at his neck.

I frowned deeply as he held Two's face tightly, pulling out the second gag with a sneer of disgust, wiping the spit off his fingers when it was finally out.

Two-Bit whimpered and coughed, moving his jaw around, leaning back, looking scared.

I could tell he was weak and very tired, looking pale. I think he's lost a lot of blood by now.

Bob picked up a muffin and held it in front of Two's face. "Eat."

Two-Bit was wide-eyed and he shook his head no. "No, no, feed Soda first."

I frowned at that, knowing Two-Bit was just as hungry as I was and I wanted him to eat too.

"Come on, just eat it." Bob growled at him.

"I'm not eating it until you feed Soda." Two-Bit growled back with a huff.

"I'll feed him after I feed you, dipsh**, how's that?" I heard Bob growl.

Two-Bit didn't seem convinced and glared. "Feed him first. He needs it more after what you've done to him." Two-Bit snarled.

I frowned as I listened to Two, wanting him to just eat already.

Bob snarled angrily. "If you don't eat this godd*** muffin, i'll just go over there and beat him some more!"

"N-No! Don't hurt him!" Two-Bit cried.

Bob growled and came to me with a fist raised and I cowered back, whimpering softly in fear.

"No no! I'll eat it, i'll eat it just don't hurt him!" Two-Bit cried out.

Bob snarled with a huff and went back over to him.

"B-But you gotta feed Soda next," Two-Bit shakily spoke, frowning deeply.

"Yeah, yeah, now shut the f*** up and eat," Bob sneered, practically shoving the muffin into Two's mouth.

Two-Bit let out a whimper and just began to chew, eating quickly, hungry.

My stomach growled as I watched him eat but I was just glad he was getting fed.

Not a word was said as Two-Bit ate, eating the fairly good-sized muffin hungrily.

When he was finished, Bob just glared and turned away, picking up the plate.

He came over to me and set the plate down, but not anywhere close to me.

"H-Hey, you said you were gonna feed Soda too!" Two-Bit huffed.

"Yeah well, I lied." Bob gruffed with a sneer.

Two-Bit's eyes went narrow with rage. "You b******! You motherf*****! Imma kill you when we bust outta here! Imma kill you for what you've done to Soda! You're dead! You're f****** dead!" He shouted angrily.

Bob snarled and marched over to him, punching him hard and Two-Bit yelped, Bob grabbing the handkerchief and forcing it between Two's teeth, gagging him.

Two-Bit whimpered as the gag filled his mouth, watching helplessly as Bob came back over to me, crying out.

I watched with huge, glossy eyes, whimpering when he came to me, trying to tell him not to hurt Two-Bit.

"Mmm mmmm mmmm.....!" My voice was muffled.

"Hush Soda," He told me, bending down in front of me. I quickly flinched back, terrified of him after he had been touching me so much.

Bob was smiling at me, starting to whisper lowly. "How ya doin' Soda? Ya look tired....but you're still good-lookin'......why don't you give me a kiss?"

My eyes went huge and I just stared at him in shock, completely appalled. I flinched away as Bob reached up and pulled the tape off my mouth. I breathed heavily, wide-eyed with fear.

"Are-are you insane?" I breathed out, hoping he wasn't being serious.

Bob just eyed me with a sly smirk. "Maybe. But you can still give me a kiss."

I shuddered, terribly horrified, gulping hard. "N-No way...."

"You better give me a kiss right now you dumba** greaser...." Bob growled lowly with a mean look.

"F*** no." I spat, getting a little angry, tensed up, hating him, wanting to go home.

Bob growled and got up, going over to Two-Bit. "If you don't give me a kiss right now, imma beat his head in!" He snarled, fist raised.

Two-Bit's eyes widened and he looked at Bob and then me, shaking his head no hurriedly. "Mmmm mmmm....?!"

"No, don't you dare hurt him!" I growled, glaring with big eyes.

Bob just glared, throwing his fist, punching Two-Bit hard, who yelped, whimpering out.

"No! Stop! Don't hurt him, please!" I cried out, watching Two-Bit helplessly.

Bob punched Two-Bit again and snarled. "Then kiss me!"

"Okay, okay, d*****!" I whimpered, watching Two-Bit shake and whimper with pain.

Bob huffed and started coming back to me and Two-Bit whimpered out, shaking his head no hurriedly, muffling things out.

Bob bent down close in front of me with a sly smirk, eyeing me. "I knew you'd come around. Give me a good ol' kiss now."

I shuddered horribly, eyeing him with big, teary eyes, lip quivering a little. "O-Oh god no......please no."

"Now, Soda." Bob growled darkly, eyes narrowed at me.

I shook and trembled, trying to process what was going on.

It was a kiss, that wasn't as bad as Bob hurting Two-Bit, but still, it was a kiss.

And Bob was another guy, a Soc, I don't wanna kiss him.

I tried not to cry, shaking, telling myself that letting Two-Bit get hurt was way worse than one kiss.

Shaking, I squeezed my eyes shut and leaned forward a little, hoping Two-Bit wasn't watching.

Leaning forward, my lips just barely touched Bob's cheek, giving him a tiny peck, quickly pulling away, breathing out in fear.

I opened my eyes to see Bob was smiling at me. "Thatta boy, Soda....." He got up and went behind me, pecking my cheek softly and I went rigid, sucking in a gasp.

I shook with fear, my lip quivering, frowning deeply, wishing my brothers would find me.

I felt the ropes loosening around me and I tensed, raising my head a little, sucking in a breath, biting my lip hard.

God, please let us get free, I prayed.

Bob only untied my arms and my ankles and I tried to get up and scurry away with a whimper.

"T-Two-Bit!" I whimpered out but Bob grabbed me, wrapping his arms around my chest.

"Whoa now, not so fast now, Soda...." His hissed into my ear with a grin, holding me back, my wrists still tied behind me.

"Let go of me you f*****!" I snarled, jerking around, hating him.

Two-Bit's muffled whimpering and yelling filled the room as I struggled around.

Bob sat down in my chair, pulling me back with him, pulling me to sit on his lap, keeping his arms around my chest.

I squirmed and began kicking wildly, not liking how he kept me leaned back against him, furious with him.

"Let go of me, let go!" I shouted and fought but he kept his arm around my chest firmly, keeping my head leaned back against his shoulder, his other hand going over my mouth, muffling my yelling.

"Shhhh, shhhh.....quiet now.....don't struggle, it just makes it more difficult for the both of us......" Bob smirked and held me, me kicking my legs all over frantically.

I murmured things out through his hand, growling and yelling out with a fuss, pulling to get away. "Rrrrr," I growled out, not knowing why the hell he was holding me like this.

"Easy Soda," Bob murmured into my ear with a whisper and I felt him kiss my jawline softly and I squeaked, trying to jerk away, whimpering out as I shook badly, wanting him to stop.

"You're okay, you're okay," He murmured at me, giving my right arm a good squeeze and I shuddered, eyes squeezing shut in fear.

I was terrified of this guy now and I wanted him to stop, him starting to freak me out badly, unable to get the fear out of my head from him touching me.

Bob started kissing my jawline again, murmuring things lowly and I just whimpered out and shuddered with fear, near crying.

"I think this all makes up for you breaking my car," Bob muttered into my ear as he softly pecked my jawline and I flinched, trying to pull away, whimpering out as he continued to kiss my jawline softly.

Suddenly I frowned and opened my eyes, realising it had became oddly silent, perking up.

Bob noticed it too, immediately sitting up and both our eyes went to Two-Bit.

He was just untying his ankles, his gag out, him having went silent, no longer whimpering, somehow having managed to break free of the ropes and he lept out of his chair, letting out a snarl, rushing over to us.

My eyes went huge and I gasped, tensing as I watched him.

"Holy f***!" Bob shouted and sat up, getting up and tossing me back right into the chair, making me whimper.

Bob snarled as he got up, raising his fists with an angry glare.

"You're f****** dead, mother f*****!" Two-Bit shouted with rage and slammed his fist into Bob's face, making Bob scream.

Two-Bit punched Bob in the stomach and I watched with tense anticipation, hoping to God Two-Bit could beat him, wanting to get the hell out of here.

Bob snarled at Two-Bit and suddenly tackled him, knocking him right down to the floor, scrambling to get him pinned down.

The two tustled and I gaped as I watched, Two-Bit managing to get ontop of Bob for a minute, slugging his lights out.

"Go Two-Bit, go!" I cried out, trying to encourage him.

"You son of a b****!" Bob screamed and got himself out from under Two-Bit, punching the red head and sitting ontop of his back, pinning Two-Bit down on his stomach.

"Gah! Get off me, get off!" Two-Bit yelled out, squirming and flailing around.

"Get off him, Bob!" I snarled as I watched, pulling at my wrists, trying to get them free.

Bob kept Two-Bit pinned, pushing his face down hard into the floor with a hand, making Two whimper out lowly.

"Alright mother f*****, you're getting punished now!" Bob snarled out at Two-Bit, looking enraged, getting off him and yanking him up off the floor.

He held Two's arms back behind him, forcefully bringing him further over to the other side of the room.

Two-Bit is of a shorter stature and he kicked his legs around as Bob held him off the ground as he dragged him over, growling out.

"Let go of me, let Soda go! Let Soda go, you hear me you godd*** b******! Let Soda go!" Two-Bit was yelling as he kicked around and Bob snarled, slamming Two-Bit into the wall, who yelped in pain, groaning a little.

I gasped as I watched, pulling at my ropes, whimpering out. "T-Two-Bit!"

Two-Bit groaned, looking hurt as he stopped squirming and Bob threw him to the floor on his stomach with a scowl.

Bob grabbed some rope and started tying up Two-Bit's limbs and my eyes widened, realising what was coming.

Two-Bit just whimpered out a little, his eyes squeezed shut in pain. "Pl-please, j-jus let Soda go......" He whispered out the last part, looking horrible.

"Two-Bit," I whimpered, my eyes welling with tears a little as I watched Bob hogtie my buddy, him tightening the ropes and noose.

I frowned deeply and got to my feet, jerking my shoulders, attempting to go over and help.

"Stay put, Soda," Bob instantly snarled and gave Two-Bit's noose a hard tug and Two-Bit yelped and started coughing badly.

I whimpered, feeling my lip quivering, watching in horror, sitting back down reluctantly.

Two-Bit coughed and it looked like he couldn't breathe as Bob connected his noose to his wrists and I wondered if I looked this bad off when Bob had tied me like this.

"S-Soda.....Soda...." He whispered out and I could see him visibly shaking, making me frown deeply.

"Two-Bit....." I whimpered out at him, feeling awful.

"Hush up, both of ya," Bob growled and went by Two-Bit's head, rolling him over to his side, grabbing his face, forcing a balled up cloth into Two's mouth roughly.

Two-Bit just squeezed his eyes shut, whimpering out loudly.

Bob stuffed another handkerchief between Two's teeth and tied it around his head with a snarl, kicking Two-Bit back to his stomach and I could hear him cussing him out.

"Please, just leave him alone," I whimpered out, pleading, unable to watch my buddy being tortured like this, eyeing him all helpless in that hogtie position.

Bob got out a handkerchief and blindfolded Two-Bit, tying it tightly and Two-Bit just whimpered out, voice muffled as he forcefully bit down on the gags.

Bob growled something lowly at Two-Bit and gave his side a kick, glaring, marching back over to me.

"Y-you-you're terrible, ya know that?" I whimpered out, a few tears escaping my eyes, shaking badly as my eyes didn't leave Two-Bit.

On his stomach, his limbs all tied back, he soon began to wiggle and pull, coughing some when the noose squeezed his neck, completely helpless, whimpering out.

I watched him, crying softly, wishing he was okay, wanting him and I to escape or be rescued and go home.

"I know," came Bob's reply. "But only to him. Come on now," He smiled at me and grabbed me, sitting down in the chair and pulling me back to sit on his lap.

My eyes squeezed shut, I trembled and silently prayed to God in hopes Two-Bit and I could get free.

Dear God, please let us get free. Please take me home to my brothers and Two-Bit home to his mother.

Please, just get us outta here.


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