Clarity « Niam

By zmelec

1.3M 47.3K 19.7K

For the last year Niall has been raising his son on his own, that is until his internationally famous ex-boyf... More

Clarity « Niam
Before You Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 24

35.9K 1.4K 814
By zmelec

Liam's been dreading this moment since the court ruled in his favour, giving him full custody of Brooklyn with Zayn having monitored visitations every second weekend of the month but he was headed to get Brooklyn from Tricia's house and take her to his own parents house before he catches the plane he was meant to catch twenty-four hours ago but missed because of court.

When Liam arrived at Zayn's mums house, he didn't expect Zayn to be there because technically he wasn't allowed to be around Brooklyn without Liam's mum Karen - who the court had appointed as her temporary guardian while Liam is away on tour.

Liam knew this was hard on Zayn so he wasn't going to say anything because losing parental rights over your own child is heartbreaking enough.

"Brooklyn, it's time to go babe. We need to get to nan's house soon." Liam spoke softly, putting his hands out to the toddler in Zayn's arms.

Zayn had a hand on the back of Brooklyn's head, slightly rocking her in his arms and gave Liam a pleading look. "Please don't do this, I'm sorry okay but you can't take her from me. She's ours and the only thing I have left from that, don't take her away."

"It's not my decision, you lost custody because of your own actions." He took a step closer, not wanting Tricia to hear anything. "Zayn you tried to hurt my son, that's so messed up and I don't feel comfortable with Brooklyn being alone with you. Not when you'll go to extremes like that, it's not safe."

Zayn shook his head and stepped back, keeping his hold on Brooklyn. "I wasn't thinking but I swear it'll never happen again, I got jealous and it was stupid. I know that now."

"Come on babe, it's time to go." Liam smiled towards Brooklyn, getting her to lean towards him with outstretched arms and a goofy grin.

Zayn grabbed Brooklyn's arm, tucking them between his body and hers. "Liam please don't, I can't be without her. She's my baby, please."

Liam sighed, maneuvering around Zayn's quick hands and got a firm hold on Brooklyn; gently prying her from Zayn's arms and managed to keep her calm and oblivious to the whole situation. "I'm sorry, you'll see her soon."

Tricia came into the room when she heard the first pained sob leave her sons mouth, going straight to him and tried her best to comfort him. "If you walk out that door with her I'll never forgive you. Liam she's my baby; my everything. You can't do this, it isn't fair."

He kept bouncing Brooklyn in his arms, distracting her with his hand and faced her away from Zayn. "I'm really sorry Zayn, I am. I didn't want this to be like this either but you put one of my kids in the hospital, I won't let it happen again."

Liam made his way towards the door again, heading out as quickly as possible incase Zayn followed him because Liam didn't want Brooklyn getting caught in the middle. But they safely made it out to Liam's awaiting vehicle.

"Where go, papa? Daddy come?" Brooklyn questioned once Liam climbed in and started the vehicle.

"No only you and I are going to nan's, princess. We'll get there soon, have dinner together and get you into bed before I catch a plane. Then I'll be back in a few months but you'll stay with nan until then." He explained, keeping everything casual.

She nodded, resting her head back against her seat. "Okay, love you."

Brooklyn was a lot more relaxed at Liam leaving when Zayn wasn't present, and she was used to staying with one of her grandparents while her daddies were on tour so he rarely fussed over the matter.

So hopefully this new arrangement won't be too difficult or strenuous on the toddler.

"Love you too." He smiled at her in the rearview mirror.


Around week seven Aybrum was used to the idea of only seeing Liam on the laptop or FaceTiming, but that didn't mean he was necessarily happy about the idea.

"Peanut daddies ready, do you want to hit the button this time?" Niall asked as he showed Aybrum the laptop screen that was open to Skype.

He leaned on the couch cushion, resting his chin in his hands as he shook his bum in the air and hummed before he answered. "No, you bubba."

Niall smiled, more than pleased to see his son back to his usual self and poked the video call button.

"Oi, Aybrum!" Liam cheered once their call had connected.

"Daddy!" The toddler squealed, immediately planing countless kisses on the screen and gave it a massive hug.

"Aybrum you have to sit back or he can't see you." Niall laughed, pulling the laptop back some and got Aybrum to settle down.

"I've miss you so much, bud." Liam sighed, laying on his side and moved the pillow out from underneath his arm. "I can't wait to come home and see you, I've bought so many things for you, your daddy and Brooklyn."

Aybrum furrowed his brow, leaning on Niall's legs. "I go Brook's home?"

A couple weeks ago Liam and Niall came to the decision that they would tell Aybrum he has a sister, the toddler wasn't phased the slightest by the sudden news of a sibling. He only giggled, asked what her name was and since then he's been asking to visit her so they can be friends.

"You'll see her soon, bud. When I come home for a bit, she'll be with me and then you two can play together. You excited to meet her?" Liam questioned, leaning up to switch on the other bedside lamp to give the dim room more light.

Aybrum nodded quickly, leaning forward onto Niall's legs and bounced his bum around in the air again. "Home now, daddy."

Liam smiled at the toddler, "I'm trying babe, another week and I'll be on a plane home. I better get a big hug from you when I'm home or I might cry."

"I love you daddy, I do it." Aybrum reassured, making both adults laugh as he hugged the laptop again.

"Hey peanut, why don't you go grab your new toy you wanted to show daddy - yeah." Niall suggested, knowing it would take Aybrum some time to get upstairs and dig around his toy bin.

Aybrum took off running without another word, leaving the two adults alone. Liam shifted around, leaning back against the massive headboard.

"Is he upstairs?" Liam murmured.

Niall paused, listening and then heard a door swing open. "Now he is," he laughed.

"I missed you babe." Liam sighed, "Oh and those texts are absolute torture, no more sexting me until I can be in the same room with you because I think I've sprained my wrist and if I go on stage with another hard on, Management will give me a vasectomy."

Niall laughed, "You poor thing." He teased in an amused tone, "But I can't wait till you're back. Aybrum will be happy, I'll be happier and you can see Brooklyn. Your mum called me the other day to invite Aybrum and I to Brooklyn's birthday party but I wasn't sure if we should go so I said I'd have to check our schedule."

Liam groaned as he briefly covered his face, "Fuck, I didn't even realize her birthday was so soon. No wonder Zayn's been super nice, her birthday falls on the weekend after he sees her and he usually goes all out for her."

"What do you mean? She's only turning two." Niall furrowed his brow, not understanding how you could possibly go all out for basically an infants birthday.

"You know how Kim Kardashian and Kanye West had that baby Coachella party for North, Zayn basically did that for Brooklyn's first birthday and he rented out an entire zoo." He explained, already dreading this impending birthday party because Zayn wasn't planning it and he knew Zayn wouldn't be happy with whatever they did because he didn't plan it himself or have any input.

Niall raised his eyebrows, getting the picture in his head. "Oh well - I mean, I bet it was fun."

"It was but Brooklyn is so young I doubt she'll remember anything, what do you normally do for Aybrum's birthday?"

"Nothing like that, but um - usually we'll Skype my mum since neither of us can afford a plane ticket which is alright, then I'll make pancakes with strawberries and whip cream, we go to the park and then come home; take a nap, play some more, have dinner and afterwards cake." Niall was slightly embarrassed by how mediocre Aybrum's birthday festivities were, but he doesn't have the money to do extravagant things so Niall does what he can.

"Stop it, I can see your face turning red. Don't be embarrassed babe." He already knew Niall was mortified by his low budget plans, but Liam wanted to change that this year. "It sounds perfect and I'm sure Aybrum loves spending the time with you."

Niall covered his face in shame, slightly groaning as he pulled his hands away. "No, it sounds like the worst birthday ever."

"This year will be different, I promise." He assured, moving to lay down on his side and pushed the laptop back some so he wasn't cut out of the frame.

"Liam you aren't paying for anything, this isn't about money. Aybrum can have the same birthday he did last year, it's okay." Niall quickly spoke up, knowing exactly where Liam was headed and wanted to state his stance on the matter before anything happened. "Besides birthdays aren't a big deal until he starts school."

Liam gave him an amused look, "For now I'll leave the issue but how long do you think before Aybrum comes back?"

"Few minutes, why? Am I boring you?" He laughed.

"No, I've just missed you and it's been awhile since - you know and I was wondering if you, you know, want to follow through on some of those texts." Liam toed around what he wanted to say.

Niall's cheeks heated up, "No, I'm not doing anything like - that, on Skype. Aybrum could come in any second and I don't need him seeing your prick or hearing you say something that isn't for his ears."

"Can't you at least bite your lip or something, anything to get me through this next week without you?" He begged, hoping Niall would give in at some point.

Niall's cheeks flushed again, nervously watching the screen. "Liam, what are we? Like are we - um, are we together again?"

"Do you want to be together?"

He nodded, "Only if that's what you want too because I don't want to force anything and have another repeat of last time."

"I can guarantee you I'm completely done with Zayn, I only see him on stage otherwise I have no clue where he goes or what he does." Liam assured, speaking complete truth because he honestly tries to avoid Zayn any chance he gets.

"Okay, but you have to understand that I can't drop everything to be with you on tour. I have to work, but we can talk - in the future, about Aybrum possibly going with you towards the end of tour or something." Niall wanted everything to be clear because last time Liam not understanding Niall's schedule is what made him stray and Niall's fairly sure he can't handle another surprise sibling for Aybrum.

"I know, I get that. Which is why I wanted to offer to pay for some of your bills, you don't have to completely stop working but you could work less and have less stress about paying things." Liam knew money was a touchy subject for Niall, especially since his family hasn't ever had much money and Niall doesn't like handouts or asking for help in general.

Niall looked down, staring at his fingers for a couple seconds before he spoke. "The only thing I want from you is for you to be a good dad to Aybrum, I don't expect or want anything else from you. Okay, that's it."

Liam went to say something but Aybrum came into the room with his toy, immediately sticking it in Niall's lap and crawled onto the couch with him so he could show Liam his new toy he got for being a good boy when they went shopping a couple days ago.

Niall stayed quiet behind the toddler, letting him talk with Liam and silently hating the moment they'd have to say goodbye because Aybrum always turned on the waterworks and was upset for at least an hour afterwards but luckily he bounces back a lot quicker now than he did the first time.


(authors note: so many things happened in this chapter; Liam took Brooklyn to his parents, Zayn's sucking up to Liam, birthdays are coming up, Aybrum wants to meet his big sister and Niam are official!

What do you expect to happen when Liam comes home for a couple weeks?

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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