Sterek One-Shots

By floralpages

321K 8.8K 1K

Requests are always open! [Updating super slowly! 1/17/2020] More

Uno Night
Tear in My Heart
Car Radio
I Miss You
Late Night Thoughts
Welcome to New York
Neighbor Stiles
In the Office
Love Me or Leave Me
The Fault in Our Stars
Skater Boy
Locked In
About The Boy
Book Nerd
Love Drunk
Study Time!
Late Nights ll
War of Hearts
Beauty and the Beast
Back in Time
Monsters Part Two
The Drafts
Follow Me
On a Mission
Road Trip
Making Christmas
Real Love
Well...What do we do?
Well...What Do We Do? Pt. 2
The Flower Tattoo
The Flower Tattoo pt. 2
He's My Anchor
Late Nights III
Make You Feel My Love
Make it to Me
Too Good at Goodbyes
Too Good at Goodbyes Pt. 2
I Get to Love You
These are the Lies
These are the Lies Pt. II
Things in the Night
AN: y'all gotta read
Well...What do We do? pt. 3
My Love After Lives
Art of the Heart
If You're Moving On
House Antics
The Jock and the Nerd
Little Things
Do You Even Have a Soul?

If You're Moving On Pt. 2

2.6K 87 11
By floralpages

Requested: SierraStur

Warnings: None, just a cute wedding :)

Stiles looks around the room, admiring all the hard work he and Derek put into decorating for their wedding. Having a wedding on the beach was really a good idea, it's such a nice day and the sun shining down on the white sand makes it sparkle like glitter. Not to mention the beautiful sound of the waves crashing on the shore.

"Where do you want the gardenias?" the florist asks. "Like on the tables or just up at the front by the altar?"

"Yeah, on the table please. They're the centerpieces," Stiles pauses, looking around again, "that were supposed to be paired with gold ribbon. I have no idea where that is."

"I got them, don't worry." Derek walks by Stiles with a box in his hands. The box has a few gold strands hanging over the side. "Bobby, can you help me set them up?"

Stiles helps the florist set the flower part of the centerpieces and Derek and Bobby go back through with the gold ribbon. After they're done, Derek stands next to Stiles, one arm wrapped around his waist.

"I think it looks amazing," Derek says, admiring how the red cloths really stand out against the sand and white and gold centerpieces.  "We did a good job."

"I would say so." Stiles turns his head, leaning up to kiss Derek. Derek smiles against Stiles' lips, pulling him closer to him. After a few seconds, Stiles pulls away and looks up at him. "I'm so glad we're getting married."

"Me too. Today is finally the day." Derek kisses Stiles forehead. "I love you so much."

"Stiles, Derek. You guys have to get ready now," Lydia says has she walks outside. For some reason, she's really going all out on her stylist look. She has a measuring tape hanging around her neck and a pair of cute glasses pushed down a little on her nose. "Since I can't be two places at once, Isaac is styling you, Derek."

"You get the puppy, that's not fair," Stiles whispers as Lydia turns around, heading back into the little beach house.

Derek shakes his head. "Yes it is. Isaac becomes a monster once he gets into his styling mode. He's such a perfectionist."

They walk into the beach house and get ushered into two different rooms. As soon as their in their own rooms, the 'stylists' get to work.

"Are you nervous?" Lydia asks as she helps Stiles button up his shirt

"Sort of. I'm just ready to spend the rest of my life with him. To be honest, the only part I'm worried about is walking down the aisle," Stiles replies, chuckling a little. Lydia gives him a smile while she ties his tie.

"I'm sure you'll be okay even though you are literally the clumsiest person I have ever met," she says, patting his tie once she's finished and going to grab his jacket.

Just as he slipped his jacket on, Stiles' dad walks through the door. Stiles smiles at him and notices his dad has tears in his eyes.

"Dad, don't cry! You're going to make me cry," Stiles says, moving to hug his dead. Surprisingly, Lydia doesn't stop him even though she still wants to put finishing touches on. AKA, his shoes.

"I'm sorry," John says, wiping his eyes. "My baby boy is getting married! Wow."

"Never thought this day would come?"

John shakes his head. "I knew's weird when it's actually here."

"Stiles? Can I get you in some shoes now?" Lydia asks, holding a pair of black dress shoes out to Stiles. "In any other circumstances, I would've gotten you a different color but I think it looks good with the dark red of your suit."

Stiles takes the shoes from her and sits in a chair to put them on. While he's putting them on, his dad sits next to him.

"Your mom would be so proud of you. You've come so far," John says, tears in the corner of his eyes. "You're so wonderful."

Stiles looks at his dad with a smile on his face. "Thanks, dad. That means a lot."

John smiles back, pats his shoulder and stands up. "I better get going. Scott asked me to help him with something. I'll see you soon."

"Bye dad."

Now it's just Lydia and Stiles left in the room. In the next room, Derek and Isaac are arguing over his hair.

"It's fine the way it is," Derek mutters, batting off Isaac's hands. Isaac gives him a look, hands on his hips.

"A little more gel never hurt anyone," Isaac says.

"Uh, I don't care. I'm not putting that junk in my hair."

"You're not, I am," Isaac retorts. Derek glares at him. "Fine, whatever. No gel."


Isaac stays quiet for a moment, messing with the cuffs on Derek's sleeves. "How did you know you wanted to marry Stiles?"

Derek looks down at him. "I'm not sure. I think it was slowly over time, like little things that happened just made me realize that he was the one. And you just feel it, like you can't be without them."

Isaac nods, stepping back and doing a glance over of his work. "You guys are perfect for each other. I'm glad you're tying the knot."

"Thanks, Is. Maybe in a year or two our positions will be switched."

Isaac chuckles a little. "No way, Stiles will be the one to suit me up. Scott can have Lydia."

Derek laughs.

"How's it going?" John asks, poking his head through the door. Derek smiles at him as he walks in.

"It's going good. You'd have to ask Isaac how he's feeling," Derek replies as Isaac smooths down Derek's tie.

"Just because I asked one question doesn't mean I'm not great. I feel fantastic," Isaac says but then adds, "Of course, I'm a little stressed. I'm your best man after all."

"Speaking of best man, have you guys seen Scott? I was supposed to help him with something but I can't seem to find him," John says.

Isaac nods his head. "Yeah, last I seen him he was over by the altar but that was before Derek walked in here."

"I'll go check around more then. By the way, Derek, you look great," John says before he steps out of the room.

"Of course Scott disappears. He's probably planning some spectacular surprise that I'm not supposed to mention to either of you," Isaac says. Derek raises an eyebrow at him but Isaac doesn't say anything else about it.

After Lydia's done dressing up Stiles, she goes over and knocks on Isaac's door. Isaac tells her to come in and she simply opens the door, leaning on the door frame.

"Stiles is all dressed up, looking quite fantastic in his suit if I must say," Lydia comments, her eyes scanning over Derek. "You look quite fantastic two. You guys are seriously one hot couple."

Isaac shakes his head with a smile on his face. "Derek's done too. I can't wait to look back on all these wedding pictures."

"Let's get these two to the altar. I'm ready to cry my eyes out." Lydia fans her eyes like she already has tears in them. "I'll get Stiles ready to walk down the aisle."

"Wait! We gotta make sure everyone is in there seats and that Scott's actual been found. John was looking for him but he said he couldn't find him," Isaac says. Lydia groans, leaving the room. "I hope she's going to look for him."

"She will. Lydia loves a perfect wedding so you know she'll do everything in her power to make it that way," Derek replies, sitting down in one of the chairs in the room. "How long do you think it will take?"

Isaac shrugs. "Who knows, I don't even know what Scott could possibly be doing. Although, I think Erica gave me a hint but I don't understand why he'd tell her and not...ya know what, that makes sense."

Derek rolls his eyes and chuckles. "What was this hint that she told you?"

"I can't say. That would ruin your surprise," Isaac replies. "If that hint was correct after all."

A knock sounds on the door and Lydia's voice comes through the other side. "Scott's all ready. Get Derek to the altar then start the music when you're ready."

"Okay!" Isaac responds, already pulling Derek out of the chair and out the door. "Let's go."

"I'm moving Isaac, slow down." Derek laughs, moving away from Isaac and walking out the door himself. "Someone's excited."

"Of course! You and Stiles are getting married, it's exciting stuff," Isaac replies, shutting the door behind him and walking beside Derek. "We've all been dying to see what you guys planned."

"Dying to see what we've planned? You guys have been in on it for most of it," Derek comments. Isaac rolls his eyes.

"You might think that but you definitely have not. We just found out last week that Stiles has a red tux and you have a black one."

"That's because Stiles couldn't decide between red or white."

"Either way, we haven't known anything till the last minute so this is going to be interesting."

Once Derek walks out to the altar, Isaac starts the music and stands next to Derek. Scott's on the other side and he nods at the two, a smile adorning his face. Derek smiles back.

Lydia hears the music and starts clapping excitingly. "It's time to go! Are you ready John?"

"I think you should be asking Stiles that."

"No, dad. She was right in asking you." Stiles chuckles. "You have tears in your eyes."

John shakes his head and wipes his eyes. "Well, I'm ready to go."

"Me too." Stiles smiles.

Lydia leads the two down the hall and to the side door of the beach house.

"I'm going to go sit in my front row seat," Lydia says, pausing to grin proudly, "I'll give you a thumbs up when you guys can go."

"Okay, hurry up. I can see Derbear looking already," Stiles says.

Lydia shakes her head and hurries to her seat. She sticks a thumb up in the air and John guides Stiles outside. Before they walk down the aisle, John gives Stiles one more look.

"I'm so proud of you," he whispers before walking down the aisle with Stiles beside him.

"Thank you, dad," Stiles whispers back, smiling at him before looking at Derek on the altar. Stiles' heart beats a little faster in his chest and he feels like he's going to float up into the clouds.

Derek has tears in his eyes but a wide smile on his face as he looks at the love of his life walking towards him. He's been waiting for this day for so long and he can't believe it's finally here. Stiles is going to be by his side for the rest of their lives.

Stiles looks at the pack who's seated in the front row and they all have smiles on their faces, Boyd giving him a thumbs up and Erica holding a hand over her heart. Lydia fans her face and Jackson gives Stiles a nod. Stiles grins at them.

Stiles steps up on the altar across from Derek and Derek automatically grabs his hands. Stiles squeezes them with a smile.

Stiles tunes out as a minister goes through the whole big speech and only tunes back in when it's time to exchange the rings.

"Derek, please take Stiles' hand and repeat these words."

Derek takes Stiles left hand, rubbing his thumb over the top of it.

"I give you this ring as a symbol of our love," the minister says and Derek repeats them. "For today and tomorrow, and for all the days to come. Wear it as a sign of what we have promised on this day. And know that my love is present even when I am not."

Derek slips a ring on to Stiles' finger and the minister repeats the promise with Stiles. At the end, Stiles also slips a ring on Derek's finger.

The minister continues to talk about unity sands then he proceeds with the I Do's.

"Stiles-  do you take Derek to be your husband; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Derek-  do you take Stiles to be your husband; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss your groom."

Derek places both hands on either side of Stiles' face and kisses him. All their friends and family cheer and clap causing both men to smile.

When they break away, Stiles whispers, "Til death do us part."

Derek smiles, shaking his head. "I love you too."

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